
Chapter 131

Fan Jialuo’s sentence “Please mourn” directly bombed Wen Guiyun.

Please sorrow means: Please do not be too sad, so as not to hurt the body, generally speaking to someone who is mourning. What is funeral home? It is the family of the dead. Who died? My home? Who is dead in my family?

Wen Guiyun covered her head and felt dizzy. An hour ago, the daughter sent her husband away like a thunder. It thundered in her mind-Dad, you must be careful when driving on the road! A car accident will kill you!

It will die! Husband will die!

This conclusion was like a sword, which instantly pierced Wen Guiyun’s heart. She hurried out quickly and shouted: “Vagara, you stop, why do you say that my husband will die! You stop me to make it clear!” She Rushing up like a shrew, trying to pull Van Galo’s clothes.

Song Rui stretched out his hand to block, but Van Gaal first pulled him behind him, lest he come into physical contact with the stranger. Obviously, he knew Dr. Song’s cleanliness, so he was trying his best to take care of his feelings.

Song Rui froze for a while before turning to his mind, and then heard the youth’s low words: “What I’m talking about is clear to you.”

“I don’t even know what you are talking about, how can my husband die! You curse him, you bastard, I will kill you!” Wen Guiyun took a leather bag and hit the young man, but the young man protected Song Rui and took two steps back , Calmly avoided these weak attacks.

He turned around, his head would not be authentic, “Who will kill your husband, you have a heart in your mind. I have said long ago that tragedies will only continue to happen around evil boys, and death will come one after another. Your greed has indulged her evil desires, and she has gradually wiped out humanity. Everything that will happen in the future will be the evil fruit of the evil cause you have planted. This evil fruit can only be swallowed by yourself. “

Wen Guiyun has been in a state of chaos. While trying to deny, he took out his mobile phone and screamed: “You nonsense, you are alarmist, I will call my husband now, he must be alive, he will not die if you die!”

But Van Gaal ignored him at all, but just took Dr. Song’s shoulder and went downstairs calmly.

A group of parents who came out of the office looked at the scattered hair and frantic Wen Guiyun with weird eyes. They didn’t understand why she suddenly went crazy. What did Fangallo just say? How did she make her so sick?

“It seems that please be sad.” Mrs. Mo, who is closest to Wen Guiyun, whispered.

“It’s just a grief, and it doesn’t say who died, why did she put it directly on her husband’s head? This is too unlucky? Van Gogh is just expressing his tongue, cursing, it is not true at all. Why did Wen Guiyun make herself so ugly. She denied that, I think it was true! “Mrs. Liu pouted.

“Ask in the past.” Mrs. Mo took the lead.

Wen Guiyun failed to dial her husband’s phone, there was always a beeping and no connection at all, so she was completely panicked, shaking her hand with a mobile phone like a stroke old man. Mrs. Mo patted her on the shoulder, scared her and screamed, and then hid at the end of the corridor. No one ignored it. She just desperately dialed her husband ’s phone number. One did not connect and called the second and third. …

All parents look at me, I look at you, their eyes are very complicated. It ’s just a retaliatory statement, so do n’t you be afraid of it? The style of Van Gogh ’s behavior is not like that. He likes to say that some godly and godly prophecies disturb the audio-visual, and I really believe that his evil is the brain problem!

“Mrs. Xiao, don’t be nervous, it’s okay! Van Gollo’s words are unbelievable, and you really lose. He is a toad crawling on his feet, not biting, and responsive. Forget it, let him go. “All parents can only stand and speak near and far away.

But Wen Guiyun ignored them at all, just looked at the screen of the mobile phone with frightened eyes. When the fifth call hung up automatically, there was an echo from the other end: “What’s wrong with you, Yunyun, why did you call me so many calls just now?” ? “

Wen Guiyun loosened his heart and almost wept with joy: “Her husband, what were you doing just now? Why didn’t you answer my phone!”

“I was reversing the car just now and it was inconvenient to answer the phone. Has everything been done at the school? Did Mr. Fan over explain it to him?”

Xiao Runmin asked with concern, but Wen Guiyun didn’t listen to him at all, instead he lay on the railing and shouted at the young man who had walked downstairs: “Van Galo, I got my husband’s call! He didn’t die. He’s living well, you bullshit, my daughter won’t kill him! You come listen, you listen! You liar! “

She raised her phone high, like holding a banner of victory, with tears on her face, and the luck of the rest of her life.

Mrs. Liu touched Mrs. Mo’s shoulder and whispered: “Strange, why did she pull on her daughter again. What would her daughter kill her husband?”

“Van Gallo predicted that her daughter was a disaster star, and sentenced her to a kin.” Mrs. Mo squeezed her eyes.

“No, he seems to be a bad boy.” Mrs. Gu denied it.

“What the **** do you mean?”

“Who knows, it should be similar to Scourge.”

“Well, what are we talking about, we are talking like the real thing!”

The wives had a small meeting, and Xiao Runmin was also shocked there and asked repeatedly: “Yunyun, what did you mean just now? What does it mean that I didn’t die? What does Lingling kill me?”

Wen Guiyun’s reasoning only returned, and his face couldn’t help changing. He quickly explained: “Her husband, I just met Van Gogh, he made me mourn, so I’m thinking cranky. This matter has nothing to do with Lingling, you go to work , I will elaborate with you when I get off work at night. “

“No, you mentioned your daughter just now. What’s going on?” Xiao Runmin’s tone became harsher. As long as his daughter was involved in everything, he would be habitually nervous.

“No, Van Gogh is talking alarmistly. Don’t believe him. Husband, I’m explaining to the family committee the matter yesterday. They want to force Xu Yiyang to drop out of school. I have to stop it, so I hang up first. “Wen Guiyun is preparing to hang up the phone, but suddenly yells:” Her husband, you wait! Don’t drive home when you are off work, take the subway! Take the subway safely! You listen to me, you must take the subway! “

“Yunyun, what’s the matter with you? Did Lingling have another problem there?” Xiao Runmin’s intuition was accurate, so he became more and more confused.

“Ling Ling is really okay, please go to work. Remember, don’t drive, don’t drive!” Wen Guiyun was very reluctant but had to hang up the phone. She was afraid that her husband would not be able to carry it if he asked him again. The daughter’s morning curse also confessed. Husband is sure to be very sad, he really regards Ling Ling as the heart and soul.

Thinking of this, Wen Guiyun’s tears couldn’t stop, she didn’t hear the cry of Mrs. Mo and others, and ran straight to her daughter’s class.

Xiao Yanling was in class at this time and saw her standing outside the window crying and wearing makeup, and looked like a mother like a mad woman, her face could not help showing a repulsive expression. The child sitting next to her pointed at Wen Guiyun and whispered, “Look, there is a strange aunt there, hahaha, why are there two black bars on her face? It’s so funny!”

“You don’t even know this, it was made by eyeliner.”

“Hahaha, the more funny it looks. Who is she looking at, is it to find someone?”

Xiao Yanling not only rejected it, but also felt a shame. When her mother’s eyes swept over, she couldn’t help but shrink back from the seat, but she was still called out by the teacher in charge: “Xiao Yanling, your mother has something to find you, you go out with her.”

“Wow, that strange aunt turned out to be Xiao Yanling’s mother!”

“Hahaha, Xiao Yanling, your mother is so funny!”

The ridicule of the classmates made Xiao Yanling feel annoyed. After leaving the classroom, she vented this annoyance on her mother unscrupulously: “Why are you here to find me? How do you get this way? You make me so ashamed! Everyone They are laughing at me, did you hear me? “

Wen Guiyun didn’t have time to take care of her daughter’s hurt. She just pulled her to a secluded corner, knelt on the ground on her knees, and looked directly at her daughter with pleading eyes: “Ling Ling, will my dad be okay? Would you wish a few more things You say that Dad will go home safely, and Dad will be safe in the future. You can say it! “

“You came to me for this? I said it when I was in front of the school! You’re so annoying!” Xiao Yanling tried to get rid of her mother’s restraint, but was forced to press against the wall and couldn’t move at all. Her mother ’s nervous behavior and persecution made her very uncomfortable, and she could not tolerate others giving orders in front of her.

“I don’t say I don’t say I don’t say, you let me say I don’t say it!” She and her mother embarked.

Wen Guiyun was angry and anxious, but he didn’t dare to anger his daughter. He could only plead: “Ling Ling, my mother was wrong, and my father was wrong. We shouldn’t blame you last night. Do you forgive my parents? My mother helps you to buy fairy tale books after school. What do you like to buy? My father and mother do n’t care anymore. Okay, just say, just say, your mother begs you. That ’s your father, your biological father, you When he was so old, he held you in his arms and put it on his chest, saying you were his life. Are you the father ’s life, do you know? He raised you hard, and you give him a good word. ? “

Wen Guiyun was crying so hard that he could no longer hold his frantically struggling daughter. He could only support his knees with both hands, kneeling at the feet of his daughter like a humble slave. Only now has she finally understood what Fangalo called the “evil effect”, the deprivation of the child’s humanity, the infringement of the parents’ lives, and the fact that this family has fallen into the abyss of despair without knowing it!

She regretted that if she knew that her daughter could even see her husband’s life and death as a game, she must have personally sent her to Van Galo last night!

Xiao Yanling pushed her mother away, and her face was disgusted: “Don’t cry, you’re crying so ugly, my classmates will see me and laugh at me later!”

Wen Guiyun was suddenly dizzy, but helpless. When she was worried about her husband’s life and death, her daughter only cared about whether her classmates would laugh at her. When did this child become so vanity, cold, and ruthless?

Ah no, she has always been so vain, cold and ruthless! It was just that her ruthlessness was at the pet dog, and at an insignificant little boy, so Wen Guiyun felt that there was no problem at all. Anyway, her daughter did not kill anyone, and she could teach slowly. But now, she has tasted her own taste. As Fangallo said, it was her greed that indulged her daughter, spoiled her daughter, and made her a selfish man! It was the evil cause she had planted that produced the evil results of today!

Wen Guiyun’s guilt grew more and more, and the depressed mourning gradually turned into howling.

Xiao Yanling covered her ears and covered her face with disgust: “Don’t cry, don’t do it! This way people in our class will hear it!” She glanced nervously at the classroom not far away, and she paid attention to the eyes of others. Mother’s concern, she even forgot her curse to her father.

Wen Guiyun, like a drowning man, grabbed a driftwood and quickly said, “You make a wish for Dad’s safety, and Mom will stop crying and Mom will leave immediately.”

Seeing that the time for the end of the class was almost approaching, the friends would rush out to play, and then see the mother’s shameful appearance, so Xiao Yanling had to wave his hand: “Okay, okay, okay, I hope my father is safe and secure, so is it OK?”

“No, it’s Dad’s life is safe!” Wen Guiyun Qiang corrected with sorrow.

“You haven’t finished it? Well, Dad’s life is safe! I’m going back to class, you are going away!” Xiao Yanling pushed away his mother and fled as if to run away.

Wen Guiyun knelt on the ground and cried softly. He cried for four or five minutes before he stood up softly, staggering the ground floor. She took out her mobile phone and called her husband again. Today, she would call all the time, or simply go to her husband’s company to guard him. She can’t lose him.

“Where are you Yunyun? I’ve already asked the company for leave, and I’m on my way back. Are you telling me the truth, what did Lingling do? I’m flustered now.” Xiao Runmin’s extremely nervous voice came from the microphone Wen Guiyun was almost frightened by the news.

She hurried towards the school gate and shouted breathlessly: “Her husband, don’t panic, you hold on! You listen to me, you park the car on the side of the road, and then wait for me on the spot, I ’ll come over to pick you up immediately! Do n’t drive, do n’t drive! ”

“Why? You have said many times today that you should stop driving. What is going on?” Xiao Runmin asked.

Wen Guiyun opened his mouth, but couldn’t say a word. How could she tell her husband what the daughter did, how sad he should be! And the daughter has retracted those words, should it be all right now?

However, it was only the difference between this thought that made her fall into the abyss of pain and despair. Just listen to Xiao Runmin said angrily over there: “You don’t tell me anything, how can I know what to do? The more you refuse to say, the more I will panic, you …”

His words came to an abrupt end with a loud noise, followed by a rapid rush of water, and finally a desperate buzz echoed into the microphone for a long time.

“Husband, what’s wrong with you? Husband, husband, husband!” Wen Guiyun’s voice was hoarse hoarse, and one of his feet fluttered out softly.

She rolled on the road for several laps, the shoes flew away, the bag was scattered, and the cosmetics fell to the ground, but she did n’t have time to pick it up, and she did n’t care about falling herself, but she ran out of the school barefoot To the side of the road, crazy beckoning to stop the car. The husband ’s last sentence was like a needle, straight into her brain-the more you refuse to say clearly, the more I will panic …

Her husband panicked, so he was hit while driving? He, did he have a car accident? Like her daughter cursed? But why? Hasn’t the daughter withdrawn that terrible wish? Hasn’t the daughter already said that Dad will be safe? Why did something happen?

No, no, my husband must be fine, he is reversing, he must be reversing! Thinking in this way, Wen Guiyun began to make crazy calls, one, two, three, four … until the mobile phone sounded a low battery.

She can’t reach her husband! She had no way of knowing his situation. Whether it was good news or bad disappearance, there was nothing. This is the most terrible!

How to do? Who else can I find at this time? By the way, call the police! I have to call the police! Wen Guiyun immediately shook his hand to dial 110, and his tongue rolled for a long time before explaining the situation clearly. He said that he would help her query the traffic police system and let her wait for an echo. But how did she calm down? Not knowing the safety of her husband, she was almost torn apart!

Only then did she think of Van Gogh, his warning, his admonishment, and the words he said could help.

“Mr. Fan, please answer my phone! Please! I’m wrong, I’m wrong, I shouldn’t not listen to your advice, woo woo …” Wen Guiyun sat on the side of the road, holding a fast Crying helpless on a dead cell phone.

The WeChat phone was finally connected, and the youth’s voice was still so calm and calm: “Ms. Wen, hello.”

“Van Galo, Mr. Vatican! I can’t contact my husband now, can you predict his condition? Is he okay? My daughter said that his father will be safe all his life, and he will be okay? I beg you to give me a sentence Is it okay? I ’m sorry for you. I apologize to you. I was at school. I should explain it to you on behalf of you. Our family was wrong and she was wrong! I will make it clear in the group later … “

Fangallo sighed and interrupted her words, but also cut off her last hope: “Ms. Wen, do you think that no sincere wish can be realized?”

“What? Mr. Fan, what are you talking about? What does it mean that there is no sincere wish? Mr. Fan, hello, Mr. Fan?” Wen Guiyun’s continuous voice question hung up over there, and he couldn’t even get online when he hit it again. . The young man who always treats people with politeness has deleted her contact information and never wants to talk to her again. It was her greed and selfishness that repeatedly trampled on his good intentions, it was she who messed things up to this point …

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