Rebirth 70: Started with scientific research, Yingjiang was shocked!

Chapter 184 Mental Training

After dinner, the team members gathered early in the lobby of the main building.

The floor in the hall was covered with cushions, arranged by Su Jinhua.

"They were all sitting on cushions on the ground."

Su Jin sat down first, followed by the team members.

“Mental training is a very important part of combat sports.

It can help athletes overcome difficulties, improve concentration and decision-making, increase self-confidence, and cope with the stress of competition. "

"The first thing is to meditate. Sit cross-legged, straighten your back, close your eyes, and feel your breathing."

"Breathe in until you can't hold it in anymore."

"Breathe out, let all the breath out of your belly."

"Feel the feeling in your body between breaths, feel the breath you inhale fill your lungs, and then exhale the turbid air. Do you feel like your body has been emptied?"

Su Jinhua taught them meditation with their eyes closed, teaching them to calm down and feel their inner selves.

Thirty seconds later, Su Jinhua spoke up, "Now do you find that many thoughts pop up in your mind, interrupting your experience of yourself?"



The team members were a little surprised how Su Jinhua knew. They thought they were the only ones who knew it, but when they heard the answers from the team members next to them, they realized that it was not just them.

"This is normal. It means that your concentration is not strong. Regular meditation can solve this problem."

"It doesn't matter if you are interrupted. Refocus your attention on your feelings. Observe every corner of your body without any distractions. Start feeling from your head, down to your neck, hands, and back to Chest, and then down.”

"If you are interrupted by distracting thoughts, start again. Until you can fully feel your body, it is considered a round. There is a time record next to it. After ten minutes, see who has done more."

Su Jinhua began to meditate seriously and did not stop until the time was up.

The team members all opened their eyes. I don't know if it was an illusion, but they felt a little more relaxed.

"Meditating requires persistence over time to see the effect. You can meditate for ten minutes before going to bed, and then increase it to twenty minutes when you become proficient."

"Sometimes you are tired, and meditating for ten minutes with your eyes closed can help you better than sleeping for ten minutes."

Su Jinhua told them the training method. Meditation can make one's mind clear.

“Meditation and relaxation training: Studies have shown that regular meditation or deep breathing exercises can effectively lower the heart rate and reduce tension, thereby enhancing the ability to calm down in the face of stress.

Through methods such as mindfulness meditation, you can learn how to shift your attention away from the source of your anxiety and toward a calm state in the present moment, helping you stay calm in real-life situations. "

“In general, training to calm down in times of trouble is a systematic process.

It requires a combination of physiological regulation, psychological adjustment and life practice to gradually form the psychological quality of being able to deal with any situation calmly. "

"It means practicing more and combining it with actual combat training. It's just like your strength training. If you don't train repeatedly, it will degrade."

Meditation has very good effects, it just takes time to settle. It’s just a little bit at first, just like the sand in an hourglass, slowly dripping.

Afraid that it would not be effective at first and the team members would not persist. Su Jinhua repeatedly explained the benefits of meditation, just to make the team members see that meditation has such great benefits and persist.


"I understand, Commander."

"We won't stop training."

Seeing that they all listened, Su Jinhua smiled knowingly and started to teach the next training, tactical thinking.

"The tactical thinking training program is a scientific training method designed to improve the ability of individuals or teams to make effective decisions and strategic planning in various complex environments."

"It combines various scientific theories and practices such as game theory and system analysis, and is conducted through various forms such as simulated actual combat scenarios, case studies, strategic games, seminars and analysis."

"That is to train your ability to make plans and understand tactics. You don't have to be completely familiar with it, but you must at least be able to understand it. Otherwise, you will be fooled by the enemy's trap without even knowing it."

"If you learn a little bit, you will have more security. Even if you can't make suggestions, you can still see through the enemy's tricks."

"There have been tactics since ancient times. In fact, our predecessors have sorted them out for us. Even though the battlefield is ever-changing, they remain the same. As long as you have a flexible mind, Thirty-Six Stratagems can produce more than a thousand tactics."

Su Jinhua took out the thirty-six strategies she had written. There were three examples under each strategy. They looked different, but the foundation remained the same.

This is the wisdom of the ancestors. Thirty-six tactics can solve 50% of the tactics, and the remaining 50% depends on the person who uses them.

Huo Yanshi took the notebook from Su Jinhua and turned to the first page, which was the first of the thirty-six strategies to hide the truth from the sky.

The following is an analysis in vernacular. It is written very simply and clearly, and anyone who can read can understand it. With the following examples, three different battle scenes look different, but they can be solved by slightly changing the tactics of concealing the truth.

With these three examples, you can understand this tactic once you read it, and you can understand the basics. When such tactics appear, you can see through them in a second.

Huo Yanshi's eyes were extremely shocked. He had seen the Thirty-Six Strategies before, but he only understood the superficial meaning. At that time, he thought that the Thirty-Six Strategies were written by nonsense.

"You wrote all this?"

Huo Yanshi asked in a deep voice, looking at Su Jinhua with eyes that were brighter than light, a look of admiration.

"Yes, as long as you are more flexible, you can still write more battles."

Su Jinhua is famous because she has studied it and written more examples in later generations. The more you read it, the more you will remember it.

Hearing Su Jinhua's words, Huo Yanshi's eyes flashed darkly. It would be impossible to write these examples if he had seen them with his own eyes, but Su Jinhua was only nineteen years old, and since she had grown so old, there was no war anymore, and she Where did you see it.

Su Jinhua noticed his change and looked at him quietly to see how he would react.

Huo Yanshi's eyes flashed and quickly returned to normal. He just glanced at Su Jinhua lightly and continued to read the book in his hand.

"I just wrote this book. You can copy it. If you haven't seen it, you can wait for me to explain it. Every night I will explain two strategies, including examples."

Su Jinhua told the team members that the notebook was handwritten by her and it was not convenient to pass it around, so she decided to read it to them herself.

"Okay, captain, let's get started. I want to hear it and see if I can become a strategist."

Dali said positively that he has always been said to be brainless, and when he learns to make suggestions, he will slap them in the face and see how they fight back.

"Yes, Captain."

The team members just took a look at it, and there are more vivid examples below. They can't wait to learn,

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