Realistic Harry Potter

91 The Christmas Trip Part One

Time moved on. Harry's days and nights moved along as if they had always been that way and he settled into a routine of spells, studying, homework, and hung out with others that he considered friends. On a few secret occasions Daphne Greengrass appeared, when she wanted to borrow another book or had snuck out of her own common room in the dungeons to get some sunlight.

Halloween, or All Hallow's Eve came and went. For the first time in Harry's life, he had candy. All forms of candy. In fact, he had eaten so much that it made him sick. He still enjoyed it, despite that, and his friends had laughed and felt sorry at the same time. That's what friends were for, after all. He now had a whole shelf of candy dishes in the food cabinet inside his trunk, too.

November came and went, too. It was both a busy time and a slow time. Harry had become used to the routine he had stumbled into and started to thrive even more in this environment. With less hostile Slytherin encounters, he suspected were because of Daphne's influence and possibly because of his completely unreasonable gift of the large gold cauldron to their Head of House, Harry started having fun. Actual, honest to goodness fun.

He was also becoming an accomplished spell caster during Amelia's training sessions. He blew past Susan's record times for everything and their play duels were more often than not one-sided, even when Amelia put severe restrictions on his silent casting and offensive spells. His mind just seemed to go into hyperactive mode when in a dangerous situation and Amelia capitalized on that by giving him more and more limitations.

Harry knew that she was trying her best to get him to keep thinking about what to do if he didn't have certain options, and he was grateful for the extra attention and for her hard work in trying to make things harder for him. He was learning so much from her and from Susan during their time together... and then it was time for Christmas break.

Ron and his brothers headed home, Neville went home to spend his very first Christmas with his parents, Hermione was going skiing with her parents, which made Ron laugh loudly when she explained what it was, and they all knew that Harry was going with Amelia for her work trip.

“It's a great opportunity, Harry. You can't refuse.” Hermione had said the week before when Harry mentioned the possibility after getting a letter from Sirius. “I'm sure Madam Bones will pop you over to Healer Ela's on Christmas day for a few hours, just so you can spend some time with Sirius.”

“I don't want him to think that I don't want to spend it all with him.” Harry had responded.

Hermione laughed and tapped the letter. “Then write to him and tell him just that... and also tell him that you don't want to intrude too much on his and Ela's first Christmas together.”

Harry gave her a disbelieving look.

“Sirius knows how important this trip is for you and you've been planning to go for ages.” Hermione said. “Trust me, Harry. Once you tell him that he gets to spend all of Christmas Eve with Ela and then gets to see you the very next day, he'll be more than happy that you won't be sitting around the house for two weeks and not doing anything.”

So, Harry did just that and Hermione had been right. In fact, he even received a Howler, which was a letter so filled with emotions, it took on a life of its own when opened.

“THAT'S BRILLIANT, MY BOY!” Sirius' voice echoed loudly. “I'm looking forward to seeing you and hearing all about the trip!”

Hermione, Neville, Ron, Lavender, and even Pavarti had laughed at the happy voice that cut through the air during breakfast that day.

“I was trying to keep the trip a secret.” Harry muttered with a sigh as a lot of people in the Great Hall looked over at him. “Thanks a lot, Sirius.”

That just made his friends laugh more and Hermione gave him a hug.

On December twentieth, Harry wore his winter coat and had his trunk with him as he walked down the road from the castle with a very excited Susan beside him with her own trunk.

“I can't believe it's time already. Can you?” Susan asked him and didn't wait for a response. “I hope Mom... I mean Auntie takes us right to the train and doesn't have to stop at the office.”

Harry was quiet for a moment, then asked a question he meant to ask before. “Why do you call her mom and keep correcting yourself?”

“She thinks I'll forget I had a mom before her.” Susan said.

“But, you didn't.” Harry said and Susan took in a sharp breath. “Just like me and Neville, you lost her after you were born. Amelia took you in and became your mom.”

Susan fell silent and didn't say anything.

“I wish I had someone like her to take care of me.” Harry said.

Susan grabbed his arm and brought him to a stop. “Harry, you do.” She said in a soft voice. “She likes you a lot and she'll do anything for you, just like she'll do anything for me.”

It was Harry's turn to not say anything in response.

“She's the best mom in the world.” Susan said. “I can almost feel how much she loves me when I'm near her.” Her hand moved up and touched the zipper of his jacket. “I know when she hugs you that you can feel it, too.”

“I... I...” Harry wasn't sure why the words he wanted to say were sticking in his throat.

“Hold this.” Susan said and he took her trunk to keep it out of the snow, then she unzipped his jacket and then opened hers. “Let me show you.”

Harry was surprised when she stepped close and slid her arms inside his jacket. She tucked herself in and rested her head on his shoulder. She was very warm against him as her body heat from inside her coat merged with his own.

“Can you feel it, Harry?” Susan whispered into his ear and hugged him tightly.

Harry's face turned bright red as he felt two small soft lumps and what he thought was a heart beating against is chest. “Y-y-yes.” He stuttered and they stood there for several moments.

Susan eased her hold on him and looked into his eyes. “I'm glad.” She said and zipped up her own coat and then zipped his back up. She took her trunk back and took his hand. “Mom should be at the gate now.”

Harry could only nod as she led him down the road and to the gate. Amelia was there with her own trunk and waved to them. She tapped the gate with her wand to open it when they were close, then she gave Susan a brief hug and then him when they stepped out.

“I've got tickets on The Knight Bus to take us to the train station.” Amelia said.

“Yes!” Susan exclaimed and Amelia laughed.

“I picked up what I needed last night, just for you.” Amelia said and Susan grinned at her.

The three of them walked down the road towards Hogsmeade and to the spot that the bus normally stopped to drop people off. They only had to wait a couple of minutes for the bus to show up and they climbed aboard. The three of them cast Spongify in a second to make everything soft and plushy, then they bounced around and laughed as they were delivered to the train station.

Harry hadn't ridden on a normal train before and it was an actual normal train. Not a lick of magic was anywhere and Amelia warned him to not cast anything until she told him it was okay. He took her word as law, because he respected her. She was also the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, which meant that if she wanted, it actually could be a law.

They entered their compartment and put their trunks into the storage rack.

“This is going to be so much fun!” Susan said and took off her coat and hung it up in the little closet by the door. She wore a thin yellow top that went well with her short brown skirt.

Harry took off his own coat and remembered the two soft lumps he had felt when Susan had hugged him. His eyes dropped slightly to look as he handed her his coat to hang up. He could see the shape of those small lumps clearly and he wasn't sure why his face went red again.

“It's not too hot in here, is it?” Amelia asked when she saw Harry's red face and took off her own coat.

Susan saw his face, too. “No, Mom. It's just perfect.”

Amelia looked at her with raised eyebrows and waited for the correction as she hung up her coat. Susan just smiled at her and took Harry's hand, then led him to the bench seat on the left and sat down with him.

“The countryside looks wonderful all covered in snow.” Amelia said and sat down across from them. “I used to just apparate all over the place to get it all over with as soon as possible, then a few years ago Susan asked why we couldn't make it like a vacation.”

“It was the best!” Susan said and held Harry's hand tightly. “I remember that first train ride like it was yesterday.”

“I bet everyone in the dining car remembers it, too.” Amelia said.

“They served lobster!” Susan said. “I couldn't help scream at the creepy crawling creature they wanted me to eat!”

Harry held his laugh for only a second and then it burst out. Susan and Amelia joined in and they laughed together. After a bit, the three of them talked about the other train rides Susan and Amelia had been on and what the first stop was going to be like.

Harry had no idea that such a thing as a 'train tour' existed, let alone would let you tour most of Britain and Scotland in the same trip. He asked what his share of the trip would be and Amelia immediately said that it was his Christmas present from both her and Susan. He gave a wide-eyed look to Susan and she smiled demurely and leaned in close.

“Can you guess where a lot of that hundred galleons went?” Susan asked.

“I thought you were wearing it.” Harry said and she laughed.

“You noticed! I'm so happy!” Susan gushed. “What do you think of my outfit?”

Harry's eyes glanced down at her chest, almost against his will, and went back at her face. “I like it.”

“You see, mom! I told you he would!” Susan said to Amelia with a satisfied smile.

“I guess I owe you an extra dessert.” Amelia said with a laugh.

“I'll share it with Harry.” Susan responded. “You are not going to believe what they serve here.”

“What is it?” Harry asked, genuinely curious.

“Oh, it's going to be a surprise.” Susan said with a devious smile. “Just wait and see.”

They spent the next few hours talking and then it was time for lunch. They went to the dining car and Harry was surprised that it was like a restaurant. They were seated and given menus, ordered their food, and had a great meal of normal muggle food. After a brief whispered order to the waitress by Amelia, the special dessert came to the table on a little cart. It was an odd looking white lumpy thing and then the waitress sprayed something on it and lit the whipped topping on fire.

“AH!” Harry jerked and Susan and Amelia laughed and laughed.

“I reacted the same way the first time to seeing a Baked Alaska dessert.” Susan said and hugged him as an apology. “Mom laughed then, too.”

The dessert was extinguished and placed on the table between Harry and Susan.

“It's absolutely delicious.” Susan almost purred and picked up a spoon. “Come on, Harry. Let's do it together.”

Harry wasn't sure why that made his heart tingle and beat a little faster. He picked up his spoon and on the count of three, they both dug into it and scooped cake, ice cream, fruit, and meringue into their mouths. Even after being at Hogwarts for four months, he had never tasted anything like it before. He let out an inarticulate sound and immediately took another spoonful.

“I knew you'd like it.” Susan whispered softly and took another spoonful herself.

“My moo.” Harry said, his mouth still partially full. He swallowed and spoke properly. “I do.”

Susan smiled and scooped out another spoonful. “We have so much more to show you.” She said and held her spoon to his mouth. Harry took it and Susan's smile grew really wide.

“This is going to be a great trip.” Susan said and ate another spoonful herself.

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