Radiant Prism

[Route Choice 02 – Mellissa] Sanctum (2/2)


Mellissa slowed her run to a brisk walk and made her way deeper into the forest. Her hands were clenched as she followed a dimly lit trail. The orange-baked world created a beautiful twilight to filter through the woods. As I followed her, the human passed signs that were warnings like…

Prohibited Beyond this Point. Punishable by Radiant Law.”

“What’s gotten into Polechenote?”



Mellissa queried as she marched onward to the elusive Sanctum. Her lips pushed out in a pout. She wasn’t taking Polechenote’s offer to me lightly. As I danced in the shadows, I felt that electrifying current blast through me when I hopped from one tree to the other.


I mumbled as I looked back.

Mellissa and I passed another spell wall similar to the one in her room. I assumed it was something like a wall, trying to keep something within a closed space. But I wasn't sure if Mellissa could feel it, being human.

“Mellissa, right this way dear!”

In the distance, a woman with long dark hair that mirrored Mellissa's waved her down. She was strikingly beautiful but looked tired with her dark green eyes lowered. She wore a long dark dress that stopped above her knees with black buttons.  Mellissa raised her head and briskly made her way beside the woman.



“Hello, mother.”

Mellissa greeted.

They exchanged hugs and held each other's hands. I watched from above as they spoke softly to one another. I couldn't make out what they were saying from here, though.

“So that’s Mellissa’s mother?”

I thought. 

Instead of watching this, I looked at the Sanctum. Five Radiants were standing around a massive crater in the ground. It had to be around 100 ft in diameter and at least 12 ft deep. Within that circular hole was a cement coffin-like box. The box had chains and locks all around it. I read books about the occult while I was growing up. Most were fiction stories, but this setup looked like a scene out of those.

“I… don’t feel any dark spectrum.”

The Radiants weren't using anything that Maxwell taught me during my training. This entire ritual area was based on whatever spells the Radiants made. Outside of the massive creator were magical circles drawn all about. They seemed to have cleared out trees in the middle of this forest for this reason.

All of this… was made for Mellissa. And the thought of that was terrifying in its own right.

“This looks like a place for rituals….”

I thought as I analyzed the area.

"I'm… ready, everyone."

Mellissa finished up her chat with her mother and stepped forward. The Radiants, standing guard like statues moments ago, approached her.

"Please be gentle with my daughter..."

Mellissa's mother asked, but her pleas went on deaf ears. Two Radiants grabbed her from each side and pulled her along like a prisoner being detained. Roughly, they dragged her down into the creator with the cement coffin.

“You won’t get a good angle from here, dark vessel.”



Her devilish voice was like ice as it touched my ear. I looked behind me to see Polechenote standing on a tree branch. Our eyes met; she was so close I could feel her breath touch my nose. I wasn't sure how she snuck up behind me like that, making my stomach sink.


Petrified, I questioned what she said. The corner of her lips raised slightly.

"If you're too scared to see what's about to happen, you might as well leave. But I suggest you move to that higher tree over there. You can see the show better."

She pointed at a tree with her tiny fingers just a bit higher, offering me a better vantage point. Without waiting for my reply, the spite flipped into the air and landed on the ground. As I watched Polechenote closer, I noticed that her bare feet didn't touch the soil. Just a little, Polechentore was hovering off the ground as if it was poisonous to the touch.

"What a freak…."

I grumbled, but as she suggested. I moved for a better view while ensuring Mellissa wouldn't see me.

“Why is Polechenote so willing to show me something forbidden like this?”

I questioned her motives. This was going to benefit her in some way by showing me this. But my curiosity to understand Mellissa drove me here too. So, I was fixated on Polechenote as she stepped towards the hole.

“Tell me when she’s secured, soldiers!”

The small general ordered. The two Radiants who forced Mellissa into the crater chained her with iron. Despite how painful it looked, the human stoically looked up into the dusk sky as if she would eventually fly into the world above. Her mind was far away from this strange ritual.

“She’s secure.”

One of the female Radiants called out as they all exited the crater. Two of the Radiants went off to the side into the nearby forest.

Polechenote channeled a spell in her right hand and brought out a wand. It was bright white and looked like something a child would play with. At the end had a red ruby that shined bright.

“Everyone, stand back. We know how dangerous this can be.”

A dim light resonated on the ground, and the other Radiants followed up by channeling their respective spells. Spectrum flowed, pulsating in a rhythm as the crater lit up in a soft white.

“Nnnggg… Ahhh…”

Instantly, Mellissa reacted, and her stoic expression went from calm to something I could only describe as agony. Mellissa's eyes shot wide open, and she cried like nails scratching on rocks. The dewy red of the falling sun casted over the Sanctum. Swiftly, the torches nearby lit a harsh purple flame basking the area in a delicate violet.

I watched in earnest to see what was going on. From the spells, I could feel a powerful seal was placed on the area. Mellissa's screams intensified, and she struggled like a pinned animal.

“What the hell is this?”

I spoke aloud by mistake. Mellissa's cries rippled in my ears, and my chest twisted, hearing such a horrible sound from someone so kind. I glanced over to her mother, who was covering her ears, looking away from the scene.


Her wails were so loud. It was like she was screaming in my ear. No human could exude such force from a scream alone. She continued to fight, yell, kick and cry out until, to my shock, her chains broke.


Polechenote wasn’t phased about it. She reached out her hand and formed a crisp purple barrier above the crater, locking her sacrifice inside. Blood rolled down the human’s eyes as her claws extended like a beast. Countess appeared before our eyes.

“Let me out of here!”

The demon tried to escape but was blocked by the seal above. But by sheer will, she pierced the purple spell with her claws and attempted to break free, but Polechenote strengthened its power, cutting her off. The demon began to rage within that small space by clawing at the ground.

“Please! Stop! It hurts! Please stop it!”



I heard… second voices cry out in pain again. Like two people battling over one body, the demon stopped raging, and… took her claws and carved her face in madness. While Mellissa's body jerked and fought to be free, another side of her willingly mutilated itself by clawing its face up. Blood sprayed on the dirt as she maimed herself.

“I don’t want to go back! It’s not right! It’s not right!”

Mellissa or Countess screamed. I couldn’t tell by this point because they sounded the same.

“Please don’t make her go back!”

She pleaded.

Out of the same mouth… were two different pleas for the same person’s life. I was confused… and horrified as I watched her tear herself apart. Everything about this was a contradiction. A ritual to save her… looked like it was destroying her.

“What the hell is the point of all this, Polechenote?”

I demanded answers in my heart. Everything in me wanted to jump down there and release Mellissa just so the pain would stop. I adjusted my body, ready to jump in when…

“Alright, bring it in!”

Polechenote ordered.

The two Radiants that left came back with a beast on a chain. It looked like a boar but was bright silver and fought as it was being forced into the hole with the demon. It snorted like a rough pig and squealed as it got closer to the devil raging in the dome. The Radiants put a spell on the beast and pushed it through the barrier. Its enormous body hit the bottom of the crater, causing the beast to squeal in pain.


Mellissa’s cries stopped then her eyes lit up when the beast rolled next to her. The devil’s fangs showed as she opened her mouth. It was strange. Her expression didn't look… like Countess Mellissa's.

Tears were rolling down her cheeks. Her mutilated face was mixed with salty tears as the demon approached her prey. The beast didn't even have time to react as the true monster sunk its teeth into the boar's skin like a sharp knife cutting through meat.

As the fire of the torches burnt out, the screaming and yelling stopped… only to make room for the beast to howl in pain. Piece by piece, Countess Mellissa tore the boar apart with her claws and teeth, gnashing and feeding on the monster like an animal. I don't feel for the beast. I kill them every day to live…

But watching this was a different kind of killing. The demon within her devoured a beast.

“I’m sorry… I didn’t want this!”



Mellissa apologized, mouth full of the beast's innards. Through her bites… the human side cried. Or maybe it was the demon side of her? I couldn’t tell as they shared the same voice at that time.

What caught me off guard was that the beast didn't vanish like they usually do after being killed. The boar didn't turn to dust and fade away. No, blood the same color as mine poured from its body.


I whispered, calling out to the human side of her. I couldn’t take my eyes off it… despite how disturbing it was.

“Sacrifices have to be made, Mellissa! This is the choice you made when you committed the first sin! De’ueo, Jeau’o!”

Polechenote berated and then executed a spell. The small Radiant was emotionless. Even the soldiers here looked away, but that tiny sprite stared with revulsion at her victim.

When Mellissa finally devoured the beast, she held her stomach. Her demonic attributes vanished, and her teeth turned human. What was left was the beast's blood smeared all over her body.

“She’s healing?”

I observed. The mutilation done to Mellissa's body pulled itself together. I've seen this before, but it felt eerie, almost horrific, in this context. 


The human vomited on the dirt. What came up was white dust, the same made when a beast dies. A mixture of blood, hair, and bones also came up in meaty clumps. Horrified, the human cried weakly in between her coughs.

I bit down on my teeth, confused and full of emotions. I didn’t know what this ritual accomplished. It looked like a horrible form of torture, and I had front-row seats to it. Mellissa's parent looked away, crying. This ritual was humiliating at best, and inhumanly cruel at worst.

“I… don’t think Mellissa wanted me to see her like this.”

The image that the human side of Mellissa made for me was being torn down. That was the reason why she didn't want me to come. I was curious if she'd remember this ritual's events.

In a way, Mellissa was at the top of the food chain. As I watched her continue to heave and push out the contents she devoured… I closed my eyes and finally looked away.

“What kind of life is this?”

I didn't know what I had just witnessed. It was like one of my night terrors, horrible… It made me angry, and I glared at Polechenote, who…


That petite Radiant was staring at me emotionlessly. In my mind… a voice appeared.

“As of recently, Mellissa has had to go through this ritual more often. Just as I assumed, you are the cause, Feodora.”

She accused, causing my stomach to drop.

“What are you talking about?”

I asked aloud in a harsh whisper. The child's lips didn't move as she berated me in my mind.

“Your darkness is feeding Countess and that’s causing Mellissa problems. Your very existence is hurting her.”

Polechenote’s voice echoed in my heart as she pierced me with those bitter words.

“You might be helping Jade, but you’re hurting everyone else. I wanted you to see the pain and torment you’re putting her through more often.”

The Radiant blamed me. I clenched my fist and forced myself to keep my temper in check. The last thing I wanted was to alert Mellissa that I was there.

"I don't get what you're saying…."

I was confused… but I could understand what she was getting at by context. But even so, I forced her to tell me the truth.

“Mellissa has done this ritual every day for the last few days. Usually, it's only once a month, if that…"

Her eyes lowered as she dealt a fatal blow to me.

“Since she’s met you… That wretched human has done this daily to keep her demon side in check. Your darkness is hurting her every day, Feodora. How selfish can you be?”

I clicked my tongue, knowing why she manipulated me to come. Polechenote… was a cruel child. Her words seared me like the first time Maxwell told me I was cursed.

Because I was here… someone so nice and kind was hurting.

“So… my vessel is drawing Countess out?”

I wasn’t asking her, just thinking aloud but she answered.

“Yes, fool. And if this keeps up, I know the best way to fix things.”

That emotionless look gained a slight eerie grin.

“If it gets out of control… maybe you can take the place of that beast she ate. You’re only important to Jade, not the Radiants, Feodora Cicer.”

Polechenote threatened me coldly. It was like she knew if I told anyone what she said, it wouldn't matter. Clearly, Polechenote wasn't a normal Radiant. She was a high-ranking one and having me killed to benefit her sounded so natural to her, like asking someone to take the trash outside.

I closed my eyes, and a bit of shame echoed through me. If what Polechenote said was true, I was causing trouble for Mellissa. This odd sensation in my mind reasoned with what this pink-haired devil was saying. I stared at the hole where the violent human was still throwing up the beast's contents. I watched the meat pile on the dirt.

"This is my warning to you, dark vessel. Mellissa Ann Cafree could turn on you at any time, and you'll be the meat pile she's vomiting up. I will make sure of that.”

I turned to the petite Radiant, whose eyes were as emotionless as always. Even that slight grin faded like she was a doll with one expression.

“Save your own soul… this one is lost. And your pitiful existence is making it worse.”



My throat was dry…

I knew Polechenote was… right. To think that me staying around her was causing Mellissa this pain. It was like being in the orphanage again. Just being around that place, I was hurting others… and not even realizing it.

So, I vanished into the night to think about what I wanted to do. I wasn't entirely sure what that ritual did… but the pain Mellissa had to suffer more often since I came told me what I needed to do.


"I'm… sorry for lying to you, Mellissa. I'm… I'm sorry for hurting you."

I whispered. How I wished I didn't see that horrid scene. 

My ignorance did not change how my being around… was hurting the nicest person I've ever met.

I made my way back home and decided what my next course of action would be.

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