Purple Romance

Chapter 78: 78 Familiarity

Maria opened her eyes and vaguely saw a familiar figure. She tried to sit up and realised her hand was connected to the IV pole and her other hand was covered with a bandage.

The figure seemed to have noticed her gaze and turned. She walked closer to her and smiled brightly speaking to Maria.

''Maria, you are awake?'' Mona Lisa Sun said and sat on the bed closer to her. Maria now recognised her as the mother of Ad-Din.

''Mrs. Denarius?'' Maria called out weakly.

''Yes, is me. Tell me, how are you feeling? Your hand? Is your hand okay?'' Mona Lisa asked worriedly and looked at Maria's hand.

Maria remembered what happened last night and pursed her lips. She tried to hide her hand nervously. She didn't know what Mona Lisa would think of her.

''Maria, is okay. You don't have to hide from me. Actually, I came to apologise for what my father in law did. Using someone's weakness against them isn't such a bright thing to do after all. I was deeply hurt when I found out what happened''.

'I'm sorry, Mrs. Denarius. I know hurting myself was wrong'' Maria said softly.

''I know but it wasn't your fault. Listen, I am not here to blame you. I already heard from my niece what happened and trust me I don't support what my father in law did.

He studied psychology and should know better not to mock anyone using their pain but he did that to you. That was such a cruel thing to do. You went through a lot and was almost recovering and he had to remind you of all that''.

''Where is Ad-Din? Is he alright? I hope he didn't have a fight with him because of me?'' Maria asked worriedly.

''Don't worry about that. Ad-Din had a relapse unfortunately and is still recovering at home. I came here as soon as I arrived because he said he didn't want you to be here alone''.

''A relapse? Is it that serious?'' Maria asked.

''Maria, actually, you were not the only one who got hurt 8 years ago. Ad-Din also got into a fatal accident''. Mona Lisa said to Maria.

''What? How? Please tell me everything I need to know'' Maria sat up on the bed.

'Well, it happened the same day you had the accident''.

Maria wept and leaned on Mona Lisa after hearing about Ad-Din's accident. She knew he was sick and going through pain but she never imagined that it will be because of her.

''Maria, is okay. It was an accident''.

''Because of me, he was trying to come to me and got into that accident'' Maria said sobbingly.

''Maria, Ad-Din didn't tell you this because he didn't want you to think everything happened because of you. He didn't blame you and honestly that is the truth. An accident is something we can't avoid in life if it is meant to happen''.

''But, Ad-Din…he couldn't even carry on with his daily activities for five years. Where is he? I want to see him, please''.

''Well, he really doesn't want you to see him right now, because he is very vulnerable at the moment. He said he will come to you when he is fine'' Mona Lisa said.

''No, I want to see him. He must be going through so much pain. I can't stay here knowing he is suffering all by himself. Please, take me to where he is''. Maria touched Mona Lisa's hands.

''Maria, Ad-Din will be mad at me if I take you to him'' Mona Lisa found herself in a tight spot. She had just arrived that morning because of the call the butler gave her. After seeing Ad-Din, she came to the hospital at his request.

Mona Lisa looked at Maria and was tempted to agree to her request but she knew Ad-Din's character very well. He was a prideful person and didn't want the woman he loved to see him in his vulnerable state but seeing how Maria was weeping broke her heart. She was also a woman and would wish to be beside the man she loved when he was suffering.

The door opened and Calia walked in holding a basket of fruits. She closed the door and walked closer to them.

''Miss Lee, hi''. Calia said shyly.

Maria looked at her and recognised her "Calia?'

''I wanted to find you on a good day but this is how we meet again after 8 years. I'm sorry'' Calia said.

''Calia, please take me to Ad-Din. You said you are sorry? If you are, then take me to where Ad-Din is, please?''

Calia looked at Mona Lisa. ''Miss Lee, Ad-Din said he will come to you himself''.

''No, I don't want him to come to me. I want to go to home, please'' Maria said as tears trimmed down her face.

''I can't stand this anymore. You want to see Ad-Din that badly?'' Mona Lisa asked.


''Yes, please I want to see him'' Maria answered.

''Then, we don't have an option. Calia, go and get Maria's discharge ready. We will just let them both stay at home and get treated. Since they can't afford to be apart from each other, we can only arrange for the doctors to treat them at home''.

Mona Lisa said and winked at Calia and Calia soon picked up her intention.

''Right. What can we do? one is injured and her wrist is almost falling off and the other can't walk yet they want to see each other. They are completely disregarding what the doctors are saying and insist on doing what they want. We can't really stop them, can we?'' Calia added and Maria frowned.

''You two are playing mind games with me right now. I know what you two are doing, okay?'' Maria said to them annoyingly.

''If you know, then you should understand us. Maria, let's wait and see what the doctor says. If the doctor comes and checks you and confirms that you are good to go home, we will take you to where Ad-Din is'' Mona Lisa said.

''Yes, Miss Lee'' Calia added.

Kobby entered the ward and saw the two women with Maria. He was in his doctor's coat. His gaze landed briefly on Calia before he turned away and looked at Maria saying ''how are you feeling this morning, Portia?''

''Kobby, you are finally here?'' Maria said and stretched her hand towards him. Kobby smiled and held her hand standing close to her.

''Are you not the doctor who attended to Ad-Din in this hospital 8 years ago?'' Mona Lisa suddenly asked and they looked at each other.

''Me? Do you know me?" Kobby asked.

''Yes, I remember you. You were his attending doctor before we transferred him to our main branch at Badmos".

''Really? I remember vaguely that I was in charge of a patient who was suddenly transferred to another hospital. Was that Ad-Din Denarius?'' Kobby asked.

''Yes. You seem to know Maria very well?'' Mona Lisa asked.

''Maria is my family'' Kobby answered.

''What a strange turn of events? You and your sister have quite a history with my family then?''

''I guess so'' Kobby said and looked at Calia. They stared at each other briefly before looking away.

''Kobby, you are Ad-Din's doctor. Please, how is he doing? Why doesn't he want to see me?'' Maria asked.

''Ad-Din is in a lot of pain right now. He doesn't want you to see him because he is worried you might blame yourself. I just came from seeing him. He is a lot better today. You should focus on getting well too''. Kobby tussled Maria's hair.

''Yes, Maria. Your brother is right. You should focus on getting better. Look, Calia brought you so many fruits, I also brought you something light to eat. I will feed you with good food so that you can get well soon''. Mona Lisa said and went to the table, bringing along the flash she brought from home.

''Eat and get some rest. The attending doctor will visit you soon. I still have a few rounds to go, so I will come back later in the day'' Kobby told Maria.

''How is Tiana?'' Maria asked.

''She is with her grandparents. They will visit after school''.

''Okay. Go ahead and do your own thing. I have people here with me''

''Sure. Mrs. Denarius, Miss Banks, I will take my leave now'' Kobby said and left the ward. Calia bit her lips nervously before putting the basket down.

''Aunt, Miss Lee, I will be back shortly'' Calia said and left the ward.


Kobby was busy with the inpatients at the ward and felt a gaze on him and turned. He saw Calia standing by the window and frowned. She looked nervous. Kobby ignored her and went on with his work. He finally finished with the last patient and left the ward.

He walked to the window and spoke to Calia.

''Do you plan to follow me around the whole day?''

Calia turned and saw him. She didn't realise he had left the ward already. She clasped her hands together before speaking ''can you spare me a moment; I promise I won't take much time?''

''Follow me'' Kobby said and walked towards the stairs closer to the wards.

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