Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 172: New routine

From that day onwards the whole military was in turmoil again. Members of the Sam’s battalion are challenging people left and right there are hundreds of duels going on everyday and in the first two days, the members of the Sam’s battalion completely lost.

Because, they are not supposed to use their ultimate and critical moves, they are only tied down with the most basic of the movements and that is making it very hard to fight.

But from the third day, the scenes started to change. The first ones to gain the wins were the Dragon Hawk tribesmen.

Since, they were taught how to attack without hand signs and spells, they caught with the situation very quick and started raking up the wins.

From fifth day, the rest of the people also started getting a hang of it.

Why this much enthusiasm?

Because the soldiers saw what is being offered in the exchange point.

With their ten credits which they initially have, they can buy five cultivation aiding pills which will increase their spiritual energy capacity a bit.

They can even buy a medium grade rank 1 weapon. But nobody bought them, because when they saw the remaining rewards that are up, they are completely stunned and filled with desire to possess them.

With their position as normal soldiers they would never be able to touch or even see a rank 3 weapon in close proximity, but now there are rank 3 weapons, armours, inscribed formation discs, defensive arrays.

There are all kinds of things and many of them can be obtained with hundred points each.

The costliest item is of five hundred credits where Sam himself will tailor make a weapon for them.

When the rewards are this good, they are pumped up and every credit seemed like a treasure.

The duels within their battalion also increased, but nobody dared go overboard on their teammates. Because, they knew that no matter how many duels they fight within themselves they won’t be able to gain more credits.

The best way right now, is to gain the credits by winning the duels with the other regiment soldiers, which is going on full swing.

After all, that is only valid for a limited time and the duels with their teammates can be put on hold for after fifteen days.

Other than that, Watt took a hundred members to the forest every other day. In this trip, each soldier will be put up against a beast of same or higher level and they have to kill the beast with the basic techniques.

These battles are even more bloody than the duels with the soldiers.

As the beast at the same stage clearly has an advantage over a typical cultivator and it fights with its life on line, they experienced something they never felt.

That is the blood l.u.s.t.

Every time, they went on activities like this, they always hunt the beasts in teams to be safe. But now, they can only fight them with bare hands and the beast’s reckless fighting style which is pushing them to the edge of life and death is making them feel the l.u.s.t for blood.

Every time a battle was finished and the adrenaline rush was over, they have a myriad of feelings like them being exhausted, frightened and at the last excited. The beast is a trophy for themselves and they can pass it to the cooking staff and have delectable meals until the meat was over.

So, when eating the beast, they killed with their hands in a life and death struggle started giving them a feeling of superiority. Which they can never get enough of.

This resulted in the l.u.s.t for their battle and blood increase. And many people started going to forest every night and hunt like this and they are even hunting multiple beasts at a time. For the first time, hunting solo brought them excitement and pride.

Not using their ultimate moves only made that feeling grow. They are having a new found confidence.

After the first week, the second week became a nightmare to the soldiers of the remaining regiments.

Sam’s battalion is full of soldiers who are creating chaos in the army.

The training changed them into different people within forty days.

The spiritual energy control made them sustain longer in the battle which itself is a plus point and the fights with the beasts and the other soldiers without any ultimate moves, forced them to utilise their basic techniques in a new way.

Due to the drill training, they also have some unity and they started sharing their battle experience with their fellow company members to improve together.

Now, this made the second week a nightmare to the soldiers of other regiments because they are being pummelled by these guys as if they are absolute weaklings.

These soldiers are whom they are familiar with, just after a little more than a month, they felt that they didn’t see them in a long time. They practically felt like different people.

After ten days are over and five days before the deadline, the first person who has completed hundred duel wins emerged and that person is Marian.

Yes, the first person is from Dragon Hawk tribe. This drastic improvement struck some heavy blow to the remaining soldiers.

The memory of Marian’s reckless and inefficient fighting style was still fresh in their minds and they cannot associate the new Marian who has most stamina of all people in the whole battalion.

He became an expert at dragging fights and exhausting opponent’s energy before making his move. In the first three days, he lost every duel he was in but after that he just kept on winning and now, he topped the list.

By the time, the fifteen days are over, almost all the people finished their hundred wins. They developed a sense of persistence. Only a few people haven’t completed this target and they are also almost near.

After the fifteen days, the assembly again and at this moment the situation is different than previous times.

They are excited. All this time, Sam only made them do their daily training which is similar to the one when they are in the previous regiment.

But they are slightly tweaked and made these trainings most effective.

The restriction of the spiritual energy when they practiced their battle techniques increased their control and efficiency.

They used to hunt previously and they are also hunting now, but this way, they can feel the obvious improvement in their sense of danger as they fought the beasts who are practically putting their lives on line.

Many people were injured many times, some were saved from the brink of death by Sam himself. But these incidents didn’t stop them. They felt even more determined. Their confidence grew with their wins and their experience grew with their losses.

Now, they are waiting for the next phase of training. They felt like they opened a door for a whole new world.

They have been soldiers for many years, but the improvement was very low. At most they have a bit of battle experience but that’s it.

There is no lethality in them if they are not in teams. Their individual strength was always less.

Now, they are waiting for Sam to say about the new training.

"Now that this phase is also completed, from today onwards there would be a new routine and that is every morning one-hour drill practice, one hour spiritual energy control, one hour practical combat where you can duel as you like and the rest of the day you will be having the team combat lessons.

Till lunch, that means fore noon after the three-hour routine is over, you will be having individual training which will be useful in the team combat and also after lunch break you will be having three more hours of squad training.

After that the remaining time until night, you will be having the company combat.

For the next five and a half months you will be going through this. The squad training and company training will be varied based on the progress you have made.

The training will be based on the members and their way of fighting.

After five and a half months there is going to be a war and, in that war, I want an overwhelming victory. A victory that the whole empire didn’t see before.

By the time I am done with you guys. Every squad should be able to conjure a battle spirit.

I have confidence to train you guys to that extent, but do you have enough will and strength to reach that stage with me?"

Sam almost roared at the end of the sentence.

"YES, SIR!!!!!"

Everyone roared in unison.

Sam glanced at them and said.

"There is one more test." As Sam said that Watt pulled over a beast. This is a Whirl tail tiger. A beast which is considered an alpha predator in the nearby forests. But the main thing is that the tiger is a peak stage beast.

Watt activated a formation disc which enclosed a specific area around the tiger giving it a limited space to roam.

"This beast is the best predator that is available in the nearest woods.

The final test that you became a real soldier is going to be a battle with this beast.

But the battle is not of strength, it is of the battle of will and mental strength. Your blood l.u.s.t and battle spirit.

Animals have a keen sense of danger, and you have to force this animal with just your aura. Make it see you as a biggest threat and it shouldn’t even dare to face you even if you stand in front of it." Sam said these words and entered the formation directly.

The tiger looked at him and was about to roar at him as it took a pouncing posture. But it suddenly stopped.

Because, there is a change in aura around Sam. This is not the aura of Yanwu or Sky, rather it is Sam’s blood l.u.s.t, the l.u.s.t which grew with countless battles. It is full of killing intent and the tiger felt that it would die the moment it takes a step forward. Sam didn’t move at all and tiger itself prostrated in front of him as if asking him to let it go.

Sam came out and looked at the soldiers again.

"A beast can be best judge on the amount of threat you pose. If any of you can submit it and can make you obey you. I will gift this beast to them as pet.

So, before the five and half months you can try your luck. You are a true lethal soldier of my battalion only when this tiger steps back when facing you.

All the best."

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