Re: Eor~ Secret Life

Chapter 2; A New Life

Theo spent his time with August lying on the bed, letting himself be embraced by the overwhelming maternal instinct from August while at the same time trying to extract as much information as possible. 

His wisdom regarding the world was indeed limited. Theo discovered that he was residing in Retramis Town, a fortress-like settlement nestled in the southeast region of the Luceras Kingdom—a stark deviation from the original story where he was supposed to be in the southwest, in another town. Even the cause of the accident that had put Theo's life in critical condition was different—it wasn't an assassination attempt but an ambush from the demon race, a major threat in this world.

Many accidents and events that were supposed to occur in the original story had been altered or did not happen at all, particularly concerning the main character. This was understandable since the MC was not a transmigrator. As a matter of fact, Theo was thankful for this. If everything followed the main story, that meant Theo had been cucked.

"Mother... You are getting too comfortable with me. How long are you going to hold me like this?" Theo uttered. 

He didn't really mind being spoiled by her, but the problem was that he didn't see her as a mother, and the position he was currently in was quite difficult for him. August clung tight to him, her hand wrapped around his head, which ultimately shoved him into her soft bosom, and her legs wrapped around his body. The intrusive thought continuously flashed in his mind as if trying to convince him to let loose.

"Ehh? Why? Aren't you the one who says I'm free to do anything with you? I just want to hug you! I miss you very, very, very, very much! It's been like, what? Almost 11 years since we have time like this." She exclaimed, her voice filled with happiness.

"Yeah, but this is too much don't you think? I'm not the same Theo anymore." He retorted, attempting to free himself but failing to do so.

Theo could only blame this on the curse within her body, which had intensified her negative emotions over the years, resulting in an explosive manifestation. To August, it seemed as if she had just reunited with a long-lost son.

"Hahh... You're so hopeless." Theo stopped resisting August and just embraced her back, his hands nestled on her firm buttocks, squeezing them gently, grasping the roundness of her curves. 

"Theo, dear... I'm so happy now, but I really can't shake the thought of why you're suddenly behaving like this. Initially, I suspected something was wrong with you. Perhaps you were possessed by something, but I couldn't find anything wrong with you..."

"Ohh... you finnaly ask about it?"

"I can't help it. I'm so curious about it... I really do."

"Well, it's a long story, but I'd rather not delve into it; it's a nightmare for me. Just understand that I've been given a second chance... I was wrong, and I've been a disgrace. Although it's kinda late, I want to turn my life around... So, the initial step is, of course, to embrace my dear mother."

Theo could see her thoughts, so he was aware of everything. Instead of prompting her to continually question herself internally, Theo opted for a different approach. He believed it might be better to just tell her white lies, which seemed to work. August's smile broadened, and she felt a sense of awe listening to Theo. While she didn't fully grasp the meaning behind his second chance, she chose not to inquire, believing it was a miracle from god. What mattered to her right now was his desire to change his life.

In a tender gesture, August cradled Theo's head, gently lifting his face, and bestowed a warm kiss upon his forehead.

"You are not a disgrace and have never been a disgrace. It's all my fault! If only I stopped your grandmother in the past, you would always stay with me... But it's okay now. Things have changed. I will always be on your side to protect you and spoil you..." She mused. 

"Sure, sure, you can do whatever you want..." Theo murmured and quickly took the opportunity to seize her inviting lips, pecking her. 

"It's already late... Let's get up. I want to go out and take a stroll," Theo added, rising from the bed.

"Ehm? What are you going to do? You just woke up! You should rest for today!" August demanded, pulling him back into her embrace. "I will go with you wherever you want later."

"I'm completely fine, though. You could just say you want to cuddle with me... You really act more like a clingy wife rather than a mother."

"So be it! Can you let me be happy for a moment? Geez."

"Hahhh... I would love to spend more time with you too, but not now. I have something in mind. Besides, I'm quite hungry. Can you cook something for me?"

Albeit reluctant, August agreed to Theo's request. She provided him with a new set of clothes before leaving him alone to prepare his meal.

'Sigh... Dealing with the old predecessor's libido is quite challenging. I feel so tempted to take advantage of her...'

'Well, if something happens between us, then so be it. August is Theo's mother, not mine, so in this case, incest is wincest...And knowing I can get Covenant points from the relationship makes it better. It's like hitting two birds with one stone...'

'System shows me all the notifications about August's relationship again.'


[Mission completed: Increase your bond with August von Dior. Reward: 1 CP]

[The first limit bond has reached the maximum. The Mission for Relationship category has expanded. From this point, user can continue to increase the bond with August von Dior to get more CP]

[All of the Mission will be based on user's deepest desire.]

[New Mission: 1 Main and 3 Side Mission]

[Main: Make August von Dior your life partner. Reward 1 CP]

[Side: Kiss her on the lips. Reward 1 CP]

[Side: Molest her. Reward 1 CP]

[Side: Have sex with her. Reward 1 CP]

[If the side-mission has been completed, there will be a cooldown for the next side-mission. Reset at: 12:00 AM]

[Side mission completed: Kiss her on the lips. Reward 1 CP]

[Side mission completed: Molest her. Reward 1 CP]

[Total CP acquired: 3]

'Not bad...' Theo grinned in satisfaction. 'I do kinda wish they'd give me more CP, but I guess those omniscient beings don't want me to only focus on this aspect... It's a fair, I guess.'

'System hides the notifications, mutes it, and shows me the progress of my sword technique.'


[Basic sword Technique: Thrust Strike Cut [F]]

[Requirement to reach rank E]

[Swing: 680/20000]

[Thrust: 630/20000]

[Parrying: 125/20000]

[Basic stance: 1/1]

[Basic footwork: 1/1]

'At this point, I'm not surprised anymore. The only sword Theo knows is the one between his legs. This toned body he got pretty much carried from his childhood and Sexercise.'

'I should start preparing for the future. This world isn't as safe as Earth; Demons and Monsters live among us. Things can suddenly turn ugly, and I want to at least protect my women. Ain't no way I will let myself get NTR'd...' 

"I wonder though, what I should do to turn this curse into something beneficial. The fact that the origin of the curse is coming from the Abyssal King, and I just found out my body reacted to the chaos element emanating from the demons, this surely tells me something about the connection..."

'But what is it? I'm clueless. I should probably discuss this with someone who has an affinity for the chaos element.'

Having concluded his contemplations, Theo changed his clothes and left the room. As he ventured through the house, he took note of the intricate details of its layout, feeling as if he had been transported to a medieval era, with the added touch of fantasy and magic that permeated the atmosphere.

Theo and August were the only ones at home; Theo's Aunt, Florence von Dior, had left the town a couple of days earlier for a nearby mountain range to the northwest, responding to August's request. The reason for her departure was to confront the distress caused by a demon and assist this town in investigating the demon's nest location. Unlike August, who had lost more than half of her power, Florence possessed remarkable strength. 

Upon arriving at the dining room, conveniently connected to the kitchen, The enticing aroma of August's cooking wafted through the air, making Theo's mouth watery. "Hmm, it smells so nice..." Theo commented. 

"Ohh, you're here... just wait there at the table. I'm almost finished," August announced, her voice echoed, laced with happiness. 

Theo obliged and watched August from the table in silence. She occasionally glanced at him while smiling. Indeed, in Theo's eyes, she looked more like a wife than a mother.

Before long, August completed her culinary endeavors. She approached him, carrying a bowl of food, and settled closely beside him. When August mentioned wanting to spoil him, she truly meant it. Even at this moment, she wished to feed him. However, Theo found it a bit overwhelming and playfully shooed her away by telling her to change her clothes.

'She's one step closer to becoming a Son-con... I wonder how she would react if she knew I intended to bring my partner to live with us... Is she going to be defensive? Or actually fine with it? Only one way to find out... This is going to be interesting for sure...' 

Without wasting any more time, his focus shifted to the steaming bowl of soup before him, relishing the delicious aroma wafting from it. As he took the first bite, he was pleasantly surprised by the explosion of flavors that danced on his palate. It was, without a doubt, the most delicious food he had ever tasted, and he couldn't help but savor each mouthful with delight. 

Just as he was lost in the delectable experience, August returned, adorned in a skimpy priest outfit that captured Theo's attention. Resembling a nun's attire, the top of the outfit barely covered her voluptuous breasts, forming a triangular shape from her shoulder into her nipples, teasingly revealing generous amounts of her breast and her bare stomach. On the bottom, a long double-slit skirt clung to August's hips. With each graceful movement, her breasts swayed elegantly, and the slits exposed glimpses of her thick, alluring thighs. 


The dress code in this fantasy realm operated on different principles than Earth. Women were less conservative about their attire, with the primary consideration being to ensure that the soft spots on their chest and crotch were covered. Though, this didn't imply a casual acceptance of unwarranted physical contact.

Additionally, the harem system was advocated for those who had high credibility due to the gender imbalance, and the acceptance of women loving each other was also the norm in this distinct reality. Every system in this world was purposefully designed to craft a dreamlike environment for the main character of the original story.

"Are you ready? Let's not waste any more time," Theo uttered, rising to his feet.

"What's with the rush? You just finished with the food..." August retorted.

"Nah... I'm okay. The faster we leave, the sooner we can head back to the bed," Theo jested, causing August to laugh. 

Acknowledging Theo's statement, August took hold of his hand and led him to the entrance. 

Upon stepping outside, they were immediately greeted by the warm sunlight and the buzzing sounds of the locals. It was early noon, and the town was still busy. Numerous individuals, be they humans or various kinds of beastren, adorned in diverse outfits, armor, and weaponry according to their class, filled the bustling road.

As they strolled through the lively town, August was warmly greeted at every turn, her presence evoking smiles and nods of recognition from the people. Having saved the town during the demon invasion in the past, everyone knew her as a savior and held her in high regard.

"You sure have a lot of fans... Would you mind introducing me to some of your beautiful fans?" Theo jested.

"What?? NO... That's just no... And Why do you keep looking at those beastren? You didn't just go out to look for women, did you?" August retorted, linking her arms around his.

Theo couldn't resist but kept glancing at Beastren's race. He finally laid his eyes on them. Although not all Beastren-kin were present, the diversity was quite notable, and he was astonished. It felt like he was observing a live cosplay event, yet they were undeniably real. The more he looked at them, the more he yearned to touch those fluffy fur, delicate wings, majestic horns, and even the enormous milk jugs from Cow-kin.

"Why? There is nothing wrong with that. I do want to change, but that doesn't mean I want to live without them. I will be gentle and give them all the love they need."

"Theo, behave! They can hear you." She hissed and shot a glare at him. Little did she know, those who were aware of Theo's situation were silently cursing him deep inside.

"Hahh... I'm just playing with you."

Continuing their exploration, August led him to the largest building in the center of the town—a guild house. This place served as a hub where adventurers gathered to exchange information and undertake jobs in exchange for currency or other valuable items.

However, the guild house was not their immediate destination. Instead, their attention was drawn to the building beside it, adorned with vibrant banners, showcasing various armories and weaponry. It hinted at a weapon shop and a blacksmith. 

Since Theo didn't have any weapons with him, August ordered custom-made swords for him. In addition, he chose to expand his arsenal by acquiring a bow and a quiver filled with arrows.

It was common for individuals to master multiple weapons, but they only learned weapons that resonated with their class. Otherwise, it served no purpose, as they wouldn't be able to utilize specific skills and magic, commonly referred to as Weapon-Arts. Though, it was different for Theo. Given his crippled state, the bow still broadened his combat strategy—served for long ranges weapons.

Once they finished with their business in the weapon shop, they made their way to the guild house. The moment they entered, all eyes turned to August, capturing the attention of everyone present despite the apparent hustle and bustle of the place. No matter where they went, everyone had the same reaction to August.

"Ah, Lady August! Welcome! How can I assist you today? Do you want to meet the guild master?" A charming rabbit woman inquired, casting glances between Theo and August. 

Judging by her words, it was clear that she worked as the guild staff here.

"No, It's okay. I'm just showing my son what the town looks like," August replied.

"Ahh, so this must be the young master Theo. I heard you were unconscious; I'm glad you're okay now..." The woman smiled, eyeing Theo's figure. 

"Oh, thanks..." Theo smiled back. Witnessing her fluffy rabbit ears twitching, Theo couldn't resist making playful attempts at flirting, naturally drawn to her charming features.

"Theo!!" August hissed, pinching his arms, not wanting to let this slide. "No need to mind us; we're just going to stroll around for a while. You can return to your job," she remarked, attempting to shoo her away.

The woman nodded. "Please don't hesitate to call us when you need something." 

"Why did you make her leave? I still want to talk with her." Theo retorted. 

"Geez, stop flirting! You should focus on yourself first..."

"HAhh... C'mon, why do you keep acting like a jealous wife..."

"Sshhhh, let's just keep going. Where do you want to go now? If you follow that corridor, you will see the training field for you to practice your sword technique." She dismissed Theo's protest as if it were nothing.

Theo rolled his eyes and chuckled upon after witnessing her respond.

"Before anything, while we are here, there is something I want to do... Mother, do you have crystal memory with you? Theo inquired.

A crystal memory was one of the many magical tools designed to assist individuals in this fantasy world. It captured voices or recorded video footage as a substitute for traditional letters. While it still required a courier for delivery, these couriers were not ordinary messengers. They were advanced mages who had ascended to the summoner's class expedited the delivery process by summoning elemental spirits or spirit beasts. All Theo needed to do was specify the destination, making the entire process both efficient and magical.

"I do, but who do you want to contact?" 

"It's my friends and my loyal partner..."

"Hnng? Why do you even bother to contact them?" 

"What do you mean? I want to turn my life around, so I intend to treat them better and possibly have my lover come here." Theo stated.

Upon hearing his statement about his lover, August's expression underwent a drastic change, reflecting her strong disapproval. "Wait Theo, you can't just decide that on your own! Why don't you tell me earlier?"

"I mean, why do we need to talk about this? Why do I need your permission? It's not a big deal. Having my lover around will be a great help for my journey."

"No, we don't need her! Flo and I will help you to..." She abruptly stopped, glancing around. Realizing that people were still looking at them, she took hold of his hand and forcibly dragged him out of the building. "Let's go back home and talk about it," she suggested.

Despite Theo's whine, August ignored him and continued to drag him. She didn't even bother to greet anyone who smiled at her. It seemed Theo really hit her spot. From August's status information, Theo could see her thoughts about this. 

[I can't let this happen! Who is his lover? Is she the one that I have in mind? No, it doesn't matter who she is. All the women who associated with him in the past have such a bad reputation. I'm sure all of his friends are also women... There is no way I will let him associate with them again. I don't want to lose him!]

Upon arriving home, August led him to the living room, settling on the sofa side by side as she demanded an explanation for everything.

"Theo, you're aware that you are no longer a part of the royal family and have been exiled, right?" August inquired, her words carried a tone of concern and caution.

"What does that have to do with me and my lover?"

"You just don't understand... My point is that you should leave the past behind. Forget that life and leave your lover and any other women you know alone. They will only cause a problem, and you know that we no longer have royal family protection."

"Okay, I get what you're saying, but I think you're worrying about it too much! What kind of problem will my lover cause? None..."

"No... Please just listen to your mother!" She remarked. Holding both of his hands, she continued, "Listen... If she truly loves you, she should be by your side when you need it the most, but she's not, right? It's been a week since we left the capital, and she should be here already."

"Don't make such assumptions. When my grandmother announced my exile, my lover wasn't in the capital, so obviously, she had no idea. I don't know what happened to her, but I still believe she's searching for me, and it's only a matter of time until she appears in front of our house," Theo explained.

"I don't think it will happen, and if she does, I will chase her away!" August asserted.

Theo gently shook his head, his eyes reflecting a sense of conviction. "That's too much... why are you so protective? You can't do that!"

"I sure can, and no matter what, I will do it!"

Theo sighed. "You tell me to forget her as if it's an easy thing to do," Theo asserted. 

"During the time when I was separated from you, I faced bullying due to my timid nature and was neglected by the others. She's the only one that offered me solace, and she's not only my lover but also like a mother," Theo added, revealing a shocking revelation for August.

"N-no way! Who are you referring to? All the women that associated with you were lunatic in my eyes!" She remarked, cupping his face with a little force, forcing him to look at her. "Tell me, who is she?!" 

"Will you be willing to accept her if I reveal her identity? You've already assumed that she is evil as if I'm not the same."

Silence engulfed August; she was dwelling on her own thoughts. She feared Theo's potential resentment because of her refusal against his wishes, but at the same time, she wanted to shield him from any connections to his past. 

"Alright, forget it... I don't want to make you sad. I will refrain from contacting anyone. I'll only wait for her to show up on her own, and if she doesn't appear, then let it be my past... Is that enough for you?" Theo inquired.

Having witnessed enough of her reaction, Theo wanted to bring the topic to an end. While he was confident that his lover would eventually appear, contacting her and introducing her to August this early was never his original plan. It just happened spontaneously in the guild house, and he took the opportunity to stir her emotion. Theo was genuinely surprised by how overprotective she had become.

August looked back at Theo with a solemn expression and nodded. "You already have me and don't need anyone else..." She whispered, wrapping her arms around him, gently cradling his head, providing a comforting embrace. 

Still, She was not completely okay about it. In the end, she determined to thwart anything that might separate her from her beloved son, going to the extent of leaving the town as soon as possible, even though she had said that they would stay and live here this morning to Theo.

"I see... Are you happy now?" Theo murmured, locking eyes with her. He could see that August's lips gradually curved upward.

August got up from the sofa and grabbed Theo's hand. "Baby, let's move..."

"Where?" Despite knowing the answer, he still asked about it.


"It's still early. We might as well go outside to..."

"No," she interrupted Theo, forcefully pulling him up. "Geez, just listen to your mother!" 

Choosing not to argue any further, Theo nodded and allowed August to pull him along. With each step, his heartbeat quickened, and the anticipation started to build up as he observed August's thoughts in the status window. 

[Theo, I'll do whatever it takes to make you forget about all those women, especially that so-called lover or fake mother of yours! I love you more than anyone! I don't want to go back to those miserable days again!]

Upon arriving at the bedroom, August gestured Theo to wait on the bed as she leisurely undressed herself. She peeled off her veil, cape, and skirt, unveiling her high V-cut lingerie and the fullness of her voluptuous curves.


explanation about incest in the next chapter

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