Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 41

Damian arrived at his palace with Carol, Ana, and Sophia, the girls had fun which was Damian's plan, he wanted them to go out and be distracted, plus they gained valuable combat experience.

No more than 5 seconds had passed since they arrived when Ophelia appeared.

"Hello, is something wrong?'' Damian asked.

''No, everything is in order'' Ophelia said casually as she looked at him intensely.

"My daughter and Jane?'' Damian asked.

''They went out for a walk around the city'' Ophelia said as she continued to look at him intently.

''I see you went to do something interesting'' Ophelia said.

''We went to fight with gods'' Carol said cheerfully.

''Wow, how interesting, too bad I didn't go'' She said looking at Damian.

Damian couldn't help but be speechless at the look on her face, she clearly wanted to go with them too but the truth was he didn't think to invite her, it was supposed to be just Carol and Ana, taking Sophia was already a significant concession.

''Yeah, too bad, there were a lot of gods to hit'' Carol said honestly, feeling it was a pity.

Damian wondered if she was adding fuel to the fire or commenting innocently.

''I promise I'll take you to the next one if there's a fight," Damian said, rolling his eyes.

''Right,'' said Ophelia.

Damian in the evening met with his entire family and they ate while talking.

There were many questions from the girls about what they did and Damian preferred not to tell Jane about the gods, he just said to her that they went to fight for fun with powerful beings before going to another planet to eat.

Jane still considered the possibility of going to other planets too incredible and although she had gone to the moon with Monica in one of the ships, she had not explored further.

Everyone enjoyed dinner before returning to their rooms.

Damian as every night had a battle with his two wives.

Time goes by very fast when you're enjoying yourself and, before Damian knew it, 5 years had already passed.

It was already the year 2005

It was getting closer and closer to the 'beginning' of the story with the kidnapping of Tony Stark, if it was not wrong there were three years left for it to happen.

In five years many things can happen but for immortal beings, 5 years is a blink of an eye, the only important thing that happened in these 5 years is that both Monica and Jane graduated.

Jane had earned her degree as an astrophysicist and was beginning her master's degree.

Monica had studied to be a lawyer and after graduating had been relaxing at home or going out occasionally to visit Jane or other countries.

Also, Jane had found out that everyone but Carol was a vampire, her reaction was quite calm as she had always had many suspicions that her family was not normal.

Fortunately, there was no change in attitude and she remained very close to everyone.

Damian never mentioned if she wanted to be a vampire and she never asked so things stayed that way, any way, Jane is pretty young so it doesn't matter.

Besides there were really no other things that changed, only Madripoor remains a world power and a choice for living, studying, and vacationing.

Unfortunately for many people, it was very difficult to enter Madripoor as they had limited the number of people entering to avoid overcrowding.

Damian simply lived a quiet life with Carol and Ana, occasionally going out into space or visiting planets, or going somewhere to fight.

Of course, he kept his word and took Ophelia several times, it turned out that Ophelia was very good, she was a very good assassin as every attack made sure to end the life of her enemy.

That morning Damian woke up with Carol and Ana on either side of him, Damian got up and got dressed before looking at himself in the mirror, he couldn't help but think that it had already been 16 years since he came into this world, he is already 37 years old and his youthful appearance has really caught some people's attention but there really isn't much they can do.

Today he had something special to do, apparently, there was a very important shareholders meeting at Stark Industries and as usual, he had been sent an invitation.

Usually, he would refuse to go or send some representative, but he had nothing to do and it wouldn't hurt to meet the future Iron Man.

Damian dressed in a formal suit before getting into a car and letting the driver take him to the meeting.

Over the years he had bought more shares of the company when they were at a good price but he only did it on a whim, after all, he had a whole country, and the amount of money could not be compared.

He was currently the third largest shareholder and his identity was no secret, and his presence as a shareholder actually increased the value of the shares so his position in the company was very important.

Damian entered the building and approached the receptionist, who was surprised to see him before quickly calling out and reporting his presence.

Damian had never attended a shareholders' meeting before, so his arrival surprised everyone. Obadiah quickly approached him and greeted him enthusiastically.


Obadiah was sitting waiting for Tony to arrive to start the meeting when an employee anxiously approached him and told him that Damian Alucard had come to the meeting.

Obadiah couldn't help but be happily surprised, if he could make a relationship with Damian his plan would be easily accomplished, and with Damian's support taking over Stark Industries would be extremely easy.

He quickly stood up and walked over to Damian, and upon seeing him, greeted him enthusiastically and led him to the meeting.

''Please take a seat, we are waiting for Tony, unfortunately, he is very unpunctual and irresponsible'' Said Obadiah sighing and secretly looking at Damian to see his reaction.

Obadiah saw that he had no reaction so he didn't pursue the topic further and just sat near Damian wanting to show his 'good relationship' with the other board members.

Damian just waited patiently as the CEO of the company arrived, even if he was late it is something Damian expected since this is Tony we are talking about.

Unexpectedly Tony still had some responsibility and was only 5 minutes late, Damian supposed he could be serious about some things.

When Tony walked in he casually looked at the people around him until he saw Damian and couldn't help but pause for a moment in surprise, not only was he surprised to see Damian Alucard on his board but how young he looked, if he wasn't mistaken Damian was a year older than him but he looked very young as if time had no effect on him.

Tony Stark was very proud and arrogant but he had to acknowledge Damian's accomplishments, many times he had tried to access the Madripoor archives just out of curiosity and had never succeeded, no matter what he did, Madripoor was a place he could not access.

He only knew what the other government agencies, that out of nowhere he appeared and became king without any opposition, he made Madripoor the richest country in the world and none of the giants could do anything about it, and regarding the rumors of his advanced technology is something Tony can agree since he has not been able to access that country.

''Hi Damian'' Tony walked up to Damian and extended his hand.

''Hi Tony'' Damian said, shaking his hand, he was somewhat surprised that he didn't act sarcastically towards him.

After greeting each other, Tony took a seat before looking back at Damian.

''Surprisingly, you're here, is there any special reason?'' Tony asked Damian.

''Not really, I was bored and came to see what you were doing'' Damian said casually.

''Hm I understand you'' Tony said nodding.

Everyone at the meeting couldn't help but be speechless, maybe that's why geniuses succeed, they think differently.

''Okay, so what do we have to discuss in this meeting?'' Tony asked casually, he wanted to finish this quickly to exchange a few words with Damian and go home.

''The military wants a weapon to counter Madr-'' said one shareholder before being interrupted by a nudge.

''What?'' Tony asked in confusion.

''They want a new weapon, there have been some run-ins with the KGB lately and they want something to intimidate them'' Obadiah said, trying to steer the conversation away from that direction.

''Is a meeting necessary for this? Isn't that what we always do?'' Tony said bored.

''Tony, there is a new competitor, Hammer Industries, although they are inferior to our company we still can't let them take contracts from us'' Obadiah said, trying to talk some sense into Tony.

''He's just a charlatan, his technology is useless, we'd have to stop selling weapons so they can go into business'' Tony said arrogantly.

''Well don't worry, I'll do something new, why am I the only one doing something while you guys are getting paid?'' Tony asked mockingly.

''Well if that's all then off you all go and collect your check for my work'' Tony said in annoyance before standing up and approaching Damian.

Damian watched with amusement as it all happened, he really was Tony Stark, it must be said that if you don't have his respect it's impossible to talk to him.

''Wow, I should have come more often if that's what the meetings are like here,'' said Damian to Tony who sat nearby.

''These guys only know how to worry about how much money they're going to get,'' Tony said with a sigh.

''Yes I guess so, we haven't met before, I guess we could introduce ourselves, I'm Damian Alucard'' Damian said.

''Tony Stark'' Tony said, nodding to Damian.

''Tell me, how do you look so young?'' Tony asked quietly after seeing no one nearby.

''Are you starting to worry about your age, maybe you don't perform as well in those areas anymore?'' Damian asked, teasing him.

Tony just grimaced about it, he had no problem in that area but had no way to prove it.

''Just kidding, it's just technology'' Damian said without going into too much detail.

''Yeah, your country is really good, I haven't been able to access their archives'' Tony said without embarrassment.

''It would be problematic if you had made it,'' Damian said with a slight chuckle.

''And tell me how the life of a king, I imagine you have a lot of girls'' Tony said, giving him a bright look.

Tony was known to be a playboy and although there were really no rumors about Damian, he literally proclaimed himself king, surely he must have several women.

''Well to say many is a bit of an exaggeration'' Damian said ironically, perhaps many in the world also think he leads a life of libertinage and although it is partially true he only has 2 wives.

''Come on, don't be like that, at least tell me how many,'' said Tony, approaching a little too interested.

''Only 2'' Damian said, rolling his eyes.

''Only 2? I thought you had at least a dozen'' Tony said in confusion.

''When you settle down with someone you'll understand'' Damian said as he shook his head slightly.

''Don't make it sound like I'm a child, sitting your head down is for boring people, why to chase one flower when you can have the whole forest?'' said Tony haughtily.

''Well, we'll see in the future'' Damian said, smiling slightly.

''I guess I should get back, it was good to meet you'' Damian said as he stood up.

''I'm sure we'll see each other in the future,'' Damian said again.

''Yes, it's good to talk to a kindred soul,'' Tony said, smiling slightly.

''Well I wouldn't put it that way but it was nice talking to you'' Damian said wryly, he really isn't the type of person who likes to party and sleep with a lot of people.

''See ya'' Damian said as he shook his hand.

''See ya'' Tony said, shaking his hand.

After saying goodbye, Damian left the office where Obadiah was anxiously waiting for him, the last thing he wanted was for Damian and Tony to interact.

''Mr. Damian I'm sorry about the meeting, I guess it was a waste of time for you, Tony is usually more serious, maybe he had a bad day, take my number and you can call me if you have any questions about the company'' Obadiah said cordially as he handed him his number.

Damian couldn't help but be speechless before the clear attempts to turn him against Tony, yet he accepted the card and politely said goodbye, he was a dead man anyway.

Damian got in his car and drove home, it really was a short trip.

Upon entering his home in New York he was greeted by Sassy, he petted and hugged her for a while before going into the living room with her following him.

In the living room were Carol and Ana playing a video game, although Ana was not very interested in video games, Carol convinced her to play, and as she could not bear to lose to Carol, she kept playing until she could not go back.

Sophia only glanced at them occasionally while reading things of interest to her.

''Where were you?'' Sophia asked, smiling at him as she looked away from her book.

''There was a shareholders meeting at Stark Industries'' Damian said as he sat next to Sophia and watched Carol and Ana playing.

''Why did you go, you would usually ignore that sort of thing'' Sophia asked puzzled.

''I wanted to meet Tony Stark, it was a fun meeting'' Damian said as he laid back quietly.

Carol paused the game and received an intense look from Ana, who was about to win.

''Why do you want to meet that playboy? you better not start picking up his habits'' Carol said looking at him.

''Strangely, you know other people,'' Sophia said.

''Do they see me as antisocial?'' Damian asked in bewilderment.

''Something like that,'' said Ana.

''I just think it's interesting and will surely do important things in the future,'' Damian said briefly.

''Where is Monica?'' Damian asked.

''If I'm not mistaken she's in some European country, she's grown up now and can take care of herself'' Sophia said.

''Hm, well, what are we going to have for lunch?'' Damian asked, after so many years one of the few habits he has acquired is food, as an immortal being you have to find ways to spend your existence.

''I don't know, I'm not the chef'' Sophia said as she turned back to her book.

Damian couldn't help but give a wry smile before her answer.

Damian spent the rest of the day with Carol, Ana, and Sophia in the living room, they were really lazy.


Tony's first appearance, I think I interpreted him decently, what do you think?

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