Radiant Prism

The Chase (2/4) – (Yuuna’s Route)



“Are you fucking crazy, Feo?!”

Janova exploded at what I said. I turned to her, looked her in the eyes, and repeated myself.

“We have to give up. It’s the only way, Janova.”

I said with force as I looked the goddess in the eyes. She wasn’t pleased in the slightest as she furrowed her brow at me.


The pink bunny popped up. Yuu Yuu’s eyes widened as she looked at both of us. It… looked as though she realized what I meant by, "give up."

“Yes, yes! We have to give up! It’s the only way to get out of here! Right Janova?!”

Yuu Yuu asked, rhetorically.

Three more Radiant soldiers approached us. They were heavily armed and ready to face us with everything they had. The enemies we'd already knocked out were starting to regain consciousness. There was no end to their numbers, and we were trapped like rats in a cage.

What would have been a 3 on 3 suddenly turned to a 12 on 3. Anyone could see… we were easily outnumbered. The old commander cackled as he approached us with his small army.

“Elizera asked for you three to be killed on sight.”

He rubbed his white beard and gave us a hardy laugh.

“However, our Radiant Order commanders are above her. We want to hear from you all. So, we are willing to execute you after you tell us everything.”

His smug face made me want to break his nose. I never wanted to hit an old man before, but he made it easy.

"Give up, and we'll make your execution swift and orderly."

The commander demanded. There was no way out as they boxed us into the corner. They began to encroach on us, so I approached slowly to protect Janova and Yuu Yuu.

“Wait! Please, wait!”

I brought out my blade… and dropped it to the ground. I raised my hands and begged… for my life.

“We give up! Please just don’t hurt Yuu Yuu and Janova. That’s all I ask.”

I pleaded. The old man got a kick out of it as he slapped his thigh and laughed like a hyena.

"You know when to give up, don't you, Feodora Cicer? That's good! That's good."

He raised his hand, stopping the other Radiants from attacking us.

“Tell the Janova imposter to drop her weapon, Feodora! That is if you don’t want us to take it from her by force!”

The pepper-haired commander demanded. Janova looked at me with content as she clenched her fist.

“Are you serious, Feo?! Are we seriously giving up already?!”

Yuu Yuu turned to her.

“There’s nothing to be afraid of… Janova. We… we tried our best. Let’s just do as Feodora said… and give up.”

The goddess looked at me, enraged. I shot her a glance… and that's when I believe everything clicked to her.  

“…Fine. Have it!”

Annoyed, Janova dropped her weapon on the ground. The fire died out as Janova raised her hands along with Yuu Yuu. We… officially gave up the fight.

"Alright, with caution, you all… arrest them and contain the area. Handcuff Cicer first. She's the most unpredictable one, and we have to be cautious around her."

He laughed heartily… and I laughed inside too. I was just as jolly as this old bag of dirt.

Three of the Radiants came over, pushed us all on the ground, and pressed our faces to the floor.



“I’m going to enjoy this!”

One hit me on the head in retribution. After handcuffing all of us, the others began to secure the room.

“Feodora Cicer, Yuuna, and the Janova imposter are all in custody.”

One of the Radiants told the old commander. He walked up to us and breathed a sigh of relief as he bent down.

“It was stupid to try and resist at the beginning, but at least you learned your lesson."

He grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up. I gritted my teeth as I looked him in the eye. The commander of the Radiants was gross and crusty up close, and it made me sick.

“What the?”

He questioned as he looked me over.

“What is it, old coot?”

I mocked as he continued to look at me closely. Finally, he noticed something important.

“What the hell is wrong with your eyes, Feodora Cicer? Why are they… red?”

That’s when it hit him like a ton of bricks. He tossed me to the floor and stood up.

“You idiots! They put us in an unstable reality!”

The world they were in shattered. When the group of Radiants came back, we were already long gone.



Before they approached us, Yuu Yuu and Janova created a pocket reality. They brought everyone in that cavern to a mirror version of it. As they were gone, I held my girls close to me, and shadow walked them away, passing the door they were guarding.

We appeared at the top of the steps, still in each other's arms.

“We got out!”

Yuu Yuu excitedly clapped because our plan worked.

“Hey! They escaped! Grab them.”

The Radiants at the top of the staircase spotted us. I held my girls tighter as they ran at us.

"We're shadow walking again. Hold on tight, you too!"

I melted away, a bit further from the Radiants nearby. They were still all around us, but we had more leeway than before.

“That was a great idea, Feo! I thought you seriously gave up. I… shouldn't have doubted you so easily.”

Janova complimented. But we were still surrounded by the Radiant Order as they all began to approach us from all directions.

“Now what?”

Yuu Yuu asked as she pushed against me. Janova did the same. Three on twelve was a nice number compared to three on fifty…

"I don't know…."

I confessed. It was looking… hopeless. We got out of one situation, and another one arose. We were outnumbered. It was only a matter of time before it was over.


But then the words of my mentor, Maxwell, came back to me. 



“Feodora… do what you must in order to live.”

“Do what I must in order to live?”


I closed my eyes…

"Okay, Maxwell… I'll do everything I can to live. Even… if I have to go to the limit."

The destructive crafts inside me started to channel in my body. The deadliest art I learned was beginning to flow within me. One that would bring me close to death… but give me the best chance to live.

“Alright, Maxwell… I’m going to live just like I promised you.”

My eyes sparked purple, and darkness began to channel up my legs, arms, and waist. Shadows from all around Steeble Lake were being pulled unnaturally towards me.

“What the hell is she doing?”

One Radiant asked in fear.

"Be careful! She's a dark vessel, and we don't know what she's capable of! Everyone, get ready to strike!"

Their approach became cautioned as they all watched my spell form. The ground around us began to flow a murky black. Blood began to spit from my mouth, and my chest hurt.



Yuu Yuu and Janova called out to me.

“It’s okay… I need to do this. Don’t worry… It’ll be okay.”

I lied to them. I wasn’t sure if it would be okay, but I knew I… would do anything to protect Yuu Yuu and Janova.

"I made a promise... and I'll keep it. I will protect you two."

The chaos within me… the blur I knew about, began to unlock. It was like someone was breaking off chains on my body. I felt free as the spectrum flowed through me rapidly.

“I will live. I promise I will, Maxwell!”

I said with determination.

As I reached deep within me, spectrum began to burst, causing my blood to rush unnaturally. My dark blade grew as long as a shadow at the highest point of the day. Menacingly, I held it to my side as Radiants backed up.

“Get away from Feodora!”

Another Radiant directed the group.

“Janova, take Yuu Yuu in the air to safety!”

I commanded.

The goddess of chaos did just that as I brought my long blade to my side. The dark sword reached nearly 40 feet in length and 7 feet in width. I recalled what Maxwell told me regarding this ability.

“This spell is devastating to both you and your enemies. Use it… only if it’s the last choice you have, Feodora. Use it… when death stares you in the face.”

Blood began pouring from my eyes as the horrid purple turned my world dark. My entire body was in pain as I cried out for help.

“Maxwell, help me!”



I called out to the man who taught me how to live. I was scared not just for me but for the two I'd fallen in love with. My heart pounded ruthlessly as the dark spectrum wrapped tighter around me. Darkness engulfed the battleground as I screamed.


 I twirled around and brought in every shadow that dared to cast itself on the battlefield. Dark energy sparked around the Radiants, causing them to gain a defensive stance.


With all my might, I began swinging my black blade around in an attempt to fight back. The shadows danced in a great wave, blowing a section of Radiants away. The strike hit them, decimating that section of Radiants. Trees and wildlife were destroyed in the fight. The world shook as every shadow began to shake with vigor.

The pepper-haired commander ordered his people.

“Everyone, take Feodora Cicer down! Stay vigilant, and stop her before she causes too much damage.”

They all rushed me, casting spells my way. But the shadows defended me as they deflected their attacks. My body was cold like ice as blood spilled from my mouth with every strike.

I swung around and slammed my blade down, fending off Radiants from all around. They couldn’t approach me without putting their lives in danger.


Yuu Yuu screamed from above, but I had to concentrate. If I wanted to live… I had to be closer to death.

“Maxwell, help me! Please… help me!”

Tears rolled down my face as the pain was getting unbearable. I was afraid, but that would be my strength to protect Janova and Yuu Yuu.

“Get away from us!”

I swung around, decimating another section of them. Shadows emerged from my strike, attacking the Radiants about the battleground.  

“What the hell is she?!”

The soldiers cried as they tried to defend against my ability. Even their own shadows were against them as they exploded, causing them to retreat from me.

“Find an opening! Control this dark vessel!”

The old commander ordered. At his command, a massive group came at me at once.

“No, you don’t!”

 I slashed in an arc to keep them away from me. However, the others rushed at me from the other side and attempted to strike me down. Shadows emerged from behind me and created a barrier to protect me.

Steeble Lake turned dark purple as my will to live began to cast its shadow on the land. As more would attempt to cut me down, I’d turn towards them and swing my great blade. Shadows would explode, forcing them away.

“Screw this!”



Janova screamed as she brought out her strings. They attached to a few of the Radiants in the masses. Doing her best to help me, she turned them on themselves.


Yuu Yuu screamed, enchanting my already pure black sword with fire.

Demonic hellfire caught my enormous sword as I brought it back, slashing downward, using my well-known shadow craft. Black fire devastated Steeble Lake. Some Radiants defended through the attack. Others were taken off guard and were scattered across the land.

"Everyone, target the shadow barriers. Break through and take that dark vessel down!"

Suddenly, a few broke the barriers defending me by barraging me with spells. One Radiant brandishing a knife broke through. Skillfully, the knife-wielder jumped in the air, dodging my massive sword as I attempted to strike the assassin down.


A knife plunged into the side of my stomach. The sharp pain rushed through my body momentarily.

“She’s hit!”

However, the closer I got to death, the fiercer the spell was.

“Get back!”

I warned.

The spell grew stronger as I pushed darkness around me, blasting her away. I pulled out the knife and tossed it to the ground.

Blood rushed out of me as I brought my enormous blade back and slashed in an arc. The wave of darkness toppled a section of the army, but more kept coming for me.

There were… too many…

“Feo! You have to start trying to kill them! There’s no other way for us to live!”

Spells shot at Janova as she pulled Yuu Yuu around in the air. She couldn’t keep this up. The Radiants were starting to channel the chaos element into their attacks, making their spells stronger.


I was being overwhelmed…

“We have to kill them to live, Feo!”


“Kill to live?”




Suddenly… my vision began to be impaired. For the first time… I couldn’t see through the darkness.

A voice rang in my head…

A vision of a little girl… running.



In her hand… was my small hand. My feet were tiny as they clanked on the cold ground. I was younger… but I wasn’t sure how young I was.

I was being pulled along by this little girl with short hair. Her hands were cold… ice cold. Tears began to fall from my eyes, mixed with blood.

“Kill to live, Fee! It’s the only way!”

…In this vision…

…I heard a voice…


“Fee, the only way to live is to kill!”




Jarringly, I appeared back at Steeble Lake as the dreamlike memory faded abruptly. My body felt like it was becoming nothing. I… was a shadow. Blood poured out of my wounds at a horrid rate… and I couldn’t see anymore. My mind could perceive the people around me, but my vision was gone. They weren’t Radiants anymore in my mind. They were creatures of the light that I had to banish. I… had to kill them to live. That’s what was going through my mind.


“I’ll kill to live. I’ll kill to live!”




“Do you feel that?”

I heard a creature of the light yell to another.

“The second blur within Feodora is shining! Everyone, stay away from that dark vessel. She’s producing a massive amount of spectrum energy.”

The monsters ordered each other.


I couldn’t hear them clearly… but I could feel their shadows… and they felt scared… as if death was nearing them. I clenched my blade as tight as I could. For a brief second, I had a vision of dead bodies lying all over Steeble Lake.

And I had every intention to make that a reality...



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