Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 56

Natasha was on the avengers jet looking at the number on her phone with a thoughtful expression.

She didn't know if Damian was aware of what happened after he left.

When Damian gave her his number she didn't think she would use it so quickly, now she wonders if she should call him.

"What are you looking at Nat?'' Clint asked.

''I don't know whether to ask anyone for help on this mission,'' Natasha said sincerely.

''Well, it's always good to have a backup, but isn't it too late to ask for his help? How is he going to get there?'' Clint asked.

''That's a good question,'' Natasha said with a slight chuckle.

''We will land in 30 seconds," said Tony, who was piloting.

''I guess I'll call him,'' Natasha said.

She dialed the number on her phone and held it to her ear as she waited for it to ring.

"Hello?'' Damian asked.

"Hi, this is Natasha, we are going on a mission in Africa, can you help us?'' Natasha asked directly, as there was little time left.

''Sure, send me your coordinates and I'll be there,'' Damian said.

''Okay, thank you,'' Natasha said before hanging up.

Natasha quickly sent a message with the coordinates of the location before heading off with her teammates to confront Ultron.

Natasha watched in hiding as Tony and Ultron fought before losing sight of them and focusing on the mercenaries.

''Is it a green code?'' Natasha heard on her communication device.

''No, stay on the ship'' Natasha replied as she walked towards Clint's location unaware that behind her was someone stalking her.

Natasha felt her mind boggle for a moment before turning her body and kicking backwards making contact with something.

She saw the Maximoff twin with her hand on her stomach as she looked at Natasha in confusion, before she could question her, her brother arrived at full speed and took her away.

''Does anyone copy me?'' Natasha asked.

"Nat? Are you all right? I saw Thor and Steve being affected by some kind of red smoke'' said Clint.

''Yes, we knew she has some level of mind control'' Natasha said sighing as she thought about the cold sensation she felt when the girl tried to affect her, she couldn't help but think about the gift Damian gave her by touching her mind.

She assumed that he really helped her.

''What about Banner?'' Clint asked.

''I told him to stay on the Quinjet but he didn't answer me'' Natasha said a little worried.

"Let's get Thor and Steve, we have to make sure they don't get to Bruce," said Natasha.


Damian headed at high speed toward the coordinates Natasha had given him.

He assumed that many things would happen the same way since he is going to be late.

When he reached the area he could see Iron Man chasing Ultron and Wanda casting a spell on Bruce.

He couldn't help but smile slightly, as it was an opportunity to pick a fight with someone.

"Wow, that doesn't look good," Damian said after appearing behind the twins who had already run for cover a good distance away when Bruce began to transform.

The twins almost jumped with fright before Pietro grabbed Wanda and ran away.

Damian didn't chase after them either as Bruce had just transformed and was starting to look around, he has red eyes and an enraged expression.

Damian was very excited about his first fight, he had never seen the limits of his physical strength and hoped this will be a good opportunity.

When Damian was about 10 meters away from the Hulk, he turned and looked at him.

"Boy, do you wanna fight?" asked Damian with an excited smile.

Damian's only response was a roar of rage before the Hulk leaped towards him with his arm retracted and ready to attack.


Natasha and Clint helped Thor and Steve regain clarity before they set off for the Quinjet, they had taken a few steps before they heard a very familiar loud roar.

''Fuck,'' Clint said.

''Thor, do you think you can hold Bruce?'' Steve asked still very dizzy from the visions he had.

''Right now I am very weak but if I rest for a while I can still fight'' Said Thor clearly very weak.

''And the help you asked for, do you think she'll be able to hold him?'' Clint asked.

''I don't know, let's go out and find out,'' Natasha said.

''Folks it looks like Ultron's plan is to go after Bruce, is anyone near him? I'm on my way to the ship'' said Tony.

''It's a little late to say, Bruce has already transformed,'' Natasha said smiling bitterly, he must not be in good shape if he was forced to transform by the twin.

"I guess I could use a lullaby," Tony said trying to joke.

Natasha was about to reply sarcastically when they heard a loud noise of two objects colliding.

Natasha and the others looked at each other before rushing off to see what was going on.


Damian saw the Hulk leaping at him and ready to throw a punch so he braced himself as well.

Damian used his twelfth familiar for the first time and created two giant ice gloves around his hands that looked somewhat ridiculous due to the size difference.

The size difference between Damian and Hulk's hands was quite a bit, if Damian struck with his much smaller fist he could end up doing a lot of damage if his blows ended up being too strong.

With the larger gloves, the impact will be dispersed and will only send it backward.

Damian threw a hard punch toward the oncoming Hulk's fist and a huge shockwave formed, sending blades and dust flying through the air.

Damian ended up being sent flying for a few feet until he stabilized, he looked at the cracked ice in his hand before looking at Hulk and smiling excitedly.

He quickly walked up to the Hulk and punched him in the face sending him to the ground although he quickly got up and punched Damian's head.

Damian raised his arm and blocked the blow before punching the Hulk in the stomach knocking him back a few steps.

Damian could feel the Avengers and the Maximoff twins watching him fight with Hulk from a distance but he ignored them and concentrated on Hulk, the sensation of feeling his muscles give their best filled him with excitement.

Damian and Hulk exchanged hundreds of blows and the ice gloves had to be recreated several times.

The terrain was already destroyed with cracks and fallen trees, they were a walking disaster wherever they went.

Damian's clothes and hair were in disarray but the smile on his face never diminished.

The Hulk's blows were getting stronger and Damian could feel that he could no longer keep up.

So he strengthened his body a bit with magic before exchanging blows again.

With the strengthening of Damian, things became even again.

Hulk looked increasingly angry at not being able to crush the human in front of him.

Damian again hit the Hulk knocking him down before standing over him and slamming him to the ground several times.

Hulk couldn't help but roar with rage before sending a lightning-fast punch that caught Damian by surprise sending him flying several dozen meters to a stop in mid-air

Damian couldn't help but reach his hand over to rub the bruised area where he saw blood.

Damian took his first look at his blood on an occasion other than handcuffs before turning his gaze back to the Hulk and lunging at him again in another round of punches.

The two fought very roughly and without any technique, it was a one-on-one fistfight, a simple demonstration to see who could withstand more blows and who could hit harder.

Damian used a little more magic power before colliding with the Hulk again.

This time Hulk backed up several steps as he grunted in pain from the blow to his knuckles but with a snarl of anger he launched himself into the fray again.

As they fought Damian looked off into the distance before sighing.

Damian wished he could keep fighting with the Hulk, and see how far they could go but they had been fighting long enough and their battle near the city had attracted attention and he could sense several helicopters and soldiers on their way.

He reluctantly looked at Hulk, who had recovered and was coming to continue fighting with him.

Damian strengthened his body with a great deal of magic before appearing behind Hulk and bashing him in the head while using his mental powers to put him to sleep.


Damian felt it was really pitiful, he was just getting used to fighting and already he had to stop.

He could only watch Hulk fall to the ground as he began to return to normal.

Looking at his ragged and dirty appearance he thought for a moment before leaving it at that.

Damian watched as the avengers came towards him and slowly approached him while looking at him strangely.

''I guess this counts as help?" asked Damian, smiling at Natasha.

''I guess so'' Natasha said smiling wryly.

If Damian had not stopped the Hulk he would have made it to the city and stopping him there would have caused a lot of collateral damage.

Damian looked at all the avengers with a slight smile.

''Then if something dangerous happens don't hesitate to ask for my help, I'll still be here for a while'' said Damian nodding towards everyone.

''Thanks for your help,'' Steve said with a nod.

''Then take care guys, by the way, several soldiers and helicopters are coming so I recommend you to leave'' said Damian.

''See ya'' Damian said before turning into mist and disappearing.


Natasha came out of the stranded boat supporting Steve who was still feeling very weak from the mental manipulation.

When they arrived in the Quinjet area they saw that the terrain had completely changed, it was full of cracks and the trees were broken.

The sound of the shock wave could be heard constantly and in the distance, the four could see two figures fighting face to face.

There was no strategy in the fight, just give and take blows.

Most impressively, Hulk's opponent was apparently a human.

As the four avengers watched the fight in amazement, they heard thrusters approaching.

When they turned to look, they saw Tony landing near them.

''Who's fighting with Bruce? I was going to call Veronica'' said Tony in astonishment.

''It's Damian, the person who was at the party yesterday'' Natasha said.

''Wow, your acquaintances are something else, including us,'' Tony said mockingly.

''He's really strong, even though the man is starting to lose ground, the Hulk gets stronger the angrier he gets, and taking a beating anger anyone'' Thor said watching the fight intently.

''Good thing you called for help, or we'd be in a pickle,'' Clint said grimacing at the sound of collisions.

''I guess it was a good decision,'' Natasha said.

"Aren't we going to help him? Natasha asked.

''I don't think the man appreciates it, if you look at his excited smile you'll know he's enjoying it'' Thor said.

''I guess the chances of finding someone as physically strong as him are few'' Thor said looking admiringly at the fight, almost looking like he wanted to join in.

"So we'll wait until they're done having fun?" asked Tony sarcastically.

''I guess that's what we'll do,'' Clint said as he sat on the ground and watched the fight.

''How about we recruit them for the avengers, we could use someone that strong especially now'' said Tony.

''He won't be joining us, according to what he told me he will only be on Earth for about a month'' Natasha said not wanting them to get their hopes up.

"Not human?'' Tony asked.

''Now that you mention it, he didn't specifically say he was human, but he's from Earth," Natasha said.

Tony just looked at her speechless at her lack of information, weren't you a spy?

They were interrupted by a loud bang and an exclamation from Thor.

''Looks like he was holding back,'' Thor said seriously.

Watching the fight they could see that the Hulk was constantly being pushed back by Damian's blows, which enraged the Hulk even more and made their battle even more brutal, the shockwaves could surely be heard throughout the city a few miles away.

After a few minutes of watching the fight, they saw Damian suddenly appear behind the Hulk before knocking him out with a blow to the head.

Surprised by the sudden end of the battle they slowly approached before Natasha spoke to Damian.

''Thanks for your help,'' Steve said with a nod.

''Then take care guys, by the way, several soldiers and helicopters are coming so I recommend you to leave'' Damian said.

''See ya'' Damian said before turning into fog and disappearing.

''Let's get Bruce on the Quinjet, we need to go see where Ultron went with the Vibranium'' said Steve.

''I think it would be good to have him on speed dial," Steve joked, referring to Damian.

Natasha merely looked at him with a slight smile before boarding the Quinjet with all the Avengers and leaving the area.


Shuri was distracted as she thought about Damian's offer, she wondered what kind of power he could give her.

While she was thinking, an alarm sounded on her communicator so she quickly opened it.

Coincidentally she saw the person she was thinking, fighting with a green giant she knew.

Since the Vibranium theft, they had increased surveillance in Africa to look for Ulysses Klaue so the fight between the two was detected by the surveillance devices.

Shuri couldn't help but be surprised by their fight, the physical strength of both of them was really illogical, especially Damian who was smaller in size than the Hulk.

Shuri wondered if it was that kind of power that Damian is offering her, it wouldn't be bad to have super strength, surely she could annoy her brother.

Putting that aside, she decided to inform her family about this fight anyway, as they would eventually find out.

She would wait for Damian to return to ask him what exactly his powers are.


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