Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 47

Natasha couldn't help but be speechless, they already wanted to add her to the family album, Damian to put a ring on her hand at least, although the fact that she had just traveled thousands of miles in an instant made her let these thoughts pass.

''How is that possible?" asked Natasha, looking around.

''Technology," Damian said, smiling at her.

''I guess the rumors of advanced technology are true'' Natasha said, smiling slightly.

''That's right, but we can talk about that another time, let's go upstairs,'' Damian said and led everyone to the elevator.

When they arrived upstairs Ophelia was waiting for them wearing sunglasses and a green two-piece bikini.

Natasha couldn't help but look at this place with irony, here she was captured 5 years ago.

"Why are you dressed like that in the middle of the palace?" asked Ana, looking at her expressionlessly.

''I'm going with you to the beach," said Ofelia, smiling happily.

"Did you invite her?'' Ana asked Damian.

''That's right, you look good in that bikini'' said Damian looking towards Ophelia.

''Oh, really?'' Ophelia said, feigning a blush as she lifted her chest.

''Hmph, let's go'' said Ana looking at her coldly before walking towards the boat.

''You can always manage to annoy her'' said Damian, smiling amusedly.

Ophelia merely laughed as she watched her "mother" leave in annoyance before going after her.

''Come on girls'' said Damian as he walked towards the ship.

"By the way, why didn't Jane come?" asked Damian.

She is in Europe chasing storms, it's part of her specialization as an astrophysicist," said Monica.

''Hm, I see,'' Damian said as they boarded the ship.

Natasha looked around in awe at the futuristic-looking technology that would only be seen in a movie.

Carol started the ship and they flew to the beach.

Everyone got off the boat and placed their things in the tent.

Carol, Ana, and Sofia started to take off their clothes since they had their bikinis on under their clothes.

Damian made sure to take a good look around while Carol and Ana took off their clothes.

''Dad, can you stop looking at them? Even if you don't care about the others, I'm your daughter'' said Monica, annoyed.

''Are you jealous?'' Damian asked jokingly with Monica.

''Well, she was always a daddy's girl,'' Sophia said after taking off her clothes and approaching.

Monica just pouted and started to take off her clothes before getting into the sea.

Carol, Ana, and Ofelia followed Monica before starting to play in the water.

Sophia simply grabbed one of the beach chairs and walked over to the shore before sitting down.

Natasha, somewhat shyly, began to take off her clothes as well and was left with only her black bikini.

Damian also gave her a quick look, and as he expected, between Carol and Natasha the latter has a more toned body.

''You look very beautiful,'' Damian said, smiling at Natasha.

''Thank you'' Natasha said, smiling shyly at him.

''Damian...well, I wanted to talk to you about a matter'' Natasha said with some hesitation.

''Sure, tell me about it,'' Damian said with some curiosity.

''Well I'm sure you know what they do to the 'black widows' in the red room and Sophia told me you had a way to fix it, so I wanted to see if you could help me, I don't know if the money is enough to pay for it but we can talk about it'' Natasha said without looking at Damian embarrassed to talk this topic with the person she likes.

"Oh, are you trying to pay me with your body?" joked Damian smiling at her.

''Damian, be serious'' Natasha said somewhat embarrassed as her words sounded like that.

''I indeed have a way to do it, but that comes at a price and I don't mean you have to pay me'' Damian said seriously.

Damian wasn't sure if turning Natasha into a vampire would solve the problem, a vampire has incredibly high regeneration but if there is nothing to heal it makes no sense, on the other hand, he could think of a totally safe method to solve it, reverse the time of her body to before she had surgery.

This would take her back to the time when she was a teenager, Damian believes the surgery was between the ages of 14 and 15.

If he had the reality stone he could do it directly as it would only change reality by making Natasha take back what was taken from her.

Unfortunately, he has no idea where this stone might be.

"What price are we talking about?" asked Natasha hesitantly.

''Before I tell you the price of getting you back I think I should tell you something else first,'' Damian said.

''I and all the people here have powers," Damian said, lighting up his hand with lightning.

''Fury also knows that I have powers and he also knows about Carol, about the rest I really don't think he knows,'' Damian said.

''The way to cure you would be with these powers but as I tell you, it comes at a price, I have a way to turn back time and that cures everything, the problem is that since it has been quite some time since your operation I will have to turn back quite some time which would end up turning you into a teenager again'' Damian said directly.

Natasha slowly sat in the chair across from Damian as she thought about all the information she had just received. It really was something amazing to her, she always thought the most fantastic thing she would ever see in her life would be her father's super strength or Captain America stories.

''And let's be honest Natasha, I have interest in you, so I'll tell you straight up that I'm not human either'' Damian said, he thought about hiding it for a while but decided to lay all the cards on the table.

He didn't want to mislead Natasha by omitting information that was clearly important when you wanted to have a relationship.

Natasha wondered if she was still sleeping.

''Any proof that you're not human?'' Natasha asked, looking at him carefully, he really looked like a human.

Damian couldn't help but pause for a moment, no one had ever really asked him that question and he couldn't help but be speechless, most things could easily be attributed to his powers and not necessarily the fact that he's not human.

Damian smiled at her and his fangs grew.

''Does this count as proof?'' Damian asked without really knowing what could be definitive proof that he is not human to a person who currently doesn't know about superpowers like Natasha.

"Can I touch it?" asked Natasha curiously.

''Sure'' said Damian smiling slightly.

Natasha carefully touched Damian's fangs as if to make sure it was real, when she touched them underneath she couldn't help but feel a prick.

Withdrawing her finger she saw that there was a spot of blood on her finger where more blood was pooling.

Damian couldn't help but look at her finger with sparkling eyes before taking Natasha's hand and bringing her finger to his mouth before sucking it gently.

'She's really delicious' Damian thought, he was sure Natasha was the one.

Natasha couldn't help but feel nervous and embarrassed, fortunately, Damian soon let go of her hand, and when she checked it she saw no more wounds.

Natasha couldn't help but look at Damian with surprise.

''Are you something like a vampire?'' Natasha asked, looking attentively.

''Yes, but let's get into details later, how about the cost?'' asked Damian, smiling slightly.

After all, it would be difficult to work at SHIELD with a 14-year-old body, although there was something he could maybe do.

''I couldn't work for SHIELD,'' Natasha said with a complicated face.

Natasha wanted to work at SHIELD to make up for her actions in the red room and now she is between two choices, to redeem herself or pursue her happiness.

'It seems I can't do both at the same time,' Natasha thought with a wry smile.

''Don't make that face, I have a plan,'' Damian said with a slight smile.

''For now, you will continue to work for SHIELD and be able to do missions normally, in a few months I will reverse the time in your body and make it so you can continue in SHIELD'' Damian said.

Natasha looked at him with a complicated expression, she wanted to ask him why he was doing all this for her but Natasha knew why. It was no secret that Natasha was interested in Damian and apparently he was also interested in her although she didn't know why.

''Well, I think I'll go for a swim, do you want to come?'' Damian asked.

"I think I'll go later," Natasha said.

"Okay," Damian said before taking off his shirt and walking toward the water.

Natasha stared at Damian's body for a few seconds before turning around, grabbing a chair, and walking over to sit next to Sophia.

"How was the talk?" asked Sophia as she saw Natasha sitting beside her.

''It still seems unreal," says Natasha.

''Yes, I was in your situation too, what solution did Damian give you?'' asked Sofia curiously.

''I thought you knew and that's why you were so sure,'' Natasha said, looking at Sophia speechless.

''Well, I have a lot of confidence in my son, with his powers. If he puts his mind to it, I think he can do anything he wants'' said Sophia with some pride.

''He told me he could turn back time in my body to the state before the operation," Natasha explained.

"Wow, how old would you be?" asked Sophia, looking at her suspiciously.

''I think about 15 years,'' Natasha said, looking at her confused by the expression on her face.

"Is Damian tired of voluptuous bodies and looking for something younger?'' Sophia asked jokingly whispering to Natasha wanting to avoid being overheard.

Natasha just looked at Sophia quizzically.

''Don't look at me like that, I'm kidding'' Sophia said laughing, seeing the look on Natasha's face.

"And what do you think of this method?'' Sophia asked.

''Which is something no being should be able to do, isn't that basically immortality?'' Natasha said.

"Yeah, well, we vampires are immortal," Sophia said casually.

"We? You're a vampire too?" asked Natasha, puzzled.

''Sure, everyone but Carol is a vampire here, we brought you as an emergency ration'' Sophia said mocking Natasha.

''Is it like in the stories that vampires can turn others when they bite?'' Natasha asked hesitantly, ignoring the joke.

''Sort of, although I've never converted anyone," Sophia said.

''The world is not what it seems," Natasha said with a sigh.

''Get used to it, honey,'' Sophia said as she watched her family playing in the water.


''It took you a while to come,'' Carol said, looking at Damian coming towards them.

''I talked some things over with Natasha,'' Damian said as he walked over to Carol and hugged her underwater.

''Of what?'' Carol asked.

''About what they do to the 'black widows' in the red room'' said Damian stroking Carol's skin.

"What are they doing to them?" asked Carol in bewilderment.

''You haven't reviewed the information I sent you,'' Ana said, looking at Carol blankly.

''Well, I really don't like to read that kind of stuff," Carol said nonchalantly.

''Black widows have their entire uterus removed when they graduate," Ana said expressionlessly, although some annoyance could be seen in her eyes.

"Was Natasha trained in the red room?" asked Carol with some hesitation.

''That's right,'' Damian said.

"Oh... Damian, you have to heal her,'' Carol said seriously.

At present, Carol is somewhat sensitive to these issues, as she wishes to have children, and cannot help but feel sad for Natasha.

''Actually, I already found a way to solve it, I'm going to turn back the time of your body to a pre-surgery state'' said Damian before noticing the quizzical looks from Carol and Ana.

''So you wouldn't date a girl of about 14 or 15?'' asked Ana, squinting her eyes.

''What!?'' Carol shouted, drawing the attention of Monica and Ophelia who were competing to see who could swim faster, although secretly Ophelia was cheating with her familiars.

Damian glanced at Ophelia and Monica telling them not to worry and to go about their business.

''Her mind would be the same, and I must say that Natasha's mind is quite mature for her age for all she has had to live through'' said Damian trying to defend himself.

''It would be strange anyway,'' Carol said, imagining it.

''It's better than being with a woman with a mature body and a childish mind," said Ana.

''I'm sure Monica won't like it'' Carol said laughing.

''She'll get used to it,'' Damian said.

"I didn't ask you, but why Natasha?'' Ana asked.

"Besides the fact that she has red hair?" asked Damian jokingly.

''Do you want to die?'' Carol asked angrily, turning on her fist.

''Let's just say that first of all I was struck by how she can remain kind-hearted despite everything she's been through and done'' Damian said.

''And of course, it's also because she's beautiful,'' Damian said, smiling at them.

"And how do you know she has a good heart? Not that I think otherwise, she seemed like a nice person," Carol said.

''Remember I have a familiar that can manipulate mind and spirit, seeing what people are like is easy for me'' said Damian rolling his eyes, he clearly remembers explaining each of his familiars to Carol.

It's not that Damian has intruded into her mind, it's just a cursory glance to see what kind of intentions a person has.

''Natasha is a good woman who deserves a happy ending,'' Damian said as he thought about her tragic end.

''By the way, I have a surprise for you,'' Damian said, smiling at them.

"Oh, what kind?" asked Carol, looking at him with sparkling eyes.

''It's something you really like to do and now you'll be able to enjoy it even more'' said Damian, smiling mysteriously.

''Sex?'' Ana asked, looking at him.


Carol also looked at Damian wondering if that would be it.

''No, it's a surprise you'll see when I'm ready'' said Damian, sighing at Ana's question.

After saying that he hears the water splashing behind him.

The three turned to look at Natasha who was walking toward them with a faint smile.

''It's been a while since I've been to the sea,'' Natasha said.

''More specifically from Madripoor, where I pretended to be a tourist,'' Natasha said as she arrived with Damian, Carol, and Ana.

''You have to be pretty good to skip all the security,'' Ana said.

''It was very hard, but in the end, I failed anyway," said Natasha, with a happy smile.

''Ophelia wasn't happy that you had made it this far,'' Damian said with a chuckle as he remembered Ophelia's anger.

''Yes, he looked at me with a lot of annoyance, I thought it would be the end for me'' said Natasha, giving a slight smile.

''Oh, and I guess the knight in shining armor has arrived," Carol said mischievously, nudging Damian.

''Cough...well, I guess so'' Natasha said, smiling at Damian.

''Ophelia can be pretty scary,'' Natasha said, remembering the red eyes looking at her then.

''He has a skill that allows him to see almost the whole city, so it's impressive that you were able to sneak in,'' said Ana.

"Natasha tell me, do you have any hobbies?" asked Carol changing the subject, she was curious about what Natasha liked to do when she wasn't on missions.


Guys, as you can guess, we will have a teenage Natasha, I thought it would be a good way to put her past behind her.

Not to mention that it could generate a lot of interesting scenarios.

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