Radiant Prism

The Chase (3/4) – (Yuuna’s Route)







I heard a voice that snapped me out of my… horrible vision.

It wasn’t Yuu Yuu’s or Janova’s, but it felt familiar…

The world came back into view as my mind settled down. My large onyx sword went back to normal. All the darkness around me calmed down, and I was… extremely tired. An explosion blasted at the side of me. A few Radiants got flung into the air thanks to a devil. That demon, Countess Mellissa, landed at my side. She looked me over, face red hot as she passionately spoke to me. My spell calmed down as I... looked at her with confusion.



“Oh my gosh, Feodora. That dark spectrum you were channeling made me want to have passionate, gory, violent, hardcore sex with you!”

The demon squealed.

“M-Mellissa? W-What are you doing here?”

I asked weakly. I couldn’t even respond to that lewd comment.

“You - @$*&# $(&#$(&#$ ()#&$#)&#”

Janova and Yuu Yuu were screaming all kinds of obscenities at the demon. I couldn’t even make them out, but Mellissa ignored them as she lifted her halberd upon her shoulder.

“The cavalry has arrived.”

The voice of the psycho echoed as she jumped in from above. Eve dropped in front of me and brought up a massive water spell.



It was the shield she used in the ancient ruins. Eve then held out the rosary towards Mellissa.

“You stay away from Feodora, Mellissa. We have orders to bring them back to the safehouse. Don’t screw it up by killing her because of your lust!”

Eve warned.

“You girls and your damn rosary. Jade really knows how to piss me off!”

The devil huffed.

“Hey, you need to shut the hell up!”

Eve knocked Mellissa over the head to silence her. I just watched in confusion. The grey-haired commander stepped in front of the rest of the Radiant Order members. He was annoyed as he rubbed his beard.

“Mellissa Ann Cafree, Eve Seed! You are breaking the law and will be duly charged if you don’t step out of the way.”

Eve brought up her gun and hit her head with it. It looked painful but she continued to stand as she did.

“Hehe… No can do ol’ timer.”

Eve shrugged.

“Piss off, gramps!”

Mellissa bit back at the commander.

“Mellissa, Eve… what are you doing here?”

Janova and Yuu Yuu landed behind me and held me. They created a chaos wall around Eve’s water spell.



“Are you okay, Feodora!”

Yuu Yuu asked as she held me tight.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared over us. Like angels ascending from heaven, Vivian and Lana appeared in a glory of light. Behind the small barklight was the golem that I encountered in our first fight in the Radiant City. It stood glamorously, new, and improved. The pair looked… like superheroines as they posed together.



It… was a little charming despite the situation.

“We have orders to take Feodora, Yuuna, and Janova out of here!”

Lana stood tall as she announced.

Vivian pointed her bright spear at the army of Radiants.

"And I have no intention to let my family die that easily!"

The white rabbit shouted. Vivian looked over her shoulder at Yuu Yuu and smiled brightly.

“Don’t worry, Mother knows best, Yuuna! It will all be okay!”


Yuu Yuu and Janova questioned.

I take it that Vivian was talking about the Mother from the light camp… the same one that brought out the statement about Yuu Yuu being disowned. I had my doubts, but I shut up for the time being.

“Feodora, my sister promised she’d protect you! She sent me with my new and improved golem. Do you like it?”

I was panting in pain from the wound on my side. However, I nodded, doing my best to show my appreciation. Abigail was keeping her promise… and I was grateful beyond words.

“Our leader is waiting for us, everyone! Let’s make a pathway and get to the teleportation spell! Is everyone ready?!”

Eve took charge as a military commander. The white beard sighed deeply as he raised his hand.

“You have been warned! Mellissa Ann Cafree, Eve Seed, Vivian Heart, and Lana Pasco! You all are now under arrest by order of the Radiant Order. We've shown enough mercy today. No more holding back, show them the might of the Radiants, everyone!"

The army chanted as they all rushed in at once. In a mob, they descended upon our group.  

“You all fucked up!”

Mellissa cackled as she rushed into the army of Radiants. Like the madwoman she was, she happily faced off with a group of them alone. Manically, she swung her halberd around. Explosions littered her battle as her weapon went off again and again.

“Holy cow, Countess Mellissa is going crazy!”

Vivian screamed.

“I hope she dies.”

Yuu Yuu, the timid loner… out of everyone here whispered that. It took me by surprise. She must have still been upset about Mellissa’s comment when she first came.

"Alright, everyone, let's get fighting!"

Eve commanded.

Lana’s golem took charge as it pushed forwards and slammed into the ground, creating a tremor of dominance. A massive earth spell attacked the Radiant forces. It was clear from this blast that Abigail had exceeded the limits when making this beast.

“How fun!”

Melissa cackled as she watched the destruction unfold. The Radiant Order fought back with all kinds of spells, but Eve deflected them with her water barriers. She began channeling a massive water spectrum with a hand in the air.

“Get out of our way!”

Eve cried, creating a tidal wave of water to rush through their forces. Radiants pushed through the spell as they got closer to us.

“I’m going!”

Vivian shouted.

In an instant, she appeared in the sky like a beacon of hope. Holy stars rained down all around the battlefield like meteors. It was sporadic enough to break up the Radiant's formation.

The world was shaking due to all the attacks being thrown around. Spells were being cast, causing Steeble Lake to look like a war zone.

“Feodora, can you move?”

Yuu Yuu asked. Janova kept her shield up, trying to keep us from being hurt.

“Yeah… it’s just this knife wound… It’s too deep to just heal it with a spectrum.”

I took to my feet. My blade was back to normal, but my eyes were still connected to the darkness. They shined that horrid purple as I began to focus once more.

"I don't know what's going on, but let's help them make a way through, Janova, Yuu Yuu. This is the only chance we have to live.”


They chimed in harmony.

I was noticeably slower, but I danced in the shadows and confronted a few Radiants. Yuu Yuu amplified Lana's golem, and Janova continued controlling Radiants to attack one another. The goddess of chaos also helped strengthen our spectrums.

It was nothing short of pandemonium as we pushed through.


Vivian cried as she appeared next to me.

“What is it, Vivian?”

“I have an idea, but I'll need your help! Take my hand!"

Confused, I grabbed her hand just like she asked.

“Just follow my lead, okay?!”

The white bunny commanded as she began to twirl me around. We spun like a merry-go-round. Suddenly, a spell activated as Vivian started to channel a light spell into her spear.

“Feodora! Put more your darkness in your blade!”

I could feel that she was using a spell, but I wasn't sure what it was. I put all my trust into her as I closed my eyes and focused my darkness on my weapon.

The contrast of dark and light shined as our attack became a bright purple tornado.

“Faster! Faster!”

Vivian cheered like a maniac. Yuu Yuu seemed to have caught on as she enchanted my shoes and Vivian’s with the wind spell. I started to feel sick as she forced me to continue with this strange attack.

Our speed was abnormally fast as our spells were enhanced.

“Let go, Feodora! Let go!”

Vivian commanded.

I did, and the massive spell was released. It was a tornado of dark and holy energy. It shot forwards, breaking down a formation of Radiants in front of us. A pathway was open. Eve perked up as she pointed forward.

“Formation is broken! Everyone, down the middle!”



Eve commanded.

Mellissa was having too much fun and wasn’t paying attention. Radiants were stabbing her with all kinds of weapons, but she wasn’t going down, likely because of her fast healing. Her clothing was drenched in blood as she cackled like a maniac.

“Pain! Suffering! Bloodshed! Everything a woman could want!”

Eve screamed into the rosary to get her attention.

“Get over here, demon!”

The psycho ordered.

“Dang it! You guys always ruin my fun!”

Mellissa complained as she took to her wings and flew in our direction.

We all began running out of Steeble Lake. Behind us, the Radiants were on our tail. However, the golem broke their formation and assaulted them with massive earth spells. It helped thin the herd trying to hunt us down.




“Take that golem out!”

The commander ordered.

Lana turned around in a panic. The barklight’s wing flapped eagerly as she shouted to her clay giant.

“Noooo! My sister’s going to be pissed if it dies again!”

Multiple Radiants descended on the golem like wild animals. It was turned to rubble as all their weapons broke through instantly. They didn't even destroy the purple eye in the middle like I had when I fought it. It showed the natural power of the Radiants was nothing to scoff at.

“That golem got wrecked!”

Mellissa held her stomach, laughing like the devil she was. Lana had tears in her eyes as she turned back and watched her precious toy be treated like garbage.

"Sorry, Lana, we need to go!"

Vivian said as she took her hand.

“You bastards! I swear, I’ll kill you all!”

The barklight shouted in rage.

Lana and Vivian eventually caught back up with us as we continued to run. My wound was making it harder to keep up, but Janova and Yuu Yuu held my hand, staying with me.

We ran as fast as we could, but the army was still on our tail. They fired all kinds of spells at us while Vivian and Eve did their best to hold them off, putting a light and water barrier around us. Janova was helping, deflecting anything that got through with her own shield.


My wound and my overall energy were low, causing me to stumble.

“Feodora, want me to try and heal you?”

Yuu Yuu asked as she held me tighter.

"It won't work. Let's just keep going…"

I said, doing my best to ignore it. I could see the worry in Yuu Yuu's eyes as she closed them. When they opened, she looked angry… and determined.

“Yuu Yuu?”

I called out to her. Then I turned to Janova, who seemed just as determined as her partner.




Both Yuu Yuu and Janova shouted, enchanting our group's shoes with the wind element. Our movements quickened, giving us that much more of a push.

"Wow, you guys are amazing!"

Vivian cheerfully said as she swiftly ran alongside us.

“Where are we going, Eve?! How much further do we have to get there?”

I asked Eve.

Eve looked over her shoulder towards me.

"Just a little further! Caesar made a portal and we’re getting close to it. Just stay alive!"

Suddenly, a wind user reached us as they sped to the side of our group.


He shouted and channeled earth into his sword. He struck the ground ahead of us, causing a large earth wall to erupt in front of us. It was massive to a ridiculous extent.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!”

Eve scoffed. The Radiant swung his blade, aiming at Vivian. The white bunny let go of Lana and defended herself, causing her to lag behind the group.


Lana screamed.

“Go, go on!”

In a fierce battle, Vivian shouted to Lana! I looked behind me as Yuu Yuu, and Janova kept pulling me along.

“Wait, I can do that too!”

Lana said as she channeled her own spell of earth. A big earth wall impeded the Radiants from chasing us. It wasn't as large as the one in front of us, but it was sizable. But it wasn't soon until they began cracking the spell with ease.

“Mellissa Ann Cafree! Break this wall down with the largest bombs you have!”

The devil flew around excitedly.

“Are you serious?! I can use my bombs???”

"Do it before they catch us, and it's too late, you sick demon!"

The psycho ordered. Mellissa rushed in front of us in excitement. I turned back and saw Vivian still in battle with the Radiant. She couldn't escape, and if she turned around, she'd be killed easily by him. Something needed to be done and quickly.

"Keep going. I'll go help Vivian, you two!"

I demanded.

“Hell no, Feo! You’re in the worst shape out of anyone here!”

Janova said worriedly.

“If we don’t do something, they’ll kill Vivian! She's helping us. We can't let her die!”

I was firm as I struggled.

Vivian was still in combat with the Radiant. I watched the enemy bring back his sword; it channeled with wind and lit on fire. Vivian forced him back as best as she could, but he had her pinned.

“Yuu Yuu, enchant my sword with water! I have an idea.”

I begged as we came to a stop.

“Don’t do anything stupid! Do you hear me?”

Yuu Yuu told me.

“You come right back after you’re done, Feo!”

Janova warned me.

“Don’t worry. We have time while Mellissa takes care of that wall. I’ll be back in no time!”

My blade was enchanted with the water element. I nodded, turned around, and jumped into the shadow of the nearby trees. I made my way to Vivian and the Radiant she was fighting with haste.


Before the fire blade could come down on her, I connected with him. I used a destructive craft, cutting upwards as I appeared out of the white bunny’s shadow. The enchantment of my water spell tidal waved up, cooling off his fire blade and knocking him off balance.

“No, you… don't!"

I said weakly as I tossed my black sword at him.

It snagged on his suit and took him into a shadow of a tree. He vanished within the shadow then appeared in another location.

“What the hell?!”

He screamed before he hit his head on the tree he appeared under. I called my blade back to me as I landed back on the ground.

“Oh! That hurts!”

I fell on my back due to the pain of my wound. I was looking towards the army of Radiants as they destroyed Lana’s earth wall. I was too exhausted to even worry about that anymore.

“You guys just don’t give up.”

I complained.

Vivian grabbed my arm and pulled me along with her. Janova appeared at my side, took me by the arms, and held me tight.

"Go on, Vivian, I got her!"

The chaos goddess commanded.

"Oh, sure, strange blue-haired lady!"

The white bunny did just that as she sped off towards the group. Janova held me in her arms.

“You are… pretty cool.”

Janova said tenderly. It… was the softest I've ever heard her speak, and it warmed my heart.

Suddenly, a large explosion rocked the world and demolished the massive earth wall that stood in our way.

“Wooooooh! Holy shit, that was a good one!"

The demon said as she flew around in excitement. Janova shook her head as she flew me over to the rest of the group. They were all standing in a spectrum circle. Yuu Yuu screamed at us as Vivian made her way inside.

“Feodora! Janova!”


Janova and I flew over the group. With all her might, Janova threw me inside the circle with them. I rolled on the ground, weak from the ordeal. Janova landed next to Yuu Yuu and gave her a hug as the spell activated.

“Get to them before they escape!”

The pepper-haired bastard ordered, but it was too late.

The Radiant order approached like the military they were. The army was shooting spells our way in a sad attempt to break the portal’s spell. A bright light engulfed us as the world began to shake crazily.

“Damn it!”

I heard the commander scream before the world went white. In the faint light, I closed my eyes… and drifted off to sleep….


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