Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 59

As Damian was about to blow up the city, an argument broke out in the Helicarrier between a Cyclops and a metal man.

''Are you telling me you entrusted something like the possible annihilation of the world to a stranger?'' Fury asked Tony seriously.

''Technically it was Cap,'' Tony said humorously.

Furia couldn't help but sigh as she massaged her forehead.

''Don't worry, the plan I have is applicable at any time, according to my calculations we could destroy the city before it hits the ground'' said Tony as he looked towards the city.

''He better do what he promised,'' Fury said as he looked out over the city.

Suddenly, the Helicarrier began to shake and move away from the city.

''What's going on?!'' Fury asked.

''An unknown force is pulling us away from the city, sir,'' said a SHIELD agent.

''Maybe he's keeping us away so we won't be affected by his attack,'' Thor said thoughtfully.

''Look'' Natasha said suddenly.

A golden lion made of lightning appeared beneath the city at the same time as a kind of black unicorn appeared above it.

''What is that?'' Fury asked seriously.

''I don't know,'' Tony said.

"No one knows what his powers are?'' Fury asked.

''We know he's swift and strong,'' Steve said.

The whole group watched as each creature unleashed its attack and the city was totally destroyed, luckily, they were far away so the explosion did not affect them too much.

''That guy is really dangerous,'' Fury said seriously.

''Don't overthink it, Fury, he won't stay long'' Natasha said as she could almost see the plots in Fury's head start to run.

"Do you know where it comes from?'' Fury asked.

''More or less, let's leave it at that, according to what he told me he'll be gone in a couple of weeks, maybe'' said Natasha.

''That doesn't give me peace of mind,'' said Fury as he continued to watch the results of the attack or lack thereof.


When Damian looked at the result of his attack he couldn't help but smile in satisfaction before turning back to his familiars.

He could have destroyed the city with just one familiar and didn't need to use that much power, Damian wanted to do everything he could to see his limits, he wonders what would have happened if that attack hit the ground.

Finally, he decided to put that aside, he is sure that in the future he will be able to see how much destruction he can cause.

He set his sights on the Helicarrier a few miles away before deciding not to go, he would only make unnecessary drama, later he would call Natasha and casually chat with her.

Now he should go see Shuri and then, one last thing he doesn't want to do on his timeline.

Damian disappeared from his location and appeared near Wakanda before pulling out his phone and dialing Natasha.

"Hello?" Natasha answered the phone.

''Hi, how's everyone?'' Damian asked casually.

''We're all fine, we were waiting for you to show up'' said Natasha.

''It's not necessary, you know I don't belong here, it's better this way'' said Damian.

''I understand,'' Natasha said after a brief silence.

''Will you come back?'' Natasha asked.

''Maybe I'll come back to see if you've found your happiness,'' Damian said, smiling slightly.

''Then I'll try to find it by the time you get back,'' Natasha said with a slight chuckle.

''Say goodbye to everyone for me, bye,'' said Damian.

"Bye," Natasha said before she heard the call cut off.

Putting the phone away, Damian entered Wakanda and headed towards where he sensed Shuri, unfortunately, he was accompanied so he waited while invisible.

It was two hours before Shuri was left alone and while Damian could have told her he was close he had no problem waiting, patience is something he has developed, not to say that a vampire without patience is destined to fall into madness.

"Hey, I'm back," said Damian, who appeared behind Shuri, who was working.

Shuri gave a small gasp before sighing and turning away.

''Hey, you're finally back, I saw what you did in Sokovia, it was great'' said Shuri looking at Damian with sparkling eyes remembering what he did with the city and ignoring his attempt to scare her.

''Yeah, it was really nice to blow up a city,'' Damian said, nodding with a smile.

''Uh...cough yeah, I guess'' Shuri replied somewhat uncomfortably, aren't those the kind of phrases a villain would say?

''I couldn't see your messages, do you want to talk about the deal?'' Damian asked.

''Yes, I have some questions'' Shuri said with some hesitation.

She has been taught since childhood that Vibranium cannot leave Wakanda and to accept this deal is to ignore everything she has been taught.

''Okay, then let's talk," Damian said as he leaned against one of the work tables.

''As I had told you, I am a vampire and to give you power I would turn you into one'' said Damian.

''And while it's not the same as fictional stories, it's generally similar.''

''It's all about whether you're willing to give up being human,'' Damian said, looking at Shuri.

Shuri stared at Damian as many thoughts ran through her mind, the faces of her family and the traditions they follow.

''Will there be big changes in my appearance?'' asked Shuri after a moment of silence.

''Your eyes will turn red although I'm sure you'll have no trouble camouflaging it, you'll grow a bit and gain some muscle mass but you're still growing so it won't be too strange for you to wear baggy clothes for a while'' said Damian.

''What about blood, how often should I drink?" asked Shuri, grimacing.

''When you feel like it, I recommend setting up a company to help you buy good quality blood,'' Damian says.

''Do you want to know more or do you prefer to find out for yourself?'' Damian asked with a smile as he saw that Shuri wanted to keep asking questions.

Listening to Damian, Shuri asked no more questions, as he was right, it is more exciting to discover for herself the peculiarities of a non-human body.

''What have I gotten myself into,'' Shuri said with a sigh.

''Don't worry, I think it's worth it'' Damian said, smiling slightly.

''Do you want me to make the suit first and then convert or how will we do it?'' Shuri asked, even though she didn't know if she was going to regret it she decided not to let this opportunity pass her by, besides someone as powerful as Damian surely had other ways to get what he wants and she doesn't want to find out.

''As you wish, although making the suit is a delicate process you may have complications doing it after transforming, all your physical attributes will increase and it will take some getting used to'' said Damian.

''I'll start with the delicate parts then,'' Shuri said with a nod.

What do you want the suit to look like?" asked Shuri as she opened a screen to draw.

''A normal suit, light and quick to put on, ideal for a spy, I don't know how much you could do but imagine the suit is for a spy'' said Damian without underestimating Shuri's intelligence, surely she could surprise him.

"Right," said Shuri, nodding as she looked at the board and her mind began to work.

"Not to be impatient, but how long will it take?" asked Damian.

''One week should be enough, I haven't polished some things yet,'' Shuri said.

''Fine, if you need me, call me, I'll go take care of a little business'' Damian said.

''Sure'' Shuri said as she worked.

Damian looked at her one last time before teleporting off Earth.

There was one last thing Damian wanted to do while in this timeline and that was to visit the Asgard library.

Damian had great magical power and it would be a waste not to use it, he was most interested in enchantments, a dying Odin could enchant Mjolnir so that even the Hulk couldn't lift it, he wonders what he can do with those abilities.

The reason for doing so in this timeline is that Asgard is totally unprotected since Odin is on Earth and Loki is posing as Odin.

With his targets clear, Damian teleported to Asgard while in his mist form.

Damian appeared directly at the entrance to Asgard by the rainbow bridge and looked out of curiosity to see if Heimdall was there but only saw the bald man that Loki put in as a replacement.

With nothing else to see, he began to fly around the city.

Damian surveyed the city as he slowly approached the palace, it was quite beautiful, it had a medieval feel to it but everything looked clean and was filled with gold.

When Damian arrived at the palace he began to carefully scan for some kind of library.

He had to be careful not to be discovered so he didn't expand his senses, Loki was a weakling in Damian's mind but he was taught by Frigga so it was best not to gamble on whether he could discover him or not.

If he were discovered, he could fill the palace with guards, which would make it difficult to lend books.

After half an hour of searching he found a place with hundreds of books, Damian guessed that was the place he was looking for so he started browsing the shelves and that's when he realized he didn't know the language.


''Fuck'' Damian cursed under his breath.

Taking a last look at the books Damian flew out of the palace, as the Asgardians seemed to speak English Damian had thought that perhaps being a special race they could speak all languages and their books would be different.

He was wrong, now he could only enter the minds of some Asgardians to learn the language.

Damian flew to a random area and entered the minds of several people as he pulled up the Asgardian language information; he figured it would take a few days or a week to have a basic grasp of the language.

With everything ready, Damian teleported to Earth and rented a room where he would stay while learning the language and waiting for Shuri's call.

In an instant 3 days passed and Damian already had a basic command of the language, enough to understand what he was reading, he used some material on the internet to practice his reading since the language was almost the same as Old Norse.

Damian realized that maybe he was really smart.

Closing the pages he was reading Damian looked at his phone.

Shuri had already called him and told him that the suit was almost ready and that he could transform her without affecting further work, but he had not gone because he wanted to finish learning the language.

Figuring that could wait a few days, he teleported back to Asgard while in his mist form directly to the library.

Damian began to look for all the books that caught his attention before putting them in his dimensional pocket, after a while he had several dozen books but found none on enchantment.

Thinking a moment he left the library and headed for Odin's room, he hadn't checked it since Loki was usually there.

Fortunately, at that moment the room was empty or he would have to wait for who knows how long for Loki to come out.

He entered the room and quickly looked at the books on the shelves.

Damian quickly found what he was looking for before putting it directly into his storage without caring if Loki noticed its absence.

Damian happily teleported to Wakanda before looking for Shuri and seeing her in her room watching videos on the internet.

He couldn't help a slight chuckle, after all, even if he is a genius he enjoys doing what normal people do.

''Shuri'' Damian said.

''Oh, hi,'' Shuri said after looking at Damian clearly used to his attempts to scare her.

"I guess it's about time, isn't it? Damian said.

"Yeah, I guess so," Shuri said in a nervous voice.

''Relax, it's like taking a nap,'' Damian told her reassuringly with a smile.

''Okay, I'm ready, go ahead'' said Shuri as she closed her eyes.

Damian couldn't help a faint smile at her expression.

Damian quickly appeared behind Shuri before biting her neck, curiously Shuri was to be the second person he turned into a vampire.

Shuri couldn't help but take a deep breath at that unfamiliar feeling until everything went dark.

Damian watched as changes began to appear in Shuri before she pulled out a blood bag; she had gone to a hospital and had borrowed one for this occasion.

When Shuri showed signs of awakening he subjected her to an illusion and made her believe she was sucking a person's blood when she was actually drinking blood from the bag.

Shuri drank most of it before falling unconscious again, Damian quickly cleaned everything up and let her rest while he read some Asgard books.


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