RE: Filthy Gamer In Narutoverse

Enlightenment (R18)

Shoutout to Surge1301, obviousPenname, Liam Brady, Justin Taylor, King, Koshiro Unohana, and Maxime Cusson for patron support~!


Hentai Shinobi Rule 9: Self NTR is real. Use Wood Clones over Shadow Clones. They are sturdier, stiffer, and better.


A/N: I’ve written several kinds of smut. But writing a masturbation scene for a guy is new for me since I already wrote about a similar scene in my other Danmachi Fic. I’m just afraid… it might get too relatable, lol. Well, let’s see what I can cook.

Kai slammed his door shut. A pointed scowl remained on his boyish features as he settled on his bed. He was 8-years-old. Yes. Undoubtedly. But why was he so aroused? He’s got the mind of a man, but that didn’t mean his body had such urges. It was one of the reasons why he barely cared about opposite sexes… and he didn’t. He’d met Asame, Teuchi’s lover. She was a beautiful brunette.

He glimpsed the Third Hokage’s wife in the passing. She was a total babe despite her age. Another smashable grandma in the making. But he never felt these urges. It could be chakra.

Kai had seen a few teens with bodies befitting full-grown men in their primes. However, one direct look at Tsunade was all it took to break the dams.


Kai inadvertently thought of Biwako. Yep, it reacted.

However, thinking about Tsunade worked him up the most.

Despite all their theories, no Shinobi has ever unraveled the entirety of chakra. So, Kai hoped his body felt weird and that he could endure what he would commit due to his chakra.

Maybe he would turn out to be one of those 13-year-old freaks who were already young adults.

‘Fuck it,’ Kai chanted his usual solution. He’d postponed this event for the grind. However, he will be taking some time to rest today.

The boy huffed and promptly slipped out of his trousers. He was more than satisfied that Tsunade and Mito didn’t notice his erection… oh, he shouldn’t lie to himself. They probably did. But bless their hearts for not making a scene about it. Kai wouldn’t know how to face a Kushina. The thought of being called ‘Boner-chan’ shook the boy.

‘Hmm,’ Kai wasn’t hurried. He took a moment to experience the sensation of his cock trying to grow as much as it could, pressing its head against the soft skin. This was his first proper erection.

‘That’s right,’ Kai recalled. ‘I need lube, oil, or some cream.’ He had read on some forums that the friction without using these movement enhancers was pleasant. However, Kai wished to experience it the ‘normal’ way first.

It was a good thing Kai had something similar. He leaned back and picked up the small oil jar he often used to massage Mito’s legs. It smelled pleasant, and his hands had a consistent feeling.

However, Kai looked around.

‘So? What’s the protocol? Do I imagine something?’

Kai cupped his chin. He eyed his twitching erection. It should have already gone limp.

Kai wasn’t even thinking about any women yet. In a moment’s curiosity, Kai compared his current erection with his former limp noodle.

‘Someone as young as me shouldn’t have anything close to five inches.’ Kai worked his jaw. Is this where all the effects of his growing [Physique] went? His cock didn’t look like anything before. Kai did not recognize the angry, bluish veins mapping his length. He did not recall any form of liquid pooling the rims of his skin against the thick pink head.

Forget his length…

Why was it so thick?

His cock only hardened at the attention. Kai’s body felt ready.

But… he wanted something.

A target.

The best thing he could imagine…

Kai wanted to make it memorable.

His first thought was Tsunade. She was the surprising straw that broke the camel’s back. Kai felt she should take the responsibility. But he couldn’t. He couldn’t demean Mito’s granddaughter. Tsunade cared enough to visit whenever possible. How could Kai ever look Mito in the eye if he used Tsunade’s memories for this?


Well, that was another lie. It was masturbation, not genocide… wait, it was that, too. Ehm.

Kai had something better than Tsunade’s ‘memory.’

He had a picture.

Briefly hesitating, Kai pulled a square portrait from the shelf beside his bed. The square item was some form of animal skin. No, it was better than that. The likeness etched on its surface wouldn’t change or smudge despite being cleaned by a wet wipe.

The woman appeared confident and assertive. The yellowed animal skin and the black ink did wonders for Kai as he allowed his gaze to take in her form. Two buns rode her head, containing her long red hair. Kai didn’t need to imagine the color of her hair despite the portrait only being made from black ink. Two paper tags hung from those buns.

A thick layer of ceremonial kimono hugged her slender frame. It was imagining what was under that tickled Kai’s fancy.

The woman’s small but soft lips were pressed into a short smirk. It was nothing like the kind smile he was used to. But his swollen cock ached by his thoughts. It twitched as Kai slicked his length from the tip, allowing the essential oil to glaze his penis.

It felt… cool… good.

Kai wondered what hand he should use. He could ordinarily use both.

Then, in a moment of twisted desire, Kai recalled the hand she would use to hold when walking down the stairs after gazing at the Hokage Rock.

Ah, he was fucking sick in the head.

Mito was like a family to him. But the first woman he wanted to wank off to was her young portrait.

She was hot. Those sharp eyes made Kai’s cock needily throb.

Kai wrapped his right hand around his meat. It pulsated and jerked against his grip.

Up and down… gently at first. But Kai soon felt frustrated. The skin needed time to get down, and he shouldn’t have forced it. After all, it turned into this vice-like grip at the base of his swollen head.

Some more oil and it suddenly felt good. Kai’s hand swiftly jerked up and down. The tight grip hitting against his glans sent a pleasant shudder up his spine. Kai ignored his trait’s pop-up. He was too busy imagining his sick needs.

He could see Mito, the younger, spunkier one between his legs.

Kai could see himself resting his sac on her cheek and letting the woman get a good measure before asking her to massage this. It was only fair.

It was fair for Mito’s dexterous, fuin-trained fingers to worship his cock. Maybe kiss it, too. Kai wanted the former Uzumaki’s princess, the Hokage’s wife, to cup his sack and suck it. Kai imagined Mito’s lips spread wide as she took his length down her throat.

But Kai felt annoyed. He grunted. No matter how much he moves his hands, he wouldn’t cum. His body couldn’t have changed so much to ejaculate at such a young age. The Shinobu Academy’s biology class would have failed him if he did—

Kai suddenly felt his brain enter a state of vulnerable daze. His eyelids instinctively covered half of his eyeballs as he lost control of his cock. Thick ropes of hot seed spilled from his lower head. It wasn’t much, but it stained the floor.

He… came.

Kai exhaled, suddenly realizing how thirsty he felt. He needed water.

This battle was over.

Now, he would enjoy the fruits of his labor and use the fabled post-nut clarity to train—

Nothing changed.

Kai stared at his stubborn erection.

He didn’t feel lost or sinful, as others in the forums claimed they did after nutting. Kai didn’t feel his lust dampen. If anything… now, he wanted to jerk off to Tsunade.

His body liked the idea as his cock throbbed. Just the idea of Tsunade’s soft, pale mammaries swallowing his length in their depths made Kai bite his bottom lip.

He could do it another time and stop. Yes.

‘Oh, there was a notification from the trait, right?’

Kai blinked in surprise as he somehow got a skill within another one of those half-locked skill trees that needed Kai to unlock each skill one at a time. It was unlike the unlocked skill trees. For instance, Kai could look at the unlocking conditions of every skill within the General Fuinjutsu Skill Tree.

[Ero-Hands (E) (1/1): Your hands are meant to please yourself and others. Employ your understanding of foreplay.

Spirit Tree Evolution: Focused Fingers (D) (0/10); Sensual Mouth (D) (0/10)]

[Focused Fingers (D) (0/10) (Locked)

Unlocking Conditions: 2 SP, 50 Chakra.]

[Sensual Mouth (D) (0/10) (Locked)

Unlocking Conditions: 2 SP, 50 Chakra.]

‘Great,’ Kai rolled his eyes. ‘I got the basic how-to guide for the G-spot and how to find it.’

Kai never imagined Ero Skill Tree to be a thing, yet here he was. Clearly, the shinobi-kind was freaky with chakra.

Kai ignored all this and imagined Tsunade next.

He will stop after this.


Mito’s eyelids twitched. She… used to be controlling. To some extent, she still was. So, her residence was packed to the brim with seals. Still, Mito believed her right to safety did not trump her loved one’s right to privacy.

So, she decided against checking up on Kai despite feeling the sheer lust staining every inch of his room and more.

Mito didn’t expect such a reaction from Kai after meeting Tsunade. It wasn’t like the duo did not know each other.

“Granny?” Kushina blinked. “What’s this symbol?”

As usual, Kushina occupied the room when Kai didn’t, studying several fuin symbols.

Answering Kushina, Mito allowed worry to slip into her mind.

It had been… hours.

There had to be limits of edging, right?

Kai ignored his chores for the first time since stepping into the residence. Its implications worried Mito. What if Kai was too excited and he accidentally injured himself? It won’t be the first time a boy got some issues with his dick because he was too eager. But it wouldn’t do for Kai to feel embarrassed about it and hide these issues.

Unchecked injuries often grew worse.

Despite being one of the best sensors, Mito was no Hyuga. She could not see through objects. But she could… surveil.

Closing her eyes, Mito spurned the seals near Kai’s room. Her frail frame stiffened where it lay.

“Huff.” His exhausted grunts tickled her senses as he sprawled on the bed. It was an… amusing sight. Mito hadn’t thought of it much until she looked around the room.

It was a mess. Stains and stale smell filled his room.

But what shocked Mito the most was something on the floor. It was like a deposit of multiple ejaculations of seed. Mito wasn’t surprised by Kai’s libido or his functional reproductive organs. There were several similar cases.

What shook Mito was the visible edges peeking through the deposit of the dense seed. It was a familiar animal skin she gifted Kai for this New Year. Of course, Mito didn’t hand her portraits to anyone. But Kai had been so sincere when asking for her portrait to remember her should anything happen.

Mito wondered if giving him the portrait of her young form was a sound decision.

She quickly pulled her senses away. Every second of the sight of her portrait drowned in the boy’s seed… well, it was something.

“Yech! Euch! Keep it dry, you cunt!” The husk in her furry tenant’s voice was prominent. “Or better! Just get the village men to fill a pond with their filth and drown in it! Grahahahaha!”

Mito ignored the voice as she heard Kushina mumble worriedly for Kai.

“He is fine,” Mito pressed her lips. “Focus on your sealing symbols. I will be teaching Kai from tomorrow. If I were you, I would be worried about him overtaking me in Fuinjutsu.”

Kushina’s spine instantly straightened as she dove into the one thing she was proud to be good at!

She had to teach the boy tomorrow. How was she to look at him? Mito expected Kai to be excited by her granddaughter. His wild ambition of a harem was still fresh in her ears. So, Mito thought Kai to be the same as any other boy his age. She wasn’t wrong. She knew Kai was aroused by her granddaughter.

But… how did it end with her portrait getting a bukkake?

That boy…

Mito felt weary. Just what were the boy’s thoughts about his so-called harem. The little punk wasn’t thinking about stupid things, right?

No way a boy so young jerked off to the imagination of the First Hokage’s wife serving him.

What would Hashirama think of that knowledge?

Well, fuck him and Madara.

What would Tsunade think of that?

‘Should I have the talk with Kai?’ Mito frowned. Well… it could just be a phase. Mito could overlook what she saw if Kai cleaned after himself and didn’t cause trouble for others. But she would interject if he let his newfound… ‘chores’ affect his studies and academy curriculum.

‘I’ll even go hard on him about fuin lessons. How dare he ruin that perfect portrait?’ Mito scoffed, allowing her former temper to resurge. Yep. She would mark the boy with her bamboo stick if he didn’t remain that sweet boy she knew.

‘Just how much did he cum to coat my face… no, phrasing… forget it. Just toss it out of your mind.’ Mito rolled her eyes and focused on Kushina.

Then Mito thought about how she made Kai the Uzumaki Guardian.

‘Actually, you’d need such enthusiasm for a harem to exist. Ugh. I just realized Kai used the same oil. That cheeky brat… he will use the same oil on my toes tomorrow, right?’

Mito’s toes curled within the blanket.


After flushing the last drop from his system, Kai sprawled on the mattress blankly. He didn’t even realize that Mito’s portrait had become today’s target practice. But… he felt good.

Kai didn’t feel the same reaction others made jokes about. He didn’t feel any sudden drop in desires. He only stopped jerking off because his cock hurts. The lower head felt swollen, and the skin stuck on the base of his glans felt slightly bruised.

There were also physical limits to how much he could bust.

His balls felt empty.

Yet his mind?

No, he didn’t feel the urge to pursue enlightenment. He wanted to continue the fantasy of a young Mito and Tsunade doing things with him… for him.

‘Uh…’ Kai groaned. ‘I have to clean and cook. But I’m tired…’

His [Sleepless Gamer] staved off the adverse side effects of not sleeping. But Kai was susceptible to other forms of exhaustion. And he didn’t feel like moving.

‘No way I’m going to sleep in filth… it will stink if I don’t clean the room immediately.’ Kai groaned and rolled before getting to work.

‘At least, I discovered that the rise in my [Physique] began changing things from within instead of my exterior. In hindsight, this makes sense.’

Kai started with Mito’s portrait. Nobody needed to know what he did to this portrait.


“You two look tired,” Mikoto observed the duo. Unlike Kai, Kushina went overboard in cramming the knowledge and barely woke in time for the academy. Kai yawned, too. He didn’t sleep after he got to work. Instead, he began grinding the chakra stat with the [Leaf Training Exercise].

“Didn’t get much sleep,” Kai grumbled, resting his head on his hands.

Kushina looked at Kai. Things changed for them yesterday. She hadn’t seen Kai the entire day after they formed the seals on their left hands. But he didn’t look mad at her or anything of the sort. It relieved the girl.

“Here,” Mikoto smirked, pulling Kai down to her lap and letting the boy rest on something more comfortable. “We have fifteen minutes before Icha-Sensei arrives. You train too much, Kai-chan. It is good to rest, too.”

Kai nodded, not speaking more but letting his body recover as much as it could.

His dick still hurt and felt sore.

But he would never turn away from a grind!

‘Hmph,’ Kushina pouted at the sight. ‘What is Kai-chan doing? He is MY Guardian… couldn’t he have asked me? We have to look out for each other.’

Mikoto smirked at the sight and refrained from poking Kai’s cheeks.


“Is something wrong, Mito-sama?” Kai questioned as he felt Mito’s weird gaze once he rubbed the essence oil on her legs.

“Nothing,” Mito replied evenly. “I will begin instructing you about the next step of the Seals. You already know about the primary language. But fuinjutsu is a mix of language and symbols. Combining them forms the basis of the sealing matrix. I hope you remember the seals from before because there will be punishments when you fail to answer my questions. Let’s begin with a small quiz before I start the first lesson on the symbols.”

Kai eagerly nodded.

He didn’t fail any quiz. However, he didn’t need some otherworldly skill to realize Mito was annoyed about something.

“Did I do something wrong during the massage, Mito-sama?” Kai inquired. He was more than willing to change his technique if it made her uncomfortable.

“The massage was fine…”

“Was it the cream pie?” Kai looked at her empty bowl.

Mito’s lips twitched as she resisted smashing the bowl against the boy’s innocent features.

Who was he trying to fool?

“You swallowed the whole load, huh?”

‘Shove it!’


Alternate Title: Chakra Cum; Imagine—Water Release: Bukkake; The Suspended Urge; Cumming For Two Lifetimes; Kai: I Respect Mito *Inner Degenerate Kai: Imma Bust On Her Whole Career*; Kai’s Imagination Has No Limits; Kai Wanks Off To Everything He Held Sacred… Like a True Harem Lord; Target Practice; The Ero Skill Tree; Ero-Hands; Mythical G-Spot and Where To Find Them; First Nut; No Enlightenment For The Wicked; People Like Danzo Wouldn’t Exist If Post Nut Clarity Was a Thing In The World Of Chakra; The Benefits of Physique State; Opened Floodgates; Kai Wants Dem Titties; Mito: I Can Ignore If He Works Hard—IS THAT MY PORTRAIT?; Kyubi Loves Herself a Good Monster; The Special Oil; Nobody’s Safe From Kai’s Mind; Cleaning Up; The Awkward Massage; Unable To Punish The Boy; Ignorance is a Bliss—Sincerely, Mito Uzumaki; The Things One Mustn’t Peak; Mito Gets a Fresh Load on Her Face?; Drenched; The Best Use For a Portrait; Kai’s First Nut; Kushina: Damn, Uchiha! Kai’s MY Guardian; The Trait Tweaked Kai’s Body




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