Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 173: Team Combat training

After introducing the new routine, Sam continued on with the drill training and then let them complete the energy control and duelling time.

Now they are going to be trained in the individual strength which helps the team most.

Sam separated everyone based on their elemental use for this part of the training and the first batch he visited each batch to show them a direction on which they should develop to be the best asset of the team.

In Sam’s ideal squad with most efficiency, in a normal situation and a normal environment, the fire and wind element which are both lethal, versatile and complimentary to each other, they are more suitable for to be the main attackers, unless they are in a particularly different situation like snowy areas, wet areas, enclosed spaces etc. In that case, the water element, earth element might be better doing the attacks.

And similarly, when in the general situation, the water element users, whose power is one most suitable for both attack and defence transition, will act as the support for the main attackers by having their back.

The wood element users, whose speciality mainly lies in controlling the plants, tress and other types of flora, they are suitable for a support which mainly focus on disrupting the enemies.

They can create confusion, restrictions, chaos in the enemy groups from a decent distance in between which lies the main attackers and supporters.

The earth element is most suitable for defence in the most normal circ.u.mstance unless they are in a marsh lands where they are water elementals can be major attackers as the earth in normal circ.u.mstances is too rigid and to be an active attacker one must have an impeccable control over spiritual energy.

The sole light element user in the company is the healer while the remaining elemental users will form seven squads.

A squad will have the five above mention elemental users each at the very least and the extra two spots can be filled by any other element user and they will decide on what basis the squad will progress.

If the extra two element users are of fire and wind, the squad will be focussing on being the attacking squad within the company and if the extra members are of wood element users, they would be mostly focussing on the control and supporting the team by disrupting the enemies.

If they are extra earth element users they will be focussing on defence of the company.

If the water element users are the extra ones, then the squad can undergo transition between attack and defence based on the circ.u.mstances.

These things are mostly known to soldiers and the previous regiments also followed this, but the thing is they kept all the people of same element under one company.

Making them completely focus on one thing. Merging all of them and making a squad which focusses on all of them is new to them. But even more new thing is the way of training.

Sam’s method for the individual training was something they didn’t expect.

In this session the fire element and wind element users are told to focus on attacking, multiple enemies at a time in the most efficient way.

Even if the attacks didn’t finish of them, they should still be enough to deal some damage and give them enough breathing space so that they could target on one enemy at a time in the battle and get enough time to finish one before the rest recovered.

Even the other element users are also similarly trained and particularly the earth element users were in for a treat.

Because, Sam invited Artisan Ford, the architecture artisan to teach them the stone and earth manipulation.

The Architecture artisans are basically earth element users but they are trained in modifying and manipulating the earth, stones and some other related materials to be sturdy enough to be as someone’s house.

Sam wants to use this in the defence training of his soldiers, but they don’t need to know all of it rather all they need to know basics of the basics and that is to manipulate different earthen materials so that they could use the terrain for their advantage.

Most earth element users defence techniques are simply, earthen wall, stone wall, earth dome and so on are inefficient in Sam’s eyes.

He wants to use these techniques of artisan which are used to clear the terrain before building or using the terrain material to make the land or even make them part of the buildings so that they can work efficiently.

These are the most basic things most architecture artisans learn, but the earth element users who don’t want to become an artisan or those who cannot afford to learn these and become one cannot see the uses of these techniques.

So, Sam paid millions to hire Artisan Ford to come and teach the soldiers these basics. As for money he spent on them, he doesn’t need to bother as the army still owes him, he can just think that he used that money for this.

Anyway, the benefits are far more valuable for him the money which he could easily earn.

Till noon, everyone focussed on the individual training after some sumptuous lunch, they started their squad training in which they use their newly learnt techniques to use and then there is the company training in which they cooperate as squads.

But there is one company whose soldiers’ training was completely different from the remaining nine and that company was mostly made of the warriors to be precise forty warriors, nine warrior mages and one healer.

The people are going to be the best the odd company of the whole battalion because they are the most versatile company and they are going to be the company from which the squads separate and join other companies in the battle if the need arises.

They are the extra muscle. They will fight the battles as a company but if other companies are in a perilous situation then they would split up and help those companies.

The forty warriors are mostly adept in close quarters and the warrior mages will be responsible for close to mid-range combat.

Sam trained them with this new style and within a week the whole battalion started seeing the improvements and there started a turmoil again in the camp.

The soldiers from Sam’s battalion wanted to test their new moves and cooperation between themselves and they started squad duels.

The drill training helped them a lot this time and they are extremely cooperative. Maybe due to Sam’s overwhelming presence and the shadow he cast in their hearts, nobody dared to have any thoughts that go against the collective goal of the team and the cooperation went smoothly.

While the situation in the military side was looking good, the business side was exact opposite.

Today, Watt came as usual but this time, he carried a message.

"Philip wants to see you. The situation is getting worse and the attacks increased. Since, I am also not helping proactively they are having a hard time holding up. Now the opponents are targeting the staff too.

Mackey still didn’t say anything and just stayed put in the estate.

Jack is a bit exhausted mentally from the pressure and Philip didn’t know what to do at all, he just kept on asking for help."

When Sam heard this, he was extremely displeased. He knew that Philip more than capable for dealing with this problem but the latter was unwilling to show his capability.

Sam is even thinking what would have to happen for Philip to act.

He decided to meet with Philip and make it clear.

After all, he cannot keep clearing every problem. Philip is so capable and he is first human friend he has in this world. If he has a problem and he is willing to face it, Sam would gladly help.

But Philip is taking a cowardly approach. He is so afraid that he is not even willing to show is true cultivation and elements.

He is dual element warrior mage and his cultivation right now, might even be same as Sam if not higher. But he is now only at the middle stage novice level while he is only a fire element mage.

One can argue that he is being cautious of his enemies.

But how can Philip tell that? No matter how big and powerful an enemy is there is a limit to their capabilities and time. Even if they knew where Philip is unless they send a Nascent or higher-level cultivator, they can easily escape.

Who knows, they might not even be thinking of Philip now and dual elements and the cultivation speed of Philip is not rare at all.

Heck, even Sam is superior in both of them.

There are a myriad of geniuses in the world and so many youngsters are participating with Philip at this moment for him to highlight.

Even Sam wasn’t sure with his outstanding results until now, every supreme power in the empire might know him.

Philip’s cautiousness and paranoia is at the verge of turning into stupidity.

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