Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Amazing speed

“No, I just want to check the time. Half an hour, I think I can hand over a good work.” Kevin is still so confident.

However, Kevin’s self-confidence is nothing more than persistent self-defense in the eyes of other students. Some classmates even thought that his abnormality at this time was caused by yesterday’s confession failure. Including his best friend Kovani thinks so.

“It’s really bragging, to know that a literary genius like Augustine takes a long time to polish an article, let alone him.”

“I have to admire his self-confidence, but this blind self-confidence seems very ignorant. Participating in this kind of powerful literary competition, naturally has to come up with a strong article to participate, but within half an hour, he How can it be possible to write a good article.”

“Perhaps he was hit by the failure of confession. You must know that Augustine is his rival in love.”

No one is optimistic that Kevin can write a good work in half an hour, because Augustine they like can’t do it.

“Kevin, I’m glad you have such confidence. But do you know? It took Augustine 23 days from signing up to handing in the manuscript, which means he only handed in the manuscript for the competition the day before yesterday. Are you sure you are? Can a work be completed in half an hour?”

Collison is a kind teacher, and doesn’t want to say too many words against Kevin, so he can only say it so softly.

Yes, everyone who participated in this literary competition dreamed of being able to enter the semi-finals and then become famous in the literary world. Therefore, their requirements for works are particularly strict. They are always revised and revised, and revised and revised.

Augustine has always been considered the pride of the University of Edinburgh because of his father’s relationship, and the teachers and principals of the school generally believe that his future will be linked to literary magnates, and even won the Nobel Prize in Literature.

In other words, this considered literary genius had to revise a dozen times before submitting the manuscript, not to mention that someone with such a bad literary level like Kevin wanted to complete a good work in half an hour, which is simply whimsical. .

“Dear Mr. Collison, I think I can. But I’m sorry, I may not have the intention to listen to your class.” Kevin said.

“This is the University of Edinburgh. Freedom is the purpose of this school. You can do what you want, even in my class. I just hope you can hand over a work within half an hour.” Collison University Degree said.

Collison is opening up for Kevin. After all, he doesn’t want to hit the opponent too much. So that Kevin can’t think of making extreme behaviors.

In this way, Kevin sat down, and then began to remember which British literary master should copy the works of the previous life on the earth.

The time now is only half an hour. Naturally, he can’t copy those long articles, otherwise he won’t have enough time just to write. So Kevin thought of poetry.

There are many people who write poetry in Britain on Earth. Among them, Shelley and Yeats are the more famous ones.

So, thinking about it, Kevin decided to use Shelley’s “The Rose of Love” as the entry.

“The Rose of Love” can be described as one of Shelley’s masterpieces of romantic poems. It is divided into three short paragraphs. Each sentence is romantic to death. In particular, “the third” is the sublimation of the whole poem.

Years cannot destroy love,

But being ignorant and unjust makes the flower of love suffer,

Even if it is blooming in the shade of fantasy,

will also wither suddenly, catching you off guard.

Years cannot destroy love,

But being indifferent and unrighteous will destroy love,

will destroy its shrine shining with vermilion light.

On the earth where there are so many literary works, such a simple poem can cause a sensation, not to mention the Britain in the parallel world where literary works are blank. Therefore, Kevin is very confident that if this work is in the hands of the judges, he will definitely enter the semi-finals. Because a classic is always a classic, no matter what era or starry sky.

“The Rose of Love” is not very long. It took Kevin a dozen minutes to write it neatly on paper.

After Collison’s lecture was over, he handed over the work and his information to Collison. Collison glanced at Kevin with a surprised look, and then accepted his manuscript. However, he did not read the article carefully.

Collison has coached Kevin for three years. He is very clear about Kevin’s literary level. It’s like a bad word.

“Very good, you actually completed a competition in just half an hour. Okay, I will help you submit it to the organization. I hope you can enter the semi-finals.” Collison smiled kindly. After that, he walked out of the classroom.

The students were also surprised that Kevin could complete a work in such a short period of time, but they were not optimistic about his ability to enter the semi-finals. After all, what you can write does not mean you can write well.

Kovani was the first to walk in front of Kevin, and then still the brilliant smile.

“Hi, buddy, you are awesome. But you don’t have to.”

“What?” Kevin wondered.

“Dear Kevin, we are buddies, don’t I know you? You’re just not reconciled that the woman you like falls in love with Augustine, and Augustine is a writer. He is proud of his literary ability. Maybe you participated in this competition. The meaning is to prove to Linda that you also have this ability. But…” Kovani stopped talking.

“No, Kovanni, I think you are wrong. I will not do anything for a woman who worships moneyism. She is not worth it for me either. I only participate in this literary competition because I really like it. Literature, and I plan to follow the path of literature in the future.” Kevin said to Kovanni with a serious face.

After listening, Kovani stretched out his dark palm, then placed it on Kevin’s forehead, after confirming that the other party did not say the wrong thing because of a high fever. He just said: “Kevin, you are really a bit abnormal today. You know, I have known you for so many years, and I haven’t seen any master’s literary work you like to read, let alone writing.”

Yes, because of the poverty of the family, this Kevin in the previous life has not had any extra money to buy literary works. This is also the reason why his literary ability is relatively poor.

“Don’t worry, the old lazy Kevin Stephen will no longer exist. Oh, Kovani, I’m sorry, there is still something in my family, I think I need to say goodbye.”

“Okay, man, remember to be happy.” Kovani still patted his shoulder and encouraged.

Kevin’s home is in an apartment in Edinburgh, not too far away from the school. Therefore, after class every day, he will choose to go home to reunite with his family.

At this time, Kevin’s parents were at work. After returning, there was only Kevin in the room. This is a two-bedroom and one living room. Kevin has a room for himself, and the other room is reserved for Kevin’s parents. Although the room is not very big, it costs 700 pounds a month.

There is a reason for Kevin to return home so early. After all he has figured out, he intends to do something in this usual world of Britain, which is to fulfill his ideals on earth.

When on earth, Kevin’s ideal was to be a great writer. Unfortunately, due to bad luck, he was a big rush until he was reborn.

Now God has brought him to Britain, where there is no literary work. He must fulfill his ideal. Besides, this is a poor family, maybe writing a book will change everything.

So he has to write a work by a literary master as soon as possible, and then submit it to the publishing house.

After Kevin drank a glass of water in the living room, UU read www. is about to turn around and walk into the room to write a manuscript. There was a knock on the door outside.

“Hi, is your father here?” Kevin walked over and opened the door, only to find that it was the landlord Jobs.

The landlord Steve Jobs, a 60-year-old man, divorced. Occasionally, I would bring one or two beautiful women back to spend the spring evening with him. Kevin once saw him bring two women with big butts back to the room, and they didn’t leave until the next day.

“I’m very sorry, my father went to work and won’t be back until the evening.” Kevin told the truth.

Although it was reborn on this Kevin Steven, he still retains all the memories of this person in his mind, and he knows everything in the parallel world clearly.

“Oh, please tell him tonight, he has owed the rent for three days. He needs to pay.” Jobs said helplessly.

When Kevin heard it, he remembered that his father had not paid his rent for this month because he had not paid his salary yet.

“Okay, thank you. Dear Mr. Jobs.”

After returning to the room, Kevin’s heart could not be calm for a long time. This is a poor family, he was born again here, something must be changed.

“It’s really bad luck. In developed countries like the UK, there are very few poor people. How could I be so unlucky that I was born into this poor family.” Kevin couldn’t help but sigh.

lamented that it could not solve all the problems. After returning to his room, Kevin began to think about whose masterpiece should be written in the first book.

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