Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 74

Natasha, as usual, woke up, hugged Damian, got up, and got ready to leave. After greeting Sophia, she had a quick breakfast before heading to work.

She was called early today because she has an important mission, so she has to arrive earlier than usual.

Showing her ID, Natasha quickly reached Fury's office and knocked on the door.

''Go ahead,'' said Fury.

Natasha walked by and stood in front of Fury.

''There's a gang of human traffickers who kidnapped the daughter of a SHIELD agent, you must get the girl back at all costs'' said Fury, getting straight to the point.

''Right,'' Natasha said seriously.

''With respect to Agent Barton, he will not be able to accompany you as he has other matters to attend to,'' Fury said.

Natasha just nodded as she idly pondered where her partner was.

''Here is the mission data, you have 30 minutes to prepare, a helicopter will be waiting for you'' said Fury handing her a file.

Natasha took the file before nodding to Fury and leaving to change clothes.

In the dressing room, Natasha quickly undressed before putting on her suit, a black suit and quite tight to the body, although it looked like something a stripper would wear it was actually very comfortable for fighting, it also prevented them from taking your clothes to struggle or get caught on any surface.

Natasha disarmed and armed her weapons before making sure everything was in order, with everything ready she equipped herself and walked to the helicopter.

Apparently, the daughter of a high-level SHIELD executive was kidnapped and is demanding the release of a criminal, the mission is to secure the hostage and if possible take care of the kidnappers.

This was Natasha's first solo mission so she had to ensure everything went well.

Natasha quickly boarded the helicopter and was dropped off several kilometers from the area where the kidnappers were barricaded.

They had taken over an abandoned factory and sealed all the entrances. There were some police and agents outside but they didn't really do anything, they were only present to report any change in the situation.

Natasha approached carefully and checked that there were no cameras in the vicinity before looking for a place to enter.

After looking around, she found no place to enter without making noise, so she looked up at the roof of the factory.

Calculating distance and footholds, Natasha took a step back before activating her collar suit on her feet and hands to avoid noise.

Staring at her target, Natasha ran at full speed before jumping up and kicking the wall to propel herself before grabbing hold of a crack in the wall.

Natasha started climbing and couldn't help but think she looked like a character in one of Damian's games.

After a couple of seconds of climbing, Natasha reached the roof of the factory.

Natasha looked around before approaching the vents and entering, luckily she was quite small or she would have a hard time getting in.

Carefully crawling down the ducts she reached a flat area so she crawled for a place to get out, soon she found a room with a slit to get out so she opened it before jumping in.

'Successful infiltration' Natasha thought with a smile.

Natasha quickly approached the door before pulling out a tube and sending it under the door, it was a spy camera.

After seeing that there was only one person with his back to her watching through the window Natasha put the camera away.

Natasha gently opened the door before rushing over and strangling the man until he was unconscious.

Natasha quickly covered his mouth before tying him up and checking the entrances around her.

She had to locate the girl quickly, after having her under her protection things would be easier.

Unfortunately, she can only search everywhere until she finds it.

Natasha couldn't help but absentmindedly think that if she had Damian's alien toys this would be a lot easier.

Although when Damian wanted to give them to her, Natasha refused, she wanted to do this with her own abilities, with the necklace Damian gave her is enough, if she can't do any mission with that then it would be better to retire.

The hallway Natasha was in had 2 doors besides the one she came out of, so she checked with her camera before seeing that it was clear, one of the doors led to some sort of warehouse and the other led to the main area of the factory.

Natasha looked down the hallway before spotting another vent and smiled slightly.

She stowed the unconscious body of the guard in the room she arrived in before entering the ventilation duct and with sound cancellation was able to hurry without attracting attention.

Natasha noticed that they didn't have any kind of alarm in the duct area, surely they checked and saw that it was too small for someone to infiltrate, surely they didn't count on a 16-year-old girl being sent on the mission.

Natasha found several people but first decided to go through the entire duct system to see if she could find the girl.

As she walked through the ducts, she found a room in which there were three people standing guard.

Natasha kept watching them to see if she could get any information, as she watched a person come out of the room talking on the phone.

''Listen, you have 2 hours, if you don't release my brother I will kill the brat!'' shouted the man.

He was silent for a few moments listening to the answer before cursing.

''Fuck, it doesn't matter if I'm a human trafficker, I'm not kidding, I'll really kill her if you don't hand over my brother'' the man shouted before cutting the phone.

''They don't respect human traffickers anymore since Damian fucking Alucard took over the business," the man sighed.

''We could all make money together, but no, he prefers to go as a samaritan turning people in if their families come after them, there is no fear anymore.''

Just as Natasha was considering going down and beating the guy up for talking about her Damian, suddenly a silver-blue-haired man appeared floating near the ventilation duct.


Damian, who was in the room where Carol, Ana, and Ophelia were having their contractions, was transported directly to the place where he felt Natasha.

When he reached the place he saw that he was in some kind of abandoned factory and that he was surrounded by men, although he could not see Natasha he could feel that she was above him hiding in the ventilation duct.

"Shit!'' Shouted in surprise the chief hijacker as he saw a man floating out of nowhere.

''Who are you?'' He asked as he drew his weapon, he couldn't see his face as he appeared with his back to him.

The boss looked at his men and saw that they all had surprised looks on their faces as they nervously drew their guns and pointed them at the man.

At that moment Natasha opened the crack in the ventilation duct before jumping out and landing next to Damian, who had stopped floating.

'If Damian came looking for me so abruptly it's because something happened, surely their babies were going to be born,' thought Natasha.

''Honey, we have to hurry back,'' Damian said, taking her hand.

''Wait, I have to rescue a girl,'' Natasha said in panic, fearing Damian would teleport them.

''She's in that room alone,'' Damian said, pointing at the door, ignoring the men pointing at him.

''Let me handle this,'' Natasha said before dashing towards the boss at a speed he couldn't react to.

Natasha kicked the weapon before punching him in the stomach causing him to bend over.

Natasha grabbed the man by the neck before pulling out her gun and pointing it at the 3 henchmen.

''Drop your guns, I'm in a hurry so don't force me to shoot'' Natasha said in a serious voice.

The three men paid no attention and continued to point at Natasha and Damian in fear.

With the noise they were making, more people were sure to come, they just had to make a little more time.

Natasha, guessing what they were thinking, kicked the boss in the back, sending him flying and crashing into the three men.

Damian in surprise quickly moved out of the way and watched as the boss collided with the three men.

Natasha quickly arrived and in succession struck each of them unconscious.

''You look sexy in that suit,'' Damian said, giving her a smile.

Natasha smiled coquettishly at him as she shook her butt a little and walked into the room where the girl was.

Natasha quickly sent a message saying that she had secured the hostage and that they could go in while she quickly untied the girl.

Soon they heard the sounds of gunshots so Natasha looked at Damian.

''We don't have much time,'' Damian said as he met her gaze.

Natasha nodded seriously before running towards the gunfire.

Damian couldn't help but sigh as he put the girl who was looking at him curiously to sleep and carried her in his arms behind Natasha.

Natasha quickly caught up with the hijackers from behind before starting to pick them off one by one until they were unconscious.

Without saying anything to her companions she quickly returned before grabbing the girl and running to hand her over.

After confirming that all the criminals had fallen, Natasha gave a brief report of everyone's location before running back to Damian and taking his hand.

Damian quickly transported her to the room where Ana, Carol, and Ophelia were.

Natasha, seeing the situation quickly approached Carol who was moaning slightly in pain.

''Are you all right? Are you in a lot of pain?'' Natasha asked as she took Carol's hand.

''It's a little painful'' Carol said grimacing, when she had been told it was going to hurt she didn't take it seriously, with her body's power it shouldn't be that bad, but right now she feels like a normal human, it's like her powers don't want to move.

Natasha tucked Carol's hair a little behind her ears before walking over to Ana and taking her hand.

Ana had a more neutral face, but she was only pretending since she was also in a lot of pain.

''How is my baby?'' Natasha asked, wanting to touch Ana's belly but not daring to do so in this situation.

''It's okay, the obstetrician said it will be soon, but these contractions are very uncomfortable,'' Ana said in a somewhat unnatural voice.

''Fortunately, there is plenty of time left for me,'' said Natasha.

Natasha approached Ophelia and looked at her with a slight smile.

''Does it hurt?'' Natasha innocently asked Ophelia with the intention of teasing.

Although Natasha didn't get along badly with Ophelia she still remembers the scare she gave her years ago so Natasha couldn't help but tease her.

Ophelia just looked away and ignored Natasha as she gritted her teeth in pain.

At that moment Carol gave a slight cry of pain before everyone focused their attention on her.

''She's dilated enough, let's get started,'' said the obstetrician checking Carol.

Damian could not help but look at the situation nervously.

''Push,'' the obstetrician who was with Carol told her, encouraging her.

Again as if their siblings did not want to be left behind, Ana and Ophelia also began the process with an obstetrician encouraging them to push.

Natasha stood between Carol and Ana trying to encourage both of them.

Sophia was with Ophelia holding her hand and encouraging her.

Damian just looked at the three of them trying to encourage them, he would have preferred the delivery to be separate so he could be totally by their side, but now not preferring any of them he decided to stay at the foot of Ana's bed who was in the middle while he shared comforting glances with all of them.

Damian was very nervous, even though he knew it was very difficult to have accidents.

Damian could see it all unfold as if in slow motion, the sounds slowing down as he slowly watched his children being born.

His breathing seemed particularly loud in his ears as he had the sensation of wiping the sweat from his forehead.

He only came to with the sound of crying.

He watched as the obstetrician cleaned the baby before wrapping her in a blanket and handing her to Carol who looked at the baby with a bright smile and unshed tears in her eyes.

Natasha stood next to Carol gazing in awe at the tiny baby.

Carol looked at Damian with a smile, seeing him in shock she couldn't help but chuckle slightly.

Damian instinctively walked over to Carol and bent down a little to get a good look at the baby.

What caught Damian's attention was the sparse blond hair and unusually white skin for a newborn.

Before he could say anything, Damian heard another sound of crying that made him stop the trembling hand that was about to approach his baby.

''Go'' said Carol, smiling happily, she still had Natasha by her side.

Damian nodded before leaving a kiss on Carol's head and going to Ana who was already holding her own baby in her arms.

Ana couldn't help but show a smile when she saw her baby looking at her with curiosity.

Damián approached Ana and gave her a kiss on the head while looking at the girl, Damián couldn't help but be speechless when he saw that her hair was black like Ana.

Just as Damian wanted to caress his baby's cheeks he was interrupted by another cry.

''Go'' Ana said again to Damian as she happily held her baby.

Damian approached Ophelia and unsurprisingly saw that the baby had green hair.

Damian embraced Ophelia by putting her head on his chest while with his other arm, he hugged the baby.

''Damian, I have a baby!'' said Ophelia sobbing, with the life she had led she never thought she would have a family.

''Yeah, she's really pretty,'' said Damian stroking Ophelia's hair with a smile.

Ophelia sobbed as she smiled looking at her daughter.

''Ma'am, you can't stand up that fast,'' said a nervous voice behind Damian.

Carol, who had slightly activated her powers already felt fine, so she got up with her baby while rocking her lightly.

Ana lay back as she lifted up her shirt and put her breast against the baby's mouth and looked at her curiously.

The baby looked at her mother a little speechless before opening her mouth and sucking.

Natasha who had approached Ana was pinching the baby's cheeks with a smile.

Sophia with a smile stood up before thanking the three obstetricians and politely escorting them out of the room.

Carol approached Ana with curiosity as she watched her daughter breastfeed while wondering if her baby would be hungry too, just as she thought she heard Sofia talking to Ophelia.

''Try to feed her,'' Sophia said.

''Okay, hold her a little,'' said Ophelia, handing her daughter to Damian.

Damian surprisingly picked up his baby as he looked at her.

''Wo ah wo'' hummed the baby at the sight of him.

Damian couldn't help but feel his eyes sting a little as his vision became a little blurry.

Ophelia meanwhile removed her shirt before unbuttoning her bra.

Sophia looked at Ophelia wordlessly before grabbing a sheet and covering her up leaving only one breast free.

Ophelia gave Sophia a disdainful look before tugging on Damian's arm to hand over her daughter.

Damian carefully placed his daughter on Ophelia's arm.

''Did you get something in your eyes?'' Ophelia asked mockingly.

''Yes,'' Damian said as he continued to stare at his baby.

''Ah'' moaned Ophelia slightly in surprise as she felt the suction on her breast.

''You're a gluttonous little thing,'' said Ophelia, smiling at her baby as she stroked her.

Damian turned to approach Ana, though he was speechless at the scene in front of him.

Ana was comfortably nursing her baby but Carol had her own breast in her hand as she tried to nurse her daughter who just turned her face away refusing.

''Pff'' Damian stopped his laughter from coming out as he saw Carol's frustrated face.

''Don't laugh'' said Carol, a little embarrassed.

''Let me see my daughter, she doesn't look hungry'' said Damian carefully reaching out his arms before taking her.

''What should we call her?'' Carol asked as she also looked at her daughter next to Damian.

"Alice?'' Damian asked.

''Alice'' said Carol, nodding with a smile.

Natasha grimaced as she did not participate in the naming.

''Doesn't she look like the pictures of the newborn babies I saw, doesn't she look too cute?'' Carol asked with a smile as she looked at her adorable daughter.

''Well, we're not human,'' Damian said without finding the whole thing strange.

His daughters looked very energetic and full of life compared to a newborn.

''Wa wa'' Pronounced Alice waving her hands and trying to reach Damian's face.

Damian smilingly brought his face close to where his daughter placed her hands and touched his entire face while making adorable noises.

''Why don't you want to eat honey?'' asked Damian, smiling without waiting for an answer as he looked at his daughter.

''Maybe she doesn't like the breasts where the food is,'' Ana said teasingly.

''Fuck you, watch out you're smothering your daughter in that udder,'' Carol said with annoyance.

Damian smiled to see that they had regained their usual mood before walking over and sitting down next to Ana with Alicia in his arms.

''What should we name this little cutie?'' Damian asked, looking at his raven-haired daughter.

"Natasha?'' Natasha asked.

''What do you think, Emma?'' Ana asked with a smile looking at her daughter, totally ignoring Natasha.

''Emma it is then,'' said Damian smiling.

Natasha pouted as she again received a rejection, turning to look at Ophelia with a twinkle in her eye.

Damian handed Alice to Ana, who picked her up with her other free arm before getting up and walking over to Ophelia.

''And what do you think about our daughter's name?'' Damian asked with a smile as he held the baby's tiny hands.

''Ivy?'' Ophelia proposed.

Damian only chuckled lightly as he wondered if she wanted her daughter to be a villain.


Guys happy World Love Day, I hope you have a great week with your families.

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