Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 58

Damian flew towards the Avengers tower and turned into mist before entering the building. Damian scanned the building and found three people, he was about to walk towards them but was interrupted by a voice.

"Mr. Damian," said a somewhat robotic voice.

''Jarvis?'' Damian asked.

''That's right, I already informed Mr. Stark of your visit,'' Jarvis said.

''Fine, then I'll wait for him here,'' Damian said.

After a few minutes, Damian heard footsteps approaching.

"Hi, Damian, right?'' Tony said.

''That's right, I got some missed calls from Natasha but I can't reach her anymore, did something happens?'' Damian asked, pretending he didn't know.

"Apparently, she was captured by Ultron," Tony said, grimacing.

"I see, what's the plan?" asked Damian.

Tony looked at Damian, not quite sure he trusted him, although Natasha seemed to.

''For now, we wait for the rest of the team while Clint searches for traces of Natasha, come with me'' Said Tony with no other option, Damian apparently can teleport so it's better to have him around.

Tony led Damian to the lab where Vision's body was located.

"Tony, what happened?'' Bruce asked with his back to them.

''Damian from the party the other day is here, you may not remember him," said Tony.

Bruce turned around puzzled and was surprised to see Damian, not only was he the man who seemed to be flirting with Natasha but he is also the one who defeated the Hulk according to the videos he saw.

"Hello," Damian said politely.

"Hi," Bruce said somewhat uncomfortably.

''Let's keep working, we're getting closer,'' Tony said, getting down to business.

Bruce merely glanced at Damian before nodding and continuing to work.

''Even though I wasn't here, wasn't this the source of the current problem?" asked Damian casually as he peered into the ark.

''Yeah, well, we're trying to figure it out in our own way," Tony said with an amused grimace.

''Well, I guess I'll help you,'' Damian said.

''Help?'' Tony asked in confusion as he looked at him.

''Well, your teammates are coming and they don't look too happy,'' Damian said with a slight chuckle.

Tony couldn't help but frown as he secretly prepared his armor.

"Can you keep them from damaging the ark?'' Tony asked.

''Sure,'' Damian said.

As Damian had said, it wasn't more than 5 minutes before Steve arrived.

''I'll only say it once, turn it off,'' Steve said seriously.

''Uh, no,'' Tony said as he continued working.

"You don't know what you're doing," Wanda said as she thought about her visions of world annihilation.

''And you know that? Doesn't she control you?'' Bruce asked Steve as he glared angrily at Wanda, if Damian hadn't been there to stop him he doesn't want to imagine what would have happened.

Everyone started arguing until Pietro ran to the wires to disconnect everything.

Damian, who kept his eye on Pietro, finally found the moment to act and slapped him on the back, turning him into fog and watching him sink and fall to the floor below.

''Pietro'' Wanda shouted before her hands began to glow and she looked at Damian to attack him.

Bruce came up behind her and hugged her by the neck, threatening her.

''Damian this is not the way, we don't know what's going to happen when that comes out'' Steve said, trying to negotiate as he knew they couldn't beat him by fighting.

''Let's wait and see what happens, if he's like Ultron we can always destroy him, can't we?'' Damian said calmly.

Steve made an annoyed face because he knows they can't do anything.

He could fight to try to stop it, but thinking about what might come out of the ark, it's better that everyone is at their best.

The noises attracted Clint, who arrived alert with a gun in his hand although he seemed confused by the situation.

In all this Thor and Pietro arrived and also looked around in a tense atmosphere.

Only the sound of the ark could be heard announcing the release of the being inside.

After a few seconds, the ark door exploded and pushed everyone but Damian and Thor back.

Out of the ark came a metallic red humanoid figure that looked at Thor in front of him with confusion before launching itself at him.

Thor only responded by throwing him out.

Everyone stepped forward and almost surrounded the red figure.

Damian just watched the whole drama unfold as they didn't trust the newly named Vision until he picked up Thor's hammer.

''We leave in 5 minutes'' said Steve before everyone went to get ready.

Damian approached Thor and began a casual conversation with him.

''Then I guess you haven't seen Jane yet,'' Damian said.

''No, I'll be sure to go when we're done with Ultron,'' Thor said as he looked at his hammer thinking about the price he would have to pay for being with Jane.

''Well then let's see what Ultron has to offer us'' Damian said, smiling slightly.

They all boarded the Quinjet, where Steve gave the typical motivational speech before handing out their assignments.

To Damian, Steve looked at him for a moment before nodding and remaining silent.

The group traveled in silence as they all thought about the battle ahead and whether they would all return home.

For some reason, Pietro couldn't help sneezing.

Damian of course wasn't worried, as long as Vision erases Ultron from the internet he's not really a threat.

Damian took out his cell phone and sent a message to Shuri telling her that he had a problem to solve before he could go see her, he also told her where the battle would be so she could watch if she wanted to.

After 30 minutes of travel, they finally arrived in Sokovia where everyone went to do their chores, as Damian really had nothing to do he started to help evacuate the civilians.

As Damian flew over the city he watched as Wanda mind-controlled all the civilians to get out of the city, from anyone's point of view it's a little scary and you can understand his fear of Wanda.

Without further thought, he began to help evacuate people who could not move quickly on their own, such as the elderly or people with physical disabilities.

Damian flew quickly between buildings and the people he touched disappeared and appeared outside the city.

As he was helping to evacuate, robots started appearing everywhere, Damian kept evacuating people and when he found robots he would shoot lightning at them before continuing to pull people out.

Fortunately, he was able to get all the people with poor mobility out when the city shook violently before it began to rise.

His self-imposed mission accomplished, he turned his gaze to the hundreds of robots that had flown through the city.

Damian couldn't help but give a big grin before he started releasing beams from his hands toward the robots, each robot ending up with a big hole in its chest and an explosion behind them.

He didn't have to hold back, since the city was going to be destroyed anyway, he just had to be careful not to hurt civilians.

Multiple fights between the Avengers and the robots were taking place all over the city.

Damian since he 'woke up' in this world, he has never had the chance to break free and unleash his power freely, even though the beams he is shooting are weak compared to what he can release, the feeling of destroying around him fills him with a kind of excitement, he couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

While destroying at ease Damian dodged to the side and where he was before several red beams passed by.

As he looked at the origin he saw Ultron or at least the main body hurtling toward him.

''You attack me without a greeting or conversation? That's unusual'' Damian scoffed as he dodged a punch from Ultron before punching him from above causing him to fall to the ground and crater.

Ultron rose and floated in front of Damian.

''On the internet, there is no information about you, it's like you don't exist so I will assume you are not human just like Thor'' Said Ultron.

''You got it right, unfortunately, there is no prize'' Damian said with a smile.

"So you're a threat I must eliminate first for my plan to be complete," Ultron said before firing bolts of lightning at Damian as he lunged toward him.

Damian dodged minimally before punching Ultron in the face and chest, sending him several meters backward as he chased him and kept punching.

While Damian was giving Ultron the beating of his life, the Avengers managed to secure all the civilians to the Helicarrier and gathered at the church where the mechanism that floated the city was located.

''Tony, do you know what to do with the city?'' Steve asked.

"Yes, I have a plan, although couldn't we ask Damian if he has any ideas?'' Tony asked.

''Has anyone seen him?'' Steve asked.

''I saw him fly by as he was beating up Ultron,'' Natasha said.

''You know... I can hear you'' Damian said over the communicator.

''Any ideas on how to destroy this? My plan is a bit risky'' said Tony, not wanting to blow up the city while he was nearby.

''Leave it to me'' Damian said in a slightly excited voice.

"Okay...'' Steve said in a somewhat hesitant voice.

Ultron, who was already pretty much beaten, realized that he really couldn't beat him, it must be said that Ultron is not the smartest AI, Ultron, after looking at the sky and considering the height sent all the remaining robots toward the mechanism to drop the city.

Damian, of course, noticed and alerted the Avengers.

''Guys, all the robots are heading your way, you can either fight or get out of the city so I can destroy it,'' Damian said through his communicator.

"Are you sure?'' Steve asked.

"Yes," Damian said as he fought Ultron.

''You guys go away, you can't fly, we'll watch that the robots don't activate the mechanism before escaping'' said Tony.

''Good,'' Steve said with a sigh.

Damian was still punching Ultron, he must say he is a good punching bag although he is too tough, Damian was not improving his body and was just using his normal strength.

Ultron was quite resistant to impacts thanks to his Vibranium shell, so he only had dents and was not too badly damaged.

Damian sensed most of the Avengers retreating to the Helicarrier, while only Tony, Thor, and Vision were left flying.

When he felt he had escaped the Helicarrier, Damian delivered a powerful punch to Ultron that sent him to the ground before ducking under the city and magnetically attracting Ultron and his robots.

Tony, Thor, and Vision who were defending the church suddenly realized that the robots fell to the ground and although they tried to get up they couldn't, taking it as their cue to leave they flew away.

Damian, who felt that everyone was leaving, could not help but show a big smile of excitement, perhaps for the first time he was going to unleash all his power in an attack.

Leaving the magnetized city he walked away, it would last a few minutes.

Damian was about to prepare to attack, but since the mechanism was not activated, the Helicarrier was still very close to the city, so he moved it away as well.

With everything ready he materialized Regulus-Aurum and Al-Nasl-Minium, one above and one below before ordering them to attack with all their power, Damian felt nothing special but guessed that a great amount of vital energy was extracted from his body before his familiars unleashed their attack.

Regulus-Aurum gathered a layer of lightning before opening his mouth and hurling it toward the city.

Al-Nasl-Minium was not so flashy and merely opened its mouth before launching a sonic wave that grew to the size of the city.

When the lightning struck the city it began to disintegrate everything in a chain reaction, unlike the sonic wave, which upon hitting the city began to vibrate and tear into small dust particles.

When the attacks finally met, there was a brief silence before a large explosion occurred at the site.

Damian couldn't help but smirk, the dopamine he felt when flying a city is indescribable.

Damian sighed contentedly, being a Progenitor, leading such a normal life is something he had too much repressed.


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