Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 1: My great-grandfather is Wang Shouzhe


Xin'an Town, Changning Garrison.

Nearly fifty years have passed since the initial development.

Today, Xin'an Town has entered a mature development stage, with numerous farms scattered throughout.

In addition to the family farms, there are also villages built along the rivers and hills. The residents are civilians who initially followed the Wang's Clan to pioneer the land.

These civilians came from impoverished families in Changning Garrison or nearby garrisons, or were tenant farmers who had been released from their contracts. Although migrating to pioneer new land was dangerous, once they established themselves, their family income could see a significant increase.

The Changning Wang's Clan held a development order to pioneer Xin'an Town, but this didn't mean they enclosed all the land for their private use.

The Great Qian encouraged pioneering and even provided some financial support. The main goal was to expand the nation's territory and increase human habitation. Therefore, the families involved in pioneering had the right to enclose land based on their investment to create farms, but they also had to guide willing civilians to settle and thrive there.

Additionally, the government would divide the land among the families according to agreements. All civilians within a family's jurisdiction were considered under the family's protection. The family was responsible for maintaining order and collecting taxes.

In return, one-tenth of the taxes collected within the family's jurisdiction would go to the family.

Thus, the land and civilians under a family's jurisdiction were not private property but managed territory. Only those farms measured, registered, and recognized by the government could be considered the family's legitimate private property.

However, the Changning Wang's Clan was so powerful that the local government's influence was minimal. As long as they didn't break the law, the Wang's Clan had free rein.

Fortunately, the Changning Wang's Clan wasn't a tyrannical family that exploited civilians. Instead, they took good care of the civilians under their jurisdiction, always considering them when opportunities for wealth arose.

Dongbang Village, Xin'an Town.

Located in the northwest of the town, Dongbang Village had many rivers and rocky hills, making the arable land fragmented and unsuitable for large-scale farming.

Thus, a group of civilians settled here, pioneering under the Wang's Clan's guidance. Over the decades, Dongbang Village had grown to a population of about 1,300. Some good fields were used to grow Wang's Clan's grain, while most of the poor fields were converted into mulberry fish ponds.

The fish from these ponds were uniformly purchased by Wang's Clan's fish stalls. The mulberry trees were also high-quality varieties provided by the Wang's Clan, yielding high-quality silkworm cocoons.

The cocoons were also sold without worry, as the marriage alliance's joint silk-reeling factory would purchase them.

As a result, the villagers of Dongbang Village had a good income and were willing to send their children to the village school for education.

The village school, jointly run by the Wang's Clan and the government, provided basic education. Teachers trained by the Wang's Clan School rotated through the village schools, teaching basic education to school-age children for a small fee, with the rest subsidized by the Wang's Clan and the government.

The Dongbang Village School, located at the village entrance, was built with high-quality bricks and cement. It wasn't very attractive but was very sturdy.

At this moment, about seventy or eighty students were attentively listening to their lessons inside the school.

Outside the classroom.

A slightly plump, fifty to sixty-year-old wealthy man was nodding and bowing, saying, "Seventh Young Master, our Dongbang Village School has always been one of the best in Xin'an Town. Every year, three or four outstanding students get into the Wang's Clan School, and some even join the Wang's Clan servant team."

Nowadays, becoming a servant of the Wang's Clan was no easy task.

To join the Wang's Clan servant system, one had to excel in the Wang's Clan School. Their future career path could start from serving as maids or attendants and gradually move to managerial positions or even leadership roles.

Besides the servant system, the Wang's Clan also had the household guard and family guard systems. The latter two had lower academic requirements but higher bloodline qualifications. Additionally, the Wang's Clan had various occupational systems, representing different career paths.

The "Seventh Young Master" was a young boy with a tender face. He wore a luxurious robe made of cloud-patterned spiritual cotton, a jade belt around his waist, and sword shoes on his feet, with a piece of spiritual jade hanging from his waist—a typical young master from a wealthy family.

This young master was none other than Wang Anye, the eldest great-grandson of the direct line of the Changning Wang's Clan, ranked seventh among the An generation, hence known as the Seventh Young Master.

Moreover, his maternal family background was also extraordinary. His mother, Qian Yurou, was the eldest granddaughter of the current clan leader of the Qian Clan of Longzuo Commandery. With the direct lineage of both the Wang's Clan and the Qian Clan, Wang Anye's status was exceptionally high.

Therefore, besides two clever attendants, he was accompanied by two Lingtai Realm family guards in plain sight and a Celestial Realm family elder from the Qian Clan in the shadows, ensuring his safety around the clock. Even the Qian Clan highly valued this external direct bloodline.

Such a level of protection was unique within the Wang's Clan.

Wang Anye, with his hands behind his back, lazily asked, "I heard that Liu Lizheng recently took a concubine? Congratulations."

Although Wang Anye was only nine years old, he often stayed by his great-grandfather Wang Shouzhe's side, receiving guidance. He had also been in the Wang's Clan School for three years, making him quite different from ordinary children, speaking with a mature demeanor.

"This..." Liu Lizheng immediately broke into a cold sweat. He had been wondering why the direct great-grandson of the Wang's Clan would come to inspect a small village school.

Facing such pressure, Liu Lizheng knelt down with a thud, "Seventh Young Master, I... I was blinded by greed. I shouldn't have forced Zhao Xiaoniang to be my concubine... using such despicable means..."

"Alright, alright." Wang Anye waved his hand impatiently, "You don't need to explain to me. I'm only nine years old and don't understand such filthy matters. If it weren't for Senior Sister Zhao from the clan school seeking justice, I wouldn't have... Since you admit it, that's enough... Wang Xing."

"At your service." The clever attendant Wang Xing stepped forward, glaring at Liu Lizheng, "Young Master, how should we deal with this scoundrel?"

"Hmm~ Great-grandfather said that even trash has its uses. I also heard that there's a troublesome area called Storm Bay in Qingluo Garrison." Wang Anye pondered, "Buy him a flying carriage ticket and send him to Storm Bay to make himself useful."

"Young Master is wise." Wang Xing grabbed Liu Lizheng.

"Spare me, Young Master, spare me. I won't dare again, I won't dare again." Liu Lizheng wailed, "You... you have no right to deal with me. I am Lizheng, appointed by the garrison office."

"Oh, you're a small official? Then we must follow the rules and laws." Wang Anye touched his chin thoughtfully, "My sixth great-uncle seems to have been transferred to Changning City Guard. In that case, send him to the city guard office for interrogation. If the evidence is conclusive, then send him to Storm Bay in Qingluo Sea."

The decision was final.

Liu Lizheng, still crying, had his mouth stuffed with a rag and was dragged away by the family guards, never to have a chance to turn his life around.

An hour later.

Wang Anye was in a carriage pulled by a spiritual ox, happily eating roast chicken and mulberries, gifts from the villagers. He didn't take any valuable gifts, only some cheap food and strange stones.

"Young Master, you are truly kind-hearted, coming personally to uphold justice for the civilians over such a small matter," the attendant flattered.

"Sigh~" Wang Anye sighed deeply, "How can this be a small matter? Great-grandfather said that a thousand-mile dyke can be destroyed by an ant hole, and one should not neglect small acts of kindness."

"Besides, as the eldest great-grandson of the Wang's Clan, I can't do much else but wait to inherit the family business. Sigh~ Such a monotonous and boring life, if I don't do some good deeds to relieve the boredom, should I become a playboy instead?"

"Hey, this stone looks a bit strange. Wang Xing, cut it open."

A stone given by the villagers was cut open, revealing sparkling spiritual stones inside...

"Young Master, it's actually a spiritual stone. Could it be that there's a spiritual stone mine under Dongbang Village? We're rich," the attendant exclaimed excitedly.

"A spiritual stone mine, not bad. Since it hasn't been discovered for so long, it should be a small one. Report it to the family and let them investigate," Wang Anye said, not showing much excitement, looking rather bored.

"Yes, Young Master. Are you planning to return to the main residence next?" The attendant was accustomed to his young master's personality, knowing that good things always seemed to happen around him.

"I'm feeling a bit restless lately. Let's go to the flying carriage station in Xin'an Town and take a flying carriage to Baidao Garrison to watch the sunrise and relax." Wang Anye, despite his young age, seemed already weary of a monotonous life, "Then I'll head to the Northwest Garrison to watch the sunset for a few days, and then... I'll visit my grandfather and great-grandfather in Longzuo Commandery. Oh, and my third and seventh great-uncles too."

The attendant broke into a cold sweat. Was this really a casual trip? Young Master, your itinerary crosses all of Longzuo Commandery! But the young master's orders couldn't be disobeyed. With Lingtai Realm guards and a Celestial Realm protector, no one in Longzuo Commandery would dare to touch him.

The carriage pulled by the spiritual beast happily headed towards the center of Xin'an Town.


Meanwhile, in Xin'an Town.

Unknowingly, several decades had passed since the completion of "Shouzhe Pass." The once desolate Xin'an Town had now become a bustling and prosperous large town.

The only thing that hadn't changed was "Shouzhe Pass."

The towering and majestic pass, several dozen feet high and wide, stretched like a smoky gray flood dragon across the mountains, extending for ten miles. Standing at the foot of "Shouzhe Pass," one couldn't see the end.

It was like a natural barrier, separating the inner and outer regions.

Behind "Shouzhe Pass," not far away, was the garrison office of Xin'an Town.

Guarding the borders and protecting the people was the garrison office's duty. To ensure the pass's security, the garrison office was built close to "Shouzhe Pass." From the garrison office, one could see the towering "Shouzhe Pass" just by opening the door.

Between the garrison office and "Shouzhe Pass," there was a walled city.

Inside the walled city was the "Trading Office," responsible for overseeing transactions.

Scattered cultivators returning from outer regions could set up stalls here to sell their findings.

Transactions within the walled city only required a half-percent national tax and a half-percent family tax, with no additional tariffs.

Outside the walled city, transactions were subject to a two-percent transaction tax according to Daqian law, and a one-percent "tariff" to the Changning Wang's Clan for establishing the pass.

Because of this rule, most scattered cultivators chose to sell their goods within the walled city.

This made the walled city a bustling trade center, with countless scattered cultivators coming and going, setting up stalls, and many family managers procuring supplies.

Even within Xin'an Town, few places were as lively as this.

At noon.

The scorching sun hung high in the sky, casting a small shadow over the walled city from "Shouzhe Pass," leaving most of it exposed to the sunlight.

This was the hottest time of the day, and the walled city was at its least crowded.

After a busy morning, the stallholders took a rare break, chatting in small groups.

"That 'Shouzhe Pass' is truly remarkable," a square-faced, big-eared cultivator said, wiping his steel long knife with an oilcloth, "I've been here for over thirty years and witnessed four beast tides. It was amazing to see how easily they were repelled. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it."

"Maybe the beast tides weren't that big," another cultivator replied indifferently, "I heard 'Shouzhe Pass' was built in just ten years. How sturdy can it be?"

"Hey, do you think I haven't seen beast tides?" The big-eared cultivator rolled his eyes, "The last two beast tides had over a hundred fierce beasts each, and they didn't even breach the gate. If that's not sturdy, what is?"

"Moreover, the beasts involved were of high rank. I saw three or four fifth-rank beasts myself. Anywhere else, that would be a major disaster."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but recall the events.

"The last time, I was on the city wall, watching a fifth-rank Earth-Splitting Giant Tiger roar and charge at the gate. I was holding a bow and arrow issued by the Wang's Clan, too scared to move."

"Then I saw a figure descend from the sky, and with a light sword strike, the fifth-rank tiger was frozen into an ice sculpture and sliced in half."

He gestured animatedly, reliving the excitement and shock of the moment.

The other cultivators, initially skeptical, began to believe him as he spoke with genuine emotion.

One of the cultivators suddenly realized, "Ice bloodline abilities are rare, especially ones that can freeze a fifth-rank beast with a single strike. Could it be... you saw the ancestor of the Changning Wang's Clan?"

"That ancestor?"

"Who else? It must be Ancestor Long Yan!" The cultivator's eyes lit up with gossip, "You don't know, this ancestor was severely injured, and many thought she wouldn't survive. But guess what? That's when the Wang's Clan produced Master Wang Shouzhe..."

As he spoke.

A young master with some guards appeared in the market.

The young master was very generous, buying anything good without haggling and storing it in a bottomless storage ring.

Such a spender was like a godsend for the stallholders.

They stopped chatting and quickly brought out their best items, crowding around the young master, "Young Master, this horn of a fourth-rank Moon-Watching Savage Rhino is a rare material for crafting spiritual artifacts or medicine, only four, no, three thousand top gold."

The stallholder wanted to quote a higher price but swallowed his words when the young master's Lingtai Realm guard glared at him, quoting a more reasonable price.

The young master took the horn and had his attendant pay.

In a short time, he had spent tens of thousands of top gold on various items, still calculating in his mind the materials needed for his seventh great-uncle's alchemy.

He had gifts for his grandfather, but what about his great-grandfather? Sigh, such a headache.

With so many relatives in Longzuo Commandery, how could he visit empty-handed? Every visit meant bringing one gift and returning with nine.

A few fierce-looking Lingtai Realm cultivators exchanged glances, seemingly making a decision.

"Young Master, this is an egg of a sixth-rank water-type spiritual bird, the Yuanshui Spirit Crane, found in a lake in the outer regions. It's yours for thirty thousand top gold."

The cultivators were nervous but determined to make a quick profit and then disappear from Xin'an Town forever.

"Yuanshui Spirit Mark? Such a lively aura, full of vitality." The young master stopped, intrigued, "It does resemble a Yuanshui Spirit Crane egg. Isn't thirty thousand too cheap?"

"Young Master has sharp eyes. As they say, treasures for heroes, only someone like you..." The cultivators were delighted.

But before they could finish, the young master interrupted, "Unfortunately, you lack knowledge. You've never seen a real Yuanshui Spirit Crane egg. They usually weigh over two pounds. This egg, round at both ends and less than a pound, is likely a large goose egg. Sigh, even fakes are poorly made these days."

"This... this..." The cultivators broke into a cold sweat, forced to laugh awkwardly, "Perhaps we were mistaken. Young Master, your insight is unparalleled... Farewell."

They cursed inwardly, who the hell has seen a Yuanshui Spirit Crane egg? They had found an unknown egg and tried to pass it off as a Yuanshui Spirit Crane egg.

"Wait." The young master sighed, "Attempted fraud, even if unsuccessful, is a serious crime."

"How about this, Qingluo Sea's Storm Bay needs people. Three years of labor should suffice. Wang Xing, arrange some free flying carriage tickets for them."

Are you kidding? The cultivators exchanged glances, dropped the "large goose egg," and fled. But before they could get far, a Celestial Realm aura erupted, "You blind fools, the Seventh Young Master is giving you tickets as a favor."

Naturally, the cultivators were captured and sent to Storm Bay as instructed.

The other stallholders looked at each other in fear.

Who was this young master with a Celestial Realm guard?

This was just bullying!

Afterward, Wang Anye bought a large number of gifts at reasonable prices, totaling over a hundred thousand top gold.

Half an hour later.

On the flying carriage to Baidao Garrison, Wang Anye leaned against the window, watching the rolling clouds, expressionless and bored. Such a carefree life, with no end in sight, was too dull.

He could only do some good deeds to relieve the boredom.

Forget it!

He took out the "large goose egg," and the clear sunlight through the glass window made the Yuanshui Spirit Mark on the egg shine brightly, almost blinding him.

"Wait! Is this the Yuanshui Dao Mark?" Wang Anye pondered, "The egg is mottled, round at both ends with ink spots, weighing about a pound, naturally marked with the Yuanshui Dao Mark. Could it be...?"

"A seventh-rank spiritual bird, the Yuanshui Sky Sparrow's egg?"

"Congratulations, Young Master," the attendants and guards congratulated. Even the Celestial Realm guard in the corner was impressed by the young master's luck.

"Great-aunt Liyao has the Yuanshui bloodline. I'll visit the academy and give it to her as a pet," Wang Anye decided.

The attendant Wang Xing timidly asked, "Young Master, what about those fraudsters? Should we still send them to Storm Bay?"

"Hmm, great-grandfather said it's a case of attempted fraud not voluntarily terminated. They were deceived themselves, but it doesn't change the crime."

Wang Xing felt sorry for the cultivators. Not only did they lose a treasure, but they also foolishly tried to deceive the Seventh Young Master... They had no idea what a weirdo he was!


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