Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 43

Natasha and Barton appeared at the entrance to the SHIELD offices where they saw across the street Damian with his back turned to lean against a nice car.

''Nice car,'' Barton said as they approached.

''Thank you'' Damian said, nodding towards Barton before looking at Natasha.

''Damian, is it okay if Barton joins us?'' Natasha asked with some hesitation, she didn't want Damian to misunderstand their relationship.

''Sure, then, how about we go to lunch to celebrate Natasha getting a new job, you can also get to know each other more since you'll be partners'' said Damian smiling.

''Fine by me'' said Barton.

''Sounds nice,'' said Natasha.

''The problem is that my car is normally for 2 people and although it has a seat in the back, well, it's a bit small'' said Damian hesitantly as he looked at Barton, he didn't mind waiting for another car.

''It's okay, in Budapest I was with Nat in an even tighter place,'' Barton said oblivious to the meaning of his words, before climbing into the back of the car, although he could have sworn he felt a little cold in the back.

Natasha couldn't help but look at Barton and want to strangle him for not being able to keep his mouth shut.

''Cough...the place wasn't that tight'' Natasha said.

''Did you say something?'' Damian asked, smiling, although he clearly did hear her.

''It's nothing'' Natasha said, smiling slightly.

''Well, let's go then,'' Damian said cheerfully.

Damian drove for about 20 minutes before arriving home.

Natasha noticed that they were at the same address Damian had given her earlier, it was too big a house so she had to tell Damian later that it was too much, she preferred a small apartment.

''Let's go'' Damian said as he led them inside where there was a woman in her 30s waiting for them.

''You got here sooner than I thought,'' Sophia said.

''Did you bring a man and you don't want me to see him?'' Damian jokes.

''Are they your friends?'' Sophia asked, ignoring his comment.

''Hm, he is Clint Barton and she is Natasha Romanoff'' Damian introduced the two people who entered after him.

''And she is my mother Sophia'' Damian said.

Natasha and Clint looked at him doubtfully, this woman is clearly in her early 30s.

''Even though you see her like that she actually has more of-'' Damian was interrupted by Sophia's hand on his mouth.

"Welcome, Damian doesn't usually bring anyone home," Sophia said with a smile.

Natasha and Barton nodded by way of greeting although each had their own thoughts.

Barton wondered about the fact that he knew his full name and wondered if he also knew about his wife and the farm.

Natasha couldn't help but get nervous when she heard it was Damian's mother although nothing showed on her face.

''Let's go through to the living room'' Sophia said as she removed her hand from Damian's mouth and gave him a warning look before leaving indicating for them to follow her.

Once the 4 people arrived in the living room they found Carol and Ana playing games. They couldn't help but be surprised to have guests but became alert when they saw a redhead with a beautiful face.

Carol and Ana shared a knowing look before pausing the game and getting up to say hello.

''Let me introduce them, he is Clint Barton, a SHIELD agent and she is Natasha Romanoff, a new agent and Barton's partner'' Damian said, introducing each of them.

''These two women are my wives, Carol Danvers, a former pilot and friend of Fury and this is Anna Jones a lawyer'' Damian said introducing them.

''Wow sounds very unimpressive your presentation'' Said Carol mocking Ana.

Ana also pouted as she really didn't have an impressive track record.

Clint and Natasha were stunned to hear his presentation, nowadays it was normal for rich men to have many lovers, but more than one wife was not common on this side of the world.

Natasha in a way couldn't help but feel depressed even though she already knew it, although she didn't consider herself fit to be Damian's wife since she couldn't give him children she still felt that maybe she could have some kind of relationship with him but seeing how beautiful the 2 women are she doesn't think Damian would waste his time with her, although as a professional assassin, nothing showed on her face and she just nodded by way of greeting.

''Let's sit down and chat,'' Damian said after introducing everyone.

''So you're friends with Director Fury?'' Clint asked curiously.

''Yes, we met in '95, we had to deal with a certain issue, back then he wasn't the director of SHIELD'' Carol said smiling.

Clint couldn't help but think that Carol must have been very young that year.

''Actually, Carol looks younger than her real age'' Damian said mischievously to which he received a death glare from Carol.

''So Natasha, are you from Russia?'' Ana asked.

''That's right'' Natasha replied briefly, looking at Ana.

''So what brings you to work in this part of the world?'' Ana asked.

''I just wanted a change of scenery'' Natasha said without going into details.

''I offered Natasha to live here while she works,'' Damian said out of the blue.

The eyes of all the women were on Damian, they were all surprised for different reasons, Carol, Ana, and Sophia could not believe that Damian would invite someone to live in this house with all the secrets they have.

Natasha on the other hand can't help but think that it would be very strange for a stranger to live in a married man's house.

''Are you serious?'' Carol asked seriously, Carol knew that Damian would have 5 wives according to the deal they made, but it had been a long time since that topic had been touched upon.

Although Carol thinks about the fact that many years have passed and neither of them has gotten pregnant, so in a way she can understand why Damian asked her so many years ago, at this rate who knows how many vampires there will be in 100 years?

''Yes'' Damian said, he clearly wasn't in love with Natasha it's just that he knows she was a good woman and he didn't want to develop his relationship with her on the sly, although inviting her to live on his house would be somewhat chaotic, it would also be fun.

Damian also knows that Natasha is in a delicate state of mind because of what she had to do to kill Dreykov so he thinks it's a good idea to let her live here to distract herself.

''I really don't think it's appropriate'' Natasha said with an apparent calm but inside she was panicking.

''Why?'' Damian asked.

''Well this is your marital home and it would be wrong for me to live here'' Natasha said somewhat uncomfortably.

''But my mother also lives here so you don't have to worry, if you tell me it's because you personally don't want to live here then I won't insist'' Damian said smiling at her.

''Besides, we're not married yet so technically it's not his marital home'' Ana said, staring at Damian.

Damian just rolled his eyes before looking at Natasha.

''I don't know'' Natasha said hesitantly before looking at Carol and Ana as if asking permission.

''I guess you could stay'' Carol said after sharing a look with Ana, in the end, they would always support Damian in whatever he wanted to do.

''So what do you say?'' Damian asked Natasha with a smile.

''Okay, I'll stay'' Natasha said, trying to hide a smile.

Barton was really uncomfortable not knowing where to look or what to say.

''Great, then it's settled'' Damian said happily.

''Is it okay if I come to visit Nat sometimes?'' Barton asked.

''Sure, no problem,'' Damian said with a nod.

Carol and Ana couldn't help but look at each other as if they both thought the same thing, Damian has a rival in love, and they couldn't help but feel very amused.

''And how did you join SHIELD?'' Damian asked Barton curiously, ignoring the pair of women with too much imagination.

''I got Fury's attention for my marksmanship, I really don't want to brag but I never miss'' Clint said with some confidence.

''What kind of weapon do you use?'' Carol asked curiously.

''I can use all kinds of weapons but I like the bow best'' Said Clint.

''How unusual,'' said Carol.

''How about we continue our conversation at the table, the food is ready'' Sophia said as she saw the sign of a maid.

They all sat at the table and continued to talk about all sorts of things as they ate. It was an enjoyable meal as they all had many interesting stories to tell.

After a while, Barton decided to leave as he had to call his wife and let her know that his mission went well.

''Thanks for the food, we'll be in touch'' Clint said, saying goodbye to everything.

''See you at work'' Clint said, nodding towards Natasha.

''See you'' Said Natasha smiling at him.

Clint got into a car with a Damian driver who was going to drop him off wherever he wanted.

''Carol, Ana, why don't you take Natasha shopping?'' Damian proposed, he knew that Natasha only brought the clothes she was wearing and would have to buy everything again.

''Sure, it'll be good to get to know each other a bit,'' Carol said with a nod.

Ana nodded looking at Natasha's hair thoughtfully.

Natasha wanted to refuse but there was really no point in doing so.

''Alright, go on, girls take advantage and have fun'' Damian said, pushing them out of the house.

Once she closed the door she couldn't help but give a sigh, although Natasha is very smart, maybe she can't imagine the reason why he asked her to live here but Carol and Ana are different and clearly know his intentions.

''Do you really like that girl, isn't she a bit young for you?'' Sophia asked, teasing him.

''I am an immortal being, age is literally just a number to me, plus for her life experience, she is very mature for her age'' said Damian, rolling his eyes.

''Not to mention that I'm not an emperor choosing a concubine, if she doesn't like me she can simply refuse'' Damian said.

"Although it's hard to resist my charms," Damian said with a mischievous smile.

''Narcissist'' Sophia said mockingly with a smile.

''Do you really like redheads?'' Sophia asked curiously.

''That's true,'' Damian said.

''Then it's funny that none of the girls are redheads, '' Sophia said, looking at him slightly.

''It's a treat, I'm not going to let go of a woman I want just for that'' Damian said, rolling his eyes.

''What a gentleman'' Sophia scoffed, maybe it would have felt poignant if he didn't have two women and went for the third.

''I wonder how they get along,'' Damian said, thinking about the 3 ladies.

''It's hard to say, both of your wives have problematic personalities for new people'' Sophia said.

Damian couldn't help but smile wryly as he was right, Ana is inexpressive and can be very direct which offends people, Carol, on the other hand, is easier to deal with but also has her walls with new people, in particular, she will be very vigilant against Natasha wanting to know if her personality is compatible with her family.

''Don't you want to go spy on them?'' asked Sophia, smiling, even if Damian wasn't curious, she was.

''Hm, I don't know, I'm sure they're going to take forever'' Damian said hesitantly, even with his powers he still can't help but get bored watching women shop for hours.

''Come on, it'll only take a while'' Sophia said, pulling him and insisting.

''You're only asking me because if you go alone you'll be found out'' Damian said, looking at her with annoyance.

''Come on honey, take me'' Sophia said, pulling him and throwing a tantrum.

''Over time I've wondered who is the parent and who is the child,'' Damian said, rolling his eyes but hugging her before teleporting into the sky above the city.

''They're still in the car'' Sophia said as she saw them, they were all 3 in the back seat in total silence exchanging glances occasionally.

''They recently left the house, let's go ahead to the mall'' Damian said before flying to his family's mall, thanks to his support it had become the largest in New York.

''How are you so sure they'll go to our shopping mall?'' Sophia asked curiously.

''Well there they don't have to pay and Carol technically doesn't have an identity'' Said Damian, Carol was supposedly dead in America.

''Why haven't you fixed that yet?'' Sophia asked curiously.

''Well, it's because there's a troublesome organization that would start snooping around if she renewed her identity'' Damian said referring to SHIELD or rather HYDRA, he doesn't want them to disrupt Carol's life which would cause her to fight back, and reveal her powers.

''Here we are'' Damian said before appearing in the mall and making them undetectable.


Guys, Natasha living at Damian's house seems forced? I mean, she had nowhere to go either, and living with the person you like would be good for anyone.
Anyway, have a great weekend.

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