Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 46: This child! Not easy to raise

Taishi Ankang's face darkened.

Wang Shouzhe, that boy, was truly not easy to fool.

However, given his status, there were some words he couldn't say outright. He had no choice but to seek help with a look towards Commandery Prince Wu Dianshan.

"Why play dumb, young friend Shouzhe?" Wu Dianshan also advised helplessly, "Cao Youqing is a great prodigy of the holy land... a descendant of the Purple Mansion lineage."

"Your Highness, does being a holy land prodigy grant one the freedom to collude with fugitives and kill at will?" Wang Shouzhe asked in astonishment, "Where then is the majesty of Daqian's laws? If prodigies can simply override the laws of Daqian, what are we, the territorial clans, considered? I might as well take my family and pledge allegiance to the holy land."

"Stop this nonsense, don't jest with me and deflect the issue," Wu Dianshan's face hardened as he scolded, "I'm telling you the truth, the matter of Cao Youqing is deeply complicated, and it's not appropriate to issue a public arrest warrant at this time. Young friend Shouzhe, you're a smart man, don't get too deeply involved in this."

"Your Highness has been gracious to Shouzhe, and I will comply with your requests," Wang Shouzhe bowed to him, his expression earnest, "But as for Cao Youqing, she went for wool and came back shorn, suffering a great loss, and is unlikely to let the matter rest."

"No worries, the Commandery Prince and the Prefect will join forces to pressure those behind her," Wu Dianshan's face also showed displeasure as he recalled Cao Youqing's deeds, "After all, Longzuo Commandery is nominally my fief, and I won't tolerate their secret machinations here."

"With these words from Your Highness, Shouzhe is reassured," Wang Shouzhe nodded, "If the Qian Clan has no objections, Shouzhe naturally has none either."

"The Qian Clan may have objections, but they'll have to swallow them," Wu Dianshan frowned, "Ultimately, this whole affair stems from the internal strife for power between the direct descendants of the Qian Clan. That boy Qian Qinhong can't even manage his own household, truly a loss of virtue and authority."

Pausing for a moment, Wu Dianshan then turned to Taishi Ankang, "Prefect, I've already persuaded young friend Shouzhe for you. However, since the Wang Clan has suffered a loss, you must make some gesture of goodwill."

Taishi Ankang felt quite helpless.

If it were an ordinary seventh-rank clan, he wouldn't need to care about their feelings at all.

But now, although the Changning Wang's Clan was only a seventh-rank clan on the surface, both its foundation and background were unfathomable.

Especially since the current direct daughter of the Wang Clan, Wang Liyao, was a great prodigy and had been taken as a personal disciple by the Dean of the Academy, Tianhe Zhenren. If she took this matter seriously and alerted Tianhe Zhenren, it would be difficult to settle.

After all, the matter was deeply entangled, and even he, the dignified Prefect, had to act with extreme caution.

"It is right to make a gesture," Taishi Ankang nodded, his expression benevolent as he looked at Wang Shouzhe, "Why not tell me, Master Wang Shouzhe, what would you like me to do?"

Truly befitting of a Prefect, cunning and shrewd, he kicked the ball back into Wang Shouzhe's court.

"Prefect, you represent His Majesty in overseeing Longzuo Commandery, with myriad duties and hard work. How dare Shouzhe make any demands?" Wang Shouzhe was no easy opponent either, and he spoke with a stern and dignified tone, "The Wang Clan, as a seventh-rank clan enfeoffed by Daqian, has the responsibility to govern the local area. However, due to our policies to pacify refugees, our population is large, and there is a shortage of farmland, leaving the people restless. After much thought, the only solution is to advance beyond our borders and expand the territory. But the Wang Clan is small and lacks resources, and we hope for more support from the Prefect~~"

Taishi Ankang's eyelids twitched.

This Wang Shouzhe was indeed not simple, actually using the Wang Clan's past assistance with refugees as leverage to request government support for land reclamation.

It wasn't unusual for clans to reclaim land, and with the Wang Clan's status, applying for a reclamation order was easy. However, reclamation was usually funded and manned by the clans themselves; the government would typically only provide some rewards afterwards, establish offices and towns, and perform some logistical work. There was no precedent for the government to fund reclamation.

As for the Wang Clan being poor?

Taishi Ankang almost felt the urge to hit someone.

Where was the Wang Clan poor? The government's collected data clearly showed that the Wang Clan's wealth was quite substantial. Perhaps even many sixth-rank clans didn't have as much money as the Wang Clan.

However, since the government was at fault this time, compensation and appeasement were necessary.

Suppressing the urge to lash out, Taishi Ankang's tone remained as gentle as a breeze: "Of course, of course. Master Wang Shouzhe's efforts in settling refugees are commendable, and the Prefect's office cannot fail to show appreciation. I will immediately sign a reclamation order for the Wang Clan and also provide five hundred thousand Top Gold as reclamation funds. I hope the Wang Clan will make good use of it and contribute more to the country."

Five hundred thousand Top Gold was not a small amount.

Wang Shouzhe immediately accepted the offer, expressing his sincere thanks: "Shouzhe thanks the Prefect for his understanding and support. Rest assured, the Wang Clan will strive to expand living spaces for Daqian."

The government and the Qian Clan were different. The Qian Clan, as investors, naturally wanted to invest heavily, but government funds came from taxes and allocations from above. All financial transactions had to be recorded and reported to higher-ups, not solely at the Prefect's discretion. To offer five hundred thousand Top Gold was already a sign of sincerity.

After the agreement, both parties were content.

Regarding Cao Youqing's matter, Wang Shouzhe would not spread it further. As for follow-up actions and negotiations with the Cao Clan, Qian Clan, and Lingyun Holy Land, those were Taishi Ankang's concerns.

By this time, the food and drinks were ready. Seeing the discussion between the two had ended, Commandery Prince Wu Dianshan had the fine wine and dishes brought up, inviting them to sit down for a drink and meal.

Wang Shouzhe and Taishi Ankang naturally wouldn't refuse his hospitality. In the end, the meal lasted over an hour before concluding, with both host and guests fully satisfied.


At the same time.

Qian Clan of Longzuo Commandery.

As the saying goes, "Entering a noble house is as deep as the sea," and although the Qian Clan was not a noble house, as a fifth-rank Purple Mansion Clan with over a thousand years of history, its strength and foundation were much more powerful than those of ancient noble houses in China.

The main residence of the Qian Clan was naturally much more expansive and profound than the "deep as the sea" noble houses. It covered an extensive area, with over ten thousand household servants and over a thousand family guards.

Such a high-level family naturally had a comprehensive management system.

In the western garden of the main residence, due to the architectural layout, this area was often shaded and overgrown with dense trees and weeds, and the courtyards appeared gloomy due to long neglect.

This was not because the Qian Clan lacked the funds to repair the estate, but rather the western garden was traditionally used to discipline and exile female members of the clan who had erred, somewhat akin to the cold palaces of ancient royal families.

Once banished to the western garden, without permission, one could not leave at will, effectively abandoned by the family. This represented the clan's severe punishment.

Why only exile women? Naturally, because male clan members who committed serious offenses were usually sent to the clan's mines to undertake extremely arduous labor as punishment.

At this moment.

This seldom-used western garden was unusually opened, and a luxuriously dressed beautiful matron was pushed in by a group of robust maidservants, and thrown to the ground.

This beautiful matron was none other than the current chief wife of the Qian Clan, Cao Lina.

Even as she was thrown into the yard, Cao Lina still hadn't come to her senses.

She stared at Qian Qinhong in disbelief and shouted angrily, "Qian Qinhong, where did you get the guts to lock me in this wretched place? I, Cao Lina, am the direct daughter of the distant Cao Clan, aren't you afraid of my maternal family's brothers and uncles seeking retribution?"

Outside the courtyard, Qian Qinhong stood with his hands behind his back, his face as dark as water: "Cao Lina, although it was the Ancestor's decision to confine you, I, as the Clan Leader, also think you should reflect on your actions here. As for your maternal family seeking retribution... Hmph~ Our Qian Clan has yet to properly question the distant Cao Clan. What kind of family traditions and rules do you have, to raise such a vicious woman like you?!"

"Vicious? What right do you have to call me vicious?" Cao Lina's face turned cold as she retorted angrily, "I, a direct daughter of the Cao Clan, married you, an old widower, and bore a son who has no right to inherit the clan leadership. Why can Qian Xuehan, that bastard who lost his mother, inherit directly, even if he can't become the Clan Leader, his son and grandson will always be in the line of succession? How is my son Xuerui inferior to him in talent, bloodline, or background? Why can he only be an elder?!"

"The tradition of passing the lineage from the eldest direct descendant and not the younger is not only a tradition followed by all clans in Daqian, but also a clear legal provision in the laws of Daqian regarding clan inheritance. You, you... you..."

Qian Qinhong pointed at Cao Lina, almost too angry to speak.

After a while, he managed to catch his breath and scolded with a cold face: "Why do you think the Ancestor set such rules? If a clan wants to pass down for thousands of years, the most important thing is unity and stability! It is because of these strict traditions and laws that clan inheritances can continue without decline. Otherwise, if clans internally fight and kill each other at the slightest provocation, wouldn't it have been chaos long ago?!"

"Cao Lina, I think you've been poisoned by that wretch Cao Youqing!" Qian Qinhong was filled with indignation, "That wretch, as a holy land prodigy, instead of fulfilling her duty to expand territory for humanity and repel foreign enemies, dared to get involved in a coup. It's one thing for her to foolishly seek death, but she dared to use you to manipulate our Qian Clan, trying to drag us into the whirlpool as well! Did she really think our Qian Clan is so easy to bully?"

The Qian Clan, being a powerful fifth-rank clan, had many capable people. After some investigation and deduction, they naturally figured out most of Cao Youqing's plans.

With the current situation unclear, which clan would dare to take sides easily? One wrong move could lead to the destruction of the entire family.

Cao Lina's face changed drastically when she heard this, as if she only realized the seriousness of the situation at this moment: "Then, what about my son Rui? It was all my doing, he had nothing to do with it! Husband, Rui is your own son, you..."

"Hmph~ You still have the face to mention him?" Qian Qinhong interrupted her, pointing at her and cursing, "If it weren't for your instigation, would he have harbored such improper thoughts? Although he wasn't involved in the case of fratricide and usurpation, he has been implicated by you. The Ancestor has already ordered that he be exiled to the mines to serve as a minor official for thirty years, not to set foot in the Qian Clan's doors!"

"Ah! Then, isn't Rui..."

Cao Lina collapsed to the ground, her face pale.

She understood that "not to set foot in the Qian Clan's doors for thirty years" was just a euphemism. In essence, Xuerui was exiled. Even if he returned after thirty years, he could only be a marginal figure, never to be reused by the family again.

If only she had known... If she had known it would come to this, she would never have...

Despite being married for many years, seeing her so distraught, Qian Qinhong also felt a twinge of pity. But thinking of the foolish things she had done, his heart hardened again.

"Ignorant woman, trying to shake the foundation of the family, ultimately harming both son and yourself~ Spend the rest of your life reflecting in this western garden~"

With that, he turned and left the western garden.

The door to the western garden slowly closed behind him. Cao Lina's dispirited silhouette was also shut behind the door, no longer visible.

In fact, not only was Qian Xuerui implicated this time, but Qian Qinhong himself did not escape either.

Recently, the Ancestor had personally ordered him to complete the transition of Clan Leader within five years, because he, as the Clan Leader, couldn't even manage his own household, a loss of authority and virtue.

As for the next Clan Leader, it would naturally be the first in line for succession as stipulated by the ancestral rules and laws—Qian Xuehan!

And Qian Qinhong, stepping down from the position of Clan Leader, would naturally enter the family's Council of Elders, becoming an honorable elder of the Qian Clan.


Although the Qian Clan tried its best to cover up this internal turmoil and prevent the news from leaking, how could the other major clans of Longzuo Commandery be unaware?

With their long-standing and intricate relationships, how could such significant news possibly be kept secret?

Before long, the matter caused an uproar in Longzuo Commandery City, becoming a hot topic of conversation for many.

Upon learning of these developments, Wang Shouzhe was also filled with emotions.

Such a method of clan inheritance, although not necessarily the best solution, was at least a time-tested and effective way to ensure family stability.

Moreover, as an ancient tradition, the system of primogeniture had been deeply ingrained and widely accepted. Apart from the royal family, all clans followed this practice.

Wang Shouzhe had neither the intention nor the power to change it.

However, in this incident, the biggest beneficiary was probably Qian Xuehan.

In Wang Shouzhe's view, although Qian Xuehan appeared gentle and humble on the surface, often embracing others in tears, from his series of actions, he seemed to be a wolf in sheep's clothing, not so simple.

The future changes in the Qian Clan under his leadership were yet to be seen.


At the same time.

In the capital of The Great Qian.

The Great Qian had been established for over seven thousand years, with vast territories and a thriving economy. As the heart of national power, the capital was naturally not so simple.

The land to the north of the Anqing Mountain Range and to the west of the Longqing Bay all belonged to the range of The Great Qian's capital. In terms of land area, even Longzuo Commandery, which was still in the development stage, could not compare to it.

At the heart of the capital lay a city called "Guilong City."

Guilong City covered an extensive area and was the largest city in The Great Qian, as well as the only city without walls. Since the founding of the nation, Guilong City had been expanding year by year, and this expansion had not yet completely stopped.

The entire capital was built around Guilong City, with thirty-six garrison towns as support.

Legend has it that at the beginning of the nation, the founding Emperor, Emperor Ziwei Xuandu, joined forces with the Lord of Lingyun Holy Land, Emperor Lingyun of that time, to lay out a world-shattering formation using Guilong City and the thirty-six garrison towns as focal points. This formation was said to bless The Great Qian with favorable weather and prosperity for generations.

Of course, this was just a legend. In over seven thousand years since the founding, no one had seen this world-shattering formation activated, so naturally, no one knew whether it was true or false.

But one thing was certain: as the imperial city, Guilong City was the undisputed center of power in The Great Qian.

For as many years as The Great Qian had been founded, Guilong City had stood for just as long.

Over the years, the flow of history, like the water of a river, trickled on. Countless talented and brilliant heroes rose here and fell like shooting stars, leaving numerous vivid and profound marks in this city.

It was like a monument, its mere presence was enough to be weighty and awe-inspiring.

Who knew, in a corner of this majestic city, whether a toddler learning to walk might one day become a hero who could command the wind and rain?

To the east of Guilong City.

Near the edge of the city, there was a grand restaurant known as the "Palace Above the Clouds," named "Baiyun Lou."

Baiyun Lou had three excellences: "exquisite taste," "exquisite music," and "exquisite dance." It gathered the most delicious food, the most moving music, and the most graceful dance moves in all of The Great Qian.

With these "three excellences," Baiyun Lou had stood for thousands of years in The Great Qian, always outshining any other restaurant.

Of course, this was also inseparable from its profound background.

At this moment.

As the sun set and dusk enveloped the sky, Baiyun Lou was still brightly lit.

Under the night sky, the entire Baiyun Lou was like a city that never slept, with ornate railings and splendid floors. The legendary paradise and celestial palaces could not compare.

The structure inside the building was not the traditional multi-story layout but a more complex open design.

The building was hollow in the middle, with a huge cloud platform at the bottom, surrounded by various private booths. These booths, some with hanging curtains, others like pavilions embedded in various parts of the building, were scattered like stars in the sky, with spiraling staircases connecting each pavilion like the tracks of stars, winding and intricate.

Between the pavilions and booths, there were specially designed hanging gardens, planted with various spiritual plants and flowers, with spirit butterflies fluttering and spirit birds hopping, creating an atmosphere of birdsong and floral fragrance.

The spirit lamps, shaped like cranes spreading their wings, emitted a hazy glow, with starlight trickling down from above, casting a layer of light and shadow over everything, making it all seem dreamy and beautiful.

The brightest spot in the entire building was actually the huge cloud platform at the bottom.

The cloud platform was carved from spirit stones, with intricate formations set up, and a beam of light shone down from the top of the building, enveloping the entire platform.

Looking down from the booths above, everything on the cloud platform was clearly visible.

On the cloud platform, dancers with graceful figures twirled, their waists swaying, their white garments fluttering, and amidst the white mist rising from the platform, they looked like celestial beings descending from the heavens.

"The 'Seven Beauties of Langhuan Pavilion' truly live up to their reputation. The dance of the Cloud Dancer is indeed unparalleled~"

In one of the booths above, several young men dressed in fine clothes and looking distinguished were sipping wine and enjoying the pleasing performance, praising it incessantly.

Langhuan Pavilion was founded by Madam Langhuan, and the women trained there were all adept in music and dance, with outstanding character and talent, and even their cultivation was not to be underestimated. They had long been favored by the noble families of the capital.

The Seven Beauties of Langhuan Pavilion were the most outstanding among them.

Not only were these seven women stunningly beautiful, each with their own strengths, but each also possessed the strength of the Celestial Realm, highly sought after in the capital. Countless young nobles had spent a fortune just for a glimpse of them.

If Baiyun Lou's reputation wasn't so great, they might not have been able to invite the Cloud Dancer.

At the same time, in one of the larger booths upstairs, several young men and women were participating in a special event recently launched by Baiyun Lou—"Under-50 Youth Eating Contest."

A group of young people excitedly gathered around, cheering for their chosen contestants.

The competition had been going on for a while. The long table was already piled high with empty plates, and three contestants had given up and ran to the corner to vomit, leaving only two still competing.

A man and a woman.

The man was robust and burly, like an ancient war elephant emerging from the wilderness, clearly someone with a powerful bloodline and who had practiced advanced body refining techniques.

The woman was less conspicuous. She was fair-skinned and beautiful, with a slightly round face and chubby baby cheeks. Her large eyes blinked innocently and naively.

This woman was none other than the "Li" generation young miss of the Wang Clan—Wang Lici.

She was also the only female contestant in the eating contest.

Ever since she came to the capital with her master, Yunyang, she had been frequenting Baiyun Lou, and over the years, she had made a bit of a name for herself.

Although, this reputation was mostly due to her impressive appetite. But beyond that, her fame was limited to this.

In the capital, where dragons and tigers lay hidden, and remarkable people were countless, Wang Lici didn't seem to have anything particularly special about her, aside from her extraordinary ability to eat.

Gambling is one of humanity's "inherent vices."

Wherever there are people, the word "gamble" is always present.

Such eating contests were not without gamblers, and the bookmaker came from one of Baiyun Lou's managers.

"The final showdown, I bet three thousand Top Gold on the Big Barbarian Elephant to win," a graceful young noble casually threw out a stack of Top Gold, "Don't look at the Big Barbarian Elephant being only in his forties and not yet in the Lingtai Realm, but he comes from a barbaric tribe at the frontier—the War Elephant Tribe. His ancient war elephant bloodline has reached the second peak, and he has cultivated the 'War Elephant Body Refining Technique' to the level of a Hundred-Refined Stomach. Not only can he eat a whole wild ox in one breath, but he can even digest minerals and iron sand."

"I've heard of him too. He's been taken in by the 'Gongye Clan,' a third-rank clan, as part of their family guard sequence, becoming a personal follower of the direct descendants of the Gongye Clan. It's said that the Gongye Clan intends to cultivate him into a prodigy!"

For a moment, the young nobles discussed animatedly, with some showing envy.

Even in the capital, where ancient clans gathered, the Gongye Clan was one of the top ancient clans. Gaining the favor of a direct descendant of the Gongye Clan meant that the Big Barbarian Elephant's future was boundless.

Many people began to follow suit, betting on the Big Barbarian Elephant to win.

However, Wang Lici was also well-known and had her own supporters, especially among the young ladies of the noble families, who took out their gold notes to bet on Wang Lici's victory: "Miss Lici is a distinguished guest of the Heng Commandery Prince's house and is said to be highly favored by the Commandery Prince. Her appetite is unfathomable; we bet on Miss Lici to win."

"Miss Lici can indeed eat a lot, but compared to the Big Barbarian Elephant, she is still lacking. The 'War Elephant Body Refining Technique' is not for show."

Amidst the various opinions, the majority still bet on the Big Barbarian Elephant. Those betting on Wang Lici to win only accounted for a small fraction. As public opinion swayed one-sidedly, more and more people bet on the Big Barbarian Elephant.


At the top floor of Baiyun Lou, in a booth with an open terrace.

A man dressed in luxurious clothes and exuding a noble and extraordinary demeanor saw this scene and frowned slightly: "Yunyang, is it really good for you to plot such a scheme?"

Beside him sat an old man dressed simply, with the aura of an immortal.

Hearing this, the old man stroked his beard and sighed, speaking earnestly, "Commandery Prince Heng, this is a typical case of 'one doesn't know the cost of firewood, rice, oil, and salt until they run a household.' Do you think it's easy for me to raise a disciple?"

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