Quick Transmigration: Doomsday If You Don’t Fall in Love

Chapter 78 - Crown 13

Enlier returned to the court.

He has never been here since the unfair draw. A few months passed, and the God Court looked like it was in the past. There are still towering temples and lush forests.

The sacred court is built on the top of the sky, even at the end of the world as human beings think.

But all the gods understand that the so-called world has no boundaries at all, thinking that the world was transformed by the earliest Father God, and everyone lives in the world that he nurtured, plus the later God King Anutula became the universe. , The sky above the God’s Court has a star path change, which is profound and difficult to distinguish.

The gods even panicked about this, but after seeing it, no major incident happened, so they couldn’t help it. Enlil had the Eye of the Sky, and he could see farther and more clearly. Anutura incarnates in the universe, and this one has also dispersed his godhood and respect in the universe. Originally possessing the right of creation controlled by the gods, it has since returned to the world and Yuanyi, just like the star scepter that the goddess of fate has lost its function and can no longer arrange fate. It is also like when the Father God incarnates in the world, he runs the sun and the moon alternately between day and night.

This is actually the fate of the gods. They were born in the starry sky of the universe, and in the end they will naturally return here, ushering in the dusk. After tens of thousands of years, their existence will become a story in a song, and then after tens of thousands of years, they may open their eyes in the stars again and welcome the first round of the sun.

This is the rule of the world, the rule of the universe, and an inevitable reincarnation.

Enlier is a realist in real time, and there is nothing to worry about for him. Whether the gods are at dusk, they will eventually be extinct. He is a **** who is accustomed to satisfying himself. For him, as long as he does not regret every day, there is nothing to fear for tomorrow.

It is for this reason that he is annoying.

Enlil stepped into the territory of Senris, the **** of medicine. As a well-known neutral god, the forest where Senris lived has elven spring water that can heal everything. Naturally, there are many pure elves in his territory.

Because of Enlil’s personality, Senlis refused him to be a guest here. Because most of the elves are too naive, they can’t distinguish between false feelings and true feelings. If Enlier wants to deceive his elves, I am afraid that he doesn’t even have to say anything, just a smile is enough.

So when Enlil’s foot had just stepped on the dew-dropped grass, Senlis appeared in front of him for the first time.

Wearing a brown cloak with heavy bags under his eyes, the **** handed Enlier a crystal bottle full of spring water without lifting his head: “Here you are, leave my house immediately.”

Enlier accepted the crystal bottle calmly and smiled slightly: “Senris, your attitude is not very good.”

Senris did not look up: “I am the **** of wisdom and the guardian of medicine. I just want to stay quiet at my home so that we can leave more knowledge before we are destroyed-I can’t hinder you and Enli. Gus, so don’t bother me either.”

Enlier said casually: “I don’t care, in fact, I am also very interested in your research. But I can’t confirm that Enriques thinks so too. Forget it now, if he becomes the king of gods, don’t talk about you. Can you stay here and be a savage-if he also knows the truth about’stars’, do you think he will let you default to the day of destruction without asking you to do something?”

Senris finally raised his head, revealing his deep green eyes like a forest.

He definitely glanced at Enlier and said, “What can he do if I don’t do it, can he still kill me?”

Enlier smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and clicked on his temple: “Did you forget that you are a god, so your brain, which contains the knowledge of the world, can also survive on its own? If I were Enli Gus, if you don’t agree, I’ll just dig out your mind and find the answer in your mind.”

“As for the future, what should your brain do, I don’t think he will care. The best result is probably that someone remembers the preciousness of your head and throws it into the wizard spring to save it until someone else comes to save you. Right.”

Senris’s ears were cold and unbearable: “Enough Enlil.”

He stared at this powerful deity with a bad tone: “Speak, what do you want me to do for you? Let me say yes, I will not do it against Enligus, I swear to the Father God, I will never participate in this The mess will always remain neutral.”

Enlier nodded: “Of course I respect your oath, otherwise I would not agree to be hosted by someone other than you when the lottery was drawn that day.”

After hearing these words, Senris paused for a moment, glanced at Enlier and slowly said: “Everyone thinks that your draw is very unfair. In fact, although this lot is bad, it’s not the worst, right? Although Misdal is strong, the terrible situation of its royal court is more troublesome than Ulk’s rebirth after suffering pain.”

Enlier smiled, and he said slowly: “Enligus chose it himself. Everyone knows that I have suffered injustice.”

Senlis: “…you big liar who abuses the eye of the sky.”

The **** of medicine paused for a moment before asking, “Let’s talk about it, what do you want me to do?”

Enlil’s smile stopped, and he whispered to Senlis: “Senris, I trust you, so I hope you don’t disappoint my trust.”

He said: “My beloved young king has got some troublesome poison and needs you to help her untie it.”

Senris sneered and said impatiently: “You have to come to me for a little poison? Can’t you do it yourself?”

Halfway through the conversation, he caught a glimpse of Enlier’s eyes that had never smiled from beginning to end, and he paused for a moment before reluctantly pulling the corners of his mouth: “No way.”

“It’s Dragon Tooth.” Enlier said coldly, “What you told Gergon back then, I reminded you that such a dangerous thing cannot be controlled by humans. You don’t believe it, look, now this god’s court is The things that don’t have are’shine in the hands of human beings’.”

Senris gave a “tsk” and stretched out his hand to mess up his already messy hair.

“How long has she been poisoned, and counting the time, it’s almost time to die now? Come and ask me what to do to detoxify, should I go directly to the **** to find the **** of darkness?”

Enlier said: “I divided her a bit of blood, and she is still alive for the time being, but if you don’t give me a solution, I may only take you to the underworld to find her.”

Hearing the word Hades, Senris felt that his scalp was about to explode, and he repeatedly said: “Don’t don’t, I think about it, you let me think about it.’Dragon’s teeth’, yes’Dragon’s teeth.” He bit He stopped his thumb and said, “Why is this thing? This thing is the venom dripping from Manhra’s fangs. It is legendary enough that Gergon can get it from the opponent. How can someone get it now!”

Enlil lacked patience, and he kindly reminded: “You better hurry up, my blood can only be used once, the second time is useless, then I can only take you to the Hades.”

“Okay, okay!” Senris grabbed Enlier directly, “You take me there, and you let me treat the disease, you have to let me see the patient first!”

Enlil agreed to Senlis’ proposal, in fact, it would be better if he was willing to go in person.

In this era, the connection between gods and mankind has not been severed. Therefore, human beings with good aptitudes can often use their own abilities to convey strong prayers to the ears of gods, playing a role similar to “prayer”—this Humans tend to become priests and priests of temples.

But there is also a class of people who are either born with a strong soul, or have the blood of a **** like Sundar. The boundary between gods and humans is blurred in their bodies. These people can often break through the realm of gods by virtue of their own abilities, and even surpass them. People in later generations are given the name of “hero”.

Sundar once again set foot on the black, piled-up land outside the temple of the underworld.

The underworld’s extraditor saw him leaving the temple of the goddess of death alive. He was very surprised. He only glanced at the opponent’s blood-red eyes, then lowered his head. He didn’t dare to take another look. Got his own boat, and then crossed to the shore.

After crossing the Styx River, he officially set foot on the land of the Underworld. Forced by the dark death, the blood in Sundar’s body burned even more fiercely.

In the darkness of the underworld, he himself is like a huge fireball, incompatible with the underworld and eroding each other.

Sundar stood in the middle of the Styx, with a cold wind blowing all over his body. He looked at the crystal bottle containing the sap of the tree of life in his hand, and finally had some warmth on his pale face.

The tree of life is an incredible tree. It grows in the basin of the underworld. Numerous snakes bite its branches, but it still grows vigorously, with lush green leaves and supports the heaven and earth of the underworld. It is the treasure of the underworld. .

—It is also the only antidote to the “Dragon Tooth” in this world.

The extradited man’s ship gradually drew ashore, and as long as he set foot on the path he came, he could return to the world of the living.

And the guide of the underworld is waiting for him not far away.

The guide saw him and bent over to him: “Holy Son of the Sun, have you done what you want to do?”

Sundar nodded: “Thank you very much.”

Leading the way: “Thank you, it’s just King Sundar. Anyone who comes to the underworld, even your father, wants to take away something, you have to leave something. What have you left behind? Hope that It’s not very precious.”

Sundar heard the words and smiled slightly and said: “Compared to what I want to protect, what is left is nothing. Thank you for your help.”

Guide: “It is my honor to be able to help you. I can see the brilliance of the sun from the depths of your soul-for me, this is the greatest reward.”

Sundar left, and the guide saw that his back disappeared at the end of the underworld, and hummed a new song softly.

He sang the great hero Sundar, he was the son of a demigod, and the goddess of the underworld smiled with joy when he saw him. She affectionately called him the “son of the sun” and praised from the bottom of her heart: “You are more like the sun than your father.”

But King Sundar did not dare to offend his father’s majesty so much, and for this he rejected the goddess’ reward.

The most noble goddess of the Hades, because of his arrival, couldn’t help granting honors, and she was willing to make an exception for him to allow him to leave intact. But the compassionate King Sundar asked the goddess for something else, and for this he did not hesitate to exchange it for something precious.

The king gave his “divine nature”, in exchange for the hope of rebirth from Yan Xiao Yan Yan’s “death”.

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