Purple Romance

Chapter 77: 77 The past that was hidden 2

''He is asleep now. Allow him to rest and don't wake him up until he wakes up by himself'' Kobby said as he looked at Ad-Din.

Kobby arrived an hour ago and was able to ease Ad-Din's pain. He gave him an injection that eased the pain and allowed him to sleep.

Kobby followed Calia to the hall and the latter went to the fridge and removed a bottle of water for him.

''What happened to him? How did he suddenly get a relapse after doing so well recently?'' Kobby asked as he unscrewed the bottle.

''This is all my fault. I lied to him and he found out about it. He hates me now''. Calia said and sat down on the sofa.

''What kind of lie was it? Usually people like for two reasons. Either because they don't want to be exposed or they feel that the other person is better off not knowing the truth. So, which lie did you get exposed for?'' Kobby asked and looked at her. Since the day they had dinner, he hadn't seen her again. She looked tired and lean.

''Huh? I don't know but I guess is the latter. In any case, I shouldn't have kept the truth away from him. He trusted me so much and I let him down''. Calia sighed.

''This is the first time I am seeing this side to you?'' Kobby said and Calia turned and looked at him. She didn't linger on with her gaze before turning away fast.

''What side to me?'' She asked.

''You always look happy and carefree; I didn't think you were someone who could be down so easily? Did I get that wrong? Or did you not intend to let me see that side of you from the start?'' Kobby asked.

''What? Are you mocking me now? Or are you saying that I've been putting up a different façade in front of you?'' Calia asked and frowned.

''No. Not that, what I mean is you're quite stronger than I imagined. So, what really happened? He left the hospital an hour ago and this happened?"

''Hospital? Did Ad-Din come to the hospital tonight?'' Calia asked.

''Yes. It was because of Maria. Ad-Din told me she met with your grandpa. I'm not sure about the details, but your grandpa must have said something to Maria to make her self-harm and was rushed to the hospital''.

''Maria hurt herself? Oh my god. How is she? I hope she is fine?'' Calia asked worriedly.

''She is fine, don't worry"

''My grandfather, that old geezer just doesn't know when to stop. That must be why Ad-Din confronted him and found out about the accident''.

''The accident?'' Kobby asked.

''Yes. 8 years ago, we were in class when I heard that Maria got into an accident and I told Ad-Din about it. He was rushing to the hospital and got into an accident. Later on, my older cousin found out that the truck that ran him over was the same one that ran Maria and her friend over. Ad-Din was unconscious after the accident and my grandfather told us not to mention anything to him when he wakes up. So, nobody told him anything. He thought that Maria abandoned him and hated her so much''

''Turns out that the same truck driver ran over them that same day. Maria's friend that passed away was my wife, Lexis'' Kobby said absentmindedly.

''I'm so sorry, Dr. Brian. I'm sorry about that''. Calia said.

''Is alright. It's been 8 years already. She didn't leave me alone. I have Tiana with me and that's good'' Kobby said and smiled at the thought of Tiana. She was the one who gave him strength when he almost wanted to give up on life.

''I heard the driver committed suicide afterwards? I really wanted to see him pay for what he did?'' Calia said.

''He is dead already. There is no better punishment than death in itself''. Kobby said.

''Right. So, are you going back to the hospital?'' Calia asked.

''No, someone is there to look after Maria. I will go home and take a rest''

''That is good'' Calia said and felt a slight headache and coughed. She yawned tiredly and chuckled.

''Are you alright? You've been coughing since I came?'' Kobby asked and Calia shook her head dismissively.

''I'm fine. Just a slight headache. Must be because I've been busy lately working overtime. I will be fine after I get enough sleep''

''If anything happens, call me immediately. I mean concerning Ad-Din'' Kobby said and looked at Calia. He noticed her face seemed redder than before.

He frowned and sat across her. He placed his medical box on the floor and moved his face closer to her. Calia blushed and tried to move back but he held her hand and pulling her closer to his face.

''What do you think you are doing?'' Calia asked flustered and blushed. Kobby didn't say anything. He touched her forehead and frowned before speaking.

''I was right. You have a fever. That's why you've been coughing so much''

''Huh? Fever? Me? That's not possible?'' Calia touched her forehead and noticed her body was heating up. Her face flushed and she moved back, pushing away Kobby's hand.

''Is not so serious, I will just drink some hot water and it will be fine''. She said.

''Are you the doctor or am I the doctor?'' Kobby asked.

''You are the doctor but this is my body. Is probable because I got trenched by the rain today. I will be fine after I take some medicine'' Calia said and stood up.

''You are even giving yourself treatment now?'' Kobby asked angrily ''were you always this careless with your own body?''

''What? No. I take very good care of my body. Is just a fever, nothing serious? Why are you getting worked up over this anyway?'' Calia asked annoyingly.

He was the one who said he didn't like women who took the lead and he is now even scolding and getting angry at her. She didn't understand him at all.

''I'm getting worked up over this? Are you saying I have no reason to be angry at you right now? When clearly you don't seem to care about your own body?'' Kobby asked.

''Yes, you have no reason, okay? And who said I don't care about my own body? I don't understand why you should be angry with me? Why do you even care whether I have a fever or not? You came to treat Ad-Din and you just did. Can you not do this to me? I am not your patient'' Calia said to him in one breathe.

''So, what is your point exactly?'' Kobby asked.

''My point is that you shouldn't show unnecessary concern to me. I might just misunderstand you''.

''What will you misunderstand me about?'' Kobby stood up facing her and she stepped back before speaking.

''Didn't you say you hate women who took the lead? Can you honestly tell me you didn't know I had feelings for you? Was that not why you told me off by saying you didn't like women who threw themselves at men? You basically called me cheap, you know?'' Calia said and looked away.

''What? How could you even think about it that way? I only said I hated women who took the lead. I didn't say I hate you?'' Kobby said and tussled his hair feeling frustrated.

He didn't understand why he had to always constantly explain himself in front of this woman whose EQ seemed to be zero.

''Feels the same to me. Telling me you hated women who took the lead is the same as telling me you don't like me. I understand English. I even had A+ in English since high school to the university, so you can't tell me you hate women who threw themselves at men and not expect me to come to that conclusion".

Calia said and glared at him and added ''now that I'm thinking about it, I am even getting mad at myself for acting so cheap to you and throwing myself to a man who has no emotions whatsoever''.

''What did you just say? I have no emotions?'' Kobby asked and the hurt was apparent in his voice.

''I…'' Calia realised she had gone overboard. ''I didn't mean that. I'm sorry''

''I don't have emotions and can't feel? Is that what you are telling me? Then, why did you constantly appear in front of me? Was it to confirm what you heard or did you just feel like playing with me?''

''No, that's not what I meant'' Calia tried to explain.

''No, is okay. I think I have overstayed my welcome anyway. I should go'' Kobby said and took his box and left.

Calia looked at the door and massaged her head.

''Calia, you dummy. Why did you have to say that to a man who lost his wife?'' she sighed and leaned back on the sofa.

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