Radiant Prism

Chapter 5 – When the Dark Comes to Light (1/6) [Mellissa Version]



Those blood-curdling screams invaded my mind, tearing at my soul as I tried to sleep. Unlike the night terrors I normally suffer, I felt as though I was fully awake, experiencing all the tosses and turns. After what felt like hours, I hit the back of my head on the sheets as I opened my eyes to the dark ceiling above.

“Ahh… ahhh…”

I panted hot, tired breaths from my lips. The taste in the air was bitter, and it didn’t help that I didn’t get a bit of sleep throughout the night.

“Mellissa… Ann… Cafree…”

Her name slipped out once more as I was pulled back into that torture session done by the Radiants who swore to protect the city and their people. What a terrible thing to witness, and it wasn’t even buried in my night terrors. That woman that brought about the sun when she moved was suffering from demons stronger than mine…



And since I came to the Radiant City, from what Polechenote said, I made it worse. I… made her suffering worse. Once again, I inconvenienced someone else without even knowing. Am I really so cursed?


Maxwell told me not to get involved with people and Mellissa would be the type of person in his warnings. But the more I thought about that ritual, it hurt… seeing her in that much pain.

“I wonder… what that ritual does to her? Is there any reason for it to have been so violent?”

There was no doubt about it, I was concerned for Mellissa. She was someone who could make beautiful things despite having that side to her that was destined to destroy. It was as if she was being punished for all the crimes and sins of her demonic side.

The thought of it made me think of that little girl in the orphanage. She was shunned and pushed away by her peers due to something she couldn’t control. Everyone hated me… for the side that wasn’t me.

As my mind calmed down, the light shined through, telling me I had to get up. For what little sleep I did get, my room was trashed due to it. It felt like a train went through and destroyed my home, ran me over, then backed up to try and finish me. My body ached and my head was throbbing, but sadly, I was still alive.

I calmly stood up, began cleaning my room, and got dressed to get to Radiant City. Today I had to focus on helping Jade solve this missing person case… that way I could begin my simple life away from the Radiant City for good.

After calming my mind, I got dressed, took my blade off the wall, and made my way out the door.

"Goodbye, Maxwell."

I said to nobody as I walked out the door.

The day was breezy but warmer than yesterday. Morning dew from the rain made the air cleaner. As I approached the gates, my pocket began to vibrate.


I cried, earning the attention of the knights. As I looked at the screen, Jade’s name popped up.


I answered a tad meekly.

“Feodora, are you in the city yet?”

“I’m right outside the east gates.”

I replied.

“Good, I’m coming to meet you. Today, you and I are going on an investigation. Something's come up, and I need you on this lead."


She hung up before I could say anything else. So, I walked inside and wandered around until she showed up. Kids were playing, and it was a completely different feel from yesterday. I could even see people in suits walking about. It seemed that the Radiant Order was patrolling or doing their investigations.


I could feel a difference in the air compared to the first day I came here. It felt… a bit more oppressive than usual.


I turned to see Jade’s perfect stride as she approached me. She stopped at my feet and tilted her head.

“Did you enjoy your day off?”

She asked. It felt a bit out of character for her, so I cautiously replied.

“Ah… I guess I did. I spent it at home.”

I thought about the ritual and shook my head, trying to get it out of my mind. My day off became a horror movie as I sat at home debating on what I needed to do. I ended up reading books, fixing my garden, and trying to understand if staying away just for that day… helped Mellissa at least a little.

I glanced at Jade who had a sour expression.

“Mellissa was thinking about visiting you, but I stopped her. I told her you needed the rest. It’s rare for someone to catch her eye, you know Feodora?”

“What do you mean?”

I knew what she meant, but ignorantly, I asked without thinking. Jade must have decided to humor me and spoke on.

“The human side of Mellissa has only heard stories of her demon side. But those stories consume her despite how she acts.”

Curiously, I titled my head.

“Is that right, Jade?”

The knight looked at the business nearby. Life continued despite the attack the previous day. Kids were playing and families and friends were walking about. Life was going on and memories were being made.

“People are more than stories, Feodora. But for someone like Mellissa, she only has stories of that side of her. People will only tell her what Countess did when she was gone.”

The knight flipped her hair and glanced back at me. Jade’s eyes were so gentle they touched my cold heart, causing it to warm up slightly.

“Mellissa will never know if what we say happened actually happened. When people run from her and call her a monster… she’s forced to believe she’s a monster, Feodora.”

The light in her eyes dimmed as she turned to me. In a way, Jade just verbalized what I was thinking. To be called a monster without understanding why… was something the past me knew all too well.

“You plan… to sever ties with Mellissa, don’t you Feodora?”



I backed up slightly, feeling the guilt that Jade picked up on. I sighed, looked away, and questioned shamefully.

“How… did you know, Jade?”

Bitterly, I asked. As I thought about things all day, there was no other option I could think about. If what Polechenote said was true, by me being here I was helping her suffering. As a creature of the night, one not part of this world, that would be for the best. Despite how much I hate the idea of cutting off someone so kind…

“I’ve watched people for hundreds of years, Feodora. I can tell when a person is attracted to another.”

Jade signed.

“And I can tell when it’s the other way too. But something is different… it’s like you’re sad that you have to make such a choice.”

The knight pressed on, approaching me as she did.


I clenched my chest as I thought about her words. Was it sadness I was feeling or guilt for my choice? It was cut and dry, I needed to distance myself from her else my life would be short. So, despite how unsatisfying it feels, it would be for the best.

It was right because my creed tells me to live.

“I don’t blame you for choosing that. I want to tell you, Feodora. It’s a smart choice to sever any ties with Mellissa. Don’t worry… you’re not the first and won’t be the last to not accept her.”

Despite what she said, I felt like Jade was cutting me down with her blade. Those words sliced at my heart. The Radiant cared for Mellissa… and I felt that deeply in her tone.


I wanted to explain why I decided to do this but that would expose to her that I followed Mellissa into her ritual. I thought it over, closed my eyes, and looked up to her.


I started, but the knight shook her head, cutting me off before I could explain.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. You’re a dark vessel, and it would be best you keep away from her. Don’t feel guilty for doing the right thing. Think about your wellbeing first, Feodora.”

Jade corrected herself, but I felt as though it was forced. It’s more likely that the knight only said this so I wouldn’t get upset enough… to not help her on this mission.

“Let’s go. We are going back to the Baron Group.”

She began walking before I could ask. So, I caught up to her and walked beside her.

“The Baron Group again?”

“Yes, it turns out that there was a pilgrimage of people who never returned from their trip. Around 16 of them. They just… vanished. This feels just like my investigation.”

“Nobody knows what happened to them?”

“Abigail was investigating it the day we went searching for her. She was obviously trying to keep it under the radar. Apparently, she sent out Caesar to look for them... and he hasn't come back either.”

I thought about that man who had a sharp face and eye patch.

“Ah, that man. How did you find out about this?”

"While investigating the bombings and the Baron Group… I overheard them chatting about those missing people in the pilgrimage group. That led to me interrogating Abigail, and she confessed what was going on. It was either she confessed, or we'd bring in the Radiant Order…."

She sighed.

"And Abigail has major issues with the Radiant Order. It was the only threat that would work. So, we established that you, me, her, and her little sister, Lana would join a set of followers and scope out what happened.”

“Abigail doesn’t like the Radiant Order?”

I asked. Jade shook her head.

"The Pasco family has trust issues when it comes to the Radiants. I wouldn't say there aren't good reasons. There were… dark things that happened before the Baron Group was truly established."

When we reached the group, a few people came up to us. They circled around us as Jade announced.

“We’re here to see Abigail Pasco.”

“Yes, she informed us. Our goddess would like it if you came to our library and waited there for her."

They led us over to the library. It was massive and took me by surprise. I suddenly remembered that I needed to buy a few books. Mentally, I kept that in mind. The group of members left us as we stood there in the middle of the room.

“Since we’re alone, Feodora, I want to make sure you understand something."

Jade looked at me.

"When dealing with Abigail, she's very persuasive in her tactics to get what she wants. I… don't need you getting sucked into her words easily."



“What do you mean, Jade?”

The morning sun filtered through the glass behind us, making Jade's face tone a soft red. She closed her eyes and pondered for a moment.

“Abigail is strong in all 4 elements. She uses those abilities to… seduce whoever she pleases.”

The knight closed her eyes.

"Did you notice that sweet scent that she produces at times?"

I recalled the first time I met her. She flapped her wings, and I smelled something… eye-catching.

“Yes, I do.”

“Abigail uses her elements to produce that. Water vaporized by fire, scented with earth, and sent by her wind. Only she can… produce a spectrum that fine.”

I put my finger to my lip.

“Then how do I combat her, Jade?”

I asked.

"When you smell that sweet scent, do your best to raise your resistance by channeling your fire, water, earth, and wind spectrums. By doing that, you can attempt to stop Abigail's suggestion from controlling you."

Just the idea of someone crawling into my mind made me shiver.

“Thanks for the heads up, I guess.”

Jade nodded.

“I just don’t need you being a lifeless zombie as we work with her. I need you for more important things.”

The knight looked me in the eye.

“Some spectrum can be used to influence what you think or see; keep that in mind when interacting with Abigail and this investigation in general.”

She smirked as she pointed at me.

“I do have one other thing to talk with you about, Feodora. And that is your ability to use the chaos element.”

The chaos element is the 7th element created by the Radiants. It can enchant weapons along with other more powerful attributes. The 7th element can also increase the power of any other 6. Maxwell taught me powerful techniques using it.

“What about the chaos element?”

I asked. Jade moved closer and pressed her finger on my chest.

“As a Radiant, I can see the blur of the chaos element within you. Normal vessels can’t see the hidden attributes as we can.”

She guided her finger to my heart.





"There is a slight blur around here that shows me that you are well versed in the chaos element…."

The knight stared at me intensely.

“There is something within you that is channeled by the chaos element. And you… are withholding it. I know that you aren’t showing the world everything… but I don’t know what it is… so I can’t do anything about it.”

I closed my eyes… I knew just what she was talking about… It was the next level of shadow craft that Maxwell beat into me. Using the chaos element as an enhancer.



They are dangerous, and I was told to only use them sparingly. Destructive crafts that would make me one with the dark. Jade pushed her finger further into my chest.

“But it’s just not that in there… There is a more distorted blur that I can see. I have no idea what that is… but it's powerful…."

I was slightly confused by this, so I asked…

“What do you mean?”

Jade tilted her head briefly, but then she nodded.

"Ah… you don't know how to unlock it either. You don't know… what will unlock that deep-seated power within you."

Jade probed.

I knew of the dangerous level of shadow crafts. The ones I was beaten into using sparingly… But could there be another piece to my training… That even Maxwell hid within me…

I couldn’t understand why he would do something like that. My mind began to channel the chaos element within my body. I felt the shadow crafts… the destructive versions that I hid from the world for now… but nothing else…

“I… can’t perceive what you see, Jade… Because I’m not a Radiant like you?”

I whispered. What… could Maxwell have hidden within me using the chaos element that even I don’t know?

“And that right there… is a Trickster’s doing, Feodora. To embed you with something that even you didn’t know existed.”

"Trickster's doing?"

“Hm, it seems we’re out of time.”

Jade said as she turned to the door. The goddess we were waiting for entered inside.

“Ah, Jade! And… Feodora Cicer, was it?”

That charming voice was amplified by the vast library. The goddess stepped inside with elegance as her heels clicked on the floor. On the side of her was that brat Lana, her little sister. Behind them was a group of followers in white cloaks.

“Hello, Abigail.”

Jade scorned. Lana looked at me and pushed her tongue out violently.



I sighed, not wanting to deal with her attitude.

“It looks like today you two will be coming with us. Let me explain what’s going on.”

The goddess spoke as all eyes fell on her. Calmly she looked at me. I could clearly see the apprehension in her body language.



"As of today, there are 20 people from my congregation that have gone missing…."


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