Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 36

The next day Damian woke up a little late, Carol and Ana were no longer in bed, which was unusual as they had become lazy over the years, he guessed they were all getting their clothes and hair ready for Monica's graduation.

Damian came downstairs and heard an unfamiliar woman's voice. Apparently, they had hired a famous stylist to do everyone's hair.

Hearing him arrive, everyone turned to look at him before nonchalantly going about their business.


'What a welcome' Damian thought wordlessly.

Still, Sophia and the unknown stylist kept their eyes on him for different reasons.

The stylist was delighted by Damian's appearance and the chance to get her hands on him, Sophia on the other hand seemed to need him for something but stared at him for him to offer his help.

''Do you need anything?'' Damian asked, sighing.

''Yes, I need you to take Jane shopping for a dress, the ones she has don't fit her anymore'' Sophia said, smiling at her and giving her the address of the place.

Damian looked at Jane more closely and realized she wasn't wearing a dress as nice as the other girls and understood Sophia's intention.

''Sure, let's go for a walk Jane'' Damian said, smiling at her.

''Hm, come on'' Said Jane a little blushing, she still wasn't over Damian's looks.

Damian took Jane to his old Ferrari where he met Carol.

He drove into the city where they drove to the store indicated by Sophia, they both got out and entered the store, and a clerk quickly approached them to ask what they needed.

''I need you to help this beautiful young lady find a dress'' Damian said, stepping behind Jane and gently pushing her to the front.

The clerk scanned Jane up and down before telling them to follow her.

Jane followed her a little embarrassed at being called beautiful by Damian.

Jane tried on several dresses of different colors and they all looked good on her, if it was Damian he would have picked the first one he put on and walked away, he didn't know why he had to try on so many.

Finally, Jane chose a dress and after paying for it they left the store.

''Sorry to keep you waiting'' Jane said embarrassed.

''Don't worry, I live with 4 women, I've developed a lot of patience'' Said Damian joking with Jane.

''Do you want to go for ice cream?'' Damian asked with a smile.

''Yes I do,'' Jane said, smiling.

Damian drove to a nearby ice cream shop where he sat down next to Jane, they waited until a waitress came to serve them.

Jane ordered a strawberry ice cream and Damian ordered a mango, they ate in comfortable silence until the ice cream was finished.

''Tell me Jane how has your life been so far?'' Damian asked her before making people ignore them, although Jane had told briefly she didn't think that was the whole story.

Jane was silent, such topics were sensitive for her and she hadn't really talked about it with someone before even though it had been several years.

''When I was 9 years old my father passed away in a car accident, although it was hard for my mother and me, we learned to move on but we were not prepared when a few months later my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and finally died when she was 10 years old, it was very hard'' said Jane letting out a few tears.

''My father's friend Erik found me and took me to his house, although he knew nothing about taking care of a child he did the best he could, finally I concentrated all my attention on school, Erik was also usually busy being a teacher so each one lived his life, with time it just stopped hurting, in my free time I read Erik's books and I started to take interest in astrophysics and decided to dedicate myself to that'' Jane said a little calmer.

''It was just by chance that I found out about you, in an old address book there was an address with your name and some information about you, finally, I called the house and Sophia answered me, from there you know everything, I'm glad I came, I could feel what it was like to have a family again'' Jane said while her eyes were tearing up again.

Damian seeing her like that hugged her and gave her comfort, he couldn't imagine how hard it must have been for a little girl to go through all that, it's a pity that years ago he didn't know of Jane's existence as his cousin or he could have taken her into his home.

''It's okay Jane, cry all you want, now we will be your family you won't have to be alone anymore, everything you went through was very hard but they also made you what you are today, I'm sure your parents would be proud'' Damian said as he stroked her hair.

''Hm, thank you'' She said as she had her forehead against his chest, she didn't want to lift her head, she guessed her face was all tears.

Damian smiled at her before handing her a napkin to wipe her face.

Jane, embarrassed, took the napkin and turned her face away before wiping her tears away, though she saw that for some reason no one was paying attention to a girl crying with a young man that could easily be misunderstood, still, it wasn't important.

''Do you want to go back?'' Damian asked.

''Let's go back, I need to get ready'' Jane said, nodding.

''Okay, then let's go'' Damian said before paying the bill and walking together to the car.

Damian quickly drove home, and even though it was a little late there was still time. Although he received some strange looks for his delay Damian ignored them as he knew they just wanted to joke with him.

Jane quickly stopped by the stylist to get her hair done before putting on her dress.

Damian just put on a smart suit and that was it, his whole look was perfect and he didn't need a stylist to the disappointment of a certain woman who was watching him.

Once everyone was ready they left in a limo to the event hall, unlike Monica's graduation when she was 11 years old this time it was more glamorous and a lot of people were coming.

Damian and his group sat at a table just for them while Monica sat with her classmates.

Clearly, Damian's group drew a lot of attention and many seemed to want to talk to Damian.

Damian was not only filthy rich but he was also in total control of one of the world's powers, unlike the presidents, Damian if he could make or break as he pleased in his country without opposition.

He was definitely someone a businessman would want to meet.

After a few minutes, the event started, although everything was really boring for Damian finally came the moment when they began to graduate, he watched with pride as his beautiful daughter went on stage and received her diploma.

Finally, there was a speech given by the principal before the event ended. Monica was in a hurry to go home as she knew it was time to become a vampire so they all decided to go back after Monica said goodbye to her classmates.

Jane was a little confused by the rush to get home, she was hoping that Monica would at least want to chat with her classmates for a while or go celebrate but when she saw how excited Monica was she assumed that they had some surprise for her at home that she didn't know about.

The whole group arrived home and entered the living room, before anyone could say anything Monica quickly pounced on Damian.

''Dad it's time let's go fast'' Monica said, she wanted to be turned into a vampire quickly.

''Honey we have to wait until the afternoon, first let's celebrate, we'll go to the palace'' Damian said, caressing her head.

''Palace? In Madripoor?'' Jane asked, confused, she wondered if they would take a flight.

''That's right, come on, by the way, Jane I'll show you why Madripoor is the most secretly advanced city in the world'' Said Damian smiling.

Damian led everyone down to the basement of the mansion, he went to a seemingly empty wall before pressing some bricks, soon the wall was separated and they found a futuristic room with a large hoop in the center.

Jane was totally puzzled, she thought they were going to Madripoor, but here they were in the basement, entering a futuristic room that only appears in the movies.

Damian activated a mechanism and a kind of lightning cloud was formed, which after a few moments turned into something like a portal.

After gesturing for them to follow him Damian went through the portal and waited for them on the other side, this time Sassy wouldn't come with them, over the years she had also become lazier and wasn't so eager to go out anymore.

The girls started to walk through the portal until only Monica and Jane were left.

''What is this?'' Jane asked, puzzled.

''It's a portal to Madripoor's palace, dad installed it a few years ago'' Monica said patiently.

''But that's impossible by today's science'' Said Jane, she had some knowledge of physics as that was what she planned to study, and she really couldn't begin to understand how this was possible.

''Come on, then you can think about it'' Monica said, laughing softly as she pulled her towards the portal.

When Jane walked through the portal she felt like didn't walk through anything. It was as if she was walking normally but the next instant she was somewhere else, she could see everyone waiting for her on the other side smiling, she guessed she had a very ridiculous look on her face from amazement.

After seeing Jane coming out of the portal Damian led everyone to the elevator, after all, they were many meters below the ground, and the portal was in the same place as the big power core that supplied energy to the whole country.

Soon the elevator went down and they all went up, the elevator was very large as it was used not only to transport people.

Soon they reached the basement of the palace where the 2 guards were, Damian kept walking until they reached a sitting room where they all sat down, he guessed Jane would have many questions.

Once they were seated some maids arrived and served refreshments.

Jane still looked like she had gone to another world and still hadn't come back, she seemed to be concentrating thinking about what just happened.

''Dad, technically it's night here'' Monica said, insisting that she hurry.

Monica's words seemed to wake Jane up and she couldn't help but look out the window and see that as Monica said it was night.

''How is that possible?'' Jane asked Damian in surprise.

''How about while you study you figure it out?'' Proposed Damian to Jane, actually, he didn't know exactly how the technology could do that either, he only knew that it was thanks to the cosmic energy of the Tesseract.

''Fine'' Said Jane, actually she found it better to look for the answer herself, the fun is in the journey and not in the end.

''Tomorrow we will go to the beach so we better go to sleep, I know you are not sleepy but you can drink this solution and you will sleep 8 hours, tomorrow you will wake up like nothing'' Damian said mainly to Jane who was new.

Jane, somewhat excited, took the liquid and smelled it before drinking it, and in a few seconds, she fell asleep.

If it wasn't for Damian's quick reaction, she would have hit the ground.


''It would be best if she drank it in her room'' Damian said speechlessly.

''Well now that Jane is asleep we'll do what Monica wants, I'll take Jane to a room, you guys get ready or whatever'' Damian said before taking Jane in his arms and taking her to a room.

When Damian left Maria couldn't help but look at Monica intensely.

''Stop looking at me like that, it's not like I'm going to die'' Monica said.

''Well, you could say yes'' Said Ana jokingly.

''Don't be dramatic, I want to get my powers fast'' Monica said excitedly.

''Remember to be careful, you can't be caught using powers or your freedom will be over'' Maria said seriously.

If a person showed powers indeed many organizations would try to get their hands on them and although nothing would happen to Monica with Damian's protection it would be impossible for her to travel alone to other countries.

''Don't worry'' Monica said, rolling her eyes.

''I wonder what kind of vampire daddy is going to turn me into?'' Monica said thoughtfully.

''Maybe he'll turn you into a normal vampire'' Said Carol mockingly, maybe she was going to be the only one who wasn't a vampire in this family.

''Jum you're just jealous'' Said Monica.

''I'm stronger than a vampire anyway'' Said Carol haughtily while lighting up her fist.

''Dad can still kick your ass'' Monica said, mocking Carol.

''It's only because I let him do it so it doesn't hurt his ego'' Said Carol evasively.

''Oh, wow, I'm flattered honey how about we try it now?'' Damian said, smiling at Carol.

''Damian, today is Monica's important day and this is no time to joke,'' Said Carol, shamelessly avoiding the subject.


guys, we are already in chapter 36, has the grammar improved at all?

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