Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 88

Damian smiled slightly at Tony's new attitude and couldn't help but laugh at his murmurs. He had definitely motivated him with his words.

Days passed while Damian occasionally kept an eye on Tony, mostly by having his AI monitor the cameras he had secretly installed. Tony was very serious about his work, and with Yinsen's help, he managed to create a miniature version of the Arc reactor.

"What is that?" Yinsen asked in amazement upon seeing what they had created.

"It's a miniature Arc reactor, an improved version if I have to say so," said Tony. After talking with Damian about the armor, he thought for a long time before coming up with the idea of creating a miniature version of the Arc reactor.

"In a way, I have to thank him," said Tony, laughing slightly as he saw the reactor light up.

Yinsen continued to look at Tony with confusion, not seeing how this could help them in their situation.

"This will be the most important part of our escape," said Tony, his face illuminated by the reactor.

"How will this help us escape?" asked Yinsen, confused.

Tony spread out the overlaid plans, showing a somewhat rough-looking armor.

"This is our ticket out, so let's get to work," said Tony before looking at Yinsen, who seemed amazed.

With a goal in mind, Tony and Yinsen got to work. The weeks passed quickly until something caught Damian's attention.

Apparently, the leader of the terrorists was at the end of his patience, so he gave them only one day to finish their missile.

Damian was invisible at that moment, keeping an eye out in case something unexpected happened. Fortunately, everything went as it should, and his participation was not necessary.

Damian knew that this meant Tony's escape was also going to be soon.

Tony and Yinsen had already finished most of the armor; three months were enough. It should be noted that the terrorists were quite patient.

Damian didn't leave this time and just watched as they started putting the armor together. Tony put on several layers of clothing to avoid getting hurt before positioning himself so that Yinsen could lower the top part of the armor onto Tony.

"How do you feel? Is something wrong?" Yinsen asked as he checked that Tony could move.

"No, everything's fine," said Tony, moving his hands.

"Do you remember the way?" Yinsen asked.

"Perfectly," said Tony, nodding.

Yinsen started making some adjustments to the armor when they began shouting from outside the door.

"Answer them," said Tony, alarmed.

"I don't know their language," Yinsen complained before responding with what little he knew.

The guards, seeing that they weren't getting a response, decided to open the door, triggering the explosive trap they had set.

"Damn, we have no time, Initiate," Tony said, figuring that a bunch of armed men would be arriving in a few minutes.

"Press F11, when a bar appears press Control I and Enter," said Tony hastily.

Yinsen quickly approached the computer and did everything before returning to the armor and finishing closing it.

"They're coming," Yinsen said with concern upon hearing footsteps and shouts.

"We're going to need more time," said Yinsen distractedly, looking at the loading bar.

"Don't do anything stupid, listen to me," said Tony, imagining what Yinsen was about to do.

"Take a weapon from the entrance and shoot continuously. They won't dare to come out carelessly," said Tony.

"Don't look at the loading bar, look at me. I never make mistakes, remember? The second part is faster, we have enough time," said Tony, shouting at Yinsen when he didn't respond.

"Okay," said Yinsen, looking hesitantly at the bar before approaching the door and taking the weapon from the guards.

Yinsen started shooting toward the ceiling every few seconds to scare the terrorists.

Yinsen sighed a little relieved when he didn't hear any footsteps and saw that the terrorists didn't dare to come out.

Yinsen fired until the entire clip was empty. Fortunately, all the lights went out at that moment and he heard mechanical sounds, so Yinsen quickly returned to hiding, knowing that the suit was operational.

When they no longer heard any more shots, the terrorists cautiously came out. It was completely dark, so they approached with fear. Once they were all inside, they scattered to search the place.

Tony took advantage of the fact that they were all inside to start moving and striking the terrorists, leaving them unconscious or half-dead from the impact.

"Yinsen," said Tony.

"It seems like everything went well," said Yinsen with some relief, even though he was willing to give his life for Tony's escape, he would prefer not to die if possible.

"Remember the plan, when you hear a loud explosion, come out carefully and walk towards the East. We will meet there, and I'll be waiting for you. Remember to bring water and something to cover ourselves from the sun," said Tony, lifting his helmet.

"Okay, be careful," said Yinsen, nodding before starting to gather everything. They didn't know how long they would have to walk in the desert.

Tony nodded before starting to walk through the tunnel according to his memory. Along the way, he easily eliminated all the terrorists he encountered.

Feeling more relaxed, Tony couldn't help but wonder what Damian would think of his armor. It's a bit rough, but who can blame him? He made it in a cave.

Tony arrived almost at the entrance of the cave, where he saw the bald guy with an RPG in his arms. Tony nearly wet himself at the sight of the RPG pointing at him before he quickly dodged.

The bald man couldn't help but curse under his breath before pulling out a pistol and trying to aim at the small holes in the helmet with hope.

Tony didn't give him much time before firing an improvised missile into his chest, making a big hole.

"Damn, that's grotesque," cursed Tony, feeling like he was going to vomit.

Tony took a few deep breaths before leaving the cave and feeling the sun for the first time in months, only to be shot at from all directions.

Tony immediately turned on his flamethrowers and started burning their weapons, causing them to explode.

Tony walked deeper into the pile of weapons before setting everything ablaze. He finally reached a point where he knew he had to get out quickly.

Pressing the button on his arm, Tony shot up from the ground thanks to the fire shooting from his feet, narrowly avoiding the massive explosion that killed all the terrorists in the camp.

"Damn, it was stronger than I thought. I hope Yinsen can make it out," Tony said before starting to fall.

Through the small holes in his helmet, Tony saw everything in a confused manner. Luckily, he realized he was close to the ground, so he twisted in the air, putting his feet toward the ground before they burst into flames, reducing the impact before he hit the ground.

The armor cushioned the blow but was almost completely destroyed, especially the feet that were overloaded to activate twice.

"Not bad," murmured Tony, taking off the armor that was falling apart.

Tony removed the reactor from his destroyed suit before putting it inside his clothes. He then looked back at the still-rising smoke from the explosion.

With no other choice, Tony began to walk back toward the terrorists' camp. According to his calculations, they should be able to retrieve Yinsen and leave before supposed reinforcements arrived.

Before he arrived at the camp, Tony met Yinsen carrying two crudely made umbrellas.

"Glad you made it," Tony said with relief.

"I almost didn't, that explosion was really big," Yinsen said, remembering how he stumbled while running through the cave's corridors.

"Well, I was the one who made the weapons," Tony chuckled.

"Take this chance, don't waste your life," Yinsen said softly as he looked at Tony.

Tony couldn't help but stay silent, knowing that Yinsen was right. This was another chance to live.

"Don't worry, I definitely won't waste it," Tony said seriously. Seeing his family's work used by these kinds of people really angered him. He could still remember the soldiers who died protecting him.

"Well, let's start walking," Yinsen said, nodding slightly as he saw that Tony was taking it seriously.

"It would be funny to escape from that place only to die in the middle of nowhere," Tony said laughing as he patted Yinsen's back and started walking.

Damian had been watching Tony throughout the entire journey and couldn't help but smile as he watched them walk under the sun.

Damian felt a helicopter approaching in their direction, likely attracted by the explosion.

Damian smiled faintly before heading back home.

Tony and Yinsen continued walking for about 30 minutes until they heard the sound of a helicopter approaching.

The two quickly waved their hands to get its attention, causing the helicopter to stop and land.

Several armed soldiers got off the helicopter and guarded the surroundings while Rhodey approached Tony and Yinsen.

"How was the ''fun-vee''?" Rhodey asked with a slight smile.

Tony just laughed bitterly before hugging Rhodey.

"Let's go home," Rhodey said, patting Tony's back.

"Well, this is Yinsen, he was also a prisoner. Without him, I wouldn't have been able to escape," Tony said, smiling as he saw Rhodey's gaze on Yinsen before introducing him.

"I appreciate it," said Rhodey sincerely.

"Don't worry, without Tony, I wouldn't have been able to escape either," Yinsen laughed.

Everyone got on the helicopter before heading to the nearest base.

Tony and Yinsen bathed and dressed before meeting up with Rhodey again.

"The plane is ready, let's go home," said Rhodey, wanting to get Tony out of there quickly.

"Let's go," Tony nodded.


The next day.

Damian sat with Sophia in the morning watching the news about Tony Stark's rescue.

"And everything went as you wanted?" Sophia asked, looking at him speechless.

"You make it sound like I planned everything, I had to be a babysitter for three months," Damian said unsatisfied.

"What a good friend you are, leaving Tony in a cave for three months," Sophia mocked as she laughed.

"How annoying," Damian muttered, getting up and walking up the stairs.

Sophia chuckled slightly as she saw his annoyed face before turning her attention back to the news.

"Wow, what good timing," Sophia said as she watched Tony's press conference in which he said he wouldn't make any more weapons.

Sophia took her phone and bought several shares of Stark Industries that many people were selling as if the company was going to close the next day.

"Even if they don't sell weapons, the guy is a genius, I don't think he'll starve," Sophia murmured, buying the shares with her savings.


Damian went upstairs and entered his babies' room, only to find them sleeping. He looked at them with a smile before leaving quietly. The crib was becoming somewhat small for the three of them.

Damian entered his bedroom where Ana, Carol, and Ophelia were still asleep.

Ophelia had really become lazy and only went to Madripoor to take care of business in the afternoons. Although Damian couldn't really call anyone lazy since he was the king he hardly took care of things himself.

Since there was nothing to do, Damian decided to lie down next to Carol, hug her around the waist, and take a nap. Damian didn't know how much time had passed when he felt small hands on his face and heard small whispers.

Damian slowly opened his eyes to see Alice panicking with a marker in her hand near his face. Damian couldn't help but squint as he sat up in bed.

The three mothers and their three daughters panicked before starting to run and laugh.

Damian gave an ironic smile before approaching the mirror and seeing that he had a mustache and poorly drawn circles around his eyes. Damian could still hear the laughter coming down the stairs, so he opened the door and ran to chase after them.

"Don't let me catch you, or I'll spank each of you," Damian shouted, smiling as he chased after them at a normal pace. There were screams and more laughter with his words as they separated and started running.

Sophia smiled as she watched them pass by while laughing. She couldn't help but burst out laughing at the drawings on Damian's face, too bad she couldn't take a picture of it.

Damian caught Emma first, who after turning a corner, hid on one side of the door and tried to slip away when he passed. Damian laughed before picking Emma up and giving her two playful swats on the butt while leaving kisses on her cheeks.

"You said it was only one," Emma said, laughing happily as she hugged Damian's neck.

"We still have 5 more to go," Damian laughed before starting to run with Emma in his arms while looking for the others.

Damian spent the morning playing with everyone before spending the rest of the day peacefully.



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