Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Moth To Fire

In the evening, as the sun was about to set, the sun softened a lot, and the shadows cast by the high-rise buildings covered most of each street.

Outside the building of the Qicheng Epidemic Prevention Center, dozens of skinners who had been hiding in the surrounding buildings got out and started wandering the streets.

When the power of the sun has weakened, it is time for their activity.

Next, they went to hunt for food, whether it was spoiled canned food, mice in the gutter, or large animals left alone, all of which were their favorite meals.

The Stone Golem Type 1 vaccine, while giving them fragile and weird bodies, strengthens their tissues from the inside, turning them into fragile and powerful monsters.

A skinner wandered the streets, sniffing the scent left by the human during the day, and a desire for skinning was born in his chaotic consciousness.

At this moment, a low roar came from the underground of the Epidemic Prevention Center building, followed by a loud “bang” from the exit of the underground parking lot, and the parking pole was smashed into pieces by a black shadow.

The skinner turned his head, only to see the black steel body and six pairs of huge load wheels rolling in. Before he had time to react, he had already been swept under the wheels and was crushed to pieces with a happy smile.

A heavy armored vehicle sped out of the underground garage at high speed and rammed the streets!

The surrounding group of skinners immediately screamed and rushed towards the armored vehicle. They stopped on the road of the armored vehicle like a man’s arm as a vehicle, and were crushed and shattered!

In the cockpit of the armored vehicle, Shen Feng controlled the direction and said to himself:

“This thing drives like Brother Hai’s truck…”

The armored vehicle at this time has been filled with diesel, and there are several large barrels of spare fuel, as well as a large number of light and heavy weapons and ammunition stacked in the cabin.

In addition to Shen Feng, there were also four stone statues in military uniforms in the cabin, which seemed to be preparing to go out on a mission before the virus completely broke out.

With this armored vehicle, Shen Feng’s heart was bubbling with beauty.

What beasts, what skinners, are just a piece of cake.

Humans with heavy weapons are the worthy kings in this apocalyptic world!

No matter how sharp the minions of the beast are, they will never be able to tear through the steel!

Skinners fell under the wheels of armored vehicles like moths to fire.

In their chaotic consciousness, it is obvious that this is the best way to quickly end all suffering.

Shen Feng’s face was solemn, without the slightest teasing, but like a preacher who performed sacred rituals.

For these poor incinerators, only death is the ultimate release.

Their attack on Shen Feng, to a certain extent, was nothing more than seeking death.

When the armored car drove through the street, everything was quiet except for the roar of the engine.

The wheels had turned crimson, leaving two bright ruts, glowing wine red in the afterglow of the setting sun.

The sky quickly darkened, Shen Feng did not stop, and drove the armored vehicle directly to the entrance of the highway in the suburbs of Qicheng City, and then turned off the engine.

Although you can go directly north to the capital according to the built-in map of the car computer, the road at night is more difficult to walk, and if you get stuck in a pit, it will be troublesome, so I still plan to spend the night here and talk about it tomorrow.

There is a gas station at the intersection of the expressway, the door of the convenience store is wide open, and there are stone statues of some gas station employees.

Shen Feng turned on the headlights of the armored car, shot it directly at the convenience store of the gas station, got out of the armored car with a shotgun in hand, searched the convenience store, and returned to the car again.

As a person without professional shooting training, he still prefers shotguns, which do not require aiming.

And after the use of firearms for the past two days, he also discovered a more serious problem, that is, his arm strength is seriously insufficient.

Not to mention how heavy these things were, the recoil from the multiple shots had already shaken his arms sore and full of bruises.

If he hadn’t slowly figured out how to shoot, his shoulder would have been dislocated by the shotgun shock.

Constant strength training and a lot of protein to build muscle must be done.

When night fell, he used the spoiled gasoline found in the convenience store and a few pieces of wood to light a fire. Shen Feng climbed onto the roof of the armored vehicle and lay down, staring at the sky in a daze.

The city of Qi in the distance is already dark, like a ghost domain, only the lights of the epidemic prevention center building are still bright, indicating that the solar system is still working.

In the past few years, decades, when the system is damaged and the light completely disappears, the last trace of human technology will completely disappear in this city.

The city will also be hidden in the wilderness, waiting to be discovered by new intelligent creatures.

Suddenly, there was a faint sound of rustling footsteps in the surrounding darkness, Shen Feng immediately sat up straight, picked up the shotgun, and looked around.

I saw a pair of emerald-like eyes appear in the dark night not far from the firelight.

Then these eyes approached again, and the shadowy figures of a group of beasts appeared in front of Shen Feng.

It’s a pack of wolves.

Shen Feng couldn’t help being a little surprised, and saw that the golden retriever with all the scars was walking at the front.

They actually followed here?

Are you still going to attack?

If Shen Feng still had some drumming in his heart when he encountered it during the day, now he is no longer afraid.

He only needs to get into the armored car and close the door, the wolves are simply lambs to be slaughtered.

At this moment, the golden retriever continued to walk towards him, with a **** animal leg in its mouth!

Based on Shen Feng’s long-term barbecue experience, this should be a leg of lamb!

Golden Retriever walked to the armored car, put down the leg of lamb, then stuck out his tongue and smiled, and wagged his tail slightly.

Seeing this scene, Shen Feng’s heart suddenly became sour.

This fool!

What does it want to do?

Do you want him to be its master?

Obviously, the appearance of Shen Feng reminded this golden retriever of the past and the years he spent with humans, so he took the initiative to show his affection to Shen Feng.

The golden retriever squatted on the ground and stared blankly at Shen Feng, while the wolves behind it disappeared into the darkness.

Shen Feng sighed and said:

“You no longer need the company of humans. You are now the king of the wolf pack. Live well with your clan… Human beings are not worth your nostalgia.”

I am just a passer-by to this world. Whether I leave here or turn into a stone statue, I only have one month at most, and I cannot give this golden retriever any company at all.

“Wang…wang…woo…” Golden Retriever seemed to sense Shen Feng’s emotions, wagged his tail and barked a few times, and lowered his head.

At this moment, there was a barking of wolves in the distance, and the chaotic sound of hoofs.

In the darkness, seven or eight antelopes burst out suddenly, and behind them, there were wolves that were chasing after them!

The wolves did not leave just now, but found the trail of the nearby went to hunt!

Seeing the antelopes rushing past the fire, they were about to break away from the wolves’ hunting ring. Shen Feng raised the shotgun and pulled the trigger instantly.


A steel ball shot out, and the two antelopes that were passing by the fire were immediately knocked to the ground, caught up by the wolves that followed, and dragged into the darkness.

Shen Feng smiled and said to Golden Retriever, “Go, I’ll treat everyone to a big dinner.”

Seemingly sensing what Shen Feng meant, Golden Retriever called him a few times, turned around and rushed into the wolves, and began to feast on them together.

Shen Feng jumped out of the armored car and picked up the leg of lamb, cleaned it, and directly set up a fire on the roof of the car, took out the seasoning and started roasting it.

The fat and tender lamb shank was roasted until it was charred on the outside and tender on the inside.

The wolves were feasting not far away, calling out to Shen Feng from time to time, as if to thank him for helping him.

Shen Feng took a knife and cut off a piece of meat and put it in his mouth, the rich aroma spread in his mouth, better than any roast lamb he had ever eaten before.

After chewing a few times, I swallowed it, and my lips and teeth were fragrant.

After eating, the golden retriever took the wolves to a place not far from the armored vehicle, lying on the ground and falling asleep together.

Shen Feng smiled and got into the armored vehicle and also fell asleep.

The wolves, accompanied by humans, seem to be nostalgic for the temperature of that dead civilization.

Shen Feng slept very soundly, and the tension of the past two days was completely relaxed.

Early the next morning, Shen Feng got out of the car cabin and saw that the wolves were still standing outside, as if waiting for him to wake up.

Looking at the golden retriever looking forward to it, Shen Feng picked up the gun and fired a shot at the ground in front of the golden retriever, and said hard:

“Come on, you don’t need a master anymore, all you need is freedom.”

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