Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 60

About two hours passed while Damian read the Asgard books, they contained very interesting information that he was unaware of, after all, his knowledge of the universe came from the movies.

As he read, he saw Shuri groan a little annoyed before sitting up as she scratched her head.

Shuri looked around somewhat confused before looking at Damian and momentarily freezing as she remembered everything.

Shuri looked at her hands and checked her body in a mirror, but saw no change, except that she looked like she had just stepped out of a beauty salon.

''I told you you wouldn't change much,'' Damian said, rolling his eyes at her reaction.

''Easy for you to say," Shuri sighed after checking that everything was in order.

''Now you just have to get used to your strength little by little or you'll be found out'' Damian said, smiling slightly.

''Let's wait until later and I'll take you to a secluded place to test your body,'' Damian said.

''Good'' said Shuri, when Damian arrived, she had already had dinner so she would stay in her room as she usually does.

About two hours passed while Shuri asked Damian all kinds of questions, by this time they had already been to see her twice and Damian had to hide.

It was already quite late and everyone was asleep, so Damian tapped Shuri's shoulder before teleporting them to a secluded spot.

Shuri looked at Damian in amazement at the sudden teleportation.

She always thought Damian was just very fast and adept at sneaking around, plus the powers demonstrated by destroying the city, she didn't think he could teleport.

''Well, here we are, go play,'' Damian said, looking at Shuri with a smile.

''I'm not a child'' muttered Shuri as she approached a giant rock with some expectation.

Shuri estimated that the stone weighed about a hundred pounds, but when she went to lift it she felt no tension in her muscles, Shuri couldn't help but look at her hands in amazement before looking at Damian.

For the next hour, Shuri performed all kinds of physical tests, such as running, jumping, or straining her muscles to the max by pulling a tree.

Once Shuri was satisfied with her tests, they returned to Wakanda, to Shuri's room.

''I admit that I am becoming more and more satisfied with the decision I made,'' Shuri said with a slight smile.

''I'm glad you have no regrets,'' Damian said.

''I guess I'll be going, let me know when the suit is ready'' said Damian.

''It should be ready tomorrow,'' Shuri said.

''Okay, see you tomorrow,'' Damian said with a nod before disappearing.

Shuri couldn't help but look at his output with sparkling eyes, she wonders if she will be able to do something so cool in the future.

Damian appeared in the room where he had stayed these days, everything went faster than Damian thought, it seems that he will be able to return to his family sooner.

Deciding to concentrate on the books he took from Asgard he pulled out the enchantment book, he learned that enchanting an object is easy but difficult at the same time, you have to have a powerful intention and say the incantation with your voice.

It seems simple but it is a method created for the Asgardians, Damian has not tried it yet but he believes that this time it will not go as well as with his powers.

Damian stood thoughtfully looking at the door to the room before getting up and walking towards it.

Damian concentrated before speaking a word in Asgardian toward the door with full intent.

Damian felt a quarter of all his magical power drain away and the door glowed slightly, Damian looked at the door and saw no obvious change, but he could feel a slight magical power coming from the door.

It seems that most of the magic power was wasted and only a small part remained.

He had tried to enchant the door to make it stronger although according to the book it didn't work as it should, he supposed the only reason he was "successful" was because of his great magical power that compensated for his inexperience.

Damian pulled a firearm from his dimensional pocket before firing at the door.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

Damian emptied the magazine, but the door had no scratches on it.

No wonder considering the amount of magical power he put into it.

Damian finally punches the door causing his arm to break through the door.

'The resistance is good but not commensurate with the cost of doing it' analyzed Damian sticking his arm out the door.

Clearly, the incantation went wrong, it should not consume so much magic power and the door should be more resistant.

Damian spent all night and the next day until noon working on his enchanting, he had improved but very little.

He was interrupted by his phone, Shuri had sent him a message to tell him that the suit was ready and he could go pick it up.

Damian paused and couldn't help but sigh.

Mastering his powers was always something instinctive and very easy, he did not expect to find this kind of difficulty in something he considered simple.

Putting all his stuff away, Damian got up and teleported to Wakanda, to Shuri's lab.

Shuri'' said Damian as he saw Shuri looking at some data.

''Oh, hi'' Shuri said with a slight nod.

''Come, here's the suit,'' said Shuri leading Damian over to a mannequin.

Damian saw a white suit with some shades of gray with some sort of thin helmet that had no visor.

"White?" asked Damian nonchalantly as he looked at it from several angles.

''Color doesn't matter, it has a function to be able to change'' said Shuri rolling her eyes as she saw that it was the first thing Damian noticed.

"I like it, how much does it cost?" asked Damian jokingly.

''I'm afraid you'd have to sell a country to buy it," Shuri said mockingly before walking towards the suit.

Shuri made the suit to be stored in a silver necklace with a moon ornament on the end.

''Here, you have to put it behind the person's ear once and it will make a sort of link to the suit, so you can put it on just by thinking about it,'' Shuri said, handing him a brooch-sized device and the necklace.

''I appreciate it'' said Damian as he received the two objects, with this his journey to this timeline is over.

''It's okay, after all, I'm quite satisfied with what I got, just wait until my brother sees that I'm stronger than him, I'll record us arm wrestling and send it to everyone in Wakanda'' said Shuri smiling mischievously.

Damian couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle when he heard that, it's a shame he won't be here when it happens.

''By the way, you never told me where you come from'' Shuri said, looking at him curiously.

''Normally I wouldn't have a problem telling you, but telling a bright little head like yours might cause problems," Damian said with a slight chuckle at the thought of Shuri looking for a way to travel to his timeline.

Shuri merely gave a sort of pout at his words, she guessed he was coming from somewhere far away in the universe.

''Take care of Shuri, and remember to appreciate the people close to you, the bad thing about being a vampire is that immortality can be lonely'' Damian said advising Shuri.

"Are you coming back?'' Shuri asked.

''Most likely, take care of yourself'' said Damian, smiling slightly.

''See ya'' said Shuri, giving him a quick hug.

Damian only smiled slightly before briefly returning her hug.

"Bye," Damian said, disappearing.

Shuri couldn't help but smile slightly at Damian's disappearance, it was good to have a friend.

'Now, what should I do with my powers first,' Shuri thought, smiling.

The future Black Panther of Wakanda couldn't help but shiver as he stared in confusion at the bright sun in the sky.


Damian floated in space as he thought about the Asgard books. If he remembered correctly, in about two years Asgard will be destroyed if things keep going the way they are going, so all the Asgard books are going to disappear anyway.

If so, why not take all the books?

So he secretly returns to Asgard, Damian wonders if Loki noticed the missing books.

First, he came to the library and started shamelessly shoving all the books into his dimensional pocket.

Once the library was empty he flew towards Odin's room although before entering he stopped.

Damian could feel some fluctuations of magic inside the room, but it was not from a person.

Anyway, Damian went inside and quickly put the books away as he felt the magic fluctuation send a sort of pulse in the distance as it tried to stick to him and leave a mark.

It seems that Loki had noticed and had left a kind of trap.

Damian felt how futilely Loki's magic was trying to stick to him.

Seeing that there is nothing else to do Damian disappears from Asgard unaware that a few seconds after his departure Loki arrived disguised as Odin.

'Odin' couldn't help but frown when he saw that not a single book was there, even the book he was anxious to finish and had left on his bed was gone, now he can never know how the story ended.


Damian again stood in front of one of the exits to this universe before looking back one last time.

Damian just hoped that Shuri would take it easy and not initiate vampire world domination.

Putting those thoughts aside, he steps into the breach with a faint smile.

Damian appeared in the multiverse looking in the direction of his universe, he couldn't help but smile slightly at the thought of seeing his family again.

Damian began to fly towards the entrance of his universe, unlike before he would not have to search for a year to enter.

As he flew towards the entrance of his universe, Damian felt an attack coming towards him, although he wasn't going to hit him, as it seemed he just wanted to get his attention.

Damian saw a laser beam coming towards him from the floating castle that he had ignored before, from there he could see "He who remains", Damian looked at it not knowing whether to approach or not, he wanted to see his family quickly.

Finally, he let out a sigh and walked over to him.

Damian arrived at the window where the man was.

"What do you want?" asked Damian impatiently.

''Hello, anomaly'' said the man, smiling cheerfully.

"I'm leaving," Damian said before turning away.

"Wait," said the man interrupting Damian.

Damian just turned and looked at him.

"Well," the man said, raising his arms in surrender.

''Listen as I told you you are an anomaly, I, who know everything, know you are not supposed to exist'' said the man a little more seriously.

''You're pretty arrogant thinking you know everything, now you might realize you don't know everything,'' Damian said coolly.

''As you will see there are two universes, even if you didn't know it a long time ago there were thousands of universes that formed the whole multiverse, it was fantastic'' Said The man ignoring Damian's comment.

''I'm not asking you,'' Damian sighed.

''But there was a great multiversal war, which, by the way, I won," the man said proudly.


''To avoid another war I created an organization that maintains a single timeline, but you appeared and created another timeline, as there is no way to erase you. I can only ask for your help to maintain this peace that I created'' said the man.

''If you know everything I'm sure you can prevent it from happening again'' Damian said as he turned around and started to walk away.

The man couldn't help but let a small smile escape him as he watched Damian try to leave, he was still very suspicious of that anomaly, so he finally gritted his teeth and ordered Alioth to catch Damian.

He wanted to see if the anomaly is as strong as it seems.

Damian watched calmly as a large cloud with hints of a face began to approach and surround him. If this had been when he had first arrived in this body he might be in trouble but now... now it was a piece of cake.

Damian turned and looked at the man before giving him a smile.

A huge dragon began to emerge from Damian's back, it circled Damian before opening its mouth and taking a bite out of the cloud.

Seeing that the devoured part did not recover, the man could not help but open his eyes wide in surprise before quickly pulling Alioth back.

As the Man began to look for Damian, out of nowhere he realized that Damian had appeared in front of him.

''It was just a friendly test'' Said the man backing up a few steps with an animated smile as he cursed inwardly, the anomaly turned out to be as strong as it appeared, maybe a little more.

''Maybe I should give you a test too'' Damian said with a cold calm before speeding up the time of his body, Damian appeared in front of him before in an instant punching him with dozens of punches.

Damian knew it was a test, the problem was that if he didn't prove to be strong enough surely this guy would start plotting against him, he knew it would be annoying to kill this guy so he settled for giving him a good beating.

The man just watched as Damian disappeared before the world spun and he felt pain all over his body. He felt that nothing was broken but it was surely going to hurt for several days, he couldn't help but grimace inside, even in the great war he never took a beating like this.

''Don't come looking for me again or next time I'll rip your arms off'' Damian said, looking at the man on the ground coldly before disappearing.


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