Quick Transmigration: Doomsday If You Don’t Fall in Love

Chapter 79 - Crown 14

Li Hong felt that he was floating in the milky white sea.

She floats in the boundless ocean, like lying in the mother’s womb, avoiding all the noise and worry, making her relaxed and carefree like a child.

She fell asleep so quietly, until someone fell from the sky. She had a pair of snow-white wings, snow-white long hair, and she was wearing a complicated antique dress that only exists in those myths, and her toes lightly touched. Above the ocean, she stood on the sea out of thin air, and then whispered to her.

Li Hong was unwilling to wake up, but the person who called her was extremely patient. She repeatedly and tirelessly called: “Li Hong.”

Li Hong opened his eyes slightly in a daze, and then she saw a pure white bird.

Yes, it is pure white, with long tail wings, like a phoenix that has faded all the colors.

On the bird’s body sits a woman who is also white. Her beard and hair are all white, she is wearing a white dress, and behind her is a pair of pure white wings. If her lips were not still a bit pink, Li Hong was afraid that she would treat her as a white sculpture.

Seeing her waking up, the woman tilted her head slightly and said with a smile: “When we first met, how are you Li Hong.”

Li Hong looked at her and only felt that her memories were beginning to be confused. Her mind was so messed up that she could only straighten up and asked, “Who are you and where are you?”

After hearing the words, the white woman looked back slightly, and then replied, “This is the weak sea, where all things are bred, and it is the most suitable for cultivation.”

“As for me…” Her expression suddenly changed slightly, and she chuckled, “He’s back, I don’t want to fight with him, let’s talk to you next time.”

Li Hong clutched his aching head and asked anxiously: “You haven’t told me who you are?!”

The woman in the white dress paused slightly, and she smiled brightly at Li Hong. Although she was plain white, her whole body seemed to be glowing.

She said: “Honghu, my name is’Honghu’.”


Li Hong opened his eyes abruptly, gasping for breath. Suddenly, her stomach surged, causing her to throw up the person beside the bed without even wanting to push it away. But what she vomited was not food, but black blood, even mixed with writing lumps-she didn’t even dare to think about what those things were.

She was sweating profusely and panting. Enlier sat on the edge of the bed with clean water in one hand and patted her back with the other. The expression on his face was a little helpless, he sneered: “I said, now you and Sundar are too early to meet, how? Am I wrong? If I’m late for a while, everything will be empty. “

Li Hong rinsed two or three mouthfuls before reluctantly removing the rusty smell in his mouth.

She was still sweating profusely with pain, couldn’t hear what Enlil was saying, and couldn’t reply at all. Enlier felt his back trembling slightly, and looked at Li Hong, who was frowning and sweating profusely, and couldn’t help curling his fingers for a moment.

He asked in a low voice: “Does it hurt?”

Li Hong closed his eyes and said hoarsely: “It hurts.”

It was just a word, but Enlil seemed to have been hit by a dragon’s tooth, and his heart and lungs were burning with venom in pain.

He sneered expressionlessly: “This is our king, we must take the lead in the end.”

Li Hong heard these words clearly, but because of the sheer pain, he didn’t bother to pay attention to him. Enlier saw that Li Hong’s whole body was abysmal, turned his head and questioned Senlis: “You are detoxification? She looks worse than being in a coma.”

In order to induce the venom in her body, Senris can be described as utterly burnt. However, as soon as he finished this “surgery” that could be described as “extremely detailed”, the patient’s family unexpectedly began to question the effectiveness of his treatment-which made Senris annoyed that he “should not be saved”.

He didn’t get angry: “I can save my life under the’Dragon Tooth’, and I am worthy of my godhead! If it’s useless, your king is dead! Can I still call you pain?”

Enlier didn’t change her face: “But she is really uncomfortable. If you can do it, if there is no way, I can only—”

Senris was afraid that he would mention Hades and quickly said that the topic was over. He thought for a while: “She will hurt because I can only get rid of the fatal part, and the rest has infiltrated her internal organs.”

“But I can prescribe some painkillers, but after the drugs develop resistance, there is still no way.”

Enlier said with a “huh” again: “Apart from medicine? Since you didn’t say there is no way, there is a way, right?”

Senris nodded hesitantly, he paused for a moment, and said, “‘Dragon Tooth’ can kill the gods because of the part I removed. The remaining part is ineffective to the gods.”

Enlier squinted his eyes: “You mean—”

This time it was finally Senris’ turn to be expressionless: “Yeah, that’s what I meant. She actually has a little Protoss blood in her body, but that point is too vague. The only use is that it won’t repel our blood. , It’s still too weak to resist the’Dragon Tooth’-but if she has more blood that belongs to the gods, she should be able to clear the remaining poison.”

Senris raised two fingers: “Two ways, she has a son of gods, this way will be done once and for all. Or, there is another way, you remember to use your own blood to nurture her for a lifetime.”

“I don’t think you like this king of Ulk? Shouldn’t you mind?”

Enlier actually seriously considered the feasibility of this question.

He smiled and asked Li Hong: “Would you like to marry me?”

Li Hong pushed him away expressionlessly, and calmly said: “Don’t be kidding me anymore, I believe the **** of medicine has other ways.” Of course, Li Hong doesn’t think Enlier will use blood to suppress the pain for her. , God’s blood contains his power, which is why the blood on the tip of the tongue that Enlier gave her at the beginning is enough to help her suppress the “dragon tooth” for a while-because the blood contains the power of the storm **** , No matter how virulent Longya is, it will take a moment to retreat.

But she felt that Senris had never told the truth.

According to legend, he instructed the hero Gergon to design Mandela’s venom, and then use the venom to kill the evil god. But since Senlis knew that “Dragon Tooth” could kill the gods, there was no reason for not knowing what the antidote was. There will be no absolute one-sided things in this world. Balance is the foundation of all things multiplying and thriving.

Being stared at by Li Hong with such a faint look, Senlis had the illusion of being seen through. He was originally a deity who was not good at communicating with others. When he was stared at it like this, he threw his helmet and armor three or two times, gritted his teeth and said: “The tree of life… the tree of life can probably be untied.”

Li Hong breathed a sigh of relief: “Where is that thing?”

Enlier said: “Don’t think about the tree of life. This is something from the underworld. Even if you just go to the underworld, you will be skinned by the death goddess Hull. She is this kind of person. The underworld is her territory. She has the final say.”

He looked at Li Hong: “Hull hates beautiful women the most in his life. If you go and can’t cross the Styx River, you will be ordered by her to throw them into the river and feed the corpses.”

Li Hong: “Then or I can—”

“No one would want to, I said, even if it’s just going to the underworld, Hull can’t wait to get skinned from someone. What’s more, you still want to ask her for something?” Enlier smiled slightly, “Why don’t you think about it,” Back then, the evil **** Tiah got poisoned, why didn’t he go to the underworld to beg her?”

“Because Tia knows very well, asking Hull for this woman is far more terrible than death.”

Senlis didn’t know what he thought of and fought a cold war.

Enlier casually said: “I am afraid that even if Enriques asks her, she will be asked to keep the godhead of the sun god. She is death itself, and no one can kill her. Killing her will cause the world to collapse. Because of this, everyone has no choice but to avoid stepping into the underworld with this gloomy woman.”

“For such a goddess, who do you think will ask for medicine for you?”

Li Hong: “…” Oh, then I’m not over

Li Hong fell silent, Enlier smiled and said, “His face is so ugly, doesn’t the **** of medicine provide a solution?”

“It’s just a little bit of your blood. Since I am a person with common interests, I don’t even want to give up this point.”

This said, not only Li Hong, but Senlis was a little surprised.

He was silent for a moment and couldn’t help but remind: “Enlier, Enriquez can stare at you.”

Enlier carelessly, he drew the sharp dagger around his waist: “That’s why he has the courage.”

As he said, he took a dagger and drew a lightly on his arm, leaning to his lips and letting the blood in. Li Hong saw his wound licked with the tip of his tongue, and the wound healed.

Li Hong was not surprised by the god’s self-healing ability at the time. She was surprised that the god’s blood was also red… She was thinking about it, thinking it would be golden.

Because of the pain, Li Hong fell into Enlier’s arms in a sense of sorrow. He looked very behaving.

But Enlil didn’t like her pale appearance. He squeezed her chin and passed her own blood. Fortunately, although the blood of the gods is usually red, it doesn’t have a strong smell— —On the contrary, Li Hong even feels a little sweet.

Just like the previous Storm God gave her blood and helped her suppress Longya’s feeling, his blood was like a hurricane, which instantly crushed the toxins raging in her body and made it uncomfortable. Li Hong was also slow. From between her fingers, Wan recovered the touch and temperature of her fingertips that had been paralyzed by pain.

Li Hong regained his strength, silently pushed Enlier away, and asked seriously: “Can I use the cup.”

Enlier looked at her, smiled, and said meaningfully: “It seems that our king is really greedy. Do you know that a cup of blood is enough to drive the abyss crazy?”

Li Hong: “…” Then you can put a few drops in the cup?

Senris watched Enlil carelessly kiss the king of Ulk with some wonder. He waited for a long while before he became angry or turned his face into disapproval. After observing for a while, he couldn’t believe it. Say one sentence: “So you didn’t joke with me.”

Enlil looked back at him and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Senlis twitched his mouth: “Okay, I have solved the problem, stop looking for me.”

After all, the **** walked out without looking back.

After taking two steps, he suddenly said to Sundar: “I don’t have the power to break through time and space. You pulled me back and didn’t let me take anything. You should send me back anyway?”

Enlier looked at Li Hong, her face was already bloody, and she just reluctantly nodded, confirming Senris’s credit.

He got up and said to Senlis: “Go outside.”

Senris wanted to say “What’s wrong with opening the door to me directly in the house”, but he saw patients who had not fully recovered, upholding the virtue of being a doctor, he went out first.

As soon as he left the house, he met Sundar who was stopped by Li Hong’s maid.

Sundar was also very surprised when he saw him, but after thinking about it, Senris, the **** of wisdom and medicine, once praised “Luga” himself. At this moment, “Luga” was poisoned. It seemed that there was nothing strange about him coming to help. So he saluted: “Master Sunris.”

Senlis saw the opponent for a moment, until he guessed the identity of the opponent based on the costume of the opponent. Just because he guessed the identity, he was extremely surprised: “King Sundar?”

According to the legend of Sundar, even if Senris lived in the jungle for a long time, he was used to admire the brave, and he would naturally give respect to the demigod. It is precisely because of this that when he recognized the other party, he became more and more suspicious, “You, you—” the part of the divinity that belongs to you, as the son of God, proves that the sun is enough to make you immortal?

Sundar saw what Sunris wanted to ask, he skipped the discussion and asked directly: “Sir Sunris, Luga of Ulk, what’s wrong with her?”

Senlis was puzzled: “Luga? Is he sick too? But I didn’t hear his prayer to me?”

Sundar was startled, his eyebrows twitched, he understood the situation almost instantly, and then asked, “The patient in that room—”

Enlil walked out impatiently, and as soon as he left the courtyard, he stretched out his hand to open the door to the forest space for him, and he heard Senris’ answer.

Senris said: “It was King Istan who was poisoned. Although you are in a hostile relationship, at this time, I sincerely recommend that you don’t act rashly, because–“

Enlier answered: “Because your father is not here.”

The wind in the forest of Sunris came from the opened door, and there seemed to be the singing and laughing of the forest elves. After a busy day, Senris just wanted to get rid of Enlier’s trouble quickly, and walked away before finishing talking.

As soon as he left, the originally distorted time and space suddenly recovered.

Sundar is still there.

Enlil looked at Sundar with interest, and had to admit that the son of the demigod was probably the best child in Enriques’ life. His eyes could see the blazing soul under the king’s calm and even pale body. That dazzling light seemed to burn his eyes.

The Son of the Sun is well-deserved.


Enlier asked: “Where is your divinity?”

He saw the crystal bottle held by Sundar and raised his eyebrows: “You went to the underworld? Is that the juice of the tree of life? You gave Hull your divinity?”

Enlier is a pity: “It’s really a pity,’Son of the Sun’, do you know what you have lost?”

He turned his head to look into the room and smiled: “For the enemy?”

“Not for the enemy,” Sandal replied, “but for the friend.”

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