Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 47: The commandery prince's family also has no surplus grain

The Commandery Prince of Heng's expression froze. Indeed, raising a disciple like Wang Lici wasn't easy. Helplessly, he changed the topic, "Yunyang, how much do you think a chicken is worth?"

"That depends on where and how big the chicken is," Yunyang replied leisurely. "In an ordinary farmhouse, it might be worth sixty to seventy coins, or at most one or two large coppers. But here at your White Cloud Tower, its value increases a hundredfold. A simple 'Eight Treasures Braised Phoenix Chick' can cost dozens of gold."

Pausing, Yunyang sneaked a glance at the Commandery Prince of Heng, "But in a barren place like the Nine Desolate Lands, after three months without food or water, that chicken would be priceless. Your Highness, one must be grateful."

Grateful, my foot!

The Commandery Prince of Heng's face twitched, almost losing his composure. He retorted, "True, but back when we were on that sacred land training mission, you secretly hoarded a lot of chickens."

"My chickens are my business. I just ask, did you eat my chickens?" Yunyang rolled his eyes.

"I did!"

The Commandery Prince of Heng was helpless.

If he had known Yunyang would hold a grudge for centuries, he would never have eaten that chicken.

"I even let you eat such a precious chicken," Yunyang stroked his beard. "Now I'm just staying at your inn with my disciple for a while, why make such a fuss?"

A short stay?

Staying for five years, and you call that a short stay?

The Commandery Prince of Heng felt his heart bleeding, filled with sorrow.

If it weren't for Yunyang being at the peak of the Zifu Realm and himself being no match, he would have cursed him out long ago.

While the two big shots were whispering in the elegant room on the top floor, the "Under-Fifty Youth Glutton King Contest" finals downstairs were in full swing.

As plate after plate of roasted spirit beast meat disappeared into Wang Lici and the Great Barbarian Elephant's mouths, the cheers around them grew louder, almost lifting the entire pavilion.

If it weren't for the soundproofing formations in the White Cloud Tower's elegant rooms, preventing anyone below the Zifu Realm from hearing the noise, other guests would have long been disturbed and come to complain.

The plates quickly piled up like mountains.

Gradually, the Great Barbarian Elephant began to struggle, his face turning pale, sweat dripping from his forehead.

His digestion was indeed strong, capable of processing even jade and iron sand. But no matter how strong, he needed time to digest!

Each plate of roasted spirit beast meat weighed dozens of pounds. With each additional plate, his stomach felt like it was cramping, enduring a form of torture.

In contrast, Miss Lici ate leisurely, her manners elegant, yet her speed in devouring the meat was no slower than the Great Barbarian Elephant.

Most importantly, she seemed to be enjoying the food, clearly relishing the delicacies.

The capital was so much fun, with so many delicious things to eat. The more Wang Lici ate, the happier she felt. Life was truly wonderful.

Seeing this, the young noblemen who had bet on the Great Barbarian Elephant began to feel uneasy, shouting, "Great Barbarian Elephant, are you going to lose to a woman?"

"I bet four thousand top gold on you!"

"I wagered thirty years of my savings on you! If you lose, I'll skin you alive!"

Encouraged by these shouts, the Great Barbarian Elephant forced himself to continue for another stick of incense's time, downing five more large plates of roasted meat before finally giving in and running to the corner to vomit.

The crowd erupted in boos.

"Hey? Is that all you've got?"

Wang Lici licked her lips, still unsatisfied.

She glanced at the Great Barbarian Elephant, then at the host, hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't resist pointing at the ten freshly served plates of roasted spirit meat, weakly asking, "Manager, can I still eat the rest?"

The scene fell silent.

Everyone looked at Wang Lici with strange expressions, as if they had seen a ghost.

At this moment, even the two big shots watching from the top floor's elegant room were stunned.

Especially the Commandery Prince of Heng, his expression was complex. For the past five years, he had been living in constant shock. No matter how many times, it was hard to accept!

After several breaths, he finally came to his senses and sighed, "Lici's devouring bloodline is truly remarkable. Yunyang, you really found a treasure."

"Not bad, not bad," Yunyang boasted, "Her bloodline has great potential, but raising her is troublesome. The earlier her bloodline is enhanced, the stronger it becomes. Most of what she devours turns into energy and slight bloodline improvement. It's tough, tough, tough."

Devouring bloodlines were rare, but there were historical records in the sacred land and academies.

The Commandery Prince of Heng, though amazed, thought Wang Lici's bloodline was just a rare devouring type.

Only Yunyang knew that Lici's bloodline wasn't an ordinary devouring type but the legendary Glutton bloodline, recorded in ancient texts.

This bloodline had immense potential. Once nurtured, it would be invincible in the later stages, though it required constant devouring of treasures and food to build its foundation.

"Devouring bloodline disciples are indeed hard to raise, but once raised, they are formidable," the Commandery Prince of Heng agreed, then shifted the topic, "But what does that have to do with me? No matter how powerful, she's still your disciple."

Thinking it over, he decided to be blunt, "Yunyang, the favor of that chicken should have been settled long ago. If you can't afford to raise Lici, why not send her to the sacred land..."

"Sacred land?" Yunyang's face changed, "No. I prefer staying at Longzuo Academy. I don't want Lici to be corrupted in the sacred land."

"Yunyang, it's been so many years. Senior Sister Xiqing has been gone for so long, and besides, Senior Brother Langya..."

"Shut up! My refusal to go to the sacred land has nothing to do with that," Yunyang's face darkened, then he coldly snorted, "Junior Brother Han Heng, you don't understand. Staying at Longzuo Academy, I'm second only to one. Why go to the sacred land and endure that guy's nonsense?

"Besides, once Old Tianhe kicks the bucket, I'll be the dean. The entire Longzuo Purple Mansion Academy will be under 'Master Yunyang's' control."

"Junior Brother Han Heng, one must have a long-term vision. If you let my disciple and me stay a few more years, won't there be rewards when I control Longzuo Purple Mansion Academy?"

The Commandery Prince of Heng was speechless, "Yunyang, your vision is indeed long-term." Also, could you wait until you reach the Divine Realm before calling yourself 'Master'?

"Of course. If I didn't have foresight, how would you have eaten that chicken back then? You might have starved to death," Yunyang's immortal demeanor, combined with his worldly conversation, was truly unique, "This is called long-term investment, understand?"

"Understood!" The Commandery Prince of Heng nodded heavily, "But I also have a saying, 'cut your losses in time.' Yunyang, don't look at my 'Commandery Prince' title, it's just an empty title. The Commandery Prince's household has no surplus grain."

"Yunyang, unlike you, I have a wife, dozens of concubines, hundreds of princes and princesses, countless descendants I can't even recognize. These are heavy responsibilities, burdens."

"Honestly, sometimes I envy you, Yunyang, like a crane in the clouds, free and unburdened."

Yunyang was struck as if by lightning.

This Han Heng... too much.

Was it necessary to use such a big move just to drive someone away?


Half an hour later.

At the entrance of White Cloud Tower, Yunyang and Wang Lici stood silently, watching the restriction rise slowly.

The night wind howled, making their backs look particularly desolate.

After a long while, Yunyang sighed, "Uncle Heng has it tough. If it weren't for the Commandery Prince's vast assets, passed down from ancestors, anyone else would have been eaten into poverty countless times. Lici, remember your Uncle Heng's kindness and repay him in the future, understand?"

"Don't worry, Master, I understand."

Wang Lici nodded seriously, then stored the large bag of treasures given by the Commandery Prince before leaving into her storage ring. She looked at her master eagerly, "Master, where are we going next?"

"Don't rush, let me think. Your master has many connections, and now it's time to use them."

Yunyang took out his little notebook again, marking a cross next to Han Heng's name.

Then, he pondered carefully.


Time flew by, and several months passed in a flash.

In the 3167th year of the Daqian Changlong Calendar, on January 19th.

Another early spring.

The winter snow had not yet melted, but the turmoil between the Qian and Wang Clans had gradually subsided. Hardly anyone mentioned it anymore.

After finalizing the details of their agreement, the Qian and Wang Clans signed a formal contract at the end of last year, under the joint notarization of the Purple Mansion Academy and the Commandery Governor's Office.

The Qian Clan, with its thousand-year history, had deep foundations. Whether in terms of money, talent, business experience, or connections, they far surpassed the newly risen Wang Clan.

With the Qian Clan's involvement, the Shouda Trading Company rapidly expanded, burning through money to open up the market.

The unsold fourth-grade vermilion-crowned cranes at the Purple Mansion Academy were all bought by the Shouda Trading Company, thanks to Wang Liyao's influence. Otherwise, the academy might not have sold them all.

As for the flying carriage orders, they were taken over by the largest refining workshop in Longzuo Commandery, the Longzuo branch of the Heavenly Workshop. After three months of overtime, the order was finally completed.

Now, months later, the number of flying carriages soaring in the skies of Longzuo Commandery had reached sixty-seven.

According to Qian Xuehan, they had already sent elders to other commanderies to buy or rent more flying carriages, aiming to expand the fleet to 120 within a year.

This showed that in terms of commercial foundation, the Wang Clan was far behind the Qian Clan.

The Wang Clan's advantage lay in Wang Shouzhe's unique ideas and innovative thinking.

Early spring.

The cold wind was still biting.

Over the vast East Sea, the wind howled, carrying a bone-chilling cold.

Amidst the waves, five large merchant ships sailed in a V-formation, steadily advancing against the wind and waves.

The high sails were filled with sea wind, billowing.

The massive merchant ships, like moving fortresses, remained steady despite the waves, slowly but surely heading towards their destination.

At the top of the mast, the flag of the Donggang Chen Clan fluttered in the wind.

On the flagship's bow, a lookout in sailor's attire held a cylindrical "thousand-mile eye," intently scanning the horizon.


The coastline near Donggang appeared faintly in the lookout's view.

The lookout excitedly whistled and signaled the helmsman.

Soon, the good news spread through the fleet like spring willow catkins.

This fleet had set out from Donggang last winter, stopping at major ports in Baidao Garrison, then circling Ice Fiend Island, taking nearly two months.

Originally expected to return to Donggang before the New Year, an unexpected winter storm blocked the sea route, forcing the fleet to stay in Baidao Garrison for the New Year.

Fortunately, the fleet's commander was the young core elder of the Chen Clan, Chen Fanghua. The flagship's captain and deputy commander was none other than the current young master of the Donggang Chen Clan, Chen Xiuwu.

With these two in charge, and their occasional morale boosts, the fleet weathered the storm without any incidents of sailor unrest or mutiny.

Soon, Elder Chen Fanghua and Young Master Chen Xiuwu, accompanied by a group of family guards, arrived at the flagship's bow.

When Wang Shouzhe first visited, Chen Fanghua was a young core member. Now, at forty-six or forty-seven, he had grown into a dignified middle-aged man.

He had been fortunate to catch the wave of family development, and with his outstanding abilities and long-term contributions, he gained the favor of the Chen Clan's ancestor.

Last year, with the family's abundant resources and a Heavenly Spirit Pill from the ancestor, he successfully broke through the Qi Refining Realm bottleneck, entering the Lingtai Realm and becoming the eighth Lingtai Realm elder of the Donggang Chen Clan.

Times change.

The young talents of the past had grown into the family's pillars. Even the young master, Chen Xiuwu, needed to follow and learn.

Gazing at the long-missed Donggang coastline, even the steady Chen Fanghua sighed in relief.

Young Master Chen Xiuwu, half a step behind, also felt a surge of excitement, "Third Uncle, we finally made it back safely. After visiting Mother, I can go to Ping'an Town to see Uncle and Aunt and wish them a belated New Year."

Months of wind and sun had tanned his handsome face, making him look more mature and steady.

Throughout the journey, the fleet faced numerous dangers and challenges, but he performed admirably, showing responsibility and resolve, earning the respect of the Chen Clan members, guards, and sailors.

"Xiuwu, you've done well this time, and your cultivation has reached the ninth level of the Qi Refining Realm. In three or four years, you can attempt to break through to the Lingtai Realm. Master Shouzhe will surely praise you," Chen Fanghua said, both proud and emotional.

The family's strength was crucial. When Chen Fangjie and Wang Shouzhe were young, their cultivation was already considered outstanding in Changning Garrison.

But now, Xiuwu, at twenty, had reached the ninth level of the Qi Refining Realm!

Yet even so, he wasn't among the top young talents in the alliance. The younger generation of the Shanyin Liu Clan, Shanyang Gongsun Clan, and Yingxiu Lu Clan were equally impressive.

Of course, the most outstanding were the Wang Clan's young members. Especially Xiuwu's cousin, Wang Liyao, who had long entered the Lingtai Realm and was now a student at the academy—a true prodigy.

"I wonder if Cousin Liyao and Cousin Zong'an returned from the academy for the New Year," Chen Xiuwu mused, "I've heard the Purple Mansion Academy is full of geniuses and experts. I'm not worried about Cousin Liyao, but Cousin Zong'an is too gentle. I hope he doesn't get bullied."

"Don't worry. Your Aunt Luo Jing and Aunt Luo Qiu are doing well at the academy, being personal disciples of the masters," Chen Fanghua said proudly, "With them around, who would dare bully Young Master Zong'an? Besides, our alliance is strong now, not easily bullied."

"Indeed. Once Ancestor Ruhong reaches the Celestial Realm, our Chen Clan will be a seventh-grade family," Chen Xiuwu said excitedly, "Then, apart from the city guard, Changning Garrison will have four Celestial Realm cultivators."

Mentioning Ancestor Ruhong's impending breakthrough brought a smile to Chen Fanghua's mature face.

The gap between seventh and eighth-grade families was significant, mainly due to the presence of a Celestial Realm ancestor.

It represented a leap in status.

Once Ancestor Ruhong succeeded, the Donggang Chen Clan would rise from the lower ranks, securing a place in Changning Garrison and even gaining recognition in Longzuo Commandery.


Chen Fanghua's expression changed slightly, "Those ships... Huh, they're from the Flood Dragon Gang. Why are they near Donggang?"

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