Re: Eor~ Secret Life

Chapter 1; Awakening

Dear reader, I'm incompetent so please kindly read the basic stuff in chapter 0, to understand some context. Also this has early romance tag, and it's for 2 women. Since the world is kind of female world, introduction for other character will happen here and there, but the mc is not just going to put a target on them.

In a particular cottage nestled in the quiet corner of a small bustling town, a young man woke up from his slumber, his eyes fluttering open, immediately drawn to an otherworldly source of illumination—a peculiar light suspended from the ceiling. It wasn't the glow of electric lamps. Instead, a luminous orb hung there, casting a soft radiance that bathed the room in a serene glow.

Realization washed over him in fragmented waves. "So it's true... I get transmigrated into another world? But... where am I? And whose body is....."

His thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a sudden sensation—The moment he tried to move his arms, he felt weight pressed to his hand; an unfamiliar woman was resting on his shoulder.

A mix of emotions flooded him as he beheld her, captivated by her ethereal beauty. She had long white wavy hair with fiery streaks of red on the front, framing a face that exuded maturity and sensuality that could only be described as milf-like. Her milky-white skin was flawlessly smooth, with a hint of rosy blush on her cheeks. Her eyes were framed by long lashes and held a hint of mischief, while her lips were full and inviting, beckoned to be kissed. It was a face that embodied the seductive allure of a woman.

But it was her body that truly captivated him. The delicate lace robe, barely clinging to her body, failed to conceal the expanse of her enormous cleavage. Additionally, she adorned with black intricate symbol all over her body.


"Who is she? Why is she on my bed? Is she my partner? Fuck... I don't remember anything."

His eyes wandered, absorbing the sparse furnishings in the minimally adorned room. In this moment of observation, a familiar feminine voice ruptured the silence, echoing through his mind, greeting him. The voice belonged to the same omniscient being who had given him the offer to transmigrate his soul.

"Hey... uhh, hmm, what-what should I call you? Goddess, maybe?" he hesitantly asked.

[Goddess?] The figure laughed, her tone was calm yet domineering. [You can call me Pixie. And remember, we can talk through our minds. It'd be awkward if someone overheard you]

'Ahhh, yeah, you're right...'

{So young man, do you want the old predecessor memories?}

'Of course, I do! That doesn't need to be asked...'

[Well, some souls like you choose not to receive any memories from their predecessors]

'Huh? What does that mean?' he inquired, puzzled.

However, rather than answering him, Pixie continued to laugh and shrug his question before instructing him to close his eyes and relax his body.

Under Pixie's guidance, he sank into a state of calmness. A rush of sensations swept over him, carrying him into his deep consciousness where memories and emotions coalesced seamlessly. In an instant, a series of experiences flashed before his mind—a mix of sights, sounds, and feelings flooded him. Bits of a life not his own, yet strangely connected, played out within him.

The once renowned author now possessed a young man named Theo Von Dior, a character from his abandoned novel. 

Theo had a captivating charm—a blend of rugged appeal and refined elegance. His features were defined by an angular jaw and sculpted cheeks, complemented by short, impeccably styled silver hair. Each silver strand framed his face, contrasting with dark brows and lashes. His eyes—a mesmerizing shade of amber, held a captivating warmth, drawing others in with their unique color. In a world where women made up 78% of the population, the presence of a handsome man like him stood out significantly.

He was previously a part of the esteemed royal family but faced exile due to his despicable actions. His reputation was marred by reprehensible behavior, including a heinous attempt to assault his own cousin. This atrocious act was the catalyst for his expulsion from the royal lineage by his grandmother, the reigning queen of the human kingdom.

Being removed from the royal family put his safety at risk, but luckily, despite the circumstances, his mother faithfully accompanied him, along with one of his aunts. 

'Theo... oh Theo. You have such a life huh? Spending your time every day surrounded by women... But why the fuck do you behave like a scumbag? You could live with them like a decent person...' He sighed.

'But then again, It wasn't really your fault. The curse inside this body amplified your negative emotion, and I was the one who made you like this... Well shit... I will fix everything you have done now.'

{So how is it? Are you not satisfied with the bodies?} Pixie asked.

He would be lying if he said he was satisfied. The problem was that there was a strong curse within Theo's body. He couldn't feel a MANA, which was a catalyst—the source of power in this world.

Due to this original story being abandoned, his knowledge about the world remained limited. In fact, according to Pixie, he didn't even know half of the world. 

Consequently, he only knew one method to dispel the curse: A priest who had achieved the final class ascendancy could lift it. However, only two individuals had reached that level, and neither of them could help him at this moment. One of these individuals was his mother, who bore the same curse and was, in fact, the source of his affliction. The other was a priest from the elf's kingdom, currently in a coma, and no one knew when she would wake up. 

{Now, now... Don't get too absorbed in your thoughts. There is something else you need to know... Go ahead and open your status window}

'Huh? Status window? I have that too?! How do I open it?'

{Look at you suddenly excited...} The figure laughed. {Just think about it, and you will see it}

'Okay.' He affirmed. With a focused thought, he visualized the idea of the status window, hoping it would trigger the display.

And then *DING* The ethereal chime reverberated within his mind, signaling the appearance of the window he had been eagerly anticipating. Lines of illuminated text and information appeared before him, floating in the air like holographic projections.


General Information:

  • Name: Theo von Dior
  • Race: Human
  • Sex/Age: Male/18
  • Class: Saber
  • Current Condition: Cursed [Unable to have control over mana]

Covenant Information:

  • Covenant Point: 0 [Acquired from Mission]
  • Covenant world rank: D 
  • The Animus watcher: ~ <0>

Attributes Level: 

  • Level: 5. [1%]
  • Rank: 1
  • Element: ~
  • Strength: 8 (F) 
  • Endurance: 9 (F)
  • Agility: 7 (F)
  • Mind: 5 (F)
  • Vigor: 25 (E)
  • Mana: ~
  • Attribute point: 0

Mission: Main Mission: 6

  • Dispel the Demonic curse. [Reward: 300 CP] / Use the curse for a new source of power [Reward: 300 CP]
  • Reach rank 2. [Reward: 100 CP]
  • Level any F rank attributes to E [Reward: 5 CP/each]
  • Level any E rank attributes to D [Reward: 7 CP/each]
  • Gain trust from Florence von Dior [Reward: 1 CP]
  • Increase your bond with August von Dior [Reward: 1 CP]

Shop: (Refresh in 167: 50: 55)

  • Vial of Awakening: An elixir that can increase one attribute rank. [300 CP] [Random attributes, and only work on attributes below S rank]
  • Ethereal dragon essence: A liquid that can cure everything and prolong life [1000 CP]
  • Sacred wind crystal: A crystal imbued with a pure wind element. [250 CP] [Gives the absorber wind affinity]

Class Abilities

  • Awakening Abilities: Level 1 Flock of Blades: Create a multiple-sword mirror that strikes the target. [Cannot be used, insufficient mana]
  • Basic sword Technique: Thrust Strike Cut [F]

General Abilities

  • True sight Eyes: Able to see target general information, combat power level, and If possible target thoughts on the user. [The effectiveness depends on the user and target MIND's ranks]


Theo's heart raced as he absorbed every detail in the status window. The attributes listed there hinted at undiscovered potential, promising a path toward newfound power and growth.

'This seems similar to the one I wrote for the main character, but without the shop and covenant section... Hey, can you explain the important part to me?'

{Sure... As you can see in the shop section there is a timer on it. Whenever the timer runs out, all the items in the shop will change. Then, the shop will select any random item that is available in this world. Of course, the better the item, the higher it will cost}

'So it's like a rotating item eh?' Theo acknowledged, absorbing the information. 'Okay, I will have to keep that in mind. Now explain to me about the covenant part. I'm sure it has its own meaning.'

{To make it easy for you to understand, I will use the term from your old world. A covenant is someone who is selected to be a streamer and a player... Theo, you are not the only one who got such an offer from us. Later in the future, you will have to go to another world and compete with other covenants...}

'Wait, hold on! This isn't as simple as I thought! Why wasn't I informed about this when you gave me the offer to live in this world?'

{I can see everything inside you, and your choice won't change even if I did...} 

'Do you think so? Hah....' He sighed. 'I guess you're right... Last question then: is there a time limit? And is there another covenant in my world?'

{No, you are the only covenant here. This world is like your tutorial world. Though, your soul will perish if you die, so keep that in mind... For now, just focus on your life here. I will inform you when you are ready to compete with others' covenant}

'I see... Well, that's enough. I will figure things out myself.'

{Good, I will watch you from afar. There is nothing I can do except explain things to you, so whichever path you take to become the top of the chains, you will have to be careful and prioritize your own life}

After finishing his conversation with Pixie, his focus shifted to the woman beside him. This time, his covenant passive abilities, 'True Sight Eyes,' activated and gave him more information about her.


General Information:

  • Name: August von Dior
  • Race: Human
  • Sex/Age: Female/82
  • Class: Arc-Priest

Attributes Level: 

  • ~User's MIND's rank is too low to extract the information~

Thought For User:

  • I Love my son; He is everything to me... I'm sorry you were afflicted by the curse because of me. I regret leaving you to the academy. I should've known that you would be bullied... Please don't leave me, baby. I will do anything for you... I want us to become family again...


His heart fluttered upon seeing her thoughts on the window screen. His free hand instinctively reached for her face, caressing her cheek and lips.

Theo's mother, August von Dior, her presence in this human kingdom was a stark contrast to him. She had once stood as the most formidable priest in human history, earning the utmost respect from everyone around her. 

'What should I do with you... Such a beautiful woman turned out to be my mother... I'm afraid I can't give you the same kind of affection.' He sighed.

With a gentle motion, he released himself from her and rose from the bed. Feeling rejuvenated by his new body, he began stretching his arms and legs, engaging in small exercises. It felt incredible and much better than his old body.

Before long, he noticed movement from the bed. August, her hand reaching out and tapping the bed as if looking for his body.

Realizing Theo wasn't anywhere near her, August snapped her eyes open, her gaze darting around the room, immediately drawn to his presence. "T-theo?!" She exclaimed, her eyes glistening with tears, and with a worried expression, she rushed towards him and embraced him tightly.

"Thank goodness... I... I'm so worried..." August mumbled.

"I'm fine, mother... I'm fine." He reassured with a smile, cupping her face and wiping the tears that trickled down her cheeks.

For a second, August was taken aback seeing his warm response. The old Theo would never act like this. Perhaps he would push her immediately. 

But she shrugged off that negative thought and quickly dragged him to the bed.

"Are you sure, baby? You've been in a coma for a few days..." She inquired, sitting beside him, her hands roaming around his torso.

"Yeah, you're a priest, so you should've known my condition already... C'mon, I don't want to keep dragging this out."

"......." Her lips parted, but no words escaped her mouth. Ultimately, she nodded meekly and pulled him into another embrace, grateful for his well-being.

Deep within, Theo couldn't suppress a laugh, feeling as though he had stepped into the midst of a melodramatic television scene. Reflecting on the past, the last time they shared such a harmonious moment was when he was seven years old, just before he had to leave for the Magic Academy.

"How long are you going to hold me?" He softly said, blowing into her ear.

"Ahh, right... I'm sorry. I got caught in the moment," she uttered, rising to her feet. In her mind, Theo was still the same old Theo. "Do you want me to go too?"

He shook his head. "What are you apologizing for? I don't hate it, and you can do whatever you want... Now sit back, and would you mind catching up with me? I have no idea where are we and where is aunt?"

At that moment, August recognized a profound shift in Theo's behavior, even more pronounced than earlier. She felt the urge to question him but hesitated, afraid that he might snap and push her away.

Not wanting to break the mood, she ignored her thought once again and settled back in before informing Theo about what had happened in recent days.

Old reader; This is rewrite: including readers as Animus was a mistake; It broke fourth wall and I couldn't keep up with it. Thanks for trying to read this... 

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