Radiant Prism

[Route Choice 02 – Mellissa] Sanctum (1/2)



When Mellissa and I reached the outskirts of the college, students were leisurely going to and from classes. The fierce crowd made me want to stay where I was and hide from the masses around us. Even though the campus was bustling with too many people for my liking, the atmosphere was pleasant. The colorful blooms of the sakura flowers washed to the east as the wind blew, causing the school to sparkle with vibrant colors. Reds, whites, bright pinks, and other dazzling flowers littered the walkway. We walked on a cobblestone pathway as we made our way to Mellissa’s dorm room.



“So… you live here, Mellissa?”

I asked.

Living where a person had to learn was a strange concept to me. Honestly, the idea of schools itself was weird too. Forcing a mass collection of people to go to one place to learn at specific increments of time sounds taxing. I believed it would be more suitable for everyone to have their own personal Maxwell, then learning would be better.

I didn't even like having study sessions in the orphanage. In a way… this college was like a more stressful orphanage to me...

"Occasionally, I live here. I usually go back home on the weekends and live with my mom and dad."

Mellissa explained as she led me deeper into the dorms.

“I see…”

To live at home with mom and dad. I never had a family. The closest thing I had to a family was Maxwell, the man who was nothing short of a father to me. But to be born in a place where two parents love you unconditionally… that’s a foreign concept to me.

"I would love for you to meet them, Feodora! Mom and dad work in the merchant supply chain and are brilliant people. I'm sure they'd adore you!"

Mellissa pushed her shoulder into mine playfully. My face was growing warmer just thinking about it.

“Meeting… your parents?”

Having to socialize with more people was wearing me out. So, to pivot the conversation, I asked something else.

"So, during the weekdays, you stay within the dorm? Do you have… ah… dorm mates, I think it's called?"

She shook her head.

"No, I live within my own dorm. Mother and father asked the school board to make it that way. However, I made a few friends! You know, the girls you met last time you were here?"

I thought back to that day. There were two of them, and they all seemed somewhat close to Mellissa. One had dark blue hair, and the other was blonde with twin tails. They were embarrassed, trying to pull her along to clean her up. Thinking about it, I don't believe Mellissa is very self-aware regarding what's happening around her. But to live a life where it's shared with another being you've never met… must be hard to have a life at all.

We walked into the dorms, and a few girls noticed me. I wanted to just vanish into the darkest corner of the hallway. I was an outsider; I didn't even wear a uniform or the like as the other students did. Everyone here looked so pristine and clean… and I'm sure I looked like, who did it and why?

“Right over here!”

Excitedly, Mellissa pointed forwards.

We walked down a corridor and found room number 548. Mellissa brought out a key, opened the door, and walked inside.


I staggered back.

I felt a powerful spell resonate from the room. It had the same electrical feel that Countess's rosary did when I touched it. I could only chalk it up to being a spell placed here by the knights or… whoever was in charge of keeping tabs on Countess Mellissa when they weren't around.

“Don’t be shy, Feodora! Come in, come in!”

I did just that as I took a step in the room. But I didn’t enter yet, I just glanced inside. Within the dorm room was a carpeted walkway that led to her living space. It had to be around half the size of my cabin.

A bed on the right side was full of plushies and oversized pillows. On the left side of the room was a desk with neatly stacked books and other school supplies. As I looked around, I saw different kinds of instruments. Two chairs were in the same corner, likely for two people to play a duet together. Her room had a tone of purple and red to it which gave off a richer vibe. However, there was no shortage of plushies and other cute collectibles.



The room mirrored Mellissa, bubbly and cheerful… with a hint of darkness.

“What a nice… room.”

I mumbled. I wasn't sure if Mellissa heard me, though. As she danced to her bed, she brought up a purple-hearted pillow and squeezed it tight against her breast.

"Welcome to my room! I collect pillows and dolls, so… it's a little messy."

Mellissa said as her eyes looked away slightly.

“Oh no… it’s not messy at all. It’s… really nice.”

I said as I finally stepped inside. The feeling from that spell around the door vanished suddenly. That confirmed that there was a spell set on the outskirts of the room. I wasn't sure if Mellissa could feel this spell, being human and all, but it was like a cage keeping her from going out of control.

Giddily, Mellissa hopped around and threw her pillow back on the bed.

“Do you like it, Feodora?!”

The human spun her body, causing her hair to dance.

"This room is charming, Mellissa."

The way she bounced around reminded me of a bunny. Mellissa was like a tall black bunny if I had to compare her to something. I imagined her with dark black ears, hopping from one end of the room to the other. That brought a smile to my face.

"Oh, do you like music, Feodora?!"

Mellissa sparked up and asked.

“Ah… I don’t know how to play music.”

I wasn't very good with instruments. I found that out when I was bored and found an old banjo someone must have left in the forest one day. I tried to get the hang of it, but everything sounded like I was strangling a cat. Even Maxwell groaned when I picked it up a second time to try again.

I then realized that being quiet was much better than being a nuisance…

"Well, I play a bunch of instruments! I would love to play a piece for you. Oh, and I also play the piano, but that's home with mommy and daddy."

The tall human gandered over to her stash of instruments and took out a clarinet. Elegantly, Mellissa sat on the chair and looked my way. Her eyes guided me to the second chair conveniently set out for me. 

"Hehe, you can sit anywhere, Feodora! Please, sit down! My bed is comfy, too, if you don't want the chair."

Confused, I looked at that strange, big, round ball on the floor. I wasn't sure what it was, so I nudged it with my foot, and it fizzled at me.


I jumped back, expecting it to grow legs and attack me.

“You’ve never seen a beany chair before, Feodora? Oh my, you really are a hermit!”

“I’m… I’m not a hermit, Mellissa.”

Her eyes lowered, and it felt as though she was teasing me.

“You can sit on that. It won’t eat you, Feodora.”

To show her I wasn't a "hermit," I took the challenge. I fell back into the beany chair.


The chair fizzled at me again, but it was oddly comfortable. My body swayed to the side, and I almost fell off the "chair." It took a bit of adjusting, but I was able to relax. My body leaned back strangely, though, and… something wasn't right with this situation.

Patiently, I waited for Mellissa to stop laughing. After calming down, she straightened her back and brought her clarinet up to her mouth.

"I'll begin…."

I watched intently as she put her fingers on her instrument. Her lips touched the mouthpiece as she opened her eyes slightly.




As if I was floating on a cloud, I was entranced by her music. With every note, my feelings soared higher or fell to the bottom at the music's whim. The gentleness of her movement in the notes also captivated me. It was strange knowing that this person was creating such a masterpiece by her own will when only a few hours ago, this same body was destroying things just for the sake of it. 

Mellissa drew me in with her emotions behind each note. The noise outside of the dorm quieted down, and soon, only the composition could be heard echoing through the fifth floor of the dorm. The talent behind her skills must have been life-learned. I realized that she came from an affluent family, but the elegance reminded me of a storybook. As if I was watching a princess perform in front of a live audience. When it was over, I was awe-struck at her eyes' softness.

Mellissa is different from Countess Melissa In every way possible. As the chapter closed on her fantastic solo, she opened her eyes as if coming back to reality.

"I love that song. Mom taught me when I was only five or six, and I've practiced it ever since. This… used to be her favorite song."

The kind human turned back to me. Those eyes looked as if she was stargazing on a clear night. They were warm green, and I couldn't stop looking at them. Once again, Mellissa drew me in.



“It makes me feel… as though I’m in control of my life, Feodora.”

“In control?”

I understood what she must have meant, but I still found myself parroting her just in case. Tenderly, Mellissa put her instrument to the side and nodded.

“You know it’s strange when you blink and hours have gone by. It's been like this for as long as I remember. But that doesn't make it any less jarring, Feodora."

Mellissa smiled kindly, but I couldn't help but feel it was a little forced.

"Mom told me that whenever I get upset, I play this song, reminding me that I can make beautiful things. Even I can make beautiful things."

Lovingly, she put her clarinet back into its box and tapped it as if consoling before putting it to bed.

“I can only imagine what my other side does, Feodora. I only hear stories… horror stories for the most part.”

With one hand on her chest, she looked me in the eyes. I was absorbed in her feelings and couldn't look away.

"But when I'm here, I can make beautiful things. Can treat people and make them feel better. I can soothe their hearts with music and make people smile, Feodora."

The fierceness in her gaze made it hard to look away. I could feel her passion coming from her words.

“It’s like when I met you that day in the field. You were all bloodied and looked horrified by what must have happened.”

Mellissa groaned, thinking about that day we first met. Well, the day I met Countess Mellissa, Jade saved me.

“I could only assume that I did that to you. And I must have put you through a lot. I should be saying that…."

Her lips parted slightly as she looked away. In shame, she… confessed what was going through her mind.

“I’m sorry for whatever my other side did to you that day, Feodora. Could we start over, and… please forgive me?”

I assumed that this was what she'd wanted to say to me for a while. Mellissa was unsure how to approach it even though it wasn't her fault… it was her fault. To live in an existence where everything you know is only by secondhand knowledge must be tough, almost unbearable at times. But it didn't feel right to accept her apology because it wasn't her fault. I… hated that this kind side of her was the one picking up the pieces for the devil within.

“It’s okay, I… I don’t hold anything against you, Mellissa. It’s your other side that did it.”

The joy on her face was unmatched. I couldn't understand how this face could house such a demon within. With vigor, Mellissa nodded with tears welling up at her sides.

“Mhm… Mhm, mhm!”

She mumbled with an honest smile. I was sure that this helped her move past our initial meeting. If only this was the only side to Mellissa Ann Cafree. A wonderful woman whose only dream is to see others healthy and smile.

But that wasn’t true. This was only the beautiful flower that housed the Venus flytrap within. And I had to remember that…

"Hehe… thank goodness. I was afraid you'd already… well, you know… hate me, I guess?"

Mellissa admitted.

"Oh, you thought I hated you? T-That's not true…."

Shyly, I tried to deny it, but it just made everything even more awkward. We sat there in silence for a bit. I wasn't sure what to say… and Mellissa seemed a tad insecure too. With her thin fingers, she brushed her long hair.

“You know, Feodora…."

Mellissa began when a knock on the door cut her off. She seemed confused as she tilted her head to the side.

“Oh, I’m coming.”

She stood off her chair and made her way to the door. I stood up also and followed her with my eyes. When Mellissa opened it, I couldn't see who was in the doorway.

“Mellissa, it’s time for another cleansing.”

I stepped to the side and looked from another angle. The person was significantly shorter than Mellissa, and only by the voice could I say that it was likely a child. Mellissa backed up slightly, allowing me to catch a glimpse of the young girl standing there. She had short bright pink hair, a white dress that stopped at her knees, and… no shoes.

“Who is that?”

Bitterly, the kid asked as she glared at me as if I was an insect that disgusted her.

“Polechenote, this is Feodora. Ah, she’s working with Jade on a case right now.”



Mellissa explained to the little girl.

That name rang a bell within me. The Polechanote that created the rosary was this child here? The human seemed reluctant and turned back to the stoic little girl.

“Well, Polechenote, do I have to do a cleansing now? Can’t… can’t that wait until another day?”

Mellissa glanced my way nervously.

“I’m with… a guest right now and...”

The human pleaded, but the child wasn't taking any of her feelings into consideration. Annoyed, Polechenote sighed and glared at the both of us.

"No, it can't wait. Without cleansing, your soul would get corrupted, and your body would die. Do you want to die, Mellissa?"

Polechenote brushed her pure white dress and clicked her tongue.

"I shouldn't have to repeat this every time I come here, Mellissa Ann Cafree. Get your things ready and meet me at the Sanctum before the clock strikes midnight.” 

It was still dawn, so Mellissa had a lot of time. But Polechenote seemed to be pressing her to do this as soon as possible.

“Hurry up. I will send the Radiants to apprehend you if you fail to show up in the next hour."

Despite how calm she sounded, I could feel the looming irritation in her voice.

"You're that dark vessel that's working for Jade Opal, right?"

I stepped closer to the doorway, entering the conversation. Polechenote was far shorter than me, so I had to look down to meet her eyes. It was odd. Even though I was looking down at this girl… it felt like she was looking down on me instead.

“Yes, I’m working on the disappearance case with her. I heard about you the other day, Polechenote. Aren’t you the person who created the rosary for Mellissa?”

Polechenote sighed deeply.

"I didn't just make that wretched thing; I established Mellissa's cleansings too…."

With one eye closed, she searched me up and down. It was like Polechenote was analyzing me, picking me apart to see if I was worth her time.

"You don't know a thing about that, do you, dark vessel? You really are clueless for someone who was almost got murdered by Countess the other day."

With one hand on my hip, I glared back at this cheeky brat.

“What’s your problem?”

I barked, but Polechenote ignored me and looked back at Mellissa.

"You know where the Sanctum is, Mellissa. You've been doing this your entire life. Be there so we can start the cleansing."

The miniature Radiant scowled at me.

“If you want to know what we’re doing, follow Mellissa, dark vessel.”

Once again, Mellissa clicked her tongue and made her way out of the dorm room. Students glanced at the out-of-place little girl walking down the college hallways. As everyone around her wasn't worth her effort, she calmly walked past, not acknowledging them.


Curiously, as I turned back to Mellissa, her face darkened as if a dark cloud hovered over her. We both stepped out of the room, and she locked the door behind us. I could see the apprehension on her face as she turned to me.

“Feodora… I think it’s best if you head off for the day. You… don’t have to listen to Polechenote.”

If this was any other day, I would have taken her up on the offer and left. But something was nudging me to go and see what this Sanctum was.

“It’s fine, Mellissa. I want to know what Polechenote was talking about.”

I felt a bit of uneasiness resonating from her. Maybe it wasn't right of me, but I… wanted to know more about this strange human in front of me.

“Are you sure, Feodora?”

In a meek tone, she asked. It seemed to be hard for her to look me in the eye. Her demeanor changed so drastically, and I felt as though if I didn't understand why, I wouldn't understand Mellissa Ann Cafree.

“Yeah… I’m curious about you, Mellissa.”

I admitted, even though it was slightly embarrassing to say.

Mellissa combed her hair with her fingers. She was nervous, but instead of saying anything else, she pushed forward and marched in the direction Polechenote instructed.

"Alright, follow me. The Sanctum is this way…."

I did as I was told. Together we made our way outside the college and traveled to the south gates of Radiant City. As we passed the guards, they didn't attempt to stop us or ask questions as if they were used to this human taking this route. Mellissa was quiet the entire way, unlike how she typically was. I could see that she was anxious, and I felt it was rude of me to encroach on her private life like this. It… made my stomach turn as I silently anticipated the unknown.

It was as if I was about to see something forbidden.

“What is the Sanctum, Mellissa?”

I asked to break the ice wall that formed around her. Mellissa's stride quickened as if trying to leave me behind in the dust. It was easy for her because she was taller than me.

“It’s a ritual spot created by the Radiants to help keep my other side at bay. It’s something I have to do more frequently lately, Feodora.”

Mellissa looked back at me as we followed the dirt trail in the field. It was dawn, in the afternoon and the sky turned a dusty red, casting a beautiful bright shadow over us.

"It hurts Feodora, but it's for the good of everyone, I guess."

Haphazardly, Mellissa said with a shrug.

“It hurts?”

I parroted. With a sigh, the human shook her head, gritted her teeth, and turned back towards the dirt road. With her fist clenched tight, she marched onward. I wasn't sure how long we would travel for as I followed behind her quietly.


I wasn't sure what to say. I was cutting into Mellissa's life, but her human side was too kind to tell me to leave. I was exploiting her kindness to satiate my curiosity about her. The guilt was starting to get to me, but I knew if I wanted to explore my interest in Mellissa…

I needed to understand more about why there was this devil within her.

As my mind raced on, creating imaginations of what this Sanctum was. After around ten minutes or so of walking, we reached the entrance to a nearby forest with a wide trail, leading into the darkness. The opening had a stone pathway leading deeper into the dark forest. There were two stone owls towered as high as trees with their wings spread out, acting as the gates to this woodland. The craft was remarkable, and I marveled at the sight.




Mellissa said my name, and the air suddenly felt cold. I looked up at her, face full of trepidation. The human tugged on her collar and straightened her back.

"Feodora… thank you for coming with me, but I don't think it would be a good idea for you…to see this."

With one hand on my hip, I asked.

“And why is that Mellissa?”

“Because nobody is allowed in here in the Sanctum but the people doing the ritual… I don’t know why Polechenote invited you to come. I think she's... being viciously cruel today."

The cold wind blew our hair to the side as if beckoning us deeper into the forest. My curiosity lessened, knowing that Mellissa was against it. The guilt finally got to me, and I took a step back.

"Sorry, I'm making you feel uncomfortable, aren't I, Mellissa?"

Awkwardly, we stood there looking away from one another.

“I’m sorry… but I don’t know why Polechenote changed the rules like this. It was inappropriate of her to do that. I don’t want you to come, Feodora.”

The ice wall between us got thicker as her words grew colder. I felt lower than low, knowing I had every intention of getting inside and discovering the secrets I wanted. Mellissa Ann Cafree was a mystery, and it alluded to me. But I was also taking her kindness for granted too.

"I see. I'll leave then if that's what you want, Mellissa…."

With my hands in my jacket, I stepped back and turned around. But before I could go, Mellissa called out to me again.


I turned back to see her with a calm smile on her face.

“Yes, Mellissa?”

“T-Thank you.”

Those bubbly green eyes caused my heart to throb, to my surprise.

"I… I want you to remember "me" like this, you know?"

I didn't know what she meant by that, but before I could ask, she spun around and dashed off into the thickness of the forest. The dawn cast broad shadows… perfect for a dark vessel like me.

"I should respect her wishes…."

Reluctantly, I closed my eyes and turned around.

"You came all this way, and that's how you will end it?"



Suddenly, that little girl's voice, Polechenote, entered my mind. It was like I had two consciousness taking over as I could hear her speak to me.


I whispered her name.

“How sad… I wished you’d at least want to know why Mellissa had this devil within her.”

Coldly, she taunted.

“I don’t know how you’re speaking with me, but Mellissa asked me not to follow her...”

As if she was right behind me, speaking into my ear, her words buried deep in my soul.

"Feodora Cicer, she'll never know you were here. This girl has taken a liking to you. Don't you think you should know just what she is?"

I stopped as if my feet were locked in place. I realized that Mellissa, for some strange reason, grew fond of me. But to hear it from someone else made it all the more real. Polechenote was right about one thing; I wanted to know…. Not only who Mellissa was but Countess also.

Her voice vanished from my mind as I stood there in the dusk light. My feet turned towards the forest, and I closed my eyes.


"Sorry, Mellissa… but I want to know who you are. And I promise… you won't know I ever came."

I melted into the shadows and vanished into the looming forest in front of me.

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