Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 89

Tony, who was already at home, got dressed before taking one of his cars.

Tony wanted to visit his friend Rhodey to see if they could work together on a new big project.

After driving for a while, Tony arrived at the military base where he was easily allowed to pass. Asking some people, he was able to locate where Rhodey was before approaching and joking with the recruits before finally being alone with Rhodey.

"Hello, I didn't expect to see you so soon," Rhodey said, laughing.

"Hey," Tony said, smiling.

"I wanted to see you. I'm working on something and I wanted you to be part of it," Tony said, smiling at him.

"Wow, you'll surely make the superiors happy. After your conference, we thought you wouldn't make weapons anymore," Rhodey said more excitedly upon hearing Tony.

"It's not something for the's different," Tony said, not knowing exactly how to describe it.

"What? What do you mean? Did you become a philanthropist or something?" Rhodey asked incredulously.

"No, listen to me first," Tony said, trying to explain.

"No, what you need is time for your mind to clear," Rhodey said, not believing that Tony would stop making weapons.

Tony smiled somewhat incredulously at Rhodey's words.

"I'm serious. It was good to see you, Tony," Rhodey said, walking away somewhat coldly.

Tony nodded distractedly before returning home.

Entering his house, Tony met Pepper who was leaving.

Pepper had some things to do at the company but stopped when she saw Tony's expression.

"Tony, did something happen?" Pepper asked with concern. She had never seen Tony with a melancholic expression before.

Tony looked at Pepper and couldn't help but smile ironically. He hadn't had a good talk with her since he returned two days ago.

Tony hesitated, looking at Pepper before deciding to talk to her. He had never really shared his concerns with anyone.

"Do you have time for a talk?" Tony asked, smiling slightly.

"Tony, don't scare me," said Pepper, taking her phone and canceling her meeting.

"Come, tell me," said Pepper, taking Tony's hand and leading him to the couch before sitting next to him and looking at him with concern.

The previous Tony Stark wouldn't have had that kind of expression and definitely wouldn't have talked about his problems with her.

Pepper wondered if he had any trauma from the kidnapping.

"There are so many things I have to say," said Tony, smiling slightly as he looked at Pepper.

"Then let's start with what's got you down," said Pepper, smiling at him.

"I went to talk to Rhodey. I'm working on something new, something that can change the world," said Tony, accepting Pepper's words.

"When I told him I was working on something, he was happy, but his expression gradually changed when I told him it wasn't something for the military. He wanted us to work together, but I felt like he was mocking my desire to not make weapons. He even asked me if I had become a philanthropist. In some way, I felt like our friendship was only as long as I kept providing weapons," said Tony, sighing.

Pepper couldn't help but sigh as she listened to Tony. It had taken her by surprise too when he said he wasn't going to sell weapons anymore.

"Tell me, Tony, why did you make that decision?" Pepper asked, trying to understand Tony's point of view.

"Pepper, I saw soldiers die under my weapons. I saw people doing terrible things with my weapons," said Tony, somewhat disturbed.

"Just imagining the things that are done in my name makes me sick," said Tony.

"That's why I've decided to stop. I don't want that to be my legacy."

"I'm sure I can help the world more without weapons or bullets," said Tony, looking at Pepper.

"I'm sure you can, Tony," said Pepper, smiling, believing she understood Tony's thoughts. Anyone can complain, but it's not their name that goes on the weapons.

"As for Rhodey, I don't really know what to tell you. I don't have much experience with friendships. My life is practically taking care of you and the company," said Pepper, smiling at Tony.

"You'll have to talk to him in the future and find out if he's really your friend."

"Hm," said Tony, nodding.

"Is there anything else you want to share with me?" asked Pepper with a smile, glad to be able to share Tony's concerns.

"Yes, there are a few things," said Tony, moving a little closer to Pepper.

"They say that when you fall, you realize if you have friends," said Tony, thinking of his other friend.

"The other thing that's been on my mind since I was in that cave is Damian," said Tony.

"What's up with him?" asked Pepper curiously.

"You may not know this, but I'm sure he knew where I was," said Tony, sighing.

"How is that possible?" asked Pepper, confused.

"The scope of Damian's technology is very high. I don't know everything exactly, but I'm sure his army can sweep the world if he wants," said Tony, making a face.

"But that's not the point. I'm sure he knew I was there and didn't come to rescue me," said Tony, not knowing what expression to make. He had known Damian for several years and believed they were friends. They chatted and had fun together in ways that Tony didn't know, he only knew about drinking and women as entertainment.

His interactions with Damian always felt more homely, like two friends after school.

"Tony," said Pepper, sighing.

"I think you should see him face to face and ask him. Just like the world doesn't understand you, perhaps you don't understand his decision. Find out why he didn't rescue you and decide if you want to continue being his friend," said Pepper, rubbing Tony's hands.

Tony smiled slightly as he thought that Pepper had always been the one by his side in his good and bad moments.

"Do you know what I thought most when I was in that cave?" asked Tony, moving a little closer to Pepper.

"About Damian?" Pepper jokes.

"Well, yes...but I was thinking about something even more important," said Tony, laughing softly as he remembered his time in the cave.

"About you. I was thinking about you when I was in that cave," said Tony, getting closer and gently caressing Pepper's cheek.

Tony was so close to Pepper that he could hear her breathing and see her freckles.

"Tony," said Pepper, feeling her breath catch as she looked nervously at Tony.

"Thinking of you gave me the motivation to make it out of that place alive," said Tony, leaving a kiss on Pepper's cheek.

Pepper couldn't help but feel embarrassed by Tony's closeness, and his kiss on the cheek put her on edge.

"I...well, Tony, I didn't know you felt that way," said Pepper, embarrassed and not knowing where to look.

"I promised myself that if I made it out of there, I would tell you how I feel," said Tony, looking at her with a smile.

"I'm a new man, and I want to show you with my actions. So don't say anything, just look at me, okay?" said Tony, smiling at her nervously.

"I'll make sure to watch you," said Pepper, feeling embarrassed but with some hope. Although she loved Tony in secret, she had never entertained the idea since she knew what Tony was like.

"I'll go talk to Damian," said Tony, standing up and heading to the basement. It was time to give Pepper a break.

Tony took out his phone with a determined look before dialing Damian. After a few seconds, Damian answered in his familiar voice.

"You finally call. I thought you didn't miss me," Damian jokes.

"Can we talk in person?" asked Tony, making a funny face but trying to maintain a serious tone.

"Sure, donut shop?" asked Damian.

"Donut shop," said Tony, nodding before hanging up.

Tony got into one of his sports cars and drove to the location.


Meanwhile, Damian said goodbye to his family and told them he was going to see Tony before appearing a few blocks away from the donut shop and walking calmly toward the place.

Damian couldn't ignore Tony's unusual tone of voice; he assumed Tony wanted to confront him about why he didn't save him.

He only hoped the conversation would end well, perhaps he would have to be a little honest with Tony.

After a few minutes of walking, he arrived at the store. Before entering, Tony gestured with his hand from a table, so he approached and sat down in front of him.

The two looked at each other seriously before a smile appeared on their lips, and they couldn't help but laugh while looking at each other.

"Tony... I suppose you're here to complain like a baby, asking me why I didn't rescue you," Damian said, addressing him as an elder.

Tony just looked at Damian annoyed as he took the initiative in the conversation.

"Would it help if I told you that I was also with you in that cave protecting you?" Damian asked, chuckling slightly.

"Impossible," Tony said, rejecting the idea.

"Tony, the world is bigger than you think, supernatural abilities do exist, and you could say that I'm someone like that. I won't say much so you don't distract your thoughts; anyway, you'll find out for yourself in the future," Damian said, laughing.

Tony looked at Damian with doubt.

What mattered most to Tony was that Damian seemed to care about him, and he didn't want to realize that maybe his two friends were fake.

"Prove to me that you were there," Tony said, hesitating.

"Sure," Damian said, laughing before pulling out his phone.

"I even took pictures of you," Damian said as he scrolled through his phone and showed Tony several high-quality photos, many of which showed Tony working, playing, or even sleeping.

Tony just looked at the images with amazement. Even if he wanted to check them to make sure they weren't fabricated, he thought it didn't make sense. Damian wouldn't lie to him like that. Tony believed he knew enough about Damian's personality to know that he wouldn't go that far for something so simple.

"I feel relieved but upset," Tony said, pouting.

"By the way, you owe me money. My stocks went down after your words at the conference," Damian complained.

"Tell me, what do you think of my decision?" Tony asked with some doubt, ignoring Damian's words.

"Why do you doubt? Aren't you known for doing whatever you please? Even if it's not right, as long as you want it, then it's fine," Damian said, hitting Tony's shoulder.

"If you don't want to sell weapons, who can force you?" Damian hit the table.

"You're right," said Tony, laughing with more enthusiasm as he listened to Damian.

"And tell me, how were things with Pepper? Did you two passionately kiss when you reunited?" Damian asked, laughing.

"I told her I liked her," Tony said proudly.

"I'm glad," Damian said, laughing.

"I'll show her that I've changed. I'm definitely not going after models," Tony said with a smile.

"Or journalists, scientists, soldiers," Damian said, laughing as he saw Tony left speechless.

"Whatever, I have things to do. I'm glad nothing has changed between us," Tony said with a smile before leaving.

He didn't ask Damian how he got those photos or about his supernatural abilities. He'll discover it on his own, and what makes him happy is that Damian seems to be sincere with him.

"Well, remember to stay in touch," Damian said with a smile as he saw Tony leave.

In Damian's opinion, Tony had really changed. He looked more at ease.

"I hope everything works out for you," Damian muttered before disappearing, surprising some guys at the next table.

Damian returned home with a slight smile. Fortunately, things had gone well with Tony.

"Hi," Carol said, approaching him with a smile.

"How's the idiot playboy?" Carol asked, laughing.

"He's fine, although he'll probably stop being a playboy," Damian jokes.

Carol just smiled and hugged Damian.

"Where are the girls?" Damian asked.

"Ophelia took them to play at the palace with Brian, Aminah, and Sharon," Carol said.

"That's good," Damian said, nodding with a smile.

"I'm sore from today's training," Carol said, rubbing her shoulders.

"My hits don't even faze you," Damian said looking at her without words. After more than a year of training, Damian could face Carol more easily even though he was physically weaker.

Carol's energy cloak made her really resistant to any attack, so even his normal attacks without magic enhancement didn't even faze her.

"How about a massage?" Carol asked, looking at Damian flirtatiously.

"Sure," Damian said, laughing at her expression before putting his hands under her thighs and carrying her to the bedroom.


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