Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: …Find…Sand…Humans…

After completing the task, he will leave here and return to his own world, and he cannot become the owner of the golden retriever for a long time.

Moreover, for it, it is obviously a better choice to be the king of wolves in this free world.

Golden Retriever seemed to sense Shen Feng’s determination, let out a whimper, and called out to Shen Feng a few times.

Shen Feng no longer hesitated, turned around and got into the armored car to start the engine, and accelerated to the highway.

Golden Retriever looked at the distant armored vehicle and at the wolves behind him. He did not bark again, but quietly watched Shen Feng leave.

It has a very high IQ in itself, and at this time it only feels as if the last stone in my heart has been put down.

Seeing that the wolves didn’t follow, Shen Feng was equally relieved, he directly increased the accelerator to the top, and began to rampage.

There are not many abandoned vehicles on the highway itself, and there are several stone statues sitting in each vehicle.

Encountering an abandoned vehicle blocking the road, Shen Feng stepped on the accelerator, hit it directly, and continued to move forward.

Crash, crush, everything in the way, was run over by the huge road wheel and left behind.

After owning this armored vehicle, in this desolate apocalypse, Shen Feng was basically invincible, and the whole person relaxed.

When civilization is completely gone, the only remnants of civilization left are enough to make a human king.

Shen Feng suddenly discovered at this time that there was a music playback system installed in the armored vehicle, which was connected to the on-board speakers. It was obviously modified by the incinerators of the epidemic prevention center.

Just click the play button, and a bleak “Road Song” floats out from the speaker:

“Where is the dream

always so desirable

I’m on the road

just to be by your side

keep going south

keep going south

keep going south

keep heading south…”

Shen Feng swayed his body to the rhythm of the music, drove the armored car very fast, and rushed along the dilapidated highway into the vast wilderness.

All the way.

According to the map, Qicheng is almost 1,300 kilometers away from the capital.

The maximum range of the armored vehicle is 500 kilometers, and it needs to be refueled twice in the middle to reach it smoothly.

At the speed of 100 kilometers per hour of the Defender-3 armored vehicle, if all goes well, it can even reach the capital before dark!

After all, there is no such thing as traffic jams these days.

At that time, as long as you rush into the National Academy of Sciences all the way, kill all the skinners entrenched in it, and then get the research materials and perfect vaccines for stone statue disease, you can completely complete the task and leave this world.

Speaking of it, although it is the end of the world, there is not much real danger. Maybe this is the so-called low-intensity end of the world.

Once you master powerful equipment, you can be invincible in this world where civilization has disappeared.

Shen Feng was driving while listening to the music. Except when he stopped to pee in the middle, he was driving all the time.

Along the way, he passed a dozen or so city ruins, large or small, all of them were dead silent. Only the occasional birds and beasts rushing out of the trees by the roadside could make him feel the remaining vitality of this world.

At noon, the oil basically bottomed out, and Shen Feng stopped the car, put the shotgun on his back, and went out to refuel with two barrels of oil.

Diesel kept pouring into the tank of the armored car, like a thirsty beast drinking.

Shen Feng watched the jungle by the roadside vigilantly as he cheered.

At this moment, two noises of “rustle” suddenly came from the car radio, followed by a strange and jerky vague voice:

“…discovered…shasha…human…hoo…sha…found human…human…”~

This voice sounded like a foreigner who had just learned to speak, with a thick nasal voice, sharp and strange, indescribably strange.

Shen Feng immediately stopped refueling, jumped directly in front of the radio, and listened carefully.

Is anyone still alive! ?

Not all human beings in this world have been turned into stone statues! ?

If this is the case, then many of their plans need to be revised immediately.

It’s just that according to the various records I’ve seen before, no one is immune to stone-like disease, and even two or three days after I came here, my body has already shown signs of petrification.

How did those people escape?

In any case, Shen Feng was still a little excited when he suddenly encountered a human being.

After all, in this mass extinction, it is clear that humans will no longer kill each other. After all, resources are extremely rich, and what is most lacking is population.

If you can meet these remaining humans, you should also get help, and this task can be much simpler.

Shen Feng was surprised when he heard another voice on the radio, this time it was obviously not the same person as the one just now, and it was much lower:

“…Swish…Shush…Vehicle found…Road…Swish…Ready to go…Hoo…Swish…”

The signal is not very clear and the last two words become noise.

Shen Feng frowned, what are you going to do?

Fortunately, the voice came again:

“…Sha…Hoo…ready to…hunt!”

Shen Feng stared, and before he had time to think about it, he immediately started the engine again and closed the hatch.

Just as the hatch was closed, a few gunshots were heard, and several bullets hit the hatch!

Someone is attacking!

Immediately afterwards, the dull sound of hoofs came, neat and powerful, like a team of cavalry crossing the border.

From the inner screen of the armored vehicle, Shen Feng saw that in the wilderness on both sides of the highway, among the tall grass, dozens of fully-armed knights rushed over on horseback.

When he saw the appearance of these knights, Shen Feng couldn’t help but be stunned, he could hardly believe his eyes.

Riding on horseback was a group of orangutans!

These orangutans are wearing police slings, pedal modified stirrups, and hold firearms of different lengths in their hands. They have formed an encirclement!

The orangutan in the front is sturdy and wears a pair of glasses. His eyes shone with the unique light of intelligent creatures. He was less than 100 meters away from the armored vehicle. Pull the trigger and it’s raining!

The dense bullets hit the outer wall of the armored vehicle like raindrops, and Shen Feng heard it as if he had entered the center of the rainstorm.

What is this! ? Rise of the Planet of the Apes! ?

Before he could think about it, Shen Feng immediately controlled the peripheral machine gun of the armored vehicle, aimed at the horses rushing over from the left, and prepared to fire.

At the moment when the machine gun turned its direction, the leading chimpanzee let out a “roar”, and the chimpanzee on the horse twisted his body at the same time, and hung from the riding position on the horse’s and dispersed the formation at the same time. , continue to charge Shen Feng.

“Da da da da…” The armored vehicle’s peripheral machine gun sprayed out a metallic rain of death, hitting a dozen running horses.

The war horse fell to the ground with a neigh, but did not hurt the orangutan hiding under it.

As soon as these orangutans landed, they were hidden in the tall wormwood and disappeared.

After such a delay, the orangutan at the front had already rushed to a place less than fifty meters away from the armored vehicle!

“…sand… grenades…sand…rockets…ready…”

The hoarse command voice came from the car radio again. Shen Feng already understood at this time that this channel was the command channel of these gorillas!

Then I saw the charging horse team rushing to the sides, and the four orangutans picked up the grenade launcher from the horseback and pulled the trigger!

“Bang bang bang…” Several grenades fell from the sky like black acorns, fell on the body of the armored vehicle, and exploded instantly!

“Boom—” The deafening loud sound made Shen Feng feel that he was almost deaf.

More than half of the external camera was damaged. At the same time, Shen Feng saw that two anti-tank rocket sleeves had been protruding from the grass not far away, and they were shining with army green light in the sun!

fuck you uncle!

Shen Feng’s eyes widened, he suddenly started the engine, and retreated towards the rear.

Just listening to the two sounds of “Shuh”, two rockets passed by where the armored vehicle was just now and flew into the distance.

One of them directly hit an orangutan knight on the opposite side, and immediately even the orangutan and the horse were blown into a cloud of blood!


(In the end times, the sustenance of music is indispensable. A playlist of “Real Doomsday Game” was built in Netease Cloud Music, and slowly added to Riga. If you are interested, you can listen to it.)

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