Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Stage 1 Features Of Lithotripsy

Shen Feng’s eyes narrowed, he hid in the newsstand beside him, closed the door gently, and locked it inside.

He now has a small broken fruit knife in his hand, and if the wolves see it, he will die!

Hide it next to the stone statue of the newsstand owner, and looking out through the cracks in the surrounding roof, the sika deer has rushed to the newsstand and then swept past.

Immediately afterward, a dozen sturdy wild wolves rushed over. These wild wolves were huge, each two or three meters long, and they were truly fierce beasts!

Just when the sika deer was about to rush across the street, two wild wolves suddenly appeared on the other side of the street, stopping in front of the sika deer!

The first wild wolf suddenly pounced from the side, but only left a scratch on the body of the sika deer.

Just dodging the first time, the speed of the sika deer also dropped suddenly, and the second wild wolf had already jumped on its body in an instant, biting **** its neck.

The sika deer didn’t even scream, and was thrown to the ground. The dozen or so wild wolves behind them swarmed up and began to bite frantically.

Obviously, this is the tactic of the wolf pack!

When the sika deer were driven into this street, they had already fallen into a trap!

When the human world was destroyed, and in the vast urban jungle, animals regained their homes again and became the only owners here!

The sound of biting flesh and chewing bones kept coming, accompanied by the low roar of the wild wolf, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Shen Feng tried his best to hold his breath, and knelt on the ground motionless, holding the fruit knife tightly in his hand.

The door of the newsstand has long since been rotten, and the wooden walls are leaking air everywhere. It might be able to be knocked open with a hard blow, and the wolves must not be able to discover his existence.

The wolves quickly ate away most of the sika deer, turning it into a **** skeleton.

It seems that the wolves are not very hungry in the first place. A dozen wild wolves eat such a sika deer, and they are full.

A well-fed wolf let out a low growl, and slowly slipped to the newsstand, his nose kept twitching, and he looked towards the newsstand.

It smelled Shen Feng’s scent!

Shen Feng held his breath, just looking at the wild wolf across the gap in the wall, not daring to move.

Once discovered by the other party and shouted for wolves, his fate would not be much better than that of the sika deer!

At this moment, on the stone statue of the owner of the newsstand, a black scarf-like thing suddenly fell, impartially, and fell into Shen Feng’s neck.


A cold and smooth feeling came, and he was still swimming gently.

It’s a snake!

The hairs on Shen Feng’s whole body stood up in an instant, and he frantically swallowed the saliva in his mouth, his heart beating like a drum.

The snake was on his neck, its head slightly raised, staring at his face.

From the corner of his eye, Shen Feng saw the triangular head of the snake and the colorful black patterns on its body, and immediately recognized that it was a highly poisonous pit viper!

Once bitten, he will definitely die without a burial!

Sweat quickly oozed from his forehead, slid down his cheeks, and dripped down his chin.

The snake actually spat out letters and licked the beads of sweat on his chin.

There were wolves outside and poisonous snakes inside. Shen Feng felt that his heart was about to jump out, but he didn’t dare to move.

If he disturbs any party, he will die!

The wolf outside sniffed for a while, then slowly approached the rotten wooden door of the newsstand, as if he wanted to come in.


A wolf howl came, and the largest head wolf in the wolf pack stood on the roof of a rusty off-road vehicle and howled, which immediately attracted other wild wolves to howl at the same time.

After the call, the alpha wolf turned and left, and the wolves immediately followed closely. The wild wolf outside the newsstand didn’t care to check what was inside, and turned to follow the wolves.

The wolves came and went quickly, and soon disappeared on the street corner covered with wormwood, leaving only a **** deer carcass.

On Shen Feng’s neck, the pit viper was also disturbed, and slowly crawled from his body to the ground.

Just as the pit viper’s head just touched the ground, Shen Feng, who had been waiting for a long time, suddenly waved his right hand with the knife, and slammed the fruit knife into the snake’s head, nailing it into the ground!

The pit viper struggled desperately, but Shen Feng’s hands firmly held down the hilt of the knife and couldn’t escape at all.

After a while, when the snake’s body stopped twitching completely, Shen Feng let out his strength and sat down.

His back was soaked with sweat.

At this time, I finally felt the horror of the end of the world. Human beings have separated from society and become a single individual, and their lives are in danger at any time!

Compared with the various apocalyptic types he had known before, the stone statue apocalypse was still a low-intensity apocalypse, and it was already so dangerous.

After resting for a few minutes, when there was absolutely no movement outside, Shen Feng picked up the motionless snake and carefully walked out of the newsstand.

Looking around, he quickly rushed towards the remaining sika deer.

I saw that the whole deer had been disemboweled, its internal organs had been hollowed out, and the fat areas on the hind legs and buttocks had also been gnawed clean, but there was still a lot of meat left on the ribs inside.

And the deer head is still intact.

When the beast has enough food and is not very hungry, it will be selective when eating, and after eating up the most nutritious organs and fat, there will be a lot of things left.

Shen Feng immediately used a fruit knife to cut a few pieces of meat from the deer’s ribs, about four or five kilograms of meat, and then thought about it, picked up the deer’s head again, and left here quickly, heading towards the upwind street. run away.

If the city has completely turned into a jungle, then the food residues and the thick **** smell left by the wolves will attract other predators, in addition to scavengers, perhaps some powerful carnivores animal.

It’s still dangerous here!

Sure enough, after Shen Feng completely left the block, there were chaotic footsteps and howls behind him. It seemed that there were wild dogs and other animals appearing, and there were also a few birds of prey falling from the sky.

Shen Feng had already found a dilapidated restaurant at this time, pushed open the rusted door and walked in, turned around and inserted the door again, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

This is a large supermarket. Through the thick glass windows, you can see the situation outside, and there is a back door to leave. It is a good place to eat.

In the fast food section of the supermarket, there are several stone statues behind the counter, some of whom are holding food that has rotted into a ball of black charcoal, with shocked expressions on their faces.

At the same time, several customers were sitting in the lobby, and some were even eating.

It seems that the outbreak of stone statue disease in the final stage is only a momentary thing, and many people have been completely petrified without even having time to react.

Shen Feng found a few clean towels in the back kitchen and spread it on the table, then put the venison and deer head on it, and started to turn around in the supermarket.

There are dozens of stone statues scattered everywhere, obviously customers who are shopping.

Needless to say, everything in the fruit and vegetable area has been rotten for inexplicable years, and it looks so dark that it is impossible to eat.

Most of the other vacuum-packed foods have also expanded and leaked, and have deteriorated and rotted.

Although Shen Feng found some cans, there was a strange smell after opening them, and he didn’t dare to eat them at all.

Fortunately, there are some compressed biscuits and the like. Although they are as hard as rocks, they should barely be edible.

What really caught his attention was the mineral water and bottled water.

Although some have turned green and deteriorated and have evaporated a lot, most of them look drinkable.

Of course, it has to be boiled and sterilized again.

There is really no spoilage at all, only salt and wine, and some sun-dried condiments.

Pushing the squeaky shopping cart around for a while, Shen Feng’s car was already full, and he returned to the fast food area outside the supermarket again.

First, use two bottles of water to clean an iron pot and set it up, and then set up a few candles below.

Shen Feng poured all the large boxes of matches on the table, and then began to try them one by Some of the matches were already damp, but fortunately most of them were still usable. He fired a small flame and hurriedly gathered one. Candles are lit.

After the flames were lit and the candles were all lit, Shen Feng poured several large bottles of water into the pot and boiled them.

After the water boiled, I scalded a few iron brazing rods, and then split a few wooden benches with an axe found in the supermarket, piled them into a small bonfire and lit it. Then I put the dressed venison on it, and started Sprinkle with salt and cumin while tossing.

There are not many seasonings, but as long as there is salt and cumin, the roast has soul.

At the same time as the barbecue, Shen Feng brushed off the plates and tea cups he had just found, and soaked in a cup of old Pu’er.

Soon, the meat was cooked. Shen Feng took a piece of roasted venison from the fire, carefully looked at the oily strip of meat, blew it lightly, and put it in his mouth and bit it lightly.

The aroma of venison spreads in the mouth instantly, and there is a unique strong taste of venison in the soft tenderness. The salty aroma of the meat and the aroma of cumin are intertwined, playing a delicious symphony.

good to eat!

Taking another sip of Pu’er tea, the golden tea soup is mellow and has a long taste. Shen Feng leaned on the chair, so comfortable that his eyebrows were falling off.

Pu-erh tea is originally the longer the year, the better it is to drink. The Pu-erh tea in the last days is all aged Pu-erh.

After roasting about two catties of venison in total, Shen Feng ate it all in one breath, then drank the tea in the cup and patted his stomach with satisfaction.

Having fun in the midst of suffering, it’s about yourself…

Then I stretched out, and I heard a “crackling” sound all over the body, as if the bones were hardened.

Shen Feng’s face instantly turned pale.

Characteristics of the first stage of lithotripsy:

Knee rattling!

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