Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Rebirth to England

Edinburgh is the second largest tourist city in the UK after London. The main university is the University of Edinburgh, which is one of the oldest universities in the UK.

At the school gate in Edinburgh, young students come and go, some go in for reading, some go out shopping, everything here is full of openness.

Yes, the purpose here is freedom, and freedom can create everything.

Under a camphor tree, there is a huge rock. On the huge rock sits a young man. His eyes are calm and he has many thoughts.

Suddenly, a dark palm slapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and found a mouthful of white teeth.

“Kovani, you scared me to death.” the young man said.

“Kevin, what’s the matter with you? I haven’t seen you for a whole day since I confessed my failure to Linda yesterday. Tell me, do you think you can’t think about it? Then jumped out of the school building and ended this life completely. “Kovani asked concerned.

“Guy, don’t worry, I won’t end a noble life for a woman. That’s something fools do. I’m in a bad mood for another reason.”

Yes, young people’s unhappiness is not caused by love, but for other reasons.

This young man is called Kevin Steven. No one will know that Kevin now has another person’s memory in his mind. This person is an online writer from China. He had read countless literary works before his death. He was reborn in a fire, and he came to Britain, which is similar to the earth.

This online writer inherited all the memories of Kevin Stephen, including his body.

Coming into this parallel world, the young people didn’t realize there was something sad to remind them. But it happened to be reborn into a guy named Kevin Stephen.

Kevin Steven is a junior in Edinburgh, and his family is very poor. It is estimated that the poorest person in the entire University of Edinburgh is him.

Kevin’s father has already loaned one hundred thousand pounds in order for him to go to university, but the old Steven’s monthly income is only more than two thousand pounds. It is indeed a bit difficult to pay off this bill in this life.

Of course, being poor is not the saddest reminder. The saddest reminder is that this Kevin also fell in love with a student at the University of Edinburgh, and could not help but confessed it in front of so many people yesterday.

With Kevin’s memory, he still clearly remembers the other party’s rejection of his words: “Kevin, you think too much, we are just classmates. I can’t like a pauper, especially a pauper with no future.”

Because of this sentence, this Kevin drunk and hit the wall directly last night. That is, after hitting the wall, the online writer of China was reborn on him and became one with him.

“I didn’t expect that I was a poor silk when I was on the earth, but I was still a poor silk in this parallel world. Is this my life?”

He has been thinking about this problem all day, and thinking about it makes him unhappy. So that others thought he couldn’t think about it because of yesterday’s confession failure. As his best friend, Kovani came here to persuade him.

“It’s not good to worry about this. Actually, you shouldn’t pursue Linda. You should know that Linda likes Augustine, and Augustine is a writer. He has advantages that many of us don’t.”

writer? The young people suddenly thought of Britain in this parallel world. Many things here are no different from Britain on earth. The only difference is that the literary works here are too blank. Except for the existence of Shakespeare, there are almost no other literary works.

There is no “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte, no “Robinson Crusoe” by Defoe

There is no “Pride and Prejudice” by Austin, and there is no “Sherlock Holmes” by Conan Doyle

There is no JK Rowling who wrote “Harry Potter”, nor the romantic poets Shelley and Yeats.

Thinking of this, his eyes lit up. Yes, since there are no masterpieces by these writers, why don’t I write them down?

These works are not only best-selling in the UK on earth, they have always been household names around the world. If it were placed in Britain in this parallel world, it wouldn’t be much worse.

The young man was originally an online writer when he was in China, but because of bad luck, he kept on the street.

Is it right that God made me reborn here?

Thinking of these, the young people no longer worry, they also think clearly, and will live according to the identity of Kevin Stephen in the future.

“Kovani, thank you, I am in a much better mood now. I have to say, in Edinburgh, you are my best partner.” Kevin also patted Kovani’s shoulder and said.

“Well, it’s okay, let’s go back to class. You must know that today is the class teacher explaining the theory of death and soul, maybe we shouldn’t miss it.” Kovani still smiled and showed his white teeth.

When Kevin’s figure appeared at the door of the classroom, all the students looked at him. Yes, this toad who also wants to eat swan meat made a bold move at school yesterday, confessing to Linda, the school flower of the University of Edinburgh, and in front of so many people.

You must know that many rich brothers dare not chase Linda, but he is a pauper but stupidly confessed to each other in front of everyone. It feels ridiculous to think about it.

But Kevin didn’t realize how stupid he was before. Is it wrong to like someone? Is it wrong to tell your love to someone you like? No, love is noble, love is crazy.

“Kevin, I’m glad you can come back to the classroom to listen to my class. A wise man once told me that people live in the world and don’t care too much about what others say about yourself.”

Kevin’s head teacher is Collison. Collison has been teaching at the University of Edinburgh for eleven years. His students are in all fields, and there are also world-renowned personalities. Therefore, Collison is also a respected teacher at the University of Edinburgh.

Regarding Kevin’s confession yesterday, he naturally heard the wind. Therefore, when Kevin walked into the classroom, he would say those comforting words.

“Thank you, my respected teacher Collison. Oh, before you start, can I ask you something?” Kevin said.

“Absolutely.” Collison made a very casual expression.

“May I ask you about the London Literature Press held a literary contest before, can I still register now? I want to participate.” Kevin said to him with a particularly serious expression.

As soon as he said this, all the classmates looked at him again, and some even laughed on the spot. They didn’t laugh at what Kevin confessed yesterday, but at him since he would choose to participate in this literary competition. You know that Kevin has the worst literary level at the University of Edinburgh.

Collison also looked at Kevin with a surprised expression, and then said incredulously: “Dear Kevin, are you sure you want to participate in this literary competition?”

“Yes, I’m sure. Moreover, I am very confident that the champion of this literary contest is me.” Kevin said confidently, clapping his chest.

Suddenly, laughter arose throughout the classroom.

In this parallel world of Britain, literary works are still in a blank area. Except for the existence of the great writers like Shakespeare, those writers on earth hardly exist. Therefore, literature has naturally become noble in this country. This country also pays more attention to the cultivation of literary talents.

London Literary Competition is the most authoritative British literary competition in the world. Nowadays, many famous writers have also come out of this literary competition.

Therefore, every year when this literary competition comes out, many people who love literature will participate. Unfortunately, there is only one champion, and many people are just foils.

The University of Edinburgh is a world-renowned university, and there are naturally not too few people doing literary creation. UU Reading Among them, Augustine is the most famous. Augustine’s father is a small local writer, so he also inherited his father’s talent and published many articles in the local newspaper. And he also participated in this literary competition.

This kind of powerful competition, even Augustine is not confident that he will be able to enter the semi-finals, let alone Kevin, who has always been poor in literature. This is also the reason why the students feel that Kevin is indifferent.

Augustine and Kevin are in the same class, and when he heard the news, he also smiled contemptuously. Silently mocking in his heart: really a guy who doesn’t know the heights of the sky.

But at this time, Kevin’s eyes were still so firm, firmly making his teacher Collison a little afraid.

“Well, this competition is registered by our school, but there is still half an hour. The teacher in charge of this task at the school will submit these materials and articles to the organizer. Even if you want to participate, time is too late. “Collison said helplessly.

“Is there really half an hour left?” Kevin asked seriously.

“Yes, I’m sorry. However, you can participate in the next edition. You can just have more time to prepare, if you really like literature.” Collison comforted.

This London literary competition is held every four years, which means that if Kevin cannot participate in this literary competition, he will have to wait three years later. With the memories of those writers on earth, he doesn’t want to miss this opportunity.

Besides, half an hour is enough for the reborn Kevin.

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