Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 42

Damian woke up and couldn't help but stay still thinking, Carol and Ana were still sleeping next to him, a vampire could sleep for years if he wanted to and Carol well she was just lazy.

It was already 2005 and in 3 years Tony Stark would be kidnapped, that is where many situations would start to occur until culminating in Thanos, although with his strength there is really no threat to his safety.

He decided to visit Fury to see if everything was going right with the Tesseract and also just to say hello and maybe play a joke on him.

'I wonder if Clint has joined SHIELD yet' Damian thought as he stood up.

Damian turned to mist and stealthily crept out of his bed before grooming himself and going downstairs to the living room.

Sophia, unlike the others, was an early riser out of habit, as I would see her in the living room watching the news.

''The house has been really lonely without Monica and Jane,'' Sophia said as she watched him come downstairs.

''You're right, but the kids will eventually have to go,'' Damian said before sitting next to Sophia.

''When will you have children? You are already 37 years old and soon you will be a middle-aged man'' Sophia said with some mockery.

''You already hav-'' Damian was interrupted by Sophia throwing a cushion at him.

''Forget it I just hope it's soon'' said Damian rolling his eyes.

''Are you going out today?'' Sophia asked casually as she looked at the television.

''Yes, I'll go out for a while,'' Damian said.

''You went out yesterday too," Sophia commented, looking at him curiously.

''Hm,'' Damian said briefly.

Soon Carol and Ana, who used to wake up shortly after he got out of bed, came downstairs.

''Hi,'' Carol said somewhat sleepily as she sat on Damian's lap.

Ana merely looked at her annoyed by her stolen seat, before sitting next to her.

''What's wrong honey?'' Damian said as he hugged Ana with one arm and with his other arm stroked Carol's hair.

"Are you going out today?'' Carol asked.

''Yes,'' said Damian.

''Weirdly, you go out so often,'' said Ana.


''Yes honey thank you for your observations'' Damian said speechless.

''Let's go have breakfast, I'm hungry'' Carol said as she stood up from Damian.

''Hm'' nodded Ana inexpressibly as she looked at Damian with her bright red eyes.

''I don't mean that kind of hungry'' Carol said, rolling her eyes before pulling Ana towards the dining room.

"Have you eaten?'' Damian asks Sophia.

''Yes, I'll keep watching the news,'' Sophia said.

"Fine," Damian said before getting up and walking towards the dining room.

When Damián arrived at the dining room he saw that all kinds of dishes had just been served and Carol kept putting food in her mouth. On the other hand, Ana was drinking blood from a cup while looking at the food with disdain.

''Wait what, is that my blood?'' Damian asked confused when he saw Ana's cup.

''Cough...weren't you going out?'' Ana asked innocently.

Carol couldn't help but stare speechlessly at Ana, no wonder she only took small gulps, Ana would usually disdain to drink any blood but Damian's.

''I just won't ask'' Damian said, sighing, he really can't imagine how Ana has his blood if she always drinks it.

Ana just gave him a faint smile.

''I'll leave first,'' Damian said after the three of them ate together.

"Have a good day," Carol said as she stuffed food into her mouth.

''Come back soon,'' said Ana.

Damian gave each of them a kiss on the head before leaving.

Damian planned to go see Fury so he teleported invisibly to the same office as years ago.

Unexpectedly, that office was no longer Fury's, he assumed that the paranoid changed its location, and he concentrated his senses looking for Fury until he found him.

Damian again appeared in an office only this time Fury was there.

Besides Fury there was a man in an agent's suit with a bow on his back, he didn't strike me as anyone other than Clint Barton or Hawkeye.

Surprisingly there was also a beautiful redhead that he had seen before, Natasha Romanoff.

Apparently, it came at a really important time, they happened to be giving Fury the report of their mission in Budapest where they 'killed' Dreykov.

Damian, who was still invisible, approached Barton before tapping him on the shoulder.

''Anything you want to add Nat?'' Barton asked as he felt the tap on his shoulder.

"'No, why? Natasha asked, confused.

''You didn't touch me now?'' Barton asked in confusion.

''No'' Natasha said, looking at him strangely.

Damian again tapped Barton on the other shoulder.

Barton almost jumped with fright as he knew there should be no one there before he quickly turned around on guard only to be confused when again there was nothing.

It was hard for Barton to stand the strange looks from Natasha and his boss.

Damian was actually holding back laughter at the sight of Barton's expression.

This time Damian appeared behind Fury before tapping him on the shoulder.

Fury also quickly rose from his chair before turning his back to the wall and looking around.

''Damian, you better not be fucking with me,'' Fury said seemingly to no one.

''As expected from the best spy, you went a little pale there Fury'' Damian said laughing at the sight of Fury's face.

Hearing a voice in a room where there were supposed to be only 3 people, they couldn't help but be surprised before each pointed their guns at Damian who was no longer invisible.

Barton pointed his bow at him and looked at him in confusion, Fury also pointed his gun at him until he saw that it really was Damian before he let out a sigh and lowered his gun.

Natasha had a bigger reaction after pointing the gun at him as she remembered her encounter with Damian when she was younger.

''You know, I really think I'll die from a scare from you,'' said Fury, sighing.

''Well, you're not getting any younger, you're already 55'' Damian said jokingly.

Seeing that they seemed to know each other and Fury even lowered his weapon Clint also calmed down and lowered his weapon before looking at Fury wanting to know what was going on.

Barton still doesn't know how he got to the room without anyone seeing him.

''Agent Barton and Agent Romanoff, I'm sure if you take a good look you know who it is, Damian Alucard'' Fury said calmly.

Clint was quite surprised as he was a very famous person with a lot of rumors about him.

''Hi, nice to meet you'' Said Damian nodding towards Barton.

''Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Barton'' Barton said introducing himself.

''Agent Romanoff, don't you remember me?'' Damian asked mischievously as he saw her looking at him in silence.

''Do you know each other?'' Fury asked Natasha, very puzzled.

''Five years ago I had a mission to infiltrate Madripoor and, naturally, I was captured,'' Natasha said as she looked at Damian.

"Well, I didn't know that," Fury said, eyeing Damian and Natasha suspiciously.

''So what was the deal, why work for SHIELD now?'' Damian asked.

''Director Fury helped me eliminate Dreykov and in return, I would join SHIELD'' Natasha said without going into too much detail, Natasha assumed Damian overheard their entire conversation so she didn't consider it imprudent to tell him.

''Wow Fury, taking advantage of a beautiful lady's situation for your own benefit, that's why you don't have a partner'' Damian said, shaking his head in disappointment.

''I think that's none of your business,'' Fury said through gritted teeth.

''Now, can you tell me why you interrupted my office?'' Fury asked in annoyance.

''Hm there isn't really a reason, I was bored and came to see what was going on'' Damian said, smiling slightly.

Fury couldn't help but be more annoyed to hear her response.

''Barton and Romanoff, the two of you will be partners from now on,'' Fury said, ignoring Damian.

''Yes sir,'' the two agents replied.

"Tell me, Fury, if you're a SHIELD agent, do you get a place to live, like a luxury apartment?" asked Damian curiously.

''We just give them a budget and the agents choose to live wherever they want unless their mission requires them to live in a specific location,'' Fury said.

''Hm I see'' Damian said smiling.

Natasha I have a place where you can live, I assure you it's a great place and the price is negotiable'' said Damian giving her a business smile.

''Damian, please don't begin'' Fury said, sighing, he already knew the problems Damian could cause.

''Come on Fury, what are you talking about I'm just offering him a place to live'' Damian said seriously.

''It's in an upper-class area so security is good, plus I'm sure it will be a nice change for you'' Damian said, smiling at Natasha.

''Hm, if it's not too much trouble I'm really interested, the budget isn't very good'' Natasha said briefly looking sideways at Fury.

''Here is the address of the place or if you are not busy later I can also take you right now'' Damian said, handing her a piece of paper with his address on it.

''Don't worry, I'll make sure you don't have a bad time now that you're in a country unknown to you, if Fury tries to bully you with your salary tell me and I'll do something about it'' Damian said smiling at her.

Suddenly the door opened and a black-haired woman in a SHIELD uniform walked in.

"Am I interrupting something?'' Maria Hill asked, looking around, according to her calculations the 2 agents should have finished the report by now and there should not be an unknown person.

''No, everything is in order, is something wrong?'' Fury asked.

''Just a routine report, I didn't expect you guys too on her-, huh? Is that Damian Alucard?'' Maria Hill shouted out of surprise.

''Can I have your autograph?'' Asked by a younger Maria Hill, Damian was not only the most handsome man she had ever seen but he was also a king.

''What kind of drama is this,'' asked Fury, massaging his eyebrows as he watched Damian give an autograph to the girl he was training to be his right hand.

''Sir, how do you know Damian?'' Barton finally asked, he had been observing the situation and there seemed to be no hostility from Damian.

''We met about 10 years ago, I was on a secret mission with Carol, Damian's girlfriend, and at that time we happened to meet'' Fury said without going into too much detail.

''That's right, I was there when Fury fought heroically with many enemies and received that eye wound, it was really an amazing fight worth remembering'' Said Damian speaking passionately as if remembering something very impressive.

Fury couldn't help but feel the warmth on his face when he heard what Damian said especially because of the admiring looks he received from Maria.

"Well, back on topic, how about I show you the house?"' Damian asked Natasha.

''Sure, let's go look at it'' Natasha said after glancing sideways at Fury.

''Then I'll wait for you outside'' Damian said before leaving and closing the door, disappearing from the building and appearing at the entrance unnoticed.

Damian took the opportunity to teleport his car to the site so he could drive Natasha.

Meanwhile inside the building in Fury's office.

''Sir, is it okay for us to interact with Damian, according to many sources he is a very dangerous person, his kingdom is literally built on the corpses of many people'' Barton said as he looked at Natasha, he didn't want her to get into any trouble.

Barton had grown quite fond of Natasha after learning of her circumstances, he doesn't think it would be good for his mind to relate to someone like Damian at this point.

''It's okay, although I would never say it to his face Damian is a trustworthy person'' Fury said, even if he wasn't doing it for him he would do it for Carol.

''Nat, do you mind if I come with you to check out the house Damian is offering you?'' Barton asked.

"What are you worried about?" asked Natasha, smiling slightly.

''I'm worried about the fact that you trust him enough to live in a house of his'' Barton said with a slight frown, in this business you had to be very careful.

''When I was captured he treated me well and released me although I had discovered something important, he is not a bad person'' Natasha said defending him.

"Do you like him?" asked Barton with a frown.

Natasha did not respond and only averted her gaze slightly.


''Nat, the kind of people like Damian is not very good to have relationships with, I don't know him personally but just looking at him the word playboy comes to me, I don't want you to get hurt, I have nothing against him I just want you to be careful, maybe the best thing for you is something more normal'' Said Barton not knowing how to really express himself.

''I'm a murderer and you know what they do to girls in the red room, a normal relationship is something I can never have anyway'' Natasha said with a somewhat sad smile.

''Nat...'' Barton said sadly.

''Romanoff, I'm going to tell you something not as your boss but as a person who knows Damian, he already has 2 wives and I really have no idea how Carol accepted that since she is a very...tough woman'' Fury said hesitantly at the last part.

''So if you can handle that I'm fine with you having those feelings since you might be able to accomplish what you want, but if you can't handle it you might as well drop it right now'' Fury said speaking to Natasha seriously.

''You may leave now, Hill still has to give me his report,'' said Fury dismissing them.

''Come on Nat, I want to see what kind of house Damian has prepared'' Said Barton.

''Let's go'' Natasha said with a slight smile.

Barton and Natasha said goodbye to Fury and Maria before walking to the door and heading to the locker room to change clothes, they couldn't go out with agent outfits and weapons in sight.

"You can start Agent Hill," Fury said.

''Sir we have detected movement from the 10 rings, they have been trading with Stark Industries under Obadiah's direction, furthermore, research has begun to recreate the super soldier serum under General Ross'' Maria Hill said.

''I see, I sincerely hope Ross doesn't get it, it would only bring chaos to the world'' Fury said, sighing.

''There is quite a bit of hope that they will get something, Dr. Banner is a great scientist and a lot of people are paying attention to this research,'' Hill said.

''Just keep me informed,'' said Fury.

''Yes sir,'' said Hill.


Natasha changed her clothes as she looked at herself in the mirror, her body is really attractive, with all the right proportions and a very nice definition, and she couldn't help but think if Damian would like her.

She can't really say she's in love with Damian since she doesn't really know him, it's just that that kind smile she received years ago made her feel that maybe the world wasn't so dark, Natasha thinks she has a slight fixation for Damian, now that she's free and he sought her out she should see where she can get to.

Although Natasha really didn't consider herself worthy of marrying any man, not only is she a murderer with innocent blood on her hands, but she can't even have children.

And since Damian seemed to have some interest in her, Natasha decided to give it a try, maybe she can get some comfort in that kind smile she remembers.

'I really am a mess' Natasha thought smiling as she looked at herself in the mirror.


Guys, again another well-known character was added, from my point of view Natasha was a woman who despised herself for her past so I interpreted her like this.

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