Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!

Shen Feng’s expression froze, he jumped up from the chair, stared at his hand with wide eyes, and then poked the back of his hand hard.

The skin sank and bounced up again, but I don’t know if it was an illusion, it seemed… the speed was a little slower than before…

He was so full just now that he almost forgot that he was in the apocalypse.

The series of abnormal joints made him completely sober.

This is the last days of eating people without spitting bones. There can be no slack in the slightest. Once you relax, you will be greeted by death!

At the same time, there was a noise from the street outside, and looking out through the mottled glass windows, you could vaguely see a few shadows passing by.

A beast has arrived.

It should be the aroma of the barbecue just now that attracted them.

Shen Feng immediately picked up a few bottles of liquor, opened the lids, and poured them all at the door, and wiped a few more on his face.

The pungent smell of alcohol spreads. This strong smell will cover the aroma of barbecue and can also stop the advance of the beast.

Shen Feng then found a backpack, wrapped the rest of the roasted venison in tinfoil, put it in the bag, and put the boiled water into several mineral water bottles and put it in the bag.

Followed by various emergency and necessary supplies:

A few boxes of matches, a bottle of liquor, a roll of paper, knives, a Swiss Army knife, and a few other necessities.

The bag was not too full. For this kind of low-intensity apocalypse, supermarkets and convenience stores in the city can be seen everywhere, and there are still a lot of materials that can be used.

After doing all this, Shen Feng took an axe and left from the back door of the supermarket.

He urgently needs stronger weapons to arm himself. With the knife and axe in his hand, he cannot fight against strong beasts at all, not to mention the organized herds like wolves.


He needs a gun!

Shen Feng held the axe with a vigilant look and moved quickly along the street.

On the way here just now, I saw a small post, but it was ignored by Shen Feng.

Ordinary police pistols are not very useful when facing those beasts with extremely strong speed and endurance, and it is hard to say whether they can hit.

His target is a large regional police station, only that kind of place has the powerful weapons he needs!

According to the records of the city map obtained from the newsstand, Shen Feng walked about seven or eight blocks, and finally a building appeared in front of him.

The building of the city police station!

The whole building was very dilapidated, and the surface was covered with all kinds of vines, and the petrified figures in the building could be vaguely seen in the dark windows.

There are some stone statues in police uniforms in the yard, and some are still in a running posture, apparently still preparing for action at the last moment of their lives.

Some charred police cars were parked aside, and the ground was covered with cracks, as if it had been through a battle.

It’s just that all the truth is annihilated in the stone statue.

The grass in the yard is extraordinarily lush, almost one person tall, and it is almost impossible to see the road ahead.

Shen Feng took out a long knife for chopping watermelons, and while cutting the wormwood, he walked towards the door.

I don’t know if it’s because of the smell of explosions here, but there seems to be very little wild animals around here, and I didn’t even see a mouse along the way.

Shen Feng did not directly enter the main building, but first climbed onto the roof of an off-road vehicle and came to a stone statue with an electric horn.

Although the police uniform of this stone statue is already rotten, but the epaulettes are still there, it can be seen that the level is the highest.

It should be a leader like the director, who seems to be directing an operation.

Shen Feng looked at the opponent’s waist, and sure enough, he saw a holster with a police pistol inside and a bunch of keys hanging from his belt.

Shen Feng was overjoyed, and immediately took out the pistol and key, and cut the gun rope tied to him at the same time.

The gun was full of bullets, and it was very heavy.

According to the picture in the movie, Shen Feng carefully opened the safety cover, aimed at the glass window in the distance, and pulled the trigger forcefully.


It got stuck and couldn’t hold it at all.

Shen Feng was speechless, apparently the gun had been exposed to the sun and rain outdoors for a long time, and it was rusted inside.

I wouldn’t dare to use this thing even if it could be fired. If it exploded, my fingers would be blown away.

At this moment, a sound of grass rustling came from the side, and Shen Feng turned his head suddenly, and he couldn’t help the cold hair to stand upright and lose his soul, and he could hardly believe his eyes.

A tiger was pressing down in the grass and speeding towards him!

The tiger’s body was extremely low, and it was blocked by the wormwood. If it wasn’t for Shen Feng standing on the roof of the car, he wouldn’t have been able to detect the opponent’s actions!

At this time, he finally understood why there were no animals in and around the yard of the police station, because this was the tiger’s territory!

When Shen Feng entered the compound, the tiger was already staring at him, and it has been slowly approaching, and now it is finally ready to kill with one hit!

“Your uncle!” Shen Feng shouted, smashing the pistol in his hand at the tiger with all his strength, turning around and jumping off the roof, and ran desperately towards the police station building.

There is not even a single obstacle around him. Even if he has an axe in his hand, he is just a dish in front of the tiger. The doors of the police car are so rusted that they cannot be opened. The only way to survive is to run into the building!

Shen Feng fled frantically. The tiger had already come to a place more than ten meters away from him, but the pistol thrown out at this time was startled, and its speed was slightly slower.

It was only a little slower, and then rushed towards Shen Feng who was running away again.

Today’s prey looks vaguely familiar, and although the smell on the body is a bit strange, it looks delicious and juicy.

Shen Feng only felt that he had used his strength to suckle, and he had never run so fast before, and things like “I knew I would run every morning” and “I should have gone to the gym to work” quickly flashed in his mind. Thought, finally came to the door of the police station hall.

The door is open!

Shen Feng suddenly rushed into the door, turned around and closed the aluminum alloy door, before plugging in the latch.


With a muffled sound, the tiger had already rushed to the and slammed open the false door, knocking Shen Feng into the air, and fell to the ground.

Tiger pounced in!

At this critical moment, Shen Feng, who was lying on the ground, turned his head suddenly, and saw a large-caliber shotgun on the ground next to him, and there were scattered bullets beside him.

He grabbed it in his hand without thinking, the **** of the gun was on the ground, pointed the muzzle of the gun at the tiger that was pounced on, and pulled the trigger continuously!

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

Deafening gunshots rang out, and the tiger in midair was hit by the shotgun’s dense projectiles. The body weighing more than 200 kilograms suddenly stagnated in the air, bursting with blood flowers, and then fell heavily to the ground, sending out A muffled sound of a heavy object falling to the ground!

Several shotguns hit the tiger’s head and chest at close range, completely piercing the beast’s flesh and losing its ability to hurt people!

Shen Feng’s arm was numb from the huge recoil of the shotgun, and he was paralyzed there, his heart was beating like a drum, his mouth was dry, his breathing was heavy, and he felt a little nauseous.

Fortunately, the insurance of this gun has been opened, and it is fortunate that there are enough bullets in it, and it is fortunate that the firearms have been in good condition indoors and have not exploded!

If it took another second at night, Shen Feng’s head might have been gnawed off!

After lying on the ground, panting and gathering strength, Shen Feng slowly got up and walked in front of the tiger.

The foul smell mixed with the smell of blood continued to pour out. The beast had not completely died, but was struggling with convulsions. His eyes were full of madness, as if he recognized the upright creature in front of him as the master of the extinct world.

Let me end your pain…

Shen Feng sighed and put the muzzle of the gun on Tiger’s forehead.

Startled a group of crows.

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