
Chapter 130

After Wen Guiyun sent her daughter into the classroom, she started calling her husband. When she was not connected there, her hands were shaking and her heart was sulking because she was beating too fast. Although her daughter made another wish for “daddy’s peace”, she didn’t know why. She was still in a panic. She always wanted to hear the gentle voice of her husband in order to be at ease.

“What’s wrong, is the daughter having another problem.” The husband quickly connected the phone with a tense tone. Since his pet dog Doudou was cursed to death by his daughter, he has lived a life of fear. In fact, he didn’t want to be rich, expensive, or promoted for a salary increase. He just wanted the whole family to be happy and peaceful together.

Thinking of her husband’s driving now, he can’t be distracted, Wen Guiyun quickly comforted: “No, don’t be nervous, she’s very good, she’s already reading in the classroom. Do you know how to drive on the road? Or else go home? , Don’t go to the company today! “

There were horns coming and going from the traffic, which covered the tremor and fear in his wife’s voice, so Xiao Runmin didn’t find any abnormalities and refused: “Today I have a big project to talk about, I have to go to work, what silly words do you say? , The company was not opened by me. By the way, when you meet those parents later, you must help Mr. Fan to make a siege, saying that the two of us have reached an understanding in private, and Mr. Fan has already apologized to us, let everyone stop Embarrassed him and Xu Yiyang. Yunyun, you know, our children almost killed Mr. Fan’s children, everything is our fault! “

Wen Guiyun kept saying yes. When he hung up the phone and was dragged by Mrs. Mo to the corner of the teaching building, he didn’t say a good word for Fangallo and Xu Yiyang. It is impossible for her to make a clearance for Van Gogh. This makes it clear that she is against the people in the family committee. If she really dares to do this, her daughter will definitely be excluded from the children in the class.

This school is one of the best in Beijing. The parents of many children are head and face, especially Mrs. Mo, who has money and power at home and is a celebrity, and she is just an upstart, how dare to offend them? The relationship must be good, they must follow them, and they are also to help their daughters to do justice, the starting point is good. By the way, if her daughter is excluded by her classmates, she will definitely lose her temper again. She will be bad as soon as she loses her temper. I am also good for other children. Thinking this way, Wen Guiyun was at ease.

When she learned that her husband was okay, she could solve these troubles calmly. Everything was mainly in the interests of her daughter. She really couldn’t consider whether other people’s children would read books. She was not a fairy.

“Xiao Wen, you come. Let’s discuss the good strategy while Mr. Luo takes the children to read early. You see, this is the joint letter we made this morning. Every parent signed it. Drop any one. That Van Gogh ’s brain is not normal, saying some godly words all day. He offended the Fan and Zhang families. Do you know, we must not let his children stay in school! Come, You also signed a name, signed at the top, you are the victim. “Mrs. Mo led Wen Guiyun to an empty reception room and put a pen in her hand.

Wen Guiyun turned his eyes and asked, “Which one is the Zhang family?”

“It’s the Zhang family in Zhang Yang!” Mrs. Mo pointed to the ceiling, her expression sullen.

Wen Guiyun suffocated and quickly signed the joint letter. He exclaimed: “In order to save the country, Mrs. Zhang went bankrupt and made outstanding contributions. Van Gollo dare to offend even his family?”

Mrs. Mo pouted: “The Zhang Family is standing behind Su Fengxi. He called Su Fengxi a monster, so he offended Zhang Family.”

Wen Guiyun was even more strange, “Su Fengxi’s backstage is so hard, how can it be blocked?”

Mrs. Mo waved her hand: “It was not blocked, but seriously ill, and healed. But the authorities did seal her album, but did not say that she should not be allowed to enter the circle again. Her album seems to have exceeded the toxic substances and is not conducive Environmental protection. You wait, Su Fengxi will come back when he is ill. Zhang Yang is very supportive of her. Fangalo must be down!

Wen Guiyun nodded again and again, more and more fortunate that he did not say a good word for Van Gogh. It doesn’t matter if someone else dies or not, as long as her husband and children are fine.

The parents who accompanied Mrs. Mo clicked on the letters in the last row of the letter and said firmly: “No matter what Fangallo said, how to ask this time, we will never let his children stay in the school. They must go!”

“Yes, they have to leave! We must put pressure on the school! Xiao Wen, if Van Gogh later proposes to apologize publicly to you, you must not agree!” Mrs. Mo specifically exhorted.

Wen Guiyun quickly waved his hand: “How can I agree on this matter! Impossible! He didn’t apologize when he was at the Public Security Bureau yesterday. Later, he didn’t apologize when he posted on Weibo, and then I only saw him after seeing the news of others I did n’t even apologize to the parents, and gave me gas! How could there be such a person in the world, you say, it ’s too arrogant! “

The parents seemed to have found a confidant, and said to the enemies angrily: “This is not arrogant and unreasonable, this is ill-cultivated and ill-qualified! Or Madam Vatican scolded well, he was simply morally devastated! His family Xu Yiyang was not a good thing, he was somber Yes, I could n’t say a word for a day. Recently, I ’m a little better. I started talking, but I learned to lie again! “

“This is what kind of people teach!”

“That child was destroyed by following Van Gollo!”

“When I was three years old, I was seven years old, and the old man, the child was ten years old.

“Still Xiaowen teaches children, Ling Ling not only looks beautiful, but also achieves good academic performance. He is very proficient in drawing and playing at a young age, and has won many awards. This child will have a good future!”

Parents, you talk to me one word at a time. There are only two themes: one, against Vanguard and Xu Yiyang; second, praise Xiao Yanling and his children. It is said that the way for women to increase their feelings is nothing more than bad-mouthing. In the past, Wen Guiyun, who always felt that he could not integrate into the family committee, is quite comfortable now.

At this time, she still remembered her husband’s instructions, and her whole heart fluttered because of the parents’ pursuit. At the end of the early reading, the teacher in charge of the class returned to the office, and the group of parents took the joint letter and went upstairs.

“Xiao Wen, you must persevere and cannot accept Van Gogh’s apology!” Mrs. Mo once again advised.

“Yes, even if he invites the media to publicly apologize to your family on the TV screen. I do n’t know too much about their little stars. In order to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry, they can do everything. If he apologizes, It must have been a show for others, and there is no sincerity! “A parent cautioned carefully.

“Our only purpose today is to drive away Van Gogh and Xu Yiyang without compromise or compromise!”

“Understood, I won’t give in. His family Xu Yiyang will definitely have to transfer! My family Ling Ling sits well in the classroom. How could Xu Yiyang go downstairs! Van Gaal said that it was my family Ling Ling who really did it. Did he have any evidence? His two mouths and lips touched me and it became the fault of my family. What’s the reason? Does he think he is the king? “Wen Guiyun said more and more reasonably. Start to believe that everything is framed by Van Gogh!

Yes! He has no evidence at all, how can I believe his words to blame Ling Ling? No wonder Ling Ling is so angry! Wen Guiyun’s mentality was completely balanced, and her daughter’s image in her mind became an angel again.

A group of people walked into the office aggressively and saw two handsome men standing at the desk and talking to the teacher in charge of the class. Don’t think that you can do whatever you want with good looks, don’t think that this matter can be passed by just saying something sorry, impossible!

However, the teacher’s words made everyone’s angry expression stiff in the face: “Mrs. Mo, Mrs. Xiao, Mrs. Liu, Mrs. Gu, you are here. Please sit down first, and I will help Mr. Fan to handle the dropout procedures.”

All ladies: “…”

The feeling of hitting the air with all your strength is more uncomfortable than hitting cotton!

Mrs. Mo settled down and reinvigorated: “Yo, quite sensible, he dropped out first. What should the child do after he dropped out? He has a flaw in his personality and he ca n’t speak. Just send it to a special school, This is better for him. “

Van Gogh just glanced at her lightly, without saying a word, Song Rui, who was in charge of running procedures, chuckled: “Today is just free, so we simply handled the withdrawal and transfer procedures together. Yes, it was sent to a special school The course of the Confucius School is progressing faster than here. If you do n’t rush to let the children report, you may not be able to keep up. ”

When he spoke, the teacher in charge of the class had already signed and stamped the transfer documents sent by the Confucian School. The bronzing characters and logos on the front line stabbed Mrs. Mo’s eyes and flushed her cheeks.

The teacher in charge of the class handed this heavy document to Song Rui with a respectful attitude. Although their elementary school is not bad, it can be regarded as a famous elite school in Beijing, but it can only be regarded as second-rate compared with the Confucius School. Renjia is a school directly in line with the world’s top educational resources. It only recruits 100 students per grade. The education method combines the essence of the West and the East, giving children the greatest autonomy and creativity. From elementary school to junior high school They are directly promoted to high school, and they are selected as top international schools.

The so-called “choice of prestigious schools” does not mean that they have any way, but that the children they cultivate are those who can apply to which school they can go to. People ’s educational methods are more advanced, scientific, and superior than you. What are your options?

The head teacher shook his head. It is no wonder that Mr. Fan is so young, people are not rare to stay in our school, do you still expect him to apologize? Dream about it! Do n’t take out the joint letter that forces people to drop out of school. It ’s humiliating!

Mrs. Mo stared at the transfer application form, her eyes burning with a hot flame. If she can, she really wants to rush over and transfer this transfer application form to herself! When her son reached school age, she also studied all the schools in Beijing, and the number one goal was Confucius Elementary School. The tuition there is not expensive, only a little over 150,000 a semester, their family can fully afford it. But she can’t get in! She has no way!

Sending children to Confucius School is equivalent to letting them board the through trains of Harvard, Cambridge and Massachusetts. Which parent is not interested? Which parent does not have brain fever? However, not everyone in Confucian School can enter. You have to have money and have the right to connect with people, and it is not an ordinary network, but a network of people in heaven!

Several times, Mrs. Mo, who was blocked by the Confucius School, looked at Van Gogh ’s eyes, and her eyes clearly became different. Do n’t mention the cynicism at this time. She dared not even say anything. Other parents also stared at the transfer table and fell into an awkward silence. This is not just a table, but also a symbol of identity and status. It seems that the background of Van Gogh is stronger than their imagination.

Song Rui checked the forms one by one and confirmed that the signed words and the stamps were all ready. Then he smiled and thanked the teacher in charge.

Fangallo followed him step by step throughout the whole process, without saying a word, just like a pupil. He could easily understand people’s hearts, but he didn’t know how to handle these complicated procedures. It wasn’t possible to handle them in one place. He had to go around in the school, looking for this and that. Dizzy his head.

He was obviously relieved and asked in a low voice: “Is everything done?”

Seeing him through the eyes of liberation and rejoicing, Song Rui almost laughed out loud.

“Everything is done, you take this document tomorrow and send it to Xu Yiyang to report to Confucius School.” Song Ruiming knew that he was very resistant, but still put a thick stack of documents into his arms.

Fangallo asked cautiously: “When reporting, just send Yangyang to the door of the school, right?”

Song Rui coughed with fists against his lips. Sorry, he can’t hold it anymore.

“No, you have to take him to the Academic Affairs Office to register, maybe you have to go to the principal’s office to see the principal and learn about the school regulations, and then go to the teaching building to find the class teacher. There are still some procedures to be done there.” Talking and walking away, pretending you didn’t notice the youth’s tangled expression. It turned out that this person would also be afraid: afraid of trouble, cumbersome procedures, and endlessly doing complicated communication with people for an otherwise simple thing.

One, two, three … Song Rui silently counted.

After only three counts, Fangallo took the initiative to hold his arm and pleaded: “Dr. Song, can you go with me to Confucius School tomorrow? Really trouble you, I will thank you of.”

Song Rui stared at his white, hand on his arm, looming a few pale blue blood vessels, but beautifully like an art hand, with a lip smile: “Of course, I am willing to serve you. Don’t thank me It ’s okay to help friends a little. ”Moreover, he has already received the best thanks for that person ’s active approach and dependence.

“Come on, go home and see Yang Yang.” He naturally wrapped around the young man’s shoulder.

The parents who blocked the door quickly gave way and did not dare to say a single rash word. Mrs. Mo noticed Song Rui’s sight and immediately hid the joint letter in her back.

Wen Guiyun couldn’t figure out his mind until now, and could not help pulling Mrs. Mo’s sleeve. Mrs. Mo turned her back and glared at her fiercely, with strong contempt and mockery in her eyes. Even the Confucian School means nothing, and the upstarts are upstarts, no knowledge!

At this moment, Wen Guiyun clearly noticed that she was despised by these people, but she did not understand what happened. However, she soon had no time to think about it, because Van Gogh brushed her shoulders and suddenly stared at her face for two seconds, then nodded slightly: “Please mourn.”

What grief? What is he talking about! Wen Guiyun’s brain exploded with a buzz!

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