Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 46

Damian led Natasha into the dining room before sitting down at the dining table next to her.

''When do you have to start work?'' Damian asked casually as they waited for their food.

''The director has given me a few days to look for a house and buy everything I need,'' Natasha said, smiling slightly at him.

"Well, I guess you'll be able to rest these days at home," Damian said.

''Yes, it's a bit strange, I've never had rest days before, only recovery days before leaving for another mission'' said Natasha remembering the past.

''Well, I'm sure it will be different from now on,'' Damian said, smiling at him.

Soon Sophia arrived and behind her came several people to serve the food.

Sophia sat across from Natasha and smiled slightly at her.

''So Natasha, you're working at SHIELD now, right?'' Sophia asked.

''Yes, it was one of the conditions for forgiving my past crimes'' Natasha said as she ate.

I'm hopeful that working with SHIELD can make up for everything I've done in the past," said Natasha.

''I think you shouldn't be so hard on yourself, you didn't have much of a choice'' Sophia said.

''I guess not, but it still doesn't change what I did'' Natasha said, smiling slightly.

''You also have to learn to forgive yourself or you won't be able to find happiness no matter who you are with,'' Sophia told her, looking deeply at her.

''It's hard'' Natasha said, smiling wryly, not daring to say that a few days ago she had killed a girl just so she could kill her target.

Even if Natasha had killed innocent people it could be reasoned that she was forced but that girl will haunt Natasha forever.

All to gain her freedom and that of her sister.

Damian had been watching the conversation between Sophia and Natasha, and he guessed that Natasha was really affected by the 'death' of the girl and although she didn't really die she did ruin her life.

''I think it's best if we change the subject'' Damian said, stopping any continuation of that conversation.

''Since Natasha has a few days off we could still go on vacation somewhere, you'll be busy soon'' Damian said smiling, he wants Natasha to clear her mind.

''I think it's a great idea, we could go to the beach, since the girls grew up we haven't gone again'' Sophia said.

''Wouldn't be bad'' Natasha said, smiling slightly, the closest thing to a vacation she had was on a mission with her 'family' in Ohio.

''Did you buy any bikinis when you went out with Carol and Ana?'' Sophia said, giving her a suggestive look.

''No, I didn't think it was necessary'' Natasha said, somewhat embarrassed by Sophia's look.

Sophia looked at Natasha's body and calculated in her mind.

''Maybe I could lend you one if you don't want to go shopping'' Said Sophia, who thought they had similar bodies.

''Don't worry about it, I'll take Natasha to the mall quickly'' said Damian rolling his eyes towards Sophia, although their bodies were similar in the end Natasha had a very defined body from her training since she was a child unlike Sophia who just sat around watching TV, of course, if it was objective, Sophia had a great body just not the same as Natasha.

''I don't know if it's okay, after all, it's quite personal, I'd better take her'' said Sophia smiling at Damian, she didn't like the look Damian gave her.

Natasha watched this exchange a little nervously, if she was honest she wanted to go with Damian but upsetting the woman she wanted to be her mother-in-law is not a good idea either so she decided to keep quiet and finish eating.

''I think a male opinion is better than yours which is a bit old-fashioned'' Damian said, smiling at her.

''I think I'll go with her anyway,'' Sophia said in a final tone.

Damian could only look at her speechless since she was so insistent he decided to leave her.

''Well, then go,'' Damian said.

''Great, come on Natasha let's go find you something nice'' said Sophia grabbing Natasha's hand and dragging her outside.

Sophia just gave Damian a small victorious smile.

'Childish' Damian thought, chuckling to himself.

Damian grabbed his phone and texted Ophelia that they were going to the beach and if she wanted she could come.


Sophia guides Natasha to the garage and starts looking at which car she will take today.

''It's okay? won't Damian get mad?" asked Natasha, a little worried.

''Don't worry, Damian is not that stingy..... well, with his family'' said Sophia smiling slightly.

''I guess we'll go in this one,'' Sofia said before hopping into a new Camaro that Carol and Ana had bought on one of their outings.

Natasha followed her and got into the car.

Sophia sped away down the road and Natasha couldn't help but cling to the door.

"I guess we're not in that much of a hurry," Natasha said a little nervously.

''Don't worry, I'm very good at driving,'' Sophia said.

After 15 minutes of driving at full speed, they arrived at a nearby shopping mall.

''Let's go,'' Sophia said.

Natasha nodded wordlessly, Sophia was really good at driving but at many points, she really thought they were going to crash.

They arrived at a bikini store and the manager brought them many designs before Natasha entered the fitting room with Sophia waiting for her outside.

As Natasha undressed in the dressing room, she heard Sophia talking to her.

''Tell me, do you like Damian?'' Sophia asked.

Natasha couldn't help but stay quiet for a moment, quite nervous and not knowing what to answer, she finally decided to tell the truth, there is no reason to lie at this point.

''Yeah, you could say I've had a little crush on him for 5 years now'' Natasha said as she continued to undress.

''Liking Damian is fine, but I want to know if you plan to do something about it or just leave it at that,'' Sophia said.

''As you may know, Damian already has 2 wives and you have to think well if you can be in that kind of relationship'' said Sophia, her family was great so far and she just wanted to talk a little bit with Natasha to advise her.

''Do you know how the 'black widows' are trained in the red room?'' Natasha asked after a moment of silence.

''Yes, I read the information about it a few years ago,'' Sophia said.

''So as you may know, I can't have children, so rather than do something about it is whether Damian can accept a woman like me'' said Natasha.

''A woman like you? Do you mean the fact that you can't have children or because you were a murderer?'' Sophia asked.

''Both'' Natasha said as she started trying on one of the bikinis.

''For the issue that you can't have children is not really a problem, I'm sure Damian can solve it'' Sophia said.

Natasha couldn't help but pause in surprise when she heard this, although Carol had said she believed Damian could fix it she didn't give her as confident an answer as Sophia.

''And as for you being an assassin'' Sophia said, sighing.

''Damian is no saint either, many people died so that he could take over Madripoor'' Sophia said.

''And even more, people died indirectly because of his actions. I don't care if you are good or bad, I just want to know if you are capable of doing anything for this family'' Sophia said seriously.

''What I'm getting at is that neither of the two things you mentioned to me can stop you from trying to get close to Damian, besides, do you think Damian would bring any woman to live in his house?'' Sophia said.

''It's clear that there is something about you that Damian likes and I wanted to tell you so that you have the confidence to think about having a serious relationship with him, that you have no excuses and it all comes down to whether or not you really want him as you get to know each other and interact in the future'' Sophia said.

''Anyway, just mark my words,'' Sophia said without waiting for an answer.

After Sophia spoke, the dressing room curtain opened and out stepped Natasha in a black two-piece bikini.

'I can see why Damian looked at me like that,' Sophia thought wordlessly as she looked at Natasha's body.

Natasha had a beautifully toned body, she had just the right amount of muscle to look good.

"Does it look good on me?" asked Natasha hesitantly as she saw Sophia looking at her without saying anything.

''You look good, your body is really beautiful. I can see why Damian invited you home'' said Sophia, giving her a mischievous look.

Natasha seemed somewhat embarrassed by Sophia's "flattery".

''I guess I'll take this one then,'' Natasha said.

''You can put on more if you want,'' Sophia said as she looked at all the ones she hadn't tried on.

''This one is fine, it's only going to be one day anyway,'' Natasha said.

''As you wish, then let's pay and go back'' Sophia said casually.

After paying they walked to the car where Natasha again had to endure Sophia's 'daring' driving.

When they returned home they got out of the car and went inside.

''I'm going to get my things ready for the trip, if you want you can stay in the living room watching TV or whatever you feel like'' Sophia said, smiling at him before leaving.

Natasha with nothing to do went to the living room and sat on the couch before turning on the TV.

A while later, while watching television, she heard the front door open and heard footsteps approaching.

''Grandma, are you in the living room?'' Said the person who entered.

Natasha looked toward the entrance of the room and saw a brunette woman with blue hair.

"Y-you... who are you? Monica asked hesitantly as she saw a very pretty red-haired woman in her living room, she hoped it wasn't what she was thinking.

''I'm Natasha, you must be Monica, Damian's daughter right?'' Natasha said, trying to make a good impression.

''Yes, I am his daughter, why are you here?'' Monica asked directly.

''Your father invited me to live here'' Natasha said somewhat awkwardly, it sounded as bad as it did in her mind.

Monica couldn't help but fall down sitting on the floor staring at nothing depressed.

"Uhm, are you okay?'' Natasha asked.

''Dad could have gotten a goddess or some much older cosmic being, why does it have to be someone who looks younger than me?'' muttered Monica listlessly.

''Oh Monica, I didn't expect you to come back, what are you doing on the floor?'' asked Sophia when they reached the entrance to the room.

''Grandma, she... she is?'' Monica asked almost in despair.

"No, wait, how old are you?" asked Monica looking at Natasha.

''21 years old'' Natasha said blankly.

''You're younger than me hehehehe'' Monica said, going into a meltdown.


''Monica, you knew this day would come, stop being a child and get up, if Carol comes and sees you like this she won't let you forget it'' Sophia told her, admonishing her slightly, in a way she understood Monica but things were already going like this.

Hearing that Carol was about to arrive, Monica quickly stood up and looked at Natasha with mixed feelings.

''I'm sorry if I make you uncomfortable, it's just...well, it's a little awkward for me'' Monica said to Natasha.

''You talk like I'm in a relationship with your father but that remains to be seen'' Natasha said, smiling wryly.

''Hm? why? my father is the most handsome and gentle man you can find'' said Monica looking at her strangely.

Not noticing that Natasha was looking at her even more strangely.

''Don't worry it's not like you think'' Sophia said, sighing as she saw the look on Natasha's face.

''We're here'' shouted Carol who was entering the house with Ana.

The three people turned toward the entrance where Carol and Ana were approaching.

Carol, seeing the three people in a somewhat awkward situation, couldn't help but show a broad smile.

''Monica, did you meet Natasha?'' Carol asked, full of amusement.

''You know, we talked about this situation a few years ago and, as I said, it's funny,'' Carol laughed, seeing Monica's expression.

Even Ana looked amused by the situation.

''Well, they're all gathered together," said Damian, who out of nowhere came up behind Carol and Ana.

''We're going to the beach so you have 5 minutes to get your stuff ready and we're leaving,'' said Damian.

''Oh, you want to see the merchandise so fast?'' Carol said, giving a knowing look to Natasha who just looked away as if she hadn't heard anything.

''Just go and get ready'' Damian said gently, slapping Carol's butt.

After 15 minutes everyone was carrying a backpack with their things.

''Then let's go'' Damian said as he walked towards the basement.

Natasha was confused, she assumed they would go by plane but for some reason, they walked to the underground basement.

Damian again made the wall move before everyone entered the secret room with the portal to the palace.

Damian activated the portal before letting everyone through.

Soon only Natasha and Damian were left.

Natasha looked at the portal with some hesitation.

''Don't worry, trust me'' Damian said smiling.

Natasha nodded before moving forward.

Natasha felt as if she was walking through nothingness before appearing somewhere else with a totally surprised look on her face.

Then she heard the sound of a camera taking pictures so she looked toward the sound where Carol was pointing at her cell phone.

''It will be a nice souvenir for the family album," Carol said with satisfaction as she put the cell phone away.


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