RE: Filthy Gamer In Narutoverse


Shoutout to NaasH NS, User#ab86a44d, Tyler Crandall, JayJonnaJamison, Argos Yesu, youyou7, Magnaru Clemins, Kaptagon (Delgadito), and Kelvin Mclaurin for Patron and Subscribe Star Support!


Hentai Shinobi Rule 8: The greater the mass, the greater the force of attraction.


Mito allowed the two children to sink in silence and recover some tension within the room. She calmly beckoned the duo to stand next to her. Her dark eyes lingered on them before Mito released a soft sigh.

“It’s been little more than two months, Kushina-chan. How are you feeling?”

Not expecting such a general question, Kushina’s gaze lit up, and she smiled. “Konoha is fun, Granny. I was a little nervous, but…” the girl looked at Kai and grinned. “Thank you, Kai-chan. I didn’t feel sad about leaving Uzu because of you.”

Kai shrugged, not the least bit embarrassed and used to Kushina wearing her emotions on her sleeves. “I should hope so. I would have been a genin if not for looking after you.”

“Braggart,” Kushina scoffed. “You should learn to be more humble to your future Lady Hokage.”

Kai scoffed.

“Kai-kun,” Mito interjected before they bickered. “You should know Kushina is here for a crucial responsibility for Konoha. In the future… she will be like me.”

“But I don’t have to rub her feet, right?” Kai spoke with a hopeful look. He couldn’t imagine lowering his self-respect as a human for SP by massaging Kushina.

“Could he?” Kushina’s gaze brightened.

Sighing softly, Mito swallowed a lump before closing her eyes. “Before I say what is needed to be said… Kai-kun, I want you to know one thing.”

She gently reached for the boy’s head, stroking his hair with a kind expression.

“I did not bring you and others out of the orphanage for selfish reasons. And I’m grateful for your company. I’m glad our fates intersected, and I hope my words don’t change that.” Revealing a complicated look, the old woman smiled. “Kai, Kushina… I won’t be here forever.”

Her somber declaration resonated within the duo as they lowered their head.

It sucked. Kai bit his bottom lip before sighing. Everybody dies. He died, too. He could only hope Mito finds peace or some fun reincarnation. Unlike Kai, Kushina began sobbing. Chuckling, Mito shook her head.

“That being said, I’m still here, right? Chins up.”

“Barely.” Mocked the husky growl.

The duo matched Mito’s gaze as the woman continued.

“Kai-kun, you’re a talented child. I never skimmed on praises before, and I won’t now. However, dear, talents are envied and sought after. We talked about many things. Your talent is only outclassed by your understanding of the Shinobi way. You grasp some concepts in a way that I could have never imagined.”

Mito looked at Kushina.

“Kushina-chan, you have the kindest heart. You… you are much more determined than I was at your age. You have such a positive outlook, dear. I envy that because it is an admirable trait. Not many have what you do.”

“Listen, you two. I want you two to be there for each other once I’m gone,” Mito dropped the words her lips almost refused to utter. “I want you to look after Kushina, Kai-kun. And Kushina-chan, I want you to be happy. I know you two are happy with each other.”

Panic filtered into Kushina’s gaze as she understood what Mito was suggesting. “Granny—” She tried protesting. However, a stern, disapproving glare stopped Kushina in her tracks. The redhead swiftly looked at Kai. Her heart gripped in terror as the boy continued looking at the floor blankly.

“Listen, Kai-kun. Nobody will force you into such responsibilities. But if you choose to accept it, I will put a seal on you and Kushina. This seal will stop you from performing any acts on each other backed by malicious or traitorous intentions. You two will become each other’s support once I’m gone and will be there for each other.”

Kushina almost broke down in loud sobs. She did not want this. Why would she want to restrict her friend? Even if she loved teasing the boy by groping his cheeks, she never considered forcing any seal on him.

“In return,” Mito offered evenly. “You will have the Uzumaki Clan’s and my granddaughter’s backing. The fuinjutsu I perform will turn you into Kushina’s and Tsunade’s ‘Guardian.’ It’s a position of power reserved for the clan heirs and isn’t prevalent today. Even I didn’t have one. Tsunade doesn’t need it either. But she’s agreed to take you two under her wing after I fulfill the last of my responsibilities. I will also teach you some of what I know about Fuinjutsu.”

Kushina broke down. The thought of Mito’s passing, the possible loss of her friend, and the bitterness that might brew between them should Kai refuse the offer strained her core. Kushina covered her eyes with the back of her right arm, quietly sobbing as Kai remained silent.

Mito, too, didn’t speak further.


‘So, this is it, huh?’ Kai remained a blank slate. It was strange. He did not have Gamer Mind, but his experience allowed him to emulate all its benefits without side effects. He processed Mito’s words, rationalized her trustworthiness, compiled all the benefits, and then glanced at the innocuously crying redheaded ramen bimbo. Ugh, he hated… no. He didn’t hate her.

Kai did not have to pretend within his headspace. He liked Kushina. She was fun to hang around with. She was fiercely protective and annoyingly cheeky. And he would have liked some random orphan crying because of him than Kushina.

Heck! He would go out of his way to make some random stranger cry.

But Kushina?

Perhaps the Uzumaki were his spirit animal as a species?

Still, Kushina’s tears, no matter how burdensome, did not dilute his thoughts and questions.

Yes, he had questions.

“Mito-sama,” he began steadily. “We both would be sealed?”

“Yes,” Mito nodded. “The connection between the seal itself will act as a restraint against you two betraying each other. I’m not implying you two will grow to dislike one another. However, things like genjutsu or mind-controlling jutsu can make it effortless for you to hurt the other. You two are precious to me. It’s better if you hate me for my words now than meet me in the afterlife without living enough.”

Kai nodded as Kushina looked at him. Her lips opened and closed several times before she whispered.

“Kai-chan *hic*, you don’t have to—” she ignored Mito’s disappointed look.

Kai knew Mito wasn’t disappointed because Kushina was somehow rejecting the proposal. No. Mito was disappointed that Kushina failed to recognize the dangers of their world. As Mito stated, Kushina had a positive outlook. But they needed to have a rational outlook, too.

“Shut up, Kushina,” Kai remarked. His stoic words made Kushina even more desperate.

“You don’t have to agree to it, dattebane!” she yelled. “We can be friends. Seals aren’t needed, right? Granny! Say something!”

‘That’s why the mission about Kushina never concluded until now. Guardian, huh. That’s probably the title I will be rewarded.’ Kai realized the truth.

There was another thing. Mito wished for the seals to exist to relieve all worries before she instructed Kai about fuinjutsu.

As he remarked, seals were fine if he got something in return. He also didn’t believe Mito would share her secrets and jutsus out of benevolence. Those are two different things. Kai could never mistake benevolence for naivety and kindness for weakness.

“What about sparring?” Kai questioned. “We hurt each other when sparring.”

Kushina looked at Kai, wiping her snot with the back of her arm. Girl… use a fucking napkin!

“It’s okay. Sparring sessions are meant to hurt each other so the enemies cannot,” Mito replied.

“What if Kushina gets handsy with me?”

“You have my blessing to spank her,” Mito nodded.

‘What?’ Kushina blinked, still tearful.

“And she cannot compel me to massage her feet, right?”

“Of course,” Mito shook her head. “That is my right alone.”

“I would never force Kai-chan—”

“Can I discipline her about the suffix ‘chan?’

“I will hand you my bamboo stick as a heirloom in my written will,” Mito promised.

“What?!” Kushina gaped.

“Do I get to test my new dishes on her?”

“As long as you don’t knowingly poison her,” Mito chuckled.

Kai continued asking several detailed questions as if he had planned them long ago. Meanwhile, Mito patiently answered everything. And Kushina stood on the sidelines, shaken to her core.

These two monsters!

Why did she cry for them? Return her tears and snot!


Tsunade sprawled on the comfortable couch, alone in the living room. She wondered what Kai would choose. Of course, Mito had informed Tsunade before doing anything.

The blonde thought it was hilarious. Although Tsunade could be considered the Senju Princess… there wasn’t any Senju Clan. Her grandfather, granduncle, and parents kept the name. But only she and her younger brother were the remaining blood descendants. According to the parentage, she should be a mix of Senju, Uzumaki, and Namikaze from her mother’s side. But that wouldn’t be all.

The Senju Clan was an extensive buffet of all-you-can-eat marriages, with every family marrying the other. So, there was as much of Hatake, Lee, Might, or Izuno in her as someone like Sakumo had Senju in him.

See? Extensive.

But Tsunade and Nawaki got more glances due to their grandfather and granduncle.

‘A guardian, huh?’ Tsunade leaned her head back. ‘Not that I need it. Nawaki would have been a better candidate. However, he wouldn’t have accepted the seal. Sigh. Children are so stubborn.’ The woman, in all her dignity, ignored her stubborn streak as a child, gambling most of her grandfather’s assets away before getting the thousand years of bamboo pain from her grandmother.

Maybe that was it.

Nawaki never got a taste of the old Mito and grew out. Meanwhile, Tsunade often visited Mito.

Her thoughts drifted to the current situation.

‘It would have been hard to believe if I hadn’t read the reports Grandma compiled for me. The kid started the entirety of his shinobi training this April and shot past other well-trained talents. He’s like Orochimaru—‘ Tsunade recalled his reaction. It was the first time he looked so flustered after meeting her, making her smirk. ‘—but cuter. I only hope he doesn’t get kinks like Jiraiya.’

The woman huffed. Sure, there was healthy libido, and then there was Jiraiya. Who doesn’t enjoy being loved? She may not have experienced many things, but Tsunade understood the talk of birds and bees. As a responsible guardian, Tsunade tried to explain many things to Nawaki and what he shouldn’t do.

But the boy was too flustered. Hopefully, Orochimaru had better success than her.

Eventually, she sighed.

‘Not that I mind having a guardian or eventually taking care of them as Grandma’s request. But…’ Tsunade exhaled, feeling sadness ruin her mood. ‘If only I could create some jutsu to help her with aging. Immortality is a hard pass. Just because you can’t die for A-Y reasons does not mean someone won’t discover the Z’th reason. There’s another issue. Even if I discover a way to deal with aging, would Grandma want it?’

Tsunade recalled the vortex seal around the Uzumaki residence, spanning a significant chunk of the land. Would Mito want to continue living in this cage for another lifetime?

‘Would Kushina?’ A bitter taste spread in Tsunade’s mouth.

‘Grandpa should have left the tailed beasts where they were,’ Tsunade scoffed. She loved the man to the death… but he was annoying. Why did Mito have to pay her freedom for his ideals? There would have been no Jinchuriki if Hashirama hadn’t—

‘Nah, it was just a matter of time,’ Tsunade deflated. ‘Someone would have caught a tailed beast, sparking a war. Better it being Grandfather doing the same and cutting the war from the equation than some other Shinobi.’

Moments turned into minutes as Tsunade patiently waited until she sensed the trio leaving the room and approaching the living room. Although Tsunade did not know Kushina well, her heart still ached for the girl. The tearstains on the girl’s face weren’t something Tsunade could ignore. Meanwhile, Mito had a satisfied gleam in her dim gaze, and Kai looked pleasant until meeting Tsunade’s gaze.

Tsunade almost laughed. Who knew the talent of the year had a thing for her? It was cute. Alas, she already had the love of her life lined up. Not that it would have mattered. Tsunade never expected Kai to keep crushing on her with a cutie like Kushina beside him. Sure, Kushina looks more of an oaf after a few sparring sessions, but don’t the girls have the ‘flower arrangement’ classes in the final year to understand more about their looks for seduction missions should they choose to accept them?

Kushina will eventually learn how to maintain her looks.

Tsunade was a little annoyed by the boys not having the same classes. It wasn’t because of any fucked up sense of disparity. No.

The Senju heiress knew firsthand the tortures a few men could find themselves in, where seduction was the only way out. Also, having these classes with the boys would have made Tsunade’s job of guiding Nawaki through a healthy outlook of relationships easier.

Fuck it. Harem was fine, too, if Nawaki wanted one, as long as he knew what he was doing. However, he didn’t. Most of the boys from Tsunade’s class didn’t either. Instead of talking with her, they resorted to making fun of her. Fuck em. Let them be single!

‘Should I try to add these classes?’ Tsunade mused. ‘No. I’m having difficulty adding a mandatory medic-nin in the three-men cells. No need to ruffle more feathers.’

“So?” Tsunade questioned once Mito sat beside her, leaving the two children standing ahead. The blonde resisted the urge to let her gaze drawl down. It wouldn’t do. Why would she embarrass the boy for an honest reaction? He hadn’t even been ogling her. Well, he did. A bit. But that was fine. Everybody did that much.

Even Tsunade loved taking stock with her gaze whenever possible.

“Kai-kun, what is your answer?” Mito smiled.

‘Huh? So, Grandma left the final decision for now.’

Kai licked his dry lips. Tsunade noted the boy’s throat undulating with a needy gulp. Was he parched? Nervous?

“I accept,” Kai announced. “I… I would have looked after Kushina even if you hadn’t said anything, Mito-sama.”

Tsunade smiled as she noticed Kushina flushing and pointing her toes inward.

“And what about me?” Tsunade couldn’t help but tease. Karma won’t bite her in the ass, right? So, the addicted gambler continued testing her luck. “Would you have left you Onee-san high and dry? I thought we had a bond, Alpha-chan.”

Kai’s expression visibly dampened. The boy scowled at Kushina as the girl ducked her head with a foolish smirk.

“Well,” Kai grumbled. “It will take a few years. But I suppose I could lend you a hand occasionally.”

Tsunade blinked before looking at Mito.

You were right; her gaze spoke. The boy is sassy.

“Does this mean you intend to surpass me?” Tsunade leaned forward after uncrossing her legs.

“I don’t intend to surpass you,” Kai matched her gaze. “I meant to imply that surpassing you would be expected of me. It’ll just be something I’ll grow into.” He shrugged.

Tsunade noticed Mito holding her laugh from the corner of her eyes before rolling them. The urge to try and destroy a genius’ ego was great… but Tsunade resisted it.

“Yeah, yeah. Surpassing Tsunade Senju is all the rage in Konoha nowadays,” the blonde shrugged. “But I won’t be teaching you anything, Kai-chan. I don’t have much free time between the hospital, missions, and other stuff.”

“Hmm,” Mito suddenly spoke. “It reminds me—bring the ‘other stuff’ for a meeting.”

Tsunade’s expression froze. “Huh? Why?”

“Why not?” Mito smiled. “Wouldn’t you want to know if he was ‘right’ for you?” The woman enticed meaningfully.

Tsunade clicked her teeth. “Since when did you get these ideas? I thought you were accepting of my choices.”

“I am accepting, dear. As for these ideas… I got them recently. It’s your choice, so don’t feel pressured.”

Tsunade scoffed before looking at Kai. He was an intelligent boy, so he would have realized she was in a relationship with someone. Would it make him—

Tsunade stalled. Kai looked as carefree as one could be.

“Let’s begin. Your left hands,” Mito began and extended her aged hands towards the duo.

‘Hmm?’ Tsunade focused on Mito’s hands. ‘She… looks younger? No… I don’t think so. Sigh, I have been away for months. I should visit Grandma more often.’

“Woah!” Kai looked dazzled by Mito’s chakra, which was turning into seals. It was high-level stuff in Konoha but casual chunin stuff in Uzu. Tsunade visited Uzu once, so she knew Mito wasn’t exaggerating Uzushiogakure’s skills. Soon, black spirals appeared on the back of Kai’s and Kushina’s left hands.

“Quick!” Kushina snuck a cautious glance at Mito, barking, “Try hitting me, Alpha-chan—”

Tsunade almost shook her head at Kushina’s antics. Even now, the girl was worried about her friend and the thought of elders using them. But Mito and Tsunade paused when Kai’s hand whipped before Kushina finished her sentence.


His right hand struck Kushina’s bony ass with enough force to make Mito and Tsunade wince and stiffen in their seats.

“OWWWW!” Kushina’s knees gave out as she rolled on the floor. Her hands covered her spat-covered butt as she kept whining in pain.

“Huh?” Kai observed his right palm. “That felt… relieving.”

Tsunade’s lips twitched as Mito exhaled a chuckle.

“Your turn, Tsunade.”

“Sure,” Tsunade grinned. Teasing the boy for the last time… for the day. “But I’ll break your bones if you try the same stunt on me.”

Tsunade almost rolled her eyes when Kai tossed her a doubtful look. “Why would I hit you now?”

Did that mean the cheeky fucker planned to get hits later?

[Clan Quest: A Tail

Summary: Appreciative of your talent and growth, Mito expects you to help make her grand-niece settle in Konoha and feel at home.

Rewards: New Title

Failure: 80% chance of your career only involving rubbing Mito Uzumaki’s feet until one of you dies.]

[Title Acquired]

[Uzumaki Guardian]

[Title Acquired]

[Senju Guardian]

[Uzumaki Guardian: You are meant to protect and discipline your ward. Be firm and unbending. A faithful guardian molds their ward into beings fit for society. The Uzumaki may claim the highest knowledge in Fuinjutsu, but so do you. You need to know whatever rightfully belongs to your ward and more.

Effects: Unlocks General Fuinjutsu Skill Tree; Reduces the requirement of leveling any skill originating from the Uzumaki Clan by 20% (Active); Massive favorability boost for every Uzumaki Clansman.]

[Senju Guardian: You are meant to protect and discipline your ward. Be firm and unbending. A faithful guardian molds their ward into beings fit for society. The Senju may claim to know a thousand jutsus, but so do you. You need to know whatever rightfully belongs to your ward and more.

Effects: Unlocks General Chakra Applications Skill Tree; Reduces the requirement of leveling any skill originating from the Senju Clan by 20% (Active); Massive favorability boost for every Senju Clansman.]

Kai knew the scope of Senju’s and Uzumaki’s influence in Konoha was more sentimental than political. So, he never banked on their power. But Kai figured he was going to look out for Kushina anyway. Wouldn’t it be better to do so with some incentive? So, Kai banked on the title and the skill tree he would unlock. Power was power. It didn’t matter how Kai earned his keep from the circumstances as long as he earned enough benefits to secure the future.

Kai nodded at everyone before muttering, “I would like to be excused, Mito-sama. I… need rest.” He couldn’t meet Mito’s gaze in a guilty conscience. How could he? Kai was about to commit sins for someone related to Mito.

Only Kushina stopped rolling in pain and looked worried. Meanwhile, Tsunade rolled her eyes, and Mito looked amused.

“First, try to control the chakra around your hands and hide the sealing marks,” Mito instructed. “Your guardianship for Kushina will be a secret until you graduate. Promise me, Kushina-chan. You won’t reveal it to anyone.”

Kushina nodded. “I promise, dattebane!”

She concentrated on the back of her left hand as the black spiral mark soon disappeared.

“Can I go now?” After showing the back of his hands to Mito and Tsunade, Kai expressed his impatience again.

“Kai-chan…” Kushina muttered in a low voice. She… she just wanted to take him out for Ichiraku Ramen. That would cheer him up. However, Tsunade almost groaned.

“Yeah, Guardian-chan. You can have some rest.”

Kai flinched as a grin bloomed on Kushina’s face.

Now, Kai suddenly didn’t feel wrong about what he was going to do.


The Hokage Office and the Academy built within the same building symbolized two things—

First, it symbolizes the Hokage’s priority being Konoha’s future generation.

Second, it ensures trust amongst the villagers since the safest spot in any village is objectively the Kage’s office. After all, Kages are often the strongest within the Shinobi Village.

However, Hiruzen often wondered what wrong he did against his sensei for facing such a cruel punishment. He was in the prime of his life—the Third Hokage. Headful of spiky brown hair, an able body, and a loving wife. He should be there—with her. Yet, Hiruzen eyed heaps of documents mounting his desk, appearing more fearsome and grander than the sight of Hokage Rock. Again, why Hokage Rock? Why not Legacy Mountain or something more extraordinary?

Hiruzen uttered a loud groan. It was loud enough to reach the anbu stationed within the hidden crooks of the office. They all laughed behind his back due to his responsibilities, oh, he knew. But what could Hiruzen do? Sure, he ordered them to eat his cooking. That should be punished enough.

As for the paperwork…

“Why don’t you use the shadow clones, Sensei?” A young Hiruzen questioned idly. Yet, as usual, Tobirama Senju had to turn every joke and jest into a teachable moment.

“How can you call yourself a Hokage if you aren’t willing to shoulder the weight of your loved ones directly? Even Big Brother, for all his nonsense, accepted paperwork as a sacred duty.”

“But that’s because Lord Hashirama was so afraid of you. No wonder he chose paperwork over your rant,” spoke the innocent fool Hiruzen was back in the day. He would have never stepped into the Hokage’s office since then had he noticed Lord Second’s vindictive glare.

Hiruzen promptly slumped into his seat again.

‘And to think I was ready to sacrifice myself…’ He looked lost. He was almost sure Tobirama planned to screw with him by leaving a code of conduct for dummy Hokages in his will. It had one of the clauses about never using shadow clones or any other clones for paperwork.

‘Whatever,’ Hiruzen nodded. ‘I’m gonna do the same. No fucking way my successors get to use the clones to reduce the load.’

He straightened his back and looked over a stack of documents that intrigued him the most—Academy Reports.

Hiruzen always had his eye on Minato Namikaze. The blonde youth aced across the academy years, honing himself to be at the top despite other clan shinobi. However, there was one boy who took others by surprise.


Nothing was known about him except that he was taken up by Granny Mito. He wasn’t the only one… but he was the one who stayed. Hiruzen conducted an idle investigation once the boy came to notice. What surprised Hiruzen the most was… Kai never trained. He just… bloomed. It was as if he suddenly decided to take on the Academy’s curriculum.

Hiruzen’s office overlooked the academy grounds. So, he knew about Kai’s diligence. Perhaps his stubborn training was his best quality.

But Kai was odd.

He… ignored things. The only reports of him entering into any confrontation were exclusively to aid Kushina Uzumaki. On the other hand… his ventures outside the academy were a different mess.

Still, Hiruzen had eyes. He wasn’t blind to raw gems shining brighter than torches. Hiruzen only wished to continue watching over the boy for some time.

The Third Hokage was sure that power didn’t infect Kai as it did a few others.

‘Now that I think about it, his chakra control is said to be extraordinary compared to his peers. He is often seen practicing the leaf-sticking exercise until he exhausts himself before he enters meditation. Of course… he shouldn’t do this during history lessons. Still, such chakra control is her department.’

Hiruzen flipped the page.

‘It’s not the taijutsu that makes him extraordinary but his approach to the art. He is almost like a monkey. I also watched his spars with Mikoto-kun. No wonder Icha is letting the excitement build for Minato-Kun's and Kai-kun’s sparring match. Kai is as unorthodox as that pervert.’ Hiruzen groaned—pot calling the kettle black.

‘And he had to be intelligent. His theories are on top of the class, surpassing Minato in several subjects. Hmm. That’s Hissssssss forte.’ Hiruzen chuckled at his own pun. Who else would? It’s not like paperwork turned Biwako on. His eldest also stayed clear of this hellhole.

“Lord Third,” an Anbu member flickered inside. “Lady Uzumaki is here to see you. Do we—”

“Do you want to see my ass smacked red by asking for my permission?” Hiruzen rolled his eyes. Sure, he was the current strongest in the village. But do you raise your eyes against your mother? That’s what Mito is for Konoha. Hiruzen would not dare disrespect the dedicated woman who went beyond and sacrificed her freedom for the village and its safety!

“Quick. Send Granny Mito in!”

The Anbu flickered away, and Mito soon entered the office. Hiruzen stood in greeting as Mito nodded with a kind smile before taking a seat.

“It’s good to see you, Saru,” Mito greeted with her usual tone as Hiruzen chuckled wryly. “You, too, Granny?”

“Granny?” Mito jested. “We’re almost alike. My, look at those wrinkles on your forehead, Hiruzen.” The redhead advised. “Forget what Tobirama left for you. That man was a freakish genius, but he held a grudge like a mean son of a bitch.”

Hiruzen felt stumped before chuckling again. As if… What if Sensei decided to return to wipe his hide across Hokage Rock? Considering the jutsus Tobirama pioneered… it was a chilling possibility.

Not that the Third Hokage feared his predecessor. The well-nurtured Third Hokage merely refused to raise his hands against his elder. Yep. That’ll do.

“How can I help you, Granny Mito,” Hiruzen coughed as Mito tilted her head.

“Could I have not come to meet you? Do you think I’m that selfish that I will only contact you for favors?”

Hiruzen blinked. “No—”

“Well, you’ve gotten wiser, Lord Third. That is exactly what I am—I need a favor.”

Hiruzen worked his jaw before sharing a grin with the old, spunky woman. Hiruzen was glad Mito never lost her spark.

Mito placed a small scroll on the table. “I wouldn’t want to pile on your paperwork, Saru. But this is important. This is a copy of the seals.”

Hiruzen suddenly felt he had lost something as he suppressed his instinct and looked over the scroll. A bitter smile appeared on his aged lips, something he didn’t bother hiding from Mito.

“Did you want the boy for yourself?” Mito questioned with a smile.

“That would be incorrect, Granny Mito. It doesn’t matter. Him being Tsunade’s ‘Guardian’ is the same as Kai being there for the village when it’s his time.”

An approving look flickered in Mito’s eyes as her smile broadened. “You’re doing a good job juggling your responsibilities as the Hokage and your personal life. You should consider my advice.”

“And that would be—”

Mito’s clone exploded into a plume of smoke before Hiruzen could finish.

“A shadow clone, huh?” Hiruzen puffed. He couldn’t do that. All jokes aside, he promised his Sensei. And Tobirama’s words held meaning.

If he had wanted to, Hiruzen would have long changed some aspects of Hokage's life, but Hiruzen wasn’t that kind of Kage. He loved maintaining peace instead of constantly inventing things.

He loved studying instead of researching.

Hiruzen was different than Tobirama, and he knew it. Tobirama also knew that.

The Third Hokage believed the village needed some buffer to digest all the past and current reforms pushed by more admirable and ambitious youths before needing other radical changes.

He looked at the scroll again.

‘Still, a warning would have been nice. Oh, well. Another boring mission for Tsunade,’ Hiruzen shrugged.

Cracking his knuckles and neck, Hiruzen regained his vigor to tackle his enemy—paperwork.

“Send a message to Lady Biwako.” Never let others say Hiruzen wasn’t a gentleman. “I will return home tonight.”


Alternate Title: Mito *If Something Doesn’t Go Her Way*: Cough, I Don’t Have Long To Live *Meanwhile Kyubi: Then Die*; The Talk; Kushina Is Ride Or Die; Kushina: What Clan Politics? Does It Feed My Alpha-Chan?; Mito Covers Their Bases; Kai: It’s Not Even Win-Loss… It’s Win-Win-Win; Kushina Experiencing Emotional Outbreaks *Meanwhile, Kai: Bet*; Self-Aware Kai; Racially Motivated Against Orphans; Tsunade’s Exasperation; Tsunade: Teases Kai *Karma Exists: Swole Kai*; Faults In the Academy; Tsunade: How Will These Poor Boys Understand That Girls Get Into Pegging?; Cousin; Kai Really Needs Some ME Time; Kai Is Just Stuck Without Bros in The Ocean Of Hoes *Jiraiya: It Should Have Been Me*; The Guardian; Kai: I May Hate On Kushina, But I Want To See Her Grow And Hate All I Like; Could It Be… Is Kai a Tsundere?; Alpha-Chan Got Done In Dirty; Kai Does Have a Thing For Fine Culture; Dan Exists? *Mito: I’ll End His Career*; Hiruzen Monologue; Tobirama Ruined Several Generations of Kage; Tobirama: Paperwork Is Life; Tobirama: Let’s See Damn Uchiha Tackling Paperwork; Mito Aged Like A Firecracker; The Gentlemanly Third Hokage; The Hokage That Needs To Stall; The Foundation Keeper; Blooming Kai; Hiruzen Should Have Been Faster; Mom is Mom; Mito: Do You Think I’m Selfish? *Is Selfish*


Tsunade’s Future Karma
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