Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 73

Damian walked down the stairs taking Ana's hand with a smile.

When they arrived in the living room, they saw the whole group watching TV with two large suitcases on one side of the couch.

Although Ana felt annoyed at the sight of the suitcases, as she supposed it would be difficult to get Ophelia out of the house, but as Damian had already pleased her so she let it pass.

''Tsk, looks like you really had fun'' said Carol looking at Ana's satisfied expression, she definitely has to order that service since she is as horny as Ana after so many days without doing it with Damian.

Ana just looked at her with a slight smile.

Damian reached over before lifting Natasha up and placing her on his lap.

''It looks like it won't be long before the babies are born,'' Damian said, taking Natasha's hands and playing with them.

''We should start buying the necessary things besides preparing the room'' said Damian, they hadn't bought anything for the babies as they really didn't know when they were going to be born.

"Yes!" said Carol excitedly, she could already imagine buying miniature clothes.

Although Carol and Ana insisted that the gender be a surprise, Damian clearly knew what gender the babies were and was quite happy.

''Then let's go after lunch'' Sophia said also with a big smile, she was thinking about what kind of things she would buy for the babies, the house would surely be full of toys lying everywhere.

The entire group ate lunch before leaving in the car for the mall.

When they entered the mall they attracted quite a bit of attention, after all, you don't always see three beautiful pregnant women walking around at the same time.

Quickly they all arrived at a store where they sold all kinds of baby-related things.

All the women in the group quickly approached the miniature clothes as they looked on tenderly.

Damian simply walked over to the cribs, not sure whether to buy a crib for each baby or a large crib for all three to sleep together.

Damian looked around to see what everyone was doing and was speechless because they were already carrying a cart full of clothes.

'I Just looked away for a few minutes' Damian thought wordlessly.

Damian came over and they kept talking about miniature clothes and anything they found adorable they would put in the cart.

The funny thing is that there were clothes of all colors since they didn't know the gender of the babies, surely they were betting that some of the three babies would fit.

''Look Damian, a miniature princess dress'' said Carol excitedly as she showed him the dress.

''It's pretty cute,'' said Damian, smiling.

''I see you have bought quite a bit'' said Damian looking at the shopping cart.

You have to be prepared for anything," Carol says, looking at him.

''Fortunately, we are rich,'' Damian said, denying with a smile.

"Let's go look at the strollers," Ophelia said.

The whole group approached the area where there were many baby carriages.

''Look, we can take this one that's for triplets'' Sophia said cheerfully, she already imagined herself taking a walk with the babies, she just hoped they wouldn't grow up so fast.

''It's better to take three singles and one for three'' said Ana looking at the cars with pleasure.

''If they were all born with blue hair they would really look like triplets,'' Carol laughed as she imagined it.

Damian merely smiled slightly, he preferred babies to have their mothers' hair.

With all the things they were going to buy for now, they approached the cashier before the surprised look of the seller, after paying they gave their address so that all the things could be sent to them.

Damian and the group returned home as excitement grew for the baby's arrival.

With the new member in the house, the days went by, and soon a week passed.

That morning Damian woke up with Carol and Ana by his side as usual, Natasha was not there because she had to work.

Damian sat up carefully before looking at Carol and Ana, Damian brought his hand to each of their bellies before he began to feel inside them as he did every morning.

Damian's expression couldn't help but subtly change as he sensed that the babies were very close to being born, probably that very day.

Damian couldn't help but feel some anxiety and excitement at the same time, his first children, his eyes couldn't help but sting a little at the thought of that.

Monica, somewhere in the world, couldn't help but sneeze.

Knowing that the babies would most likely be born that same day, Damian got up and dressed before hurrying downstairs.

"Hi, is something wrong?" asked Sophia, raising an eyebrow as she saw the unusual expression on Damian's face.

''Call three midwives and have them bring whatever it takes to deliver a baby,'' Damian said.

"Has someone's water broken?" asked Sophia, standing up with concern.

''No, but they will likely be born today so set everything up, we can't rule out the likelihood of them being born at the same time either,'' Damian said.

''Okay," Sophia said earnestly before she started making calls.

Damian, seeing that Sophia was making calls, started walking towards Ophelia's room before entering without a care in the world.

Damian saw Ophelia sleeping in a rather disheveled posture with a loose blouse that almost showed one breast.

With no intention of waking her, Damian approached her before placing his hand on her belly.

To Damian's surprise as soon as he touched Ophelia's belly, she opened her red eyes glowing with alertness as she held his hand tightly.

Seeing that it was Damian she relaxed and withdrew her hand with a sigh.

''I thought you lost your assassin skills,'' Damian said half-mockingly.

''I'm actually pretty rusty, I only reacted because you touched my belly'' said Ophelia grimacing from the shock she received, her maternal instincts kicked in as soon as Damian touched her.

Damian touched Ophelia's abdomen as he looked at the baby's condition, only to see that just like Carol and Ana, the baby would surely be born this day.

''Remember to eat breakfast,'' Damian said, nodding towards Ophelia as he started to leave the room.

''Hey hey, wait, what did you see?'' Ophelia asked, stopping him.

''Don't worry, everything is fine'' said Damian smiling.

''Speaking of breakfast, breakfast is you?'' Ophelia asked, looking at him with red eyes.

''Ana might throw another tantrum,'' Damian said jokingly.

''You put a baby in me, besides if we don't tell her no one will know'' said Ophelia looking at him mischievously.

''You win, but you'd be surprised what Ana is capable of knowing,'' Damian said, leaning closer to her as he adjusted his shirt collar.

''Quick quick!" said Ophelia excitedly as she lunged for Damian's neck as soon as she saw him sit on his bed.

Ophelia, with a moan, buried her fangs in Damian's neck as the delicious red nectar entered her mouth.

Ophelia took big gulps as she felt her panties getting wet.

''Don't jump so abruptly, remember you're a pregnant woman,'' Damian said, smiling slightly as he stroked Ophelia's striking green hair.

He always liked to hold it in his hands and play with it.

After a while, Damian gently patted Ophelia's back indicating that enough was enough.

Ophelia bit her neck even harder in protest as she continued to drink.

Damian just gave a slight chuckle as he waited patiently for her to finish drinking.

A long while later Ophelia let go of Damian's neck with a sigh of contentment, she had never felt so full in all her life.

''Thank you for the food,'' said Ophelia, leaning back on the bed.

''Don't fall asleep again,'' Damian said, looking at her speechless.

''Go away, give me a few minutes and I'll get up'' Ophelia said motioning for him to leave, she didn't want Damian to see how she had her panties and bed under her.

If she squeezed her panties a good squirt would probably come out.

Damian nodded before leaving the room and going to Sophia.

Ophelia sighed as she watched Damian leave before getting up and looking at the wet spot on the bed, fortunately, Ophelia has abilities or she would have to be ashamed of herself.

Damian, after confirming that there would most likely be three births today, approached Sophia who was still on the phone.

Damian did not interrupt her and sat close to her as he waited.

A few minutes later Sophia ended the call and looked at him.

''Everything is ready, in a little while three obstetricians will arrive and be ready for anything unexpected,'' said Sophia sitting down next to Damian as the excitement began to grow in her.

''Things are really going to start getting exciting,'' Sophia said cheerfully as she thought of the little ones who would be arriving.

''Yes, there will be a lot of noise too," Damian said, smiling wryly at the thought of the crying, diaper changes, and mess.

''It sure isn't noisy at home at night anymore,'' Sophia said, looking teasingly at Damian.

''No one tells you to listen,'' Damian said without repairing his gaze.

"Did Natasha go out early today?" asked Damian with a frown.

''Yes, she had a mission,'' said Sophia.

''If the contractions start I'll go get her,'' Damian said.

"She'd probably be mad if she came home to find all three babies outside," Sophia laughed.

''That's right, I'll go check on Carol and Ana'' said Damian getting up.

''Well, I'll have breakfast prepared,'' said Sophia.

Damian went upstairs and into his room.

Carol and Ana were still sleeping so he approached and gently woke them up.

''Girls, wake up and come down for breakfast,'' Damian said in a soft voice.

''We're pregnant, let us sleep,'' Carol said in an annoyed voice as she pulled the sheet completely over herself.

''I'll give you a bath, come on,'' Damian said.

Ana stood up quickly before leaning back into his embrace sideways.

Damian smiled slightly at Ana's action.

''I'll give Ana a bath, when I'm done with her I'll come for you, ok?'' said Damian taking Anna to the bathroom without waiting for Carol's answer.

Damian got into the tub of water with Ana as he dunked her.

''You let Ophelia drink from your neck again,'' Ana said as Damian dipped her.

''Yes'' said Damien as he began to put Champo in Ana's long hair, sometimes he wondered if she was some kind of psychic.

''Hm'' said Ana, she didn't like it but she wouldn't tell Damian not to do it either, it was just a whim of hers.

Damian began to soap Ana's entire body and when he went over certain sensitive areas she couldn't help but look at him with desire.

''Don't look at me like that, we won't,'' Damian said more firmly than ever.

Ana pouted as she looked away.

Damian quickly rinsed Ana before carefully drying her off and wrapping her in a towel.

After taking Ana out of the bathroom and putting her on the bed, Damian took Carol in his arms.

''Remember to get dressed,'' Damian said to Ana, entering the bathroom with Carol.

''Damian, the hottest water'' said Carol into Damian's embrace.

''I've got them really spoiled,'' Damian said with a sigh.

''It's the least you can do if you share us,'' Carol said with her eyes closed.

Damian just remained silent at that response and continued to bathe Carol obediently.

After bathing Carol, he also towels her off.

Ana was already dressed, she was waiting for them on the couch with her cell phone in her hand.

''Get me dressed,'' Carol said, stretching out one leg.

Damian looked at her speechless before going to the closet and pulling out a pair of underwear before approaching Carol again and dressing her.

''Give me the blue one'' said Carol as she saw that Damian was going to bring her a yellow dress.

Damian without objection just exchanged the dress for a blue one before helping her put it on.

Carol stood up with a very animated face after being bathed and dressed by Damian.

''Let's go to breakfast'' said Damian taking Carol's hand before walking over to Ana and taking hers.

Damian led them to the dining room, where Sophia and Ophelia were already seated waiting for them.

The five of them had breakfast before Damian led everyone into the living room while he waited for anything.

Damian took the opportunity to send Monica a message telling her to go back to the house with Maria and Jane.

"Is something wrong? Carol asked, noticing something strange.

''No, let's watch a movie,'' Damian said quickly, putting on a movie to pass the time.

''Good'' gave Carol somewhat happily as she lay down on the couch next to Ana and occasionally played with Ana's belly.

''Play with your own belly'' said Ana, slapping Carol's hand several times.

Carol just pouted and watched the movie.

They were all hanging out watching a movie when suddenly Carol sat up while painfully touching her abdomen and a large amount of liquid came out of her dress.

As if it were a chain reaction, Ana and Ophelia's water also broke.

''Let's go quickly,'' Damian said in alarm as he took Carol in his arms and carried her to the obstetrician's room.

Damian in a second made two more trips before bringing Ana and Ophelia.

Damian looked with concern at each one who was in a single bed with a midwife next to her.

''Damian, call Nat,'' Carol said through gritted teeth as she felt the pain of contractions.

''Okay, I'll be back in a moment,'' Damian said anxiously.

''I'll go get Nat, I won't be long,'' Damian said to Sophia who had rushed into the living room.

''Be quick,'' Sophia said with a serious nod.


Guys I've seen some people complaining that the story is too slow and they are right, but I think it makes more sense if the characters have a foundation so to speak, anyway after the 'baby arc' the main story will start.

I'm not a father but I still made an attempt to represent what it would be like to be a father, I hope you find it enjoyable.

Remember that you can support me and see 10 advanced chapters at

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