Purple Romance

Chapter 236: The past that came haunting us 3

Joel sat beside Jordan at the counter and watched him drink shot after shot of tequila. It could be said he was determined to waste himself tonight.

Joel just watched him. He didn't have the desire or willpower to stop him because he knew he was in pain and sometimes a drink might just be what someone needs.

He had made up his mind to let him drink till he dropped before he sent him back to his apartment.

Lucas rushed into the club hurriedly and started looking for him. When he saw them, he went over and sat beside Jordan and looked at Joel.

''You are here?'' Joel looked at him calmly and he nodded.

''Tell me. It' everything I heard really true?'' Lucas was panting for breath as he sat down. Mirabel had called to inform them of what happened. He was the only one who could come because today was the coronation of Noah and also the state execution of the uncle and other traitors who tried to covet the throne. He had been with Carlien and her mother and had met with Carlien's paternal grandfather. He even worked with Noah in rooting out all the people that were working with Carlien's uncle.

Lucas and Carlien were shocked when they heard the news but only Lucas could go over because of the coronation. Carlien would return later in about a day or two after settling things over at Country A.

''What you heard is true'' Joel confirmed and Lucas sighed tussling his hair as he turned to look at Jordan.

''Jordan has a sensitive stomach; he shouldn't be allowed to drink this much''

''Allow him. It's the only thing that can make him get a proper sleep. We can just get him some hangover soup for him tomorrow. He hasn't rested even a little. He has been running around since it happened''

''How about Paige? Has she woken up yet?''

''She woke up this evening. Mirabel is with her at the hospital''

''How is she taking it?''

''Oddly enough, she hasn't said anything about what happened yet''

''She hasn't?''

''Yes, you are a doctor, tell me. What will happen if she doesn't talk about what happened?''

''It's bad. Usually, when this kind of thing happens, the victims will first pretend it never happened. It is more like a typical breakup aftermath. She doesn't believe it happened. But Paige is a doctor. She knows what is happening to her more than anyone else. She will probably feel hatred towards Jordan and his family but that might not also be the case considering how she cared about Jordan. So, the outcome could be one of these two; she will hate Jordan and his family to the core or she will still love Jordan but not have to guts to meet or see him because this is something that also involves her family. Her person's life was sacrificed after all''

''So, in summary, it is now impossible to salvage the relationship those two had?''

''Yes, they might never be able to get pass this obstacle especially Jordan. I'm sure he is planning to return everything his father had to Paige and her family. He will try to compensate her for the loss but even he knows that he can never repair the damaged that's been caused''

''Assh. These two are giving me a headache already'' Joel sipped his cola and turned to look at Jordan, ''what do we do with him now?''

''Let's take him home. I will stay with him tonight'' Lucas turned in time to see Jordan pouring another glass of tequila and he snatched it away, ''Jordan, that's enough for the night. You are going to wake up with a serious headache tomorrow''

''Leave me alone. What am I?'' he pointed at his face and chuckled, ''What am I? I am the man who made the family whom my father destroyed daughter to fall in love with me? I should just die. I want to die''

''Why would you die? You didn't even do anything. If someone is to be blamed, that person is your father. He is the one who caused all this'' Joel said to him.

''Joel is right. All of this isn't your fault. who among us doesn't know how much you love Paige?''

Joel removed a few dollars and placed it on the counter and got down from the chair. He and Lucas pulled Jordan down from the chair and forcefully sent him out of the bar.


Mirabel was feeding Paige porridge after she woke up. It was late but the doctor gave instructions that she should be fed something after waking up, if not the medications she was under would cause adverse effects on her body.

While she was eating, Mirabel kept stealing glances at Paige who had remained silent after waking up.

''I'm okay'' Paige said to Mirabel.

''Huh? You are okay?''


''Then, I will cut some fruits for you. Joel brought a lot of fruits. He said you like to eat apples and strawberries. Which one would you have first?''

''Strawberries, thank you''

''Okay'' Mirabel put some strawberries into a plate and went to wash them.

Paige looked at the door longingly as if waiting for someone. ''Is he really not going to come and see me?' she muttered to herself.

''Here'' Mirabel returned and sat in the chair beside her. she noticed Paige was looking at the door and suddenly asked, ''the door is beautiful, right? the doors of hospital wards are exceptionally beautiful these days. One look at them and all your sickness just go away''

Paige busted into laughter looking at Mirabel who flushed with a shy smile.

''You should never tell jokes to a patient, Mira. What kind of lame joke was that? But, it did make me laugh so you did well'' Paige said and picked a strawberry to eat.

''How are you feeling?'' Mirabel asked cautiously.

''You mean how am I mentally?'' Paige looked at her and asked, ''how is Jordan doing?''

''Do you want my honest answer?''


''He is bad. He fought with his father and asked him to return everything to you and your father''

''That is indeed the Jordan I know''

''Paige, how are you really feeling? You know it isn't good to keep feelings bottled inside, right? I might not be good at consoling people but I am also not bad when it comes to listening to people. I can assure you that I am a good listener''

''Awful? But, I can't forgive Jordan's father for what he did because I lost my mom because of what he did. I don't know exactly what I feel but I don't think I have the guts to face Jordan right now. I am the most apologetic to my father right now because I unintentionally opened his wounds once again. The least I can do is to make amends, right?''

''So, is there really no way for you and Jordan to make amends?''

''I'm so full. I should get some sleep. You can go home and sleep. This place isn't a good place to sleep''

''But, you will be alone''

''I am a doctor. I will be fine. You should go and keep Jessi company''

''Is it alright to leave you alone? Are you having any silly thoughts and thus want me to leave before you act on them?''

''You have such vivid imagination. You should be a writer. Even if I kill everyone in this world, and God is after me, I still would run for my life. Do you think it is that easy to be alive? I am not having wild thoughts. I just want to be alone, that's why''

''Oh, then, I will leave you. I will come again tomorrow''

''Go already. You are turning into a nagging old lady''

''Alright. Take care of yourself. Press the alarm if you feel any pain. I will also inform the doctor to check on you every thirty minutes''

''How is Joel handling this side of you? I seriously should stay away from you''

''Fine, I'm leaving, bye'' Mirabel took her bag and kissed Paige's forehead before leaving.

When Mirabel left, Paige took out her phone and scrolled to Jordan's number. She stared at it for a long time before she suddenly pressed on the delete icon, ''I guess there is really nothing to salvage anymore'' her hands shook as she touched the delete icon and looked at the message 'are you sure you want to delete this contact?' that appeared on the screen. Tears trimmed down her face. After confirming the delete, she put the phone away and took the pillow behind her. She placed it on her thighs and covered her face with it, crying uncontrollably.

Her father who was at the door about to entered heard her sobs and stayed at the door. He didn't know how to face her. he felt responsible for the pain his daughter was going through but he also felt helpless because he didn't know what to do. at the moment, the hate was stronger than the love.

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