Realistic Harry Potter

92 The Christmas Trip Part Two

The train's first stop was a town that Harry had never heard of. Of course, he was only eleven and had little to no knowledge of the country's towns and communities, thanks to his pretty sheltered life up until then. Both Amelia and Susan did their best to fill in his lack of information. Susan never let his hand go the entire time they were off the train and claimed that she didn't want to lose him if they ever got separated.

Harry appreciated it and he didn't try to make her let go, even when it was a bit inconvenient, like when taking off their jackets. It led to a few awkward and sometimes funny moments that Amelia usually had to solve for them when they became too tangled up to do it themselves.

They followed the tour group until they were granted roaming time and told to be back at the train at a certain time, which was Amelia's cue to lead them off to a spot that was out of sight and they apparated to the office they needed to get to for her work. Susan and Harry occupied themselves at a nearby pet store while Amelia was busy. Thankfully, she was only gone for two hours and came back to pick them up with a smile on her face.

They went to eat at a nice restaurant for supper and they had a great time. They walked around the town and Susan pointed things out to him as they passed them. They also stopped in a few places to buy snacks and things to eat on the train. They made their way back to the station and climbed aboard the train with plenty of time left before the deadline and went to their compartment.

“This was the best day!” Susan said excitedly and hung up her coat.

“You were covered in cat scratches, young lady!” Amelia admonished her.

“Those kittens were so CUTE!” Susan laughed and hung up Harry's coat. “As soon as Harry noticed I was hurt, he fixed me right up.”

“He did a good job of it, too.” Amelia admitted. “I'm glad that I can trust at least one of you to be responsible.”

Susan laughed and Harry's ears turned a little red. “Let's dig out that famous duels book Mom loaned me and read for a bit.”

Harry nodded and they sat down on the left bench seat, almost cuddled together, and browsed through the book. Amelia watched them for a few minutes and took out a folder with several papers in it and started reading herself. Paperwork was usually boring and there was a reason for that. This time, she had a very happy surrogate daughter and a slightly embarrassed and happy boy with her.

She thought about telling Susan to not be so brash and she also thought about having a bit of a talk with Harry about girls... then realized that they were both only eleven. She wouldn't have to worry about things like that for a few more years. She looked at Susan's face and saw her eyes were full of mischief and amusement, and shook her head mentally.

You're lucky that Harry is such a nice and accommodating boy. Amelia thought. He's let you drag him all over town so far and hasn't complained once. She smiled and went back to reading. Maybe a quick talk with Susan about not pushing too much might be a good idea.

The train left the station and the three of them read for quite some time, then Amelia's timepiece made a sound. She put the report away and Susan finished up with the book and told Harry what the sound meant.

“Bed?” Harry asked and looked at the two bench seats in the compartment. “I thought... well...”

“We are not sleeping sitting up for two weeks.” Amelia said with a laugh and waved for him to stand over by the closet.

Harry did so and then he was surprised when she reached down to the bottom of the plush bench seat he was just on and lifted it. There was a click and the seat slid out and the back and bottom laid out flat.

“The other bench does it, too.” Amelia said and lifted the bottom part, there was another click, and she slid the whole bench seat back into place.

“That's so cool!” Harry exclaimed.

“There's lots of room for us to sleep with both benches down.” Susan said and lifted her trunk down from the rack. “We just have to get changed for bed.”

Harry nodded and retrieved his own trunk. He put his on the floor and climbed down to get his pyjamas and came back out to see a sight that he would never forget. Susan had dropped her skirt to the floor and lifted her thin yellow top up and over her head. She only wore socks and underwear and nothing else on top.

He had only ever seen guys changing in the dorm room and he stared at her with his mouth slightly open. His mind immediately registered the differences that he could clearly see. Those two soft lumps he had felt against his chest before seemed a whole lot bigger without the top holding them. Boys did not have things like that, at all, then his eyes dropped to her underwear.

Harry's heart beat extremely fast when he didn't see anything there. No bumps, no bulges, and nothing to indicate that anything at all was there. It was shocking for him to realize that she didn't have anything between her legs! Nothing at all!

His face turned to a deep shade of red for some reason and then he saw movement nearby. His mouth dropped open completely when he turned his head to see Amelia in just her underwear. His eyes immediately dropped to see that she didn't have anything between her legs, either. His mind reeled over the implications.

How do they pee? Harry asked himself as his eyes shifted up to look at Amelia's chest. His mind forgot the previous question when he saw the fairly large lumps there. They were still covered by white cloth and they were so much larger than the ones Susan had. He remembered her hugging him and having his face between them, and his face didn't lose any of its redness. His eyes went back to looking at Susan and saw that she had a nice frilly blue top on and frilly shorts.

“Don't just stand there like a statue.” Susan said with a laugh at Harry's red face. “Get changed.”

“Oh! R-r-right.” Harry said and quickly pulled off his shirt and tossed it into the trunk. His pants were next and he completely missed that Susan stared at him just as much as he had stared at her while they changed clothes.

Amelia was dressed in a nice white nightgown and they put their trunks back onto the rack, then she dropped the left bench into that half of the bed. She did the same with the other bench and then suddenly there was a huge bed in the middle of the compartment. Amelia and Susan spread out sheets and blankets to sleep on and then climbed on. Harry stood there a bit awkwardly and wasn't sure what to do.

Amelia saw the indecision on his face. “You've got a choice of where you want to sleep.” She said. “On my side by the wall, between us, or on Susan's other side by that wall.”

Surprisingly, Susan stayed quiet and didn't ask him to choose beside her.

“I... don't know.” Harry said and ducked his head.

“It's all right. You don't have to be embarrassed.” Amelia said. “We're going to be sleeping here for the next two weeks. You don't have to stay in one spot the entire time if you don't want to.”

Harry let out a relieved sigh. “Okay.” He said and pointed to the far side on the other side of Susan. “I'll try there.”

Susan couldn't stop the grin on her face as Harry turned off the light and climbed onto the bed beside her.

“I'm sorry if I bump into you or something.” Harry said sheepishly as he climbed under the blanket.

“I already forgive you if that happens.” Susan said and laid on her side to stare at him.

“Susan.” Amelia said with caution in her voice.

“I'm just seeing if he's comfortable.” Susan said.

“You're making him uncomfortable by staring.”

Susan chuckled and touched Harry's chest for a moment. “I'm not staring at you like that, okay? I'm just looking at you to make sure you're okay. Okay?”

Harry smiled, despite actually being uncomfortable. “You said okay a bunch.”

Susan grinned and rolled onto her back. “There, is that better?”

“You're still looking at him.” Amelia said, amusement in her voice.

“As soon as he tells me he's okay, I'll be okay. Okay?” Susan said.

“Okay.” Amelia said and Harry laughed a little.

“I think he's okay.” Susan let out a snort and a giggle and Harry laughed a little more.

They all fell silent for several minutes.

“I'm really glad you came along, Harry.” Susan whispered.

“Me, too.” Harry whispered back. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Harry.” Susan said and closed her eyes.

Amelia smiled and closed her eyes, too.

“Goodnight, Mom.” Susan whispered a minute later.

“Go. To. Sleep.” Amelia whispered and Susan giggled again.

“Goodnight, Amelia.” Harry whispered a few seconds later and set Susan off again.

“It's not too late to cancel the trip, you know.” Amelia whispered.

“Yes, it is. You're stuck with us now.” Susan said. “For two whole weeks.”

“Ughhh.” Amelia groaned and that made Susan and Harry laugh.


Amelia woke up in the middle of the night and felt a little chilly. She looked down to see that the blanket was gone. She was surprised for only a moment, until she looked for it and saw that most of it was bundled up around Harry in a kind of nest. Susan was huddled in around both him and the blanket, and Amelia wasn't sure if she did that on purpose or was just looking for warmth.

Either way, she was glad that they had extra blankets. Amelia grabbed one from the small cabinet and spread it out over herself and Susan. She quickly checked to see that Harry was okay, laughed mentally at the word, then settled down under the blanket and went right to sleep.

The next several days passed by and Amelia, Susan, and Harry had a great time. Even though she had to work, she really liked having both Susan and Harry along to keep her mind focused on why she did her job. It was for them. It was so they could grow up in a world that was relatively safe from danger.

Amelia hated that qualification, since being involved in the magical world always meant that there was some kind of danger, so she did her best to make sure that there was a minimal amount of it for them to face. Not only did it give her a sense of job satisfaction, it also gave everyone that knew about her work a sense of satisfaction, too.

They still needed the extra blanket at night, because every night Harry somehow managed to make a nest of their regular blanket. Amelia didn't even try to figure it out and just kept the other blanket nearby. Susan cuddled Harry every night, too. Neither Susan nor Harry ever mentioned it and Amelia decided that if they didn't want to tell her about it, then she wouldn't pry, despite her wanting to know what they thought about it.

It was suddenly Christmas Eve, and the three of them had a great supper in the dining car. They went back to their compartment afterwards and changed for bed in front of each other, and none of them were red faced or embarrassed by it after doing it for almost a week. They climbed into bed together and laid there, quite happy and content.

“This has been the best Christmas break ever.” Susan whispered into the darkness. “Thanks, Mom.”

“You're welcome.” Amelia whispered back.

“What do you think, Harry?” Susan asked. “How are you feeling about it?”

“I'm okay.” Harry said with amusement.

“Are you sure you're okay?” Susan asked and giggled.

“Ughhh. Not this again.” Amelia whispered a bit loudly. “Go. To. Sleep!”

That set both Harry and Susan off and the darkness was filled with soft laughter and giggles.

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