Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 75

''Let's go to the babies' room and put some clothes on them before we put them to bed in their cribs," Damian said as he saw Emma begin to close her eyes sleepily.

The entire group made their way to a room that was adjacent to Damian's master bedroom.

In the room, there was everything a baby could need.

Anne approached the large crib before gently laying sleeping Emma down and beginning to dress her.

Ophelia imitated Ana and also put Ivy to bed before playing a little with her cheeks.

Unfortunately, Alice was still full of energy and was waving her hands around Carol's face while making baby sounds.

''I guess she takes after her mother," Sophia said teasingly.

''You better help me'' said Carol as she tried to dress Alice, the latter moved her arms and legs to avoid being dressed.

Sophia laughed before helping Carol dress Alice, the little girl was still very energetic.

Ana moved closer to Damian before hugging him and hiding her face in his chest.

''Thank you,'' Damian said, whispering to Ana as he stroked her hair.

Ana couldn't help but squeeze Damien tighter as she felt her eyes fill with tears of happiness.

"Girl, go to sleep already!" said Carol, pitifully as she continued to gently rock Alice, who only giggled.

''I'll go see Alice'' said Damian, giving Ana a kiss on the head.

''Hm,'' Ana replied as she looked away so no one would see her expression.

''Leave it to me,'' Damian said with a smile as he held out his arms.

Carol gently handed her baby to Damian with relief.

She doesn't want to drink milk or sleep, Carol couldn't help thinking that her preparation was not enough, she should look for more books.

Damian looked into his daughter's very similar blue eyes with a smile.

Alice also responded by laughing and waving her arms.

''You are very restless, just like your mother," Damian said, smiling warmly at her as he pulled Alice close to him and began to slowly use his powers to lull her to sleep.

To Damian's surprise, Alice held out for 5 minutes before falling asleep.

Damian carefully placed Alice in the crib before looking at his three daughters with a smile.

finally, his three little girls were born, it's still something he hasn't fully digested and it's hard to believe, after all, he had waited more than a year for them.

''Let's get something to eat, I'm starving,'' Carol said, touching her stomach.

''Come on,'' Damian said to Natasha and Ophelia, who was on the other side of the crib and kept looking at the babies.

''Come on, crybaby," Carol said, taking Ana's hand and whispering to her.

Ana just pinched her hand as she accompanied her.

The whole group arrived at the dining room, it was a little late for lunch but Natasha and Carol were hungry, especially Carol who had just given birth.

Ana went to the refrigerator before taking out three blood cups and giving one to Sophia and Ophelia.

Sophia and Ophelia accepted the cup with a twinkle in their eyes.

As today was a happy day, Ana shared her reserves generously.

Sophia very rarely drank Damian's blood and usually drank from the blood company they had, although it wasn't Damian's it was still good enough.

Everyone ate relatively quietly except Carol, who was hungrier than usual. In a few minutes, she finished the plate she had before she was served another.

''Did you tell Monica, Maria, and Jane?'' Sophia asked, she hadn't had time with everything that had happened.

"Yes, they should be coming," Damian said.

''Soon the house will be very lively,'' Sophia said cheerfully, thinking of the three babies.

''I'll go take a bath'' said Natasha when she finished eating, she was still wearing the mission suit and had perspired a bit.

''I'll accompany you,'' Damian said with a smile.

Carol would have said something but she was more interested in eating than bothering Damian.

Damian walked up the stairs holding Natasha's hand.

On their way to their room, they passed in front of the babies' room and something couldn't help but catch his attention.

Sassy had her head inside the crib and was sniffing the babies who were still sleeping.

Alice had a rather untidy posture unlike her sisters and had one arm in Emma's face.

Damian pulled Natasha into the room with a smile.

''They're cute, aren't they?'' Damian asked as he petted Sassy.

Sassy gave a slight grunt of approval before rubbing her head against Damian.

Damian accommodated Alice's arm before looking at Sassy.

''Make sure you take care of them and be patient with them,'' Damian said, smiling as he imagined his daughters teasing Sassy when they grew up.

Sassy just purred into his chest accepting his words before lying down beside the crib.

Natasha couldn't help but stroke Sassy's tail which was wagging back and forth lazily.

Damian just looked at her with a smile before leading Natasha toward her room.

Once they got to the room they entered the bathroom and started to undress before getting into the tub.

''Tell me, why do you think all babies have their mother's hair color?'' asked Natasha as she leaned against Damian's chest while he hugged her around the waist.

''I don't know'' said Damian, he really had no idea although if he was honest he liked it that way.

''It's strange,'' Natasha said. A part of her wanted her children to have Damian's strange blue hair.

''Speaking of something else, you looked very sexy in that outfit," Damian said slowly moving his hands down from Natasha's abdomen to her crotch.

''Ah~'' Natasha moaned softly as she felt Damian's fingers.

''Wait, we have to keep an eye out for crying babies'' Natasha said, stifling her moans.

''Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on her,'' Damian said before lifting Natasha slightly and slowly sliding inside her, feeling her tension.

Damian and Natasha were having a good time when they heard a baby crying.

They both stopped what they were doing but still did not separate.

Damian caressed Natasha's abdomen before leaving a few kisses on her shoulders.

''I guess we'll be interrupted several times in the future,'' Damian said with a laugh.

''I just hope they don't catch us doing this kind of thing,'' said Natasha laughing along with Damian.


While Damian was having fun with Natasha, the three new mothers and Sophia were still at the table.

They had already finished eating but were talking about the future they would now have with three new members of the family.

Finally, they moved their conversation to the living room sitting on the couch.

As they were talking they heard the front door opening and three pairs of footsteps walking toward them.

Maria, Monica, and Jane entered the room at a somewhat hurried pace.

Monica had told her mother and Jane that they needed to return urgently so they assumed that one of them was in labor.

The newcomers upon seeing the four women conversing quietly could not help but be speechless.

''Carol, where is your belly?'' Maria asked in shock.

''You're a little late,'' Carol said with a chuckle when she saw Maria's expression.

''So where is my dear niece?'' said Maria with a big smile.

"Yeah yeah, where are my little sisters?" said Monica looking around the room.

Jane just smiled slightly as she was curious to see how cute Damian's babies would be.

''They're upstairs sleeping, if you can get them to go back to sleep go wake them up'' Sophia said laughing at the thought of Alice.

''Everything happened so fast, when I gave birth to my little brat it took several hours'' said Maria giving her daughter a hug.

''That's for normal humans,'' Ophelia said dismissively.

''Cough...sorry I didn't mean it in a bad way'' said Ophelia somewhat uncomfortably as she remembered that Jane was also there.

''It's okay, I'm used to jokes about humans,'' said Jane rolling her eyes.

''Where is dad?'' Monica asked.

''He's upstairs with Natasha'' said Carol, giving Monica a suggestive smile.

Monica just grimaced and pretended she had never asked that question.

''And what are the names of the little vampires?'' Maria asked, sitting down next to Carol.

''My daughter's name is Alice, she's a little bundle of energy, at this rate she's going to give me several headaches as she gets older'' said Carol sighing.

''My lovely daughter's name is Ivy,'' Ophelia said with a smile.

''My daughter's name is Emma,'' Ana said tersely.

"Cute names," said Maria nodding with a smile.

''I can't help but think how the years have gone by, I remember when Monica was still a little girl, and look now you even have your own daughter'' said Maria with a nostalgic smile and some water in her eyes.

''Yes, it really has been a while,'' Carol said, looking around with a faint smile, remembering the day she almost slapped Damian because he wanted a harem.

The nostalgic moment was interrupted by the cry of a baby, which after a second was joined by two softer cries.

The three new mothers looked at each other for a moment before going upstairs to the babies' room accompanied by the rest of the family.

When they reached the room, each mother held her daughter in her arms while gently rocking them.

Carol sat down in a comfortable armchair before lifting her shirt and pulling up her breast to nurse Alice.

Alice, who woke up because she was hungry, quickly grabbed the nipple and started sucking.

''It feels weird,'' said Carol.

''Do you prefer it when Damian does it?'' Maria asked teasingly as she gently poked Alice's cheeks.

''It's really cute, I'm so happy for you'' said Maria with unshed tears in her eyes.

''You're such a crybaby,'' Carol also said with her eyes watering.

Leaving the two overly emotional mothers aside.

Monica was tugging gently on Ana's arm.

''Come on, let me carry her,'' Monica said, pouting.

''Okay, but be careful'' said Ana, annoyed before gently laying Emma in Monica's arms.

''Hi, I'm your big sister'' said Monica, smiling at Emma and giving her kisses on her cheeks, totally ignoring Ana.

Jane slowly approached Ivy curiously before looking at Ophelia.

Ophelia just rolled her eyes before dropping Ivy into Jane's arms.

As Emma and Ivy had already eaten before they were not breastfed, they were only awakened by the cries of Alice who was hungry.

Jane looked at Ivy with a smile as she touched her short green hair with one hand.

''Why aren't her eyes red?'' Jane asked curiously.

''Because she hasn't drunk blood yet'' said Ophelia with a smile as she looked into her daughter's green eyes, she was the only one to bring out her eyes as Alice and Emma had blue eyes similar to Damian's.

''So you can never get your normal eyes back?'' Jane asked, looking into Ivy's beautiful green eyes.

''It's hard at first, but eventually, you learn to control it,'' Ophelia said as she looked at Jane and made her eyes slowly turn green.

''Why don't you leave them green?'' Jane asked.

''Red eyes are more intimidating'' said Ophelia, flashing her eyes and giving him a menacing smile.

''I can see the point,'' Jane said with a nod.

While everyone was with the babies, Damian walked in with Natasha following him.

Ana approached Damian with a smile before hugging him.

On that day she may have smiled more than in her entire life.

''Why did they cry?'' Damian asked, smiling as he stroked Ana's back.

''Alice was hungry, she's really like her mother'' said Ana mockingly.

Natasha laughed softly as she listened to Ana.

Monica also approached Damian with a smile as she carried Emma.

Emma's blue eyes lit up at the sight of Damian before she stretched her arms out towards him and made noises.

''My little baby wants to come with daddy?'' said Damian with a smile as he took Emma in his arms and gave her kisses on her cheeks accompanied by giggles from Emma.

Monica grimaced at having her little sister taken from her so she looked around before approaching Jane who was playing with Ivy.

''She has Ana's hair and your eyes,'' Natasha said with a smile.

''Hm'' nodded Ana looking at Damian and Emma lovingly.

''Give her to me, and I'll try to feed her'' said Ana, it had already been about 3 hours since she fed her.

Damian nodded with a smile before giving his daughter a kiss and leaving her in Ana's arms.

Ana looked at Damian with a slight smile before approaching Carol and sitting down next to her before beginning to nurse Emma.

Damian looked at Ophelia and motioned with his eyes for her to sit next to them as well.

Ophelia nodded with a smile before taking her daughter from Jane and Monica.

Damian pulled out a camera and took a picture of the three nursing mothers.

''If you wanted a picture of my breasts all you had to do was ask'' said Ophelia teasingly.

Damian just looked at her with disdain as he pulled up a chair and sat down near them.

The whole family also sat and talked about the future while watching the babies.


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