Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 106

Chapter 106 What is “Jane Eyre”

With the box office sales of “The Clinders”, Director Hudson became more and more disturbed. But he still under great pressure announced the news of the upcoming release of “Jane Eyre” to the media.

Director Hudson not only released “Jane Eyre” to the media, but also posted posters on billboards in major squares.

So, in the early morning of this morning, many people not only saw the poster of “The Clinders”, but also saw a poster about the upcoming release of “Jane Eyre” in the near future.

Because of the starring Bella, director Hudson’s signature, some people also took a look at it with interest. But after just a few glances, many people moved away. Because they bought the movie tickets for “The Klind Couple”, now the time is up, they have to walk into the cinema as soon as possible and wait in line to enter the film and television hall.

The news that “Jane Eyre” will be released in the near future puzzled many people. Some friends of Hudson also called to confirm.

“Tell me, Hudson, do you really plan to release that movie in the near future?”

“Yes, “Jane Eyre” is a very good story. I think people will like it.” Hudson said precisely.

“But can it be compared with “The Clinders”? If not, I suggest you postpone it for a while. It doesn’t seem to be your character to be impatient.”

“Dear friend, just because it is not my character to be anxious, you should believe my decision even more. “Jane Eyre” is really a very wrong work, it can easily penetrate into people’s hearts as well. People can’t help but like it.” Hudson continued to explain.

“Well, stubbornness has always been your character. As a friend, I can only bless you and give my support at the same time.”

Hudson was so confident in his words that his friends had nothing to say.

It is not only Hudson’s friend, but some people who care about the film and television circles are also very surprised to see this news.

“What’s the matter? Hudson actually chose to release “Jane Eyre” at this time? Doesn’t it know that “The Clinders” will lower the box office a lot?”

“It’s so unexpected. It is said that this “Jane Eyre” was a book published only a while ago, and it was adapted into a movie by director Hudson. And the author is still a newcomer. Hudson chose to put a newcomer at this time. The written work was made into a movie, and it was released at the moment of the “Klind Couple” boom. Will it be able to sell at the box office?”

“Which screenwriter of “Jane Eyre” wrote the script? Is it Smith? I remember that Hudson and Smith have always been very good. But no matter who wrote it, it shouldn’t be released at this time, because it met “Klind” “The Couple” this “Big Mac”.”

“What? Director Hudson chose to start the film with the work of a newcomer writer? And it was released at this time? What is in his mind, can the work of a newcomer writer be compared with the classic “The Clinders” ?”

“Director Hudson did make a huge mistake. Perhaps the new low box office was the punishment for this mistake. To be honest, I like Director Hudson, but this time he really disappointed.”

Many people have expressed their views on Hudson’s actions as above.

In addition to personal opinions on Hudson’s move, some media people have also expressed their opinions and unanimously believe that the release of “Jane Eyre” at this time is a mistake policy by Crankd Films and Director Hudson.

Especially the famous film critic Leivat, when “The Clinders” was released, he wrote a film review article for this, called “Those Moving Classics”, and praised Jordan in the article. . Dick’s wiseness.

Now seeing director Hudson’s impulsive choice to release “Jane Eyre” in the recent theater, he smiled contemptuously, and then plans to write an article about Hudson’s behavior. Anyway, it is commonplace for him to write his opinions before the movie is released.

did not have much reputation when Levante first debuted, but relying on his keen observation ability and prediction of film works, in just one year, this young film critic became famous.

Before expressing his views, Levante specifically consulted the information of the author of “Jane Eyre”. After all, before expressing a point of view, it is always necessary to understand the author of a work and other circumstances. When he saw Kevin’s situation clearly, he was simply surprised.

“Oh my God, the author of this screenplay turned out to be a newcomer, and only started writing this year. What happened to Director Hudson? Is it because this newcomer author wrote two best-selling works? No, before he chose , This author only wrote one work.”

Levante can’t understand the actions of Director Hudson. He has always liked Hudson’s works for so many years, and he has also published film reviews before praising Hudson’s talents.

But seeing all this, he couldn’t flatter Hudson’s behavior. Especially after knowing that Hudson also postponed the famous screenwriter Smith’s “Perfume in the Grave” because of this, he even more thought that this “Jane Eyre” would be a “stain” in Hudson’s life. Up.

So, he began to write down the evaluation and prediction about the release of “Jane Eyre”. He set the title of the article as “New Screenwriter, Veteran Director”.

Levante said in the article: I admit the talent of director Hudson, UU reading www. also deeply likes all his works. But “Jane Eyre” is released at this time, and I am not optimistic about it. It’s not that I don’t believe in the talent of Hudson’s director, but “The Klinds” is too hot now. It will attract people’s attention and make them forget the existence of “Jane Eyre”.

And let’s not forget that the screenwriter of this “Jane Eyre” is still a newcomer. Before Hudson chose the film and television rights of this work, I checked it and it was his only full-length work. Here, I deeply admire the courage of director Hudson.

Of course, Director Hudson has always been a well-known emotional figure in the industry, and he is such an outstanding person, he chose “Jane Eyre” naturally for his reason. I do not comment here, what I comment is that he chose to release “Jane Eyre” at this time.

Let me ask, how does “Jane Eyre” written by a newcomer writer and the well-known classic “The Clinders” grab the box office?

I think my answer is no, and God will agree with it…….

After this article by Levante came out, many people also nodded in agreement with him. Because at this time, directors with a little market vision will know how to choose.

So, many people can’t help but have a question in their minds, what happened to Director Hudson? (I’m very sorry, the computer could not be logged in last night, so I didn’t update to chapter two, but only updated one chapter. Don’t worry, I will make it up today. It may be a problem with my computer IE, after the release of the manuscript fee , And then buy a good computer. Thank you for your support and wish you all well.)

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