Purple Romance

Chapter 235: The past that came haunting us 2

Mr. Thomas Payin felt like his entire body had been poured with cold water. Looking at the bloodshot eyes of Paige, he knew she was right but still he wished it wasn't the case. Their lives were finally getting by smoothly. How could that man be the father of her daughter's boyfriend?''

''Same one who stole everything away from us. I only found out a few minutes ago after I received an envelope from Yvonne'' Paige explained.

''What do you mean by that, Paige?'' Jordan's voice sounded behind them and they turned to see him walking towards them. Paige stepped behind her father involuntary as her gaze turned cold and sharp.

''What are you doing here?''

''I need an explanation from you. You suddenly called to break things off and turned your phone off. I had to come here and find out why you are suddenly breaking up with me when our families are supposed to meet today''

''Jordan, come with me'' Joel said to Jordan calmly.

''No, I am not going anywhere. If there is something I need to hear I would rather hear from Paige herself. I heard you mention my father's name. Did he call you to ask you to break up with me, or did he threaten you?''

''He didn't call me neither did he threaten me. Jordan, we can't be together anymore. Yvonne was right. this relationship was cursed from the get-go''

''What? Paige…''

''You want to know why I suddenly broke things off? I will tell you. Do you remember I told you that my father had to go to jail because his best friend betrayed him and ran away with a loan they were supposed to use to start a business together? Because of that my mother was robbed and died and I had to live with Carlien and her mother until my father came out of prison?''

''Yes, I remember… but what has that got to do with me, Paige?''

''That man who betrayed my father, caused my father to go to jail and my mother to die. Turns out he was your father. Funny right?'' Paige chuckled looking at him. Her face filled with self-mockery as she looked at Jordan.

''What? Is that true?'' Jordan turned to look at Mr. Thomas Payin and he nodded his head.

''I must be crazy. Really crazy. I fell in love with the son of my father's enemy, kissed him and even slept with him. What a thrilling revelation'' she chuckled again but her hands were clutched together and her lips was smeared with blood from her over biting her lips trying to stay sane. She let out a frustrated sigh and her body quivered.

''Paige, are you alright?'' Jordan asked after studying her for a while. Her body was shaking and she took a step back and let out a piercing scream and kept hitting her chest. Her breathing shortened

''She is not alright. She is showing signs of extreme shock'' Mirabel said after studying her. ''She is about to faint…'' Mirabel didn't finish her sentence when Paige fell and Joel who was by her side quickly caught her.

''Quick, get the car'' Joel screamed and Jordan over to Joel's car and opened the backdoor.

''Paige'' Mr. Thomas Payin seemed to have come back to his senses and held Paige's hand. Joel sent her into the backseat and Jordan got into the driver's seat.

''Mirabel, stay with uncle. I will call my parents to come over'' Joel said to Mirabel.

''Don't worry. I will be here'' Mirabel said and went to hold Mr. Thomas Payin's hand.

Jordan sped out of the neighbourhood into the main road and then towards the hospital.


By the time they arrived at the hospital, Paige had gone into cardiac arrest and was immediately moved over to the emergency private ward where an emergency room doctor came and started performing CPR on her. He pushed hard and fast at a rate of 100 to 120 pushes in the middle of her chest. He did it for close to five minutes until she regained a pulse and was out of danger.

The doctor sighed along with those in the ward. He turned to Joel and Jordan who were standing anxiously behind him and asked, ''what happened to her? If you had brought her even a second late, it would have been too late''

''Please, how is she doing?'' Jordan asked.

''Her heartbeat has returned but as you can see, she is still unconscious. We have to monitor her for a few days. If she doesn't wake up, we will have to consider surgery'' the doctor explained.

''She will wake up. Paige will definitely wake up'' Jordan went to stand by the bed and touched her hand. ''You have to wake up, Paige''

''A nurse will come in and attend to her. If anything happens, call me immediately'' the doctor said and went out. He removed his face towel and wiped his face as he went out.

Joel went closer to Jordan and tap him on the shoulder and he turned to look at him, ''I think you should go and find out the truth from your father. Yvonne was the one who sent the evidence to Paige, but we also need to confirm the truth from your father first. You will be able to make a decision afterwards''

''I am not leaving Paige no matter what happens or what the truth is''

''No one is talking about leaving Paige but you need to clean this mess up and it starts with your father'' Joel's phone buzzed and he took it out.

''Hello, Mira'' he furrowed his brows, ''what happened? Okay, I will tell Jordan. He will be there soon'' Joel hung up and looked at Jordan.

'What is it?''

''Paige's father went over to meet your father''

''I will leave Paige to you'' Jordan said and rushed out immediately. He ran out of the hospital and got into the car of Joel and drove off.


At the villa of Damien Attoh.

Mr. Thomas Payin and Damien Attoh sat across each other.

''It has been over 15 years, right? since we last saw each other. I didn't think we would be reuniting this way'' Damien Attoh said and chuckled.

''You have the cheek to laugh. It's this funny? Is betraying me and causing me to lose everything funny to you?''

''Back then, I only did what I thought was best for me. Thanks to that decision my family is doing well now. But, I guess it was also fate for us to meet again. all these years, I've been looking for ways to compensate you for what I did''

''You shameless pig''



Mirabel and Jessi stood at the stairs shocked. They couldn't believe what they were hearing.

''Uncle, is not true, right? You have always been a just person. Did you really cause Paige to lose her mother and her father went to jail because you took a loan that both of you were supposed to use for a joint business?''

''I did''

''You did? Dad, how could you be so calm and be saying this?'' Jessi asked as Mirabel helped her down the stairs. She was walking with crutches.

''I regret the day I knew you. Damien. You have no ounce of humanity in you. You don't even feel sorry towards my family for what you made us go through?''

''What can my apology do to you? It has already happened. I can compensate you for your loss and the time you spent in prison''

''Make sure you are ready to really compensate them, dad because I will make sure everything you have goes to Paige and her father'' Jordan spoke standing at the door. ''I just realised I didn't even know the extent to which my own father would go to make money. Thanks to you, everything is a mess for me now. You must be happy, right? Paige is still unconscious from the shock of finding out that I am your son. You are not even apologising for your actions but you want to compensate them? Can the money bring back the life that was lost? What about the time he spent in prison? He lost his family and didn't get to send her daughter to high school and you are talking about compensation?''

''You will hear from my lawyer, Damien Attoh. If money could solve all problems, then there won't be the need for lawmakers and laws to protect the vulnerable'' Mr. Thomas Payin said and stood up. he looked at Jordan, Jessi and Mirabel saying, ''it was nice getting to know all of you, but, stay away from my family from no onwards. I don't want you anywhere near Paige or me''

''Uncle'' Jordan called and clutched his fists helplessly as he watched Mr. Thomas Payin leave the villa.

''Things were hard that time and he just had a naïve mind. He was too righteous''

''I will call the family lawyer tomorrow. Transfer all the movable and immovable assets including capital and business deed in Paige's name. I will hand over everything to them myself, since everything we have now is from the money you stole from her father''

''How dare you call me a thief. No matter what I am still your father''

''It's because you are my father that I am trying to salvage the situation in the best way that I know how. It is either that or you lose Jessi and I. We will no longer be your family. You can have everything and be alone''

''Are you threatening me?''

''No, I am telling you what will happen if you don't give even down to the car outside to Paige. We don't have anything that is ours, except my villa that was bought by mom using her dowry. Jessi, Mirabel, let's go''

''You think they will take you back after you give them everything?''

''No, even I don't have the guts to appear before Paige again after what you did to her. I don't deserve the love she had for me'' Jordan carried Jessi in his arms and Mirabel walked by their side as they went out of the villa.

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