Radiant Prism

The Chase (4/4) – (Yuuna’s Route) [POLL CHOICE – FINAL]




I woke up in a small room.

“Where am I?”


It looked to be a closet of some kind. The door was shut, and I was sitting on the floor. Clothing was strewn about, and it looked like a tornado had hit this place. There were blankets around me, likely to keep me warm.

“Hey, I think she stopped screaming!”

I heard a muffled voice coming from the other side of the door. The door opened, and the person who stood there was Eve with her big gun at her side. She kicked the wall violently.

“What the hell was that all about, Feodora?!”



She demanded an answer.


My mind was still in a haze. The side of my stomach where I got stabbed earlier was healed entirely, but my jacket was gone. I… was confused about what happened.

“About time.”

Lana walked in. She looked to be tired as she put her hands on her hips and pushed out her chest.

“We didn’t know what else to do with you, Feodora!”

The barklight said with a hint of agitation. Suddenly, the tall human peaked her head in the closet too.

“You just kept screaming and thrashing around. So, Eve suggested to… throw you in the closet for the time being...”

They all looked at me like I was a new species of animal. I scratched my cheek as everything made sense as I put it together.

“Oh… my night terrors.”

I mumbled. With a shake of my head, I looked back at all of them.



“Where am I, everyone?”

I asked as I stood up. Vivian peaked in too. It was strange having 4 people all force themselves into this space to look at me.

“Don’t worry. Abigail healed you all up using her miracles, Feodora. You’ve been asleep for no more than around 30 minutes.”

Vivian chimed in as she looked at me with pity. I was starting to get annoyed that they were treating me like I was a feral dog.

“30 minutes of torture… D-Do you always sleep like that?”

Lana asked warily.

I gave her a sharp nod as I looked around at the destroyed utility room. It is evident that they threw me in here like a piece of yesterday's trash, but I overlooked that as I made my way out of the closet. Honestly, I owed them my life and couldn't complain about it.

“Where’s Yuu Yuu and Janova?”

I inquired.

Eve sighed and pointed to the doorway.

“They are speaking with Jade and Abigail about their next course of action. Don’t worry… we heard the entire story of the Steeble Lake from them… Every detail of what Elizera did.”

As I looked around the room, the expressions of my saviors were dark. If Yuu Yuu and Janova told everyone of the past, anyone would be mortified by the truth.

“Why did you all come to save us?”

I needed to know. One minute it was us 3 against the world, then out of seeming nowhere, everyone came to aid us. Vivian jumped up with her hand raised. She wiggled her body excitedly.

“Oh me! I’ll answer.”

I… pointed to her as she continued.

“Because Jade was suspicious of Elizera. Apparently, a tip came in that connected Yuuna to Steeble Lake. Jade researched further and realized that Elizera had to be the one who sent it in the first place.”

I put my finger to my lip.

“Would Elizera… be that sloppy?”

Suspicious, I asked. Eve shrugged.

"Whatever the case may be, it's that tip that triggered Jade. She called us all and ordered us to do our best to rescue you three. So, we hatched a plan with Abigail and Caesar to make that portal. And… the rest is history.”

Eve explained. I looked around, still a little confused about other things.

“Where are we now then?”

The place looked like a room for the filthy rich. I've… never been in a room like this. I've only heard about them in stories from books I read.

"We are in one of my sister’s hidden sanctuaries. There's a bunch of them around Radiant City. This is our safe house until we figure out what to do about this entire situation."

Lana explained as she jumped on a bed. She bounced up and down before plopping her body on the sheets.

“Ah, this feels so good.”

The barklight looked relaxed, but I was still apprehensive because Yuu Yuu and Janova weren't around.

“I have to see Yuu Yuu and Janova. Can you guys point me out where to go?”

I asked.

“Sure, right this way.”

Eve walked me to the door and pointed me down the hallway.  

“They are in the meeting room a few doors down. Knock before you come in. Jade is apprehensive because of Janova for a good reason..."


I walked out, and they shut the door behind me. The place felt… ominous as I made my way down the hallway. It was pretty dark as the area didn't have any windows. I assume we might be underground or somewhere equally exclusive like that.


I passed a bright red door. When I turned to it, I could feel… a spell being used to seal it. The room seemed to be something special because it was decorated with roses and other flowers around it. Nothing was indicating what was in there, and it made me curious.



“What is this?”

I thought about it for a moment, then chalked it up to being one of Abigail Pasco's many secrets. I didn't have the luxury to look into it. So, I continued until I made it to the door Eve pointed out. When I walked inside, Jade and Abigail were in the middle of questioning Yuu Yuu and Janova. The knight, with her hand placed firmly on her weapon, shot a fierce glare my way.

“Who goes?!”

Jade commanded.

“Oh! Sorry, I forgot to knock, Jade.”

I apologized. Jade groaned and turned back to Janova. She… wasn’t letting her out of her sights for a minute.

“Dang it, Cicer. Get in here already.”

The knight demanded.



Both of my girls ran up and hugged me. Jade was standing behind Abigail as they watched our reunion. The knight was still apprehensive of Janova as she watched her like she grew 3 heads, all with different hair colors.

“Do you know the situation, Feodora?”

Jade asked.

“All I know is… Janova and Yuu Yuu explained to you all what happened at the Steeble Lake and what Elizera did back then.”


Abigail nodded.

"They opted-out of showing us the pocket reality they showed you, though, Feodora."

Abigail explained.

Yuu Yuu pushed her body closer to me. She entwined her hands in mine. Janova did the same as they both looked at the “goddess.”

“We… we only wanted to show that to Feodora.”

Yuu Yuu confessed. That pocket reality they showed me was personal to them. It was the crux of their lives. So, I understood that they would hesitate to show everyone… something so horrible about their past. It went to show me… how much it must have taken for them to show me their trauma.

"Jade, I don't understand something, though."

I looked at the knight who took her hand off her blade and crossed her arms.

“What don’t you understand, Feodora?”

“You’re always suspicious. Why do you believe Yuu Yuu and Janova’s story so readily?”

Jade closed her eyes and sighed deeply.

“I believe those two… because I know what Elizera’s end goal is, Feodora.”

The knight approached us.

“Listen… Elizera is involved in something that goes far beyond the realm of the natural world. She is also a Radiant with high status. As it stands, if we take these allegations to the Radiant Order, they would likely not press anything against her to save face."

Jade confessed.


Janova clicked her tongue. Abigail sighed in frustration too... It appeared that even the Baron "goddess" was also getting fed up with the Radiants.

“The Radiants know how to dirty their hands but appear to be clean. I know of the Steeble Lake incident well you three. It was a horrible event… and made even more egregious understanding what Elizera did to you two, Yuuna, Janova.”

“… Thank you, Abigail.”

Yuu Yuu whispered as she looked away. Jade put her hand on her hip and straightened her back.

“Elizera told me that she was going to the ancient ruins after realizing my suspicions. She’ll be there… likely waiting for you two, Janova, Yuuna.”

“The ancient ruins?”

I asked.

"Yes… and it's all coming together why. Elizera… wants to recreate the Steeble Lake incident… but do it right this time, Feodora.”

I tilted my head.

“Recreate? How would she do that?”

The knight continued.

“Elizera wants to use the massive amounts of spectrum stored underneath… to make Yuuna into the goddess of chaos. That’s her goal. That beast you destroyed there was storing spectrum for this very moment.”

I thought about that giant beast back then. It was strange, and I couldn't understand why someone would feed a beast spectrum energy in the first place. But it seemed the beast wasn't there just to make it grow… but to store spectrum for later use.



“Why is Elizera trying to do that, Jade? Wouldn’t it be dangerous for… Yuu Yuu to become the goddess of chaos?”

I questioned. Jade closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She looked sad as she confessed…

"Because she knows the truth of the world… Elizera… is willing to sacrifice everything for it.”

“What is the truth of this world?”

I questioned.

“We can’t speak of it in this realm. It’s not like I don’t want to explain it… but within this realm, this world, my lips are bound by spells. Even if I wanted to tell you Feodora… I can’t.”

I… didn’t understand what she was talking about. But whatever this “truth of the world” is, it caused Elizera to do all these horrid things? Would such a truth really force someone to become a mass murderer?

"No matter what… we need to stop Elizera. She won’t stop hunting Yuu Yuu and Janova, and eventually… she will succeed in her plan."

Jade said as she looked at us. I could see the pain on her face as she continued.

“It’s either we try our luck and bring her in alive. That way we can let the Radiant Order decide what to do with her. If they do right, they will charge her as a villain and… Elizera, the head of the knights, will be executed for her crimes…."

The knight hesitated… Abigail stood up and touched her shoulder.

"Or… we go after her ourselves… and kill her for what she did in the past. To stop her from accomplishing what she's trying to still do today.”

With determination, the knight looked at the three of us.

“If we choose to kill her… Elizera will die a hero in the eyes of the people. Elizera won't be exposed for her crimes. She will be murdered by Yuuna and Janova, and the world won't see the monster she truly is.

The knight straightened her back as she gave us an ultimatum.


“Yuuna, Janova, tell me what you want to do?”



We stood in front of the soon-to-be head of the knights. Jade was in pain as she asked us to choose the fate of her beloved friend.

“Do you want Elizera, the mass murderer, and my best friend to be charged for her crimes and to die a villain… Or be killed by us and die a hero?” 



(Note, this has significant consequences to the ending of this story.)


Attempt to arrest Elizera

Kill Elizera


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