Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 57

Damian turned to mist as he appeared high in the sky where he fought the Hulk.

He looked at his hands and felt the remnants of his fight with the Hulk.

He couldn't help but sigh as he realized that he had very little experience, there wasn't a big difference between Damian and Hulk physically, they could only hit randomly and overwhelm their opponent.

This is usually enough against normal enemies but if Damian is facing someone like Thanos, Thor or Carol who are much more experienced and equally powerful, he will have to use his magic or familiars to win.

Leaving that for another time Damian decided to return to Wakanda, the Avengers had already withdrawn from the area and only the army that had come to check it out remained.

Reappearing in Wakanda he looked for Shuri, she was looking through a microscope while manipulating an object with tweezers.

Damian came up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder before positioning himself where she couldn't see him.

Shuri turned when someone touched her, but she didn't see anyone.

''Damian!'' Shuri said, looking around.

Damian just let out a slight chuckle before letting her find him.

''Tell me, what was it like to fight the Hulk? The shockwaves seemed very strong, I wonder how strong he is," said Shuri, somewhat excited about the fight.

''It was a lot of fun, it's a shame I had to quit," said Damian.

''Tell me, with the power you would give me, could I be this strong?'' asked Shuri expectantly.

''No, you will definitely be stronger than Captain America and Black Panther, but the Hulk's physical strength is too high for you to fight him like that,'' Damian said.

Shuri nodded thoughtfully.

''And how will you give me power?'' asked Shuri, wondering if it would be some kind of serum or highly advanced technology, though the latter would be pointless, as he could simply steal the Vibranium and make the suit he desired himself.

''If we go into details I can assume that you agree to the deal as long as my way of empowering you is acceptable right?'' asked Damian.

Shuri nodded, telling him to continue.

''I am a vampire and as you may know in the stories they can turn other people, so you would cease to be human, you will have eternal youth and various powers'' Damian said directly.

"A vampire?'' Shuri asked unconsciously as she thought.

Shuri didn't know if it was acceptable to her, she doesn't really care about giving up being human, she is a scientist looking to advance technology, and being a vampire would only help her, what she is worried about is her family, what would they think of her?

Not to mention traditions, Shuri doesn't know if Bast is real and if there could be a problem with her becoming a vampire.

She couldn't help but sigh, she didn't know what to do.

''What's bothering you?'' Damian asked as he saw her overthinking.

''My family's opinion, I really don't mind becoming a vampire, in fact, I really like movies and books about vampires'' Shuri said with a slight smile as she recalled the movies and books she read where she imagined herself being a vampire.

''If you care about your family maybe you should subtly talk to them'' Damian said, smiling slightly.

''I'll do it'' Shuri said, nodding seriously, she needed at least some reassurance about this big decision.

''Give me some communication device, I'll go out for a while and when you're ready or want to talk you can call me'' Damian said.

''Right,'' Shuri said before going for a while and looking for something like a cell phone.

''I created this a while ago but just out of curiosity since we don't use that here but I guess you're more used to a cell phone than a bracelet'' said Shuri handing him a futuristic-looking phone.

''I'm fine with anything,'' Damian said, smiling slightly as he put the phone away.

''Then I'm off, remember to call me if you need anything'' said Damian.

''Okay, take care, we'll be in touch," Shuri said, nodding, she had a lot of things to think about.

Damian merely nodded in response before disappearing from the scene.


Damian appeared in space outside the Earth and gazed into nothingness as he thought.

His main goal was to get a suit for Natasha and that was well on its way.

He had many secondary objectives that while he could do them in his timeline it was better to do them in this one as some things he wanted to do could generate enmity.

He told his family it would take a month, but if all goes well it will probably take less.

As he thought about his family, he thought about his gifts, he already had the gift for Carol, that 10,000-year-old alcohol that Thor gave him.

He had heard her complain that drinking beer just isn't the same anymore, her metabolism makes it feel like water.

Gifts were missing for the rest of his family, fortunately, he had something in mind that might do the trick.

Damian flew towards Asia and arrived at a bamboo forest that seemed infinite, he detected in the middle a kind of portal to a pocket dimension, and Damian knew that Ta Lo was there.

A small mystical village of humans who had a Dragon as their protector.

Looking at the forest that seemed to have no end he wondered what he should do, there was supposed to be a path but only the beings that live there know it and it is not the time of the year when it opens.

Just as he was planning how to force his way through, he saw the forest begin to part and clear a path for him.

Damian looked thoughtfully for a moment before advancing along the path that led him to the bamboo forest, after a while he arrived at a waterfall, and as he already knew what it was about, he entered and went through the portal until he reached the dimension where Ta Lo is.

Damian appeared in a slightly illuminated cave, without looking too much he came out of the cave where there was sunny weather with many types of mythological animals.

He happily petted some nine-tailed foxes, it was really nice to run his hand through their fur. After playing with some cubs for a while she decided that enough was enough, if she kept it up she would start wanting to take them home.

Damian turned invisible and flew towards the lake that was in front of the village, below he could feel the dragon that protected this village.

Without hesitation, he dove into the water and encountered a white oriental dragon.

''You smell like blood'' Said the White Dragon as Damian appeared in front of her.

Damian was underwater and unable to speak so he began to communicate telepathically with the White Dragon.

''Well, I can't smell underwater, I wonder what dragons smell like'' said Damian, smiling slightly.

"What do you want?'' the white dragon asked directly.

''let's make a deal," Damian said, smiling slightly.

"I'll do something for you if you give me your blood," Damian said.

''I refuse'' Said the Dragon, she doesn't know what kind of consequences there may be by giving up her blood.

"Why?'' Damian asked, confused, it's just a little blood plus the Dragon is pretty big, she shouldn't feel it.

''There are many things that can be done with blood,'' said Dragon with clear distrust.

"Can't you negotiate?'' Damian asked.

''No,'' said the Dragon.

"What if I help you with the Dweller-in-Darkness?'' Damian asked.

There was a brief silence before the Dragon responded.

''How do you know that name?'' Dragon asked.

''Does it matter? What do you say if I help you seal the place even more and you give me some of your blood, I promise I have no bad intentions in getting it'' Damian said, giving her a smile.

The Dragon looked at Damian suspiciously, she could tell he was telling the truth but she couldn't think why he wanted her blood.

"Would you mind telling me why you want my blood?" the white dragon asked.

''I'm a vampire, although you probably don't know what that means, vampires drink blood and I'm curious to know what yours tastes like'' Damian said, smiling slightly.

The Dragon didn't know how to feel when she heard what he said, to think that someone wants to eat a part of her made her feel somewhat uncomfortable.

''First keep your part of the bargain, if I am satisfied I will give you my blood'' The White Dragon said awkwardly.

'Anything to keep that thing from coming out' Thought the White Dragon to herself trying to cheer herself up.

''Okay, we have a deal,'' Damian said with a satisfied nod.

Damian came out of the lake and saw the mountain in the background, where there was a circular door.

The white dragon poked her head out of the water to see what the 'vampire' was going to do.

Damian approached the door and could feel something trying to influence his thoughts, ignoring the sensation he summoned his First Familiar: Mesarthim-Adams.

He covered the entire door with the diamonds created by his familiar, Damian believed that only several infinity stones could stand a chance of breaking it as they even withstood Al-Meissa-Mercury's attacks.

Looking contentedly at the diamond deck, he turned his gaze to the white Dragon.

''What do you think? Give it a try and attack it,'' Damian said confidently.

Damian watched as the Dragon gathered water around it and propelled itself before hitting the diamond barrier, it took several attempts and even hit with its tail but not a scratch.

The Dragon couldn't help but growl before approaching Damian.

''It's a good defense,'' the White Dragon said grudgingly.

''Then I guess our deal is done,'' Damian said.

''That's right'' Said the White Dragon not knowing whether she should feel happy or annoyed.

An awkward silence soon ensued, as the Dragon didn't know how he were going to draw her blood and Damian wasn't sure how to do it either.

''I guess we should get started, it might be a little awkward,'' said Damian.

''Just make it quick,'' said the White Dragon.

Damian nodded before forming a hollow diamond needle large enough for a human to draw blood, Damian with his special eyesight saw where there was a vein before inserting the needle quickly and painlessly.

The white dragon did not make any movement, because of its large size she did not feel anything.

Soon very red blood began to gush out and glowed slightly, Damian held the blood in the air as it pooled.

After a while, about 10 liters of blood were formed and Damian considered that it was enough.

''That's it'' Damian said, withdrawing the needle and saving the blood.

''Okay, the deal is complete,'' said the White Dragon before diving into the water.

Damian merely smiled wryly at the Dragon's coldness, his movements had caught people's attention but he simply ignored them before disappearing.

Seeing that there was nothing else to do Damian decided to go play for a while with those nine-tailed fox cubs he had seen earlier.

When Damian arrived with the cubs he saw many pairs of tails wagging to greet him, he couldn't help but reach down and pet them all gently.

His sixth family member gave him an aura of familiarity with the animals and he could easily gain their trust.

Damian really had nowhere to go back to, the avengers were probably at Clint's house and it would be strange for him to arrive out of the blue, Shuri still didn't give him an answer so it would also be weird to go see her not to mention that he wouldn't have anywhere to sleep either.

So Damian, who was progenitor and king, ended up sleeping in the fluffy grass with several nine-tailed foxes.

The next day, Damian awoke to several foxes lying around him.

Damian smiled slightly as he petted a few before standing up, as he got up the foxes also woke up and looked at him with confusion.

''I'm sorry, but I have to go," Damian told the foxes.

Several cries rang out as their tails dropped a bit.

''Maybe someday we'll see each other again'' Damian said, giving them a slight smile and giving them some energy before disappearing.

He didn't like long goodbyes, if they kept looking at him sadly he would surely take them all home.

Damian appeared in front of the cave where the portal was and without delay he went through it, appearing on the Earth.

After leaving the bamboo forest, many messages began to arrive on his phone, so he paused in midair and looked at it.

Damian couldn't help but be speechless when he saw that he had a stack of missed calls and messages to read.

Most were from Natasha asking for his help in a mission to retrieve Loki's staff.

Sighing, Damian quickly flew to the Avengers tower in New York to see what had happened.


In the previous chapter I couldn't ask your opinion about the fight scene, I was on vacation and didn't have much time.
Also some people said that I nerfed Damian and I can only tell you that it is not so, the progenitors are not so physically strong, practically they are very powerful mages, I am not sure if in the novel there is something similar but here Damian can use his magic power to strengthen his body something he didn't do at the beginning of his fight with Hulk and that's why they were almost evenly matched.

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