Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 2: The seventh young master



The so-called seventh-grade spirit bird egg, although extremely precious, was nothing special to Wang Anye, one of the most distinguished young masters in all of Longzuo.

After all, even if a Yuanshui Sky Sparrow hatched, raising it to the seventh grade was extraordinarily difficult. The resources and time required were astronomical.

Perhaps an ordinary Purple Mansion Clan would treat it as a treasure, spending generations to raise a seventh-grade Sky Sparrow Ancestor. But for the Wang's Clan, they lacked neither prodigies nor great prodigies...

After this minor episode.

The flying carriage followed the An River all the way to the East Sea Garrison. After a brief rest, it continued along the sea route to the Baidao Garrison.

Logically, there was a direct route from Xin'an Town to the Baidao Garrison. However, that route required passing through uncharted outer regions, making it too dangerous for the flying carriage to fly directly.

Upon arriving at the Baidao Garrison.

Wang Anye settled on a picturesque island where the Wang's Clan had invested in a private seaside villa, exclusively for the clan members to relax and recuperate. As the seventh young master, he naturally received the best treatment.

He did nothing else but idly feed the seabirds by the shore and earnestly watched a sunrise.

The sea was vast, and the sunrise was beautiful.

Sitting cross-legged on a broken rock, the young master felt a slight stir in his otherwise calm heart. After a brief moment of insight, he gained some understanding of sword intent. Unfortunately, his cultivation was still shallow, and he could only utilize a fraction of this newfound sword intent.

"This rock shall be called the Sword Comprehension Stone," Wang Anye drew his sword, and with a dragon-like stroke, he carved a few large characters onto the rock, then admired his handiwork with satisfaction.

The servants and guards nearby exclaimed in awe, "Young Master is so young yet has already grasped the rudiments of sword intent. In the future, he will surely dominate his peers and become a blood-soaked prodigy."

"Alas, what use is personal invincibility? As the heir to the family business, I rarely get to act," Wang Anye shook his head indifferently, "Besides, Great-Grandfather always said, it's not hard for one person to become strong; the challenge is for a family to thrive and grow stronger generation after generation."

"Young Master is wise..." The flattery was endless.

As Wang Anye was about to leave, a small wave lapped onto the shore, leaving behind a beautiful spray.

"Huh?" Wang Anye noticed a large, black lump on the shore, shimmering with iridescent hues under the sunlight. "Wang Yun, take the guards and fetch it. If it's trash, burn it to avoid polluting the ocean."

"Yes, Young Master." The servant Wang Yun led the household guards, panting as they hauled the several-hundred-pound, black mass ashore.

"Black as ink, iridescent in light—this must be the legendary iridescent black," Wang Anye cut off a small piece, sniffed it lightly, "It smells bitter and fishy, yet has a long-lasting fragrance. This is likely the legendary Dragon Whale Ambergris."

"Young Master, I have also seen descriptions of Dragon Whale Ambergris during my studies. It is a top-grade fragrance and can be used to refine special elixirs," the servant Wang Yun said with some doubt, "However, Dragon Whale Ambergris usually weighs only a dozen pounds. This piece weighs several hundred pounds. Could there be something unusual about it?"

"The ancient records kept by the Spirit Artifact mention that Dragon Whales are massive sea creatures. The ambergris from their stomachs is especially precious. Seventh-grade Dragon Whales produce ambergris weighing several pounds to ten pounds, eighth-grade produce thirty to fifty pounds. Only the ambergris from a ninth-grade Dragon Whale King can weigh a hundred pounds..."

"Then this several hundred pounds... could it be..." Wang Xing and Wang Yun exchanged glances.

"That's right, it should be from a tenth-grade Dragon Whale King," Wang Anye said calmly, "This is worth a bit of money. Great-Seventh-Grandfather will definitely like it."

Worth a bit of money?

The two Lingtai Realm guards, and even the Celestial Realm guard secretly watching over them, nearly fainted. How could their values differ so greatly?

But for the seventh young master, it truly was just that.

After all, he was the product of the main branches of both the Qian and Wang Clans, two incredibly wealthy families...

However, what impressed the guards even more was that the seventh young master seemed to always find good things wherever he went. This time, his luck was exceptionally good.

"Distribute these Top Gold notes among the brothers and Elder Qian." Wang Anye casually took out a stack of Top Gold notes.

"Thank you, Young Master." The guards happily divided the notes, with the thickest share naturally going to the Celestial Realm guard, Elder Qian.

Working for the seventh young master was truly rewarding. They received their annual stipend without fail and occasionally got generous rewards. Most importantly, it was very easy, as no one in Longzuo Commandery would dare to provoke the seventh young master.

Moreover, their future prospects were better than those of other Lingtai Realm household guards. Once their young master came of age, he would gradually take on important family matters. By then, these close guards and servants would likely be heavily relied upon.

Thus, every servant and guard around Wang Anye was carefully selected from the elite.

After packing up the Dragon Whale Ambergris, Wang Anye followed his plan to go to the Northwest Garrison's grasslands to watch the sunset.

Soon, the flying carriage landed in the rugged and bold Northwest Garrison. Compared to the southern six garrisons, which were crisscrossed with waterways and focused on agriculture, the five northwestern garrisons were vast and relied mainly on animal husbandry and some mining.

The vast grasslands stretched endlessly, and the setting sun dyed the grass a brilliant red.

Wang Anye's tranquil heart was stirred once more, and he gained another insight. The guards and servants tiptoed away, fearing they might disturb the young master's epiphany.

Several hours later.

He slowly opened his eyes, his heart pure as ice.

Night had fallen, and the moonlight was bright.

Two horses, one large and one small, appeared beside him at some point. Their coats were pure white, smooth as perfect silk, and each had a jade-like horn on its handsome head.

More strikingly, they had wings under their ribs.

[Jade-Horned Heavenly Horses]

These were mysterious spirit horses living deep in the grasslands, extremely rare wild spirit species. A fleeting glimpse of them would attract crowds of onlookers. Legend had it that only those with pure and unblemished hearts could gain the favor of Jade-Horned Heavenly Horses.

"Neigh, neigh." The young Jade-Horned Heavenly Horse seemed very interested in Wang Anye, rubbing its head against him.

Wang Anye rarely smiled, but he did now, gently stroking its fur and taking out various foods from his bottomless storage ring to feed it.

Jade-Horned Heavenly Horses were picky eaters.

But Wang Anye had plenty of snacks. Eventually, he found that the Jade-Horned Heavenly Horse particularly liked [Ice Crystal Jade Dew], [Yuanshui Spirit Melon], and [Thousand Layer Spirit Cake] made from several high-end spirit grains.

Panting happily, the Jade-Horned Heavenly Horse ate joyfully and grew increasingly fond of Wang Anye.

Before long, the large Jade-Horned Heavenly Horse urged its child to leave, but the young one seemed reluctant, rubbing against Wang Anye and neighing at its mother.

Soon, the large Jade-Horned Heavenly Horse gave Wang Anye and the young horse a deep look before spreading its wings and flying into the sky.

The young Jade-Horned Heavenly Horse looked longingly but did not follow its mother, staying close to Wang Anye until its mother disappeared from sight. Then it affectionately rubbed against Wang Anye, neighing softly.

"Is this...?" Wang Anye pondered, "You want me to raise you?"

"Neigh, neigh!" The Jade-Horned Heavenly Horse responded happily, prancing around Wang Anye.

"Alright." Wang Anye took out more of its favorite spirit food. The Jade-Horned Heavenly Horse ate happily, seemingly very satisfied with its new owner. As for its mother, it seemed to have forgotten her entirely.

In the distance.

The hidden guards and servants were stunned by the scene.

Is this even possible?

Our young master just sat on the grassland and managed to get a legendary Jade-Horned Heavenly Horse?

Although this flying horse wasn't very strong in combat, its speed was incredible, and it was extremely rare. Wherever it went, it would surely attract attention.

Our young master truly is unmatched!


At the same time.

Lingyun Holy Land.

Xuanmiao Peak.

Since Gongyang Ce had temporarily left, the already sparsely populated peak had become even more deserted, in stark contrast to the bustling disciple courtyards below the mountainside.

At the peak, the majestic palace carved from metal stood silently as always, exuding an aura that seemed capable of tearing the sky apart.

However, due to the lack of human presence, this imposing aura also carried an indescribable sense of loneliness and coldness.

On this day.

Xiaoyue was, as usual, sorting through the recent messages from "Dawn" in the side hall.


A platinum light streaked across the sky, landing swiftly at the palace entrance. As the light dissipated, a white-robed young man stepped out and walked into Xuanmiao Palace.

Xuanmiao Palace had restrictions, and as soon as they were triggered, Xiaoyue immediately reacted and quickly came out to check.

Seeing the figure walking towards the inner hall, her eyes lit up, and she hurriedly greeted him with a bow, "Master, you have returned."

The white-robed young man was none other than the master of Xuanmiao Palace, Master Xuanmiao Gongyang Ce.


Gongyang Ce casually waved his hand and walked into the inner hall.

Seeing him sit on the main seat, Xiaoyue quickly and attentively brewed tea and served it to him.

Noticing his expression, Xiaoyue smiled and said, "Master, it seems your trip to the Han Yue Immortal Dynasty went smoothly?"

Although Gongyang Ce was usually reserved, Xiaoyue had been with him for nearly two hundred years and could tell that he was in a good mood.

"Though there were some twists and turns, the outcome was satisfactory." Gongyang Ce took the tea, recalling the gains from the trip, and couldn't help but smile.

As he sipped the tea, he couldn't help but think that Daqian's tea was still the most comforting. Although the immortal tea from the Han Yue Immortal Dynasty was of excellent quality, it always felt like something was missing after drinking it for a long time.

While he drank his tea, Xiaoyue briefly reported the major events that had occurred in the Holy Land and the Great Qian over the past thirty years.

Due to the impending "Imperial Heir Struggle," the Holy Land had been relatively calm in recent years, but the Great Qian had seen frequent changes. Many high-ranking officials had been reassigned, and several third and fourth-grade families had members implicated and demoted.

The military situation was also complex.

After half a cup of tea, she finished her report.

Gongyang Ce quickly grasped the current situation in the court.

During his absence, the court had undergone significant changes. Based on the current situation, their side's chances of winning were increasing.

Just a few more pushes, and they would have a decisive victory.

He was very satisfied with this and couldn't help but smile.

Taking another sip of tea, he suddenly remembered something and asked Xiaoyue, "How are things in Longzuo Commandery?"

Based on his estimation, with Qian Xuehan and Wang Shouzhe's abilities, they should be able to hold out against the combined forces of the Zuoqiu and Cao Clans for a dozen or twenty years. But by now, there should be some results.

"Master, please forgive me."

Xiaoyue's face changed instantly.

She knelt down with a "thud," trembling, "The plan for Longzuo Commandery failed, and Celestial Maiden Youqing... also perished."

Gongyang Ce's hand holding the teacup paused slightly, his eyes darkening.

He looked at Xiaoyue, "What happened? Tell me."

"It's like this..."

Xiaoyue lowered her head and slowly recounted the events from over thirty years ago.

As Xiaoyue spoke, Gongyang Ce's tea-sipping slowed, eventually stopping altogether. He placed the teacup back on the table.

After she finished, he was silent for several seconds, digesting all the information. Then he asked, "You mean to say that all these plans were orchestrated by Wang Shouzhe? Including the proposal to establish the Qingluo Garrison?"


Gongyang Ce tapped his fingers on the table, lost in deep thought.

After a long while, he sighed, "It seems I underestimated Wang Shouzhe..."

Any technology, from research to maturity to widespread use, requires a long process. Even with special bloodlines to accelerate this process, it still takes time to accumulate enough advantages.

During this process, countless people's efforts and energy are invested.

This is why most high-end technologies are controlled by prominent families.

Only prominent families have the financial, material, and human resources to research and manage these technologies.

Zuoqiu Clan's grain seeds, Gongye Clan's artifact refining heritage, Monan's animal husbandry, and the various technologies of Lingyun Holy Land are all examples of this, without exception.

Wang Shouzhe's proposal to develop Qingluo Sea and the rapid establishment of large-scale aquaculture bases after the Qingluo Garrison was formed, along with the swift market penetration through the aerial cold chain system, all indicate that the Wang's Clan already had mature technology.

Moreover, Wang Shouzhe must have had great confidence in the aquaculture and aerial cold chain system market.

In other words, Wang Shouzhe had been planning this for a long time.

Cao Clan's defeat was not only due to their own issues but also because they ran into Wang's Clan's well-prepared plan...

Gongyang Ce couldn't even be sure when Wang Shouzhe started planning. Perhaps it was after successfully building the aerial cold chain system, or maybe even earlier...

Wang Shouzhe's deep thoughts and long-term planning were truly beyond ordinary people.

"Master, I was afraid of making mistakes with the Wang's Clan, so I only did some cleanup. Wang Shouzhe shouldn't realize we were behind this," Xiaoyue cautiously said, "Master, I..."

"Not making rash decisions was the right call." Gongyang Ce waved his hand, "Stand up~ This isn't your fault. Wang Shouzhe's scheming and strategy are beyond ordinary people; he's not someone you can handle. The more you do, the more mistakes you make."

At his level of cultivation and insight, many things were already clear.

In this world, the most dangerous thing is not stupidity but being unaware of one's stupidity.

Ultimately, Cao Youqing's downfall was due to her tendency to act rashly without the necessary cunning and strategy, leading to repeated failures against Wang Shouzhe and ultimately losing her life.

What a pity~

"Thank you, Master."

Xiaoyue breathed a sigh of relief and quickly stood up.

Seeing the tea was slightly cold, she refilled his cup and respectfully handed it over, "Master, since Wang Shouzhe is so formidable, should we..."

"There's no need." Gongyang Ce waved his hand, "No matter how deep his scheming, the Wang's Clan is still just a mid-tier family. In the face of the greater trend, they are like a mantis trying to stop a chariot."

Although they failed to take Longzuo Commandery due to Wang Shouzhe's interference, they had already secretly taken control of Longyuan Commandery and Lingbei Commandery. The overall situation was set, and no matter how capable Wang Shouzhe was, he couldn't change the big picture.

His current focus was to help "him" win the Imperial Heir Struggle.

Once the Imperial Heir Struggle was settled, no matter how brilliant Wang Shouzhe was, he would still be a minister under the new emperor and would have to obey orders.

However, Youqing was his person, and she couldn't die in vain.

He had to make Wang Shouzhe understand that not just anyone could touch his people.

Gongyang Ce took a sip of tea, a sharp glint flashing in his eyes, "By the way, the fifty-year agreement between Long Wuji and the Wang's Clan is almost up, right?"

"Master, there's about two years left," Xiaoyue replied softly, "Do you mean..."

"Arrange a meeting with Long Wuji for me," Gongyang Ce finished his tea, "It's time for him, as the 'Imperial Uncle,' to contribute to the Imperial Heir Struggle."

"Yes, Master."

Xiaoyue couldn't help but feel a bit sympathetic towards Wang Shouzhe. He had managed to provoke the young master into taking action personally.



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